1 i s t- V. ERQUIMANS WEEKLY 1 ! , A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY ,T Volume VIII. Number 6. Hertford, Perquimans County, JNorth Carolina. Friday February 7, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. THE P ... r 1 6 : 1 i I 6' i " PEANUT STABILIZATION COOPERATIVE DISAPPROVES OF PACE PEANUT BILL Directors Authorize R. C Holland, President, To Note Amendments To Congress The Board of Directors of the Pea nut Stabilization Cooperative, Incor porated, the organization that for three years, 1937 to 1940, adminis tered the Peanut Surplus Removal Program in North Carolina for the U. S. Department of Agriculture, has instructed its President, R. C. Holland of Edenton, to register its disapproval in its present form of Bil H. R. 994, known as the Market ing Quota Bill and affecting the growing and disposal of peanuts in the United States. The above Bill was introduced in the Congress by Congressman Stephen Pace of Geor gia. This body says that it faYors the Marketing Quota Bill in principle I but before approving it, importani amendments will have to be made. A hurried hearintr was called in Washington on this Bill Monday ol this week before a sub-committee of the House Committee on Agriculture. The time given after notice of the hearing was insufficient for the careful preparation of desired a mendrnenta. This made it necessary to have the statement given below read into the record of the hearing committee. After proper considera tion by representative growers of North Carolina, a brief with the de sired amendments will be filed with the Committee. The Peanut Stabilization Cooper ative, Incorporated, is now function ing as the only growers organiza tion representing exclusively the peanut growers of North Carolina on matters pertaining to legislation. Following are the facts presented by Mr. Holland to sub-committee No. 1 of the House Committee on Agri culture concerning the present Bill H. R. 994: "We beg leave to submit: "1. The undersigned is a non- Drofit farmers association and has a membership of 3,500 peanut farm ers, residing in every county ix North Carolina where peanuts are grown in any substantial volume for commercial purposes. "2. The directors of the associa tion are chosen by the peanut farm ers themselves and come from the larger peanut-producing counties in North Carolina, which insures broad representation on the board. "3. This association has been for the past four years and is now the only recognized and authorized or ganization in North Carolina repre senting the peanut farmers of North Carolina in matters of legislation affecting the production and market ing of peanuts in North Carolina. "4. This association is not aware of any statement or action, made or taken, by the peanut farmers of North Carolina conferring on an, person, group of persons or organi zation, other than this association, the right to speak for and represent them in legislative matters touching the production and marketing ot peanuts in North Carolina, both State and Federal; and particularly the legislation embodied in H. R. 994, or any similar bill introduced in the last. Congress. "5. This association favors in principle H. R. 994; but is unalter ably opposed to that bill in its pres ent form. "6. This association respectfully asks that this statement be made part of the record of hearings on H. R. 994; and further that the report of the committee on the bill be de ferred until after February 17, 1941, in order that this association may have reasonable time and opportun ity to tile with the committee some suggestions in respect to changes , in the bill that would meet the present objections of the association to Nthe bill." ' Young Men's Bible Cbss Chose Officers Officers for he newly formed loung Men s Die taass oi we Hertford Baptist Church were chosen last Sunday. Rupert Afnsley to pres ident; David Fuller, vice; president, and Clinton Eley, secretary and treasurer, ft 'fr ' AppTOlmttftety ' forty young men of the county have formed this class and they very cordially invite other young men of the county to visit thoir class each' Sunday, and to join with' them. 1 , i G. C. Buck will teach the claw at the regular t Bible School hour on Sunday. A permanent teacher will be chosen later. "' Small Percentage Fail To List Taxes Before Deadline Although definite figures are not yet available, it is believed by J. W. Ward, County Tax Supervisor, that only a small percentage of the tax payers of the county failed to fist their property during the January listing period. Tax list takers will turn over the list books to Mr. Ward during this week. A penality is added to those who failed to list their property during the davs allotted in January, and all late listing must be done by Mr. Ward at his office in the courthouse Hertford School Has Fine Membership In Junior Red Cross The Hertford Grammar School, ac cording to an announcement made this week by Miss Mary Sumner, is the only school in Perquimans Coun ty that has membership in the Junioi Red Cross. At the present time the Grammar i School has a 100 percent member ship, as everyone of the 272 students are enrolled in the Junior Red Cross, and are actively interested in the work. The purpose of the Junior Red Cross is to acquaint the youngsters with the work being carried on by the Red Cross and to interest them in that work, enabling the Red Cross to hold that interest through later years. Dues are contributed by the mem bers of the Grammar School and range from one cent to five cents. The sum raised through these dues is used to purchase magazines for the local children, and to send a por tion to the national headquarters to be used in Red Cross work. Another nortion of the money is used locally. Beech Spring Club Wins First Honors For Club Work The Beech Spring Home Demon stration Club was awarded top hon ors for work accomplished by the home demonstration clubs of the County during the past year. The awards to the clubs were made at the County Council meeting held on Saturday, February 1, at the Agri cultural Building. A program presented by the Win fall Olub included a dialogue given bv Minnie Wilma Wood and Alma Davenport. Special music was fur nished by Olive Layden and Doris Miller. A short talk by the Rev. J. D. Cranford, of Winfall, concluded the program. Prizes for the cllub work for 1940 were awarded as follows: First prize, a pressure cooker, went to the Beech Spring Club; second prize, curtain stretchers', was won by the Whites ton Club, and third prize, a fruit cake pan, was won by the Ballahack Club. The County Council voted to spon sor a Living Room Improvement Contest, and all rooms will be scored before any improvements are made, and again at the dose of the con test. The Council also voted to ask Jonathan Daniels, managing editor of the News and Observer, to be the guest speaker at the Spring Federa tion meetinsr to be held early in June. Mm Arba Winslow of the Whites ton Club.t was announced the winner in the Kitcft Improvement Contest conducted' by TSfe CounoH) Mrs. Lu- dus Winslow the Whitestoa Club, won first prize in toe mail box war test sponsored by Miss Frances Maness. home agent Mrs. Noah FeUton, of the Beech Spring Club, won second prize in the Mail Box Contest Perfect Attendance Certificates were awarded to the following Mem bers by the County Council: Sr..--.-. Ballahack Club--Mrs. Joe Perry, Mrs. J. B. Perry, Mrs! B. P. Mends. Burgess Club Mrs. J. B. Basalght, Mrs. Tommy Matthews, Mrs. Sidney UydestV'rf- jifVUy. ivw.'--;'i';..: . .WinfsJlJOulhrcrtlbax Faery.. ; ; Whlteston Club Mrs. Mamie Lane. . (Continued on Page Fire) Large Attendance Expected At Dance Benefit Tonight March of Dimes Off to Good Start in Fight Against Paralysis From all indications a large at tendance will be on hand for the President's Ball which will be staged at Walker's Ballroom tonight at 10 o'clock as a part of the Perquimans program to raise funds for the fight against Infantile Paralysis. One setback has already beset the dance committee, however, since the orchestra which was scheduled to fill the date and furnish the music for the dance will be unable to make its appearance. The chairman of the program, S. M. Whedbee, recvived word early this week and immediate ly the local dance committee compos ed of Mr. Whedbee, Dr. C. A. Dav enport and Morgan Walker contacted other dance orchestras in an attempt to get a band for the local affair. The committee had little luck, however. All bands contacted wanted a higher price than the committee wished to pay for an orchestra. The committee is making every attempt to hold the cost of the dance to a minimum in order that the benefit mav show a profit to be turned over to the Infantile Paralysis fund. Since the prices asked by the bands were too high, the committee has decided to have the music for the dance furnished by the "juke" box located at Walker's, and it is hoped that all attending the affair will have an enjoyable time. The dance is scheduled to begin at 10 o'clock, and the price of admis sion has been set at $1.00 per couple. The public is cordially invited to at tend and aid in raising funds for the fight which has been so successfully carried on since the beginning of this program. Every indication points toward a high figure being raised in the March of Dimes, another part of the Cele bration program. The March of Dimes is being handled by the school children and by the Hoy Scouts, un der the supervision of F. T. Johnson and W. H. Pitt. The sum of $32.86 had been re ported up to Wednesday noon and it is very likely that the amount will reach $50 by Saturday afternoon when the final reports will be turned over to the chairman. North Carolina To Have Early Thanksgiving This Year According to an announcement made by Governor Broughton on Monday, North Carolina will fall in line with other States this year and observe Thanksgiving Day on the third Thursday in November, which will be the day designated by Presi dent Roosevelt as Thanksgiving. During flie past few years former Governor Hoey saw no reason for changing the date of the historic day and North Carolinians, along with six or seven other States' resi dents celebrated the day a week later than the rest of the nation. Governor Broughton, in issuing the notice regarding the date, stated that he preferred the usual fourth Thursday himself, but was changing the date due to the overwhelming sentiment in favor of the national day. Boy Scouts Present Program At Parent The Parent-Teachers Association ol the Hertford Grammar School hela its regular monthly meeting at the Grammar School Building on Thurs day night, February 6, at 8 o'clock, and enjoyed a well-presented pro gram given by the Boy Scout Troop of Hertford. The meeting was also held in celebration of the Founder's Day for Parent-Teachers Associations. Jtfrs. J. ft. Futretl, president of the association,' tnade a short talk on Founder's Day and the occasion was also) observed with a cake cutting an a cattail Itgfrtfffg- ceWffibny. The Boy Scouts, under the direc tion of Scoutmaster W. H. Pitt, gave a patriotic program which was well received by those present The program given by the Scout, inaugurated the local troop's obser vance, of. National Boy Scout Week, which starts today and runs through to Friday, February 14. Teachers Meeting Advisory Committee Formed To Work On Defense Program Registration For Vol untary Work Expect ed to Be Made WitTi the formation of a Perquim ans County Advisorv Committee to work with and function under the National Defense Program, the pro gram now being stressed by the gov ernment nears home. This local committee composed of F. T. Johnson, Dr. T. P. Brinn, Mrs. I''. M. Perry, Dr. E. S. White, and Mrs. J. K. Futrell, who was chosen and will act as chairman of the committee, and Mrs. Lucius Blanch ard, Jr. This committee will work with the PWA group in carrying out a por tion of defense program as pertains to local situations. One of the points of the defense program that will soon be under taken by the local committee will be a .tg.. si ration of hite and Negro women to serve voluntarily in de fense projects. This registration will also include professional men who will volunteer to give a portion of their time each week toward pro jects sponsored. This registration will be on the voluntary plan and all work done will be volunteer work. No pay is connected with the work. Another item that the Advisory Committee has been asked to sponsoi is requesting that all women of the county .who plant gardens plan for extra foods, and after canning them, give same to the local lunch room project which comes under the de fense program. All women are also requested to save jars and contri bute them to the women who vol unteer to give vegetables to the lunch room. It is highly probable that more complete details as to the work and duties of this advisory committe will be forthcoming as the program is shaped up in Washington. Name Omitted Through error, the name Bray, Second. Grade, was from the honor roll of the Grammar School listed i Weekly on last Friday. of Ann omitted Central n The Local Legion Post To Hold Organization Meeting February 14 The Perquimans County Post of the American Legion will hold its organization meeting and the elec tion of officers on the 14th of Feb ruary at the Courthouse in Hertford. All men who have signed for mem bership in the Post are urged to be present for this important meeting. At the present time the Post has 36 veterans signed for membership and the Post is holding open the charter memberships in hope that the number will reach fifty. A drive for a 100 percent enrollment of County veterans will be made follow ing the complete organization. Dues for the local Post have been set at $3.00 per year. Marriage Of Lucius lanchardjr., And uth Davenport Coming as a complete surprise to their many friends throughout thif section was the announcement of the marriage of Miss Ruth Davenport to Lucius Blanchard, Jr., which took place at Dinwiddie, Va., on Sunday, November 3, 1940. Mrs. Blanchard is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Davenport, of Elizabeth City. She received her education at the Elizabeth City High School and Woman's College, Greens boro, lating taking graduate work the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. For the past five years Mrs. Blanchard has been the supervisor of welfare for Perquimans County and she will continue for the present with that position. Mr. Blanchard is the son of Mrs. Lucius Blanchard ef Elizabeth City, and was the former editor of The Perquimans Weekly. Last October he accepted a position with the Ahoe ki newsDaoer and he is now editor of the Hertford County Herald at Ahoskie. COMMISSIONERS PLAN ABC STORE VOTE FOLLOW ELECTION FOR TOWN OFFICIALS Woman's Club Meeting I Scheduled For Tuesday At Agricultural Bldg. The Hertford Woman's Club will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Perquimans County Agricultural Building on Tuesday afternoon, j February 11, at 3 :.'!() o'clock. All j members are urged to be present. The change in meeting place of the Club is now necessary inasmuch as the room at the library is now not large enough to accommodate the large number of ladies attending the meetings. The meeting next Tuesday will lie held in the audi torium of the Agricultural Building. Two Negro Selected To Be Called Into Service Feb. 27 According to reports issued from State draft headquarters in Raleigh, Perquimans County will he called upon to furnish two Negro draftees to fill the county's quota for the month of February. J. K. Stokes, chairman of the local draft board, had not received a di iect order for men on Wednesday. but was expecting one very soon. He stated that the local board as yet does not know the number of men to be called, but it is probable that the figures issued in Kalcigh are correct ; The local board is all set for the next call for selectees, having a grand total of 26 men classified in1 group A-l. Of this number, nine are white men and 17 are Negroes. J The board has also received one i more colored volunteer, Milton E.I Fciton, 'having signified his readiness to serve his year's training. Ml. . Stokes stated that the local boaid has, again, temporarily, halted' the mailing out of questionnaires.! hut will resume this work as more .in . i are needed. A total of .'!5." Negro selectee.-, will be furnished by Noilh C'aioli:,u i,i the quota for the month of February Creswell Noses Out Indians In Close Tilt Tuesday Night Still playing improved basketball, but needing a little extra zip, the Perquimans Indians were nosed out of a close game Tuesday niirht when the highly touted Creswell team handed them the short end of a 29 25 score. Looking over the score by quar ters, the verdict can be read during the first stanza when the Creswell team ran up nine points while the Indians tallied but three. During the remainder of the game it was nip and tuc1; all the way but the Hert ford bovs were never able to over come the lead the larger boys from Creswell gained during the first period. The score at half time stood 15-10 in favor of the visitors from across the Sound, ,but during the last halt the Indians scored a total of 15 points while holding the visiting team to 14. It was a well-played game and all the players on both teams did well toward contributing points. In the preliminary game, the In dian Squaws overpowered the visit ing girls' team and won by a score of 14-10. The Perquimans team won easily, regardless of the closeness of the score. Getting off to an 8-0 lead in the first quarter the Squaws ran that figure up to 10-5 at half time and the outcome of the game was never in doubt. The visitors became rough during the second half and numerous fouls were called. However, the rough playing on the part of the Creswell girls had 'a tendency to slow down the Squaws in their point getting and the final count was 14-10. Gault, Mayes and White did the scoring for Hertford. lions Club Meet The Hertford Lions Club will hold its regular meeting Friday night at the Hotel Hertford. A4 members are urged to be present for the meeting. Final Action Will De pend On Course Tak en By General As sembly In its regular monthly meeting on Monday the Hoard of County Com missioners discussed the forthcoming election in regards to the establish ing of an ABC store in Perquimans. Although a motion was not made, nor was the matter definitely adopt ed, but it was the concensus of the Hoard that action toward the special election to determine whether or not the pe ple of the county wanted an ABC store would be begun in April so that the election could be held early in July, i This course would mean that ine J special election would follow imme diately, within the legal time limit, of the Town election in May. Trie law specifies that a special election of this natuie can not be he'd within sixty days prior or after a regular election. Final action as pertaining to the Perquimans elec tion, however, hinges on the course ( that will be taken by the Genera. Assembly, since it has been hinted that a State-wide referendum will be called for. If this is voted by the legislature, a local election will not 1 be necessary. It was decided by the Hoard that the body will sit starting March 1st, and work out the revaluation of prop erty as required by law. After the completion of this work and notifi cation has been made to all persons u hose property valuation has been changed, the Hoard will on March 17 sit as a Board of Equalization and make any adjustments deemed fa i r. Representative J. T. Benton, who has been confined to his home for several days and unable to attend to his duties in the legislature, was a visitor to the Board meeting and informed the Board that he will glad ly carry out any instructions thar ! iIUui, n: g'it I1,'1 . e hi -v.. Mr. Hen ton returned to Raleigh Ai unlay to resume his work in the Uvi lature as Perquimans' representative. The Commissioners a.-ked Mr. Ben ton his opinion on the question ol the Staie-wioe liquor referendum bill and Mr. Benton told them that lie thought the bill would pass the House satisfactorily, but that he dlo. not believe that the bill would pass the Senate. The bill presented in the legisla ture by Mr. Benton, asking that de linquent taxes in Perquimans County be allocated to the general fund haa been passed by the Lower House and it is now before the State Finance Committee. Mrs. Eva Avent of Elizabeth City, appeared before the Commissioners (yi behalf of the PWA, asking thai the Commissioners cooperate in the lunch room project. The Board granted $30 to be used toward the garden project conducted by the PWA, and. which furnishes vegetables to the lunch room. L. W. Anderson, county farm agent, appeared before the Board and stated that due to the Selective Draft calling up five men used in the Bangs' disease eradication work by the State that the program win be delayed in this county for a short time. Further announcement regarding this program will be issued as soon as the program is ready to get under way. Hertford Rotary Club Receives Letter Of Thanks From England The Hertford Rotary Club this week received a letter of thanks from the Rotary Club of Hertford, England, in answer to a Christmas Greeting sent to the English club, with a cash contribution. An excerpt from the letter reads: "All members of my club appre ciate the thought of your club in sending help. Before this grim job is over there will be plenty of cases which will need our help, so you may rest assured that your effort on our behalf will not be in vain." The letter was mailed from Hert ford, England, on January 15, and bore an air mail stamp. It also bore the seal of the censor who in spected the letter before it was cleared. Weekly meetings of Rotary clubs are still being he'd throughout Eng land in spite of the war. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dail Hert ford, Route Two, announce the birth of a son, Clarence Lee, on January 31st Mother and baby are doing nicely. 5 at 1 , At '