it'' PEMOIMMS WEEKLY 6r.V: ' 'A VEEKLY KEWSP4APER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY .'if . Volume VULNumber 10" iW ' .... , . Hertford, Perquimans county, iNorth Carolina. Friday, March 7, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. 1 tr PERaUIMANS LODGE, 10Sf A. F. & A. M. TO CELEBRATE 120th ANNIVERSARY MONDAY ' " Masonic Order Was Es , : tablished Here March : 10,1821 hA OVER 50 MEMBERS Meeting Scheduled For i Community House at J 7 P. M. ,1- A celebration in honor of the 120th anniversary of the founding of Per ,S$ruimans Lodge No. 106, A. F. & 'A. M., will be held Monday evening, March 10, at 7 o'clock, at the Com 1 munity House in Hertford. During the meeting a Dutch-treat supper will be served by the Hertford Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star. G. C. Buck is master of Perquim ans Lodge and B. C. Berry is chair man of the celebration committee. The speaker for the evening has not been definitely selected, but the com mittee promts a distinguished Mason will be obtained, to speak dur ing the occasion. The local Masonic Lodge was or . ganized March 10, 1821, as the Albe marle Lodge No. 77. The original charter of this lodge was lost in 182y and the lodge was re-organized i.i 1841 under the new name of Per quimans Lodge No. 106. It has operated continuously since that time except for a brief period during the Civil War. At the present time Perquimans Lodge has over 50 members and the lodge rooms are located in the Court house Building. District officials of the order and former members of the local lodge have been invited to attend the cele f bration meeting here on Monday, rnd a large delegation is expected. B. C. Berry has requested that all persons interested in attending the , meeting get in touch with him by Saturday night On next Tuesday evening mem bers of Perquimans Lodge will jour -t VJWJjo Elisabeth City to attend a Joinrmeeting i all the lodges in the First District. The meeting Tuesday will be held at Eureka Lodge, Nt. 317. Editors Meeting At Plymouth Saturday Weekly newspaper .editors, mem bers of the Northeastern North Car olina Press Association, will hold the regular monthly meeting on Satui day, March 8, at Plymouth. Jack Booker, editor of the Roanoke Beac on, will be host to the group. Talbot Patrick, publisher of the News-Argus, of Goldsboro, has been invited to speak to the editors dur ing the meeting. Officers of the group for 1941 will be elected at the meeting on Satur day. EXTENSION NOTES By FRANCES MANESS Home Demonstration Agent In order to have sufficient food for v the family, we must not wait until late spring to. start our gardens. , This year we want, as nearly as pos sible, every farm family to have , sufficient gardens not only for the . . summer months but for the yeai '' - round. Each . family should can enough food to supplement its gat den during the coldest winter months. A family should have Z'i quarts of vegetables and 24 quarts oi fruit per person. In order to reach families thai need help in canning, etc., we are - , asking each Home Demonstration r Gab member to take a family in he ,s community that needs help in plan-.- i ; ning "her , garden and - in canning; :i& Wevweiuld like, for yoit to help that '; f family meet", its canning Mtai&i?c . ?"-' We dont want to stop ..with. can , - ning; but provide,, a -sufficient,,. stor-, t '? ' aga space 'for. . our. canned food aa '-'chat it-trill not freeze during the winter. ? ' i '. Mattress Project Applications have been taken for 1,364 mattresses. Up to date we have made 73S. Rules have been changeo so . that a family of three - may re ceive two'mattresses and a family of nve or more, may receive wiree. - , Comfort -Project :$: V 'We are now ready to take appll . oationa for comforts. Any familj' is '-- eligible, for one .comfort, for each V mattress received. . Application may be made' fa; the Heme Agent's fllce. Schedule for March 10-15 , t Monday, March iOBallahaclt.Club meets with Urt. J. M. Sutton. ' ." Tuesday, March 11 Ilech Spring Club meets with lira, W. J. Perry. r.l-y, , Karen J4-ethol , Club Edmund Harding To Address P.T.A. County Council Banquet - The County Council of the Parent- Teachers Association will have . banquet at the High School on Thura day evening, March 13, at 7 o'clock, with Edmund Harding, of Washing ton, N. C, as the principal speakei. Mr. Harding is a well-known musi cian and entertainer who has ap peared at various civic meetings in Hertford in the past and one can be assured of a splendid program. All P. T. A. members are urged to get tickets which will .be on saic at their local schools. The school having the highest percentage of at tendance at this meeting . will be awarded an attendance prize. This annual banquet of the P. T. A has been well attended for the past two years and the County Council chairman, Mrs. John Symons, is ex pecting a large crowd again this year. The banquet will be served by members of the home economics class of the High School. Local Draft Board Receives Call For Three Negro Youths Selectees to Leave Hert ford March 19; More Questionnaires Mail ed Out The Perquimans County d r a 1 1 board has received an order for three JJegro draftees as the quota this county shall fill during the monti of March. The three Negro youths will leave Hertford for the Fort Bragg Indue tion Center on March 19. As yet no order has been received for, white ntfsn irtr.thu mouth. ' The Negroes selected by the local board to fill the March quota are, Henry White, Milton Harvey ana George C. Nelson. All of these are volunteers. George B. Felton will be sent to replace Bernice Woodard, who was rejected when he appeared before the Army officials for indue tion last month. The local board resumed the work of mailing out questionnaires here this week. A total of twenty-five forms were mailed on Tuesday and this brings to a total of 308 th number of questionnaires that have been sent out by the Perquimans board. Eleven hundred and twenty- six men are registered in this coun ty. Thus far, just about one-fourth of the registrants have received questionnaires to date. At the present time the local board has eight white men and 13 Negroes classified in Group 1-A, denoting their readiness to be selected for a year's training under the Selective Service Act. Questionnaires will be mailed out from time to time as the local board sees the necessity for the classifica tion of more men. Broadcast Planned In Celebration Of AAA Anniversary As has been the custom in past years, plans are now being made to observe the anniversary of the pass ing of the Farm Program legisla tion which made possible all farm programs now working throughout the country. L. W. Anderson, county agent, stated that on Saturday, March 8, a special; broadcast will be held at 10 p. m., during which President loose- veit, vce; iresiaent Wallace ana jWtar.':of Agriculture Wckard will speftk on Fam Problem and FarmgCbndttibna. ' v V March '8 was the date when the first legislation regarding farm prob lems was passed by Congress. Hertford Grammar P. T. A. Meeting Friday Night The Parent-Teacher Association of Hertford Grammar School will hold Its regular March meeting on Fridaj eveninfr at.7:30 '6cloc1t.Alli.i,iiaet. fcwllL ,1e M'Jatf ti&ttGramamr School. builolM- TCe RevR,-; P. Munn?)wJHmccrtr-thoTt study cksvosirnrVhltf VSWartner. shfp.' In the ppih.-' J" ; Ji , A program, w i der the direction 6x ib( . R.. Holmes.: prorram chairman. v . All members are urged to attend, ; Legion Post Ready For Installation Services Saturday State Commander of American Legion to Be Present at Meeting Dave Hall, State Commander ol the American Legion, will attend the installation of the Perquimans County Post No. 126 of the Ameri can Legion at installation services to be held here on Saturday evening, March 8, at the Agricultural Build ing. The meeting is scheduled for 8 o'clock. Along with Mr. Hall, other offi cials of the State offices and officers of the First District are expetceo at the meeting. All American Le gion Posts of the First District and Windsor and Gatesville, of the Sec ond District, have been issued spec ial invitations to attend. B. C. Berry, Perquimans Post Ad jutant, reports that prospects look bright for the local post to have at least 50 charter members by the time the post is installed Saturday. The officers who will be inducted into the local positions Saturday are Post Commander, Charles F. Sumner; , First Vice Commander, Charles E. wnite; becond Xice Lommanaei,, George T. Roach; Post Adjutant, B. B. Berry; Sergeant-at-Arms, J. a. Perry; Finance Officer, V. N. Darden, Historian, L. L. Winslow; Posi Chaplain, the Rev. J. D. Cranford. The following veterans will heao various committees in the Post: J. G. Tucker, legal committee; W. G. Hollowell, publicity committee; F. 1. Johnson, service; J. E. Winslow, Americanism; G. C. Buck, athletics. All veterans and Legionnaires oi this county are especially urged to attend this meeting Saturday. Re freshments will be served by the wives of the I.gionnaires of ue lo cal Post. Carroll E. Kramer, of Edenton, chairman of the First District Mem bership Committee, who has given valuable time and information re garding the formation of the local Post, is anxious to have a large num- Tber- of members in the Perquimans Post in order to incitease the First District membership before the sum mer convention of the Legion. The local Post members are making ever; effort not to disappoint him. Woman's Club Meet Monday To Discuss Bundles For Britain An organisation meeting for the purpose of working out ways and means of collecting and sending Bundles to Britain will be held by the Hertford Woman's Club on Monday, it was announced this week by Mrs. I. A. Ward, president of the Club. Mrs. Ward asks that all members take note of the change in the date of the regular meeting which will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the Community Building, instead of the usual Tuesday. Literature has been obtained for guiding the movement to secure aid for Buffering England, and plana will be worked but Monday to get the project under way at once. The Perquimans Troop of Boy Scouts will be called on to assist in the collection of bundles. The topic for the regular meeting of the Club will be Flowers, and a talk will be given by Helen Gaither Every member of the Woman's Club is urged to be present for meeting on Monday afternoon. this Central P.T.A. Met At Winfall Monday The Parent-Teacher Association oi Central Grammar School held its regular monthly meeting last Mon day night at the school building at Winfall. Mrs. C. P. Quincy, as pro gram chairman, presented the pro gram. Mrs. B.' G. Koonce and Jonas Futrell sang a duetand Miss Kathe rine Jessup sang a solo. Mrs. H. C. Stokes gave a humorous reading, ano C. R. Holmes made a talk on Parent Education. The devotional was con ducted by the Rev. J. D. Cranford. ; -New officers were elected for the year 19414942. Mra. .T. R Ainsley's room won the attendance prize. Lions CJiih fleeting The1IrtfiAd lions' Club will hold H praisnteuVttri.tltB WtkfetO meetkur . at' the Hotel Hertford FrHdaw member am nrred to Wreawi!itVi .A Important biiflneM will be discussed.- Thirteenth Trip To Recorder's Court Unlucky For Spivey Little Time Consumed In Court Tuesday; Five Cases Heard David Spivey, Negro, appeared in Recorder's Court here on Tuesday for the thirteenth time, and it was an unlucky trip for Spivey. Charg ed with being drunk and disorderly, and assauting a female with a deadly weapon, to wit, a pop bottle, Spivey entered a plea of guilty. Testimony was given showing that Spivey waa hurling pop bottles in a local Negiw store and hit a visitor on the head. Judge Tucker was informed that iSpivey had failed to pay the costs oi court assessed against him in May, and at that time he was placed on good behavior. The Court invoked the sentence of 90 days meted out in the previous case and taxed Spive with the costs of court. sim Burke( xegr0i was fined $7u and costs of t()Urt after pieadlnfe guiity to drunken driving. This was nis 8ecom appearance in court on the same charge. His first appearance was given in 1935 The sufl Dended scnte,lc. of four months the road and revoked Burke's driving j license for one year. ' I Jacob Martin and James Nelson, J Negroes, plead guilty to a charge of assaulting Buster Doom with bricks. Testimony was given by Officer Bob White that he noted a street fight ' going on in Newtown Sunday after- 1 noon and on investigating it found Martin and Nelson throwing bricks at Doom. The defendants were sen- j tenced to 30 days, suspended upon payment of the costs. ' Mimiie Hurdle, Negress, was found not guilty of the larceny of a sum less than twenty dollars. The Court denied a motion maflt ' on behalf of Vernon Wiggins, Negro, who was convicted in court lasi Tuesday a week ago. The prisonei asked that sentence be withheld un til an appeal was heard in Superioi Court. Inasmuch as a suspended sfltonce was to be serVed, Judge Tucker stated that he saw no reason why the motion should be granted. Junior-Senior Tour World At Banquet Climax School Year Braving dive-bombers and sub marine infested seas, two hundrea fearless Perquimans people put to sea last night for the year's most eventful World tour. The most famous Port-of-Calls were listed, as brief stop-overs for the pleasant journey. Yes, Sir! You've guessed it. The climax of the school year, the an nual Junior-Senior banquet as staged last night on the huge stage at the High School auditorium gave every indication that the hosts and guests were in for a tour of the seven seas, along with the famous stop-overs. The huge stage was decorated and arranged to resemble a majestic ocean liner, while the High School Band furnished the musical notes to add to the pleasure of the cruise. Decorations were of red, white and blue streamers, and American flags. Life preservers carried the insignia "P. C. H. S. 41-42." The Junior-Senior banquet, as al ways a colorful affair attracted many visitors to the school auditorium just to watch as the hilarious evening "assed along with a most entertain ing program arranged by the mem bers of the Junior Class, who this year played hosts to the Senior but who will in return be the invited guests at the affair in 1942. The program was presented as the "Good Ship" stopped at each Port-of- Can and included Maxine Harrell a' toastmistress. Elizabeth Darden and Robert Morgan presented "Anchor, Aweigh." Lois Asbell gave a toast to the teeniors, while Ida Matthews toasted the school officials. A Senior quartet sang "Moon Over Miami" and at the next stop Janet Quincy offered her toast to Mr. John son, school superintendent Julia Laughinghouse sang "Down Argen tine Way." Henry Miller gave a toast to the faculty. Then a song and dance, "Honolulu," was given by Margaret' Divers. A toast, "To the Past Three Yean." was given by Elisabeth Dar den; "La PalonW'ii presented by Nell Riddick: "Telr Me. little Gray' waa 1 offered' tofosine Cooke, Jostiphlne "Ward 'aftd Catharine Anne Holmes. BeUfr' Wtnalow rtoaited . the FuturevkK.Hl COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZE BOARD OF EDUCATION TO GET OPTIONS Jury Drawn For April Term Superior Court Those whose names appear be low will be summoned for jury duty when the April Term of Perquimans County Superior Court convenes next month. The names were drawn Monday at the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. M. C. Boyce, J. A. Madre, Ray mond Winslow, James M. Roun tree, Carey Perry Quincy, W. J. Smith, Ernest Stallings, C. D. Spivey, J. W. Haskett, A. D. Weston, Charlie Russell, Sr., E. Y. Berry, Arthur Lane, W. C. Lassi ter, C. E. Lane, Tom White, J. E. Turner, W. O. Hunter, E. A. Goodman, Sr., A. J. Ownley, T. R. Kirby, Thomas IS. Chappell, J. DeWitt Winslow, H. F. Long, O. T. Winslow, G. E. Wood, Purvis L. Chappell, Charlie Umphlett, G. W. Gregory, R. B. Jordan, J. M. Sutton, George W. Chappell, C. R. Chappell, J. B. Webb and Altor Stallings. Sixty People Hear Farm Officers Talk On Farm Program Cotton Stamp Plan Ex plained By J. F. Cris well and J. C. Broome Sixty persons, including county AAA committeemen, home demon stration leaders and the county com missioners, heard J. F. Criswell, who is in charge of the land use planting program for North Carolina, and J. C. Broome, district field officer oi AAA, discuss the 1941 farm program in a meeting at the Agricultural Building here on Monday. , . ,i i The meeting here was one of the county-by-county meetings' schedule to take place throughout the State during the month by Farm Program officials. Principle topic of the meeting was the new cotton stamp plan which will enable growers to take cotton lano i ut of production and for which the will receive Federal stamps ex changeable in retail stores for cotton goods manufactured in this country. It was explained at the meeting that farmers must have grown cotton in 1940 to be eligible to earn a maxi mum of $25 worth of stamps by re ducing the acreage in 1941, below the amount of cotton planted in 1940. It was also explained to those present that the growers who oper - ate and qualify for cotton stamps may also receive a payment for pro- ducing and conserving food supplies A payment of $1.50 Pr rm garden is already allowed by the AAA in North Carolina Now an extra $3 garden produce, storing food pro ducts or planting small fruits to ado to the family food supply. These provisions, however, come under the new cotton stamp plan ana, as explained, each grower to be eli gible must cooperate with the origi nal plan. Board Changes Hours At Library As Public Convenience The Perquimans County Library Board met in regular session Mon day, March 3, in the Library at Hertford. The Board effected a temporal j change in the Library hours so thai the people from over the county mv he Vmnpfitted therefrom on Sai- urdays. The daily schedule for the entire week( except Sundays, will be from 10 a TO to 12 noon, and from 2 p. m., until 6 p. m. " arrangement proves satis- factory, and meets with the publu approval, the Board will make the change in hours a permanent one. The latest edition of "Etiquette, ' , the Blue Book of Social Usage by 1 Emily Post has recently been addea to the Central Library. The secre I tary-treasurer was directed to ordet a new supply of books including the ' 1-4.- 1 .4? CV.lrnan.aM The Board 'made note of the estab lishment of another unit library at Chapanoke and stated that othet communities in the county may havt library.' units JLiy. asking for them. ftod? e. J'"''r' ' r, RIRTH.' ANNfWrSClEMIENT Mr. and Mrsl' rrill Winslow, of f Whfteston, announce the birth f a ;M aon, MatrUV son, MerrilL Jr., on February 28th. Winfall Negro School Building Plans Are Being Considered MONEY QUESTION Lengthy Session Holds Commissioners A 1 1 Day Monday At long last present indications are that the problem of the Negro School building at Winfall will be solved by the construction of a new building to replace the buildings which burned to the ground in tht. fire on last Thursday morning. Both the Board of Education ana the Board, of County Commissioners were confronted with the problem on Monday. A large delegation of pa trons from the school attended the meeting of the Board of Education, which in turn visited the Countj Comr.r.ssioners regarding the situa tion. The Board of Education requested the Commissioners for funds for the purchase of a suitable site, and for construction of the biulding. At the present time, it was indicated, the County is not in financial condition to construct this building, but the Commissioners did authorize the Board of Education to get options on sites available for the building ani ! it was believed that steps would be ! taken to raise the funds for the con I struction of the building. It may be possible that a special election will 1 have to be held in order for the j County to borrow the necessary money. It is understood that patrons of the school in Winfall have already raised a considerable sum to help in the purchase of the site, and have agreed to raise any necessary amount in or der that the site shall not cost the bounty over $1,000. What with routine matters com ing before them, the meeting of the Commissioners developed into a lengthy one and it was near sun down before the Board adjourned. i iic vjuiiuiiiaoiunci o w in uiLi cvtqmii M . , rnmiinf, .... I hn I Amm i p o i nn ntc mi mrat- o rra l n properly vr.'ti; " and person t i tified of change in property valua tion may present their views on that date. The Board of Equalization win continue to sit as long as there are complaints to be heard. Miss Adelaide Tuttle, District NYA Supervisor, appeared before th Commissioners and asked for an in creased appropriation for NYA work in this county. The Boaro. granted a ten dollar increase for this fund, and now contributes a total of $35 toward the costs of the project. On motion made and passed by the j Board the salary of Jacob L. White, I County Treasurer, was raised $10u I per year. This increase was made , due to the increased duties Mr. White in connection with old age pen I sions an(j socjai security work, q c Buck d A A Nobes were appointed as Rabies Inspectors the County. Mr. Buck will hav. , vaccinating dogs who,. charge of owners live south of the Perquimans River and Mr. Nobles will cover the j territory lying north of the river. Both inspectors were notified that they were to use a standard brand of vaccine in this work. Tuttle To Help With Income Tax Returns R. F. Tuttle, of Edenton, Deputy Commissioner, will be at the Hotel Hertford on March 13, 14 and 15, for the purpose of assisting Perquimans County people in filing State Tax Returns. Mr. Tuttle will be at the Hotel from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., dur ing these three days. Any man or women, either married or unmarried, having an income of $1,000 or more during the year 1940, and any married man having an in come of $2,000 or more, must file an Income Tax Return. Any person owning on December 81, 1940, any Intangible Personal Property such as money on hanu, accounts receivable, notes, bonds, mortgages, etc., must file an Intan gible Tax Return. To Attend Baptist State Woman's Union In Greensboro Mrs. I. A. Ward will leave Tuesday morning for Greensboro - to attenq the State convention of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Baptist churches, which will be held in that city. Mrs. Ward is the superintendent of the Elisabeth City Division of the Union. Her division includes twelve counties of northeastern North Carolina. 'I it 1 4 f

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