a. t l" ' ii, - ' 1 f 1 J 1 1 i ,1 'v i ; I P Mil if ,;.-& ft. 'f A St? it At Volume Vlll.--, dumber ; Trolng In Linton Thirty Men Expected to Spend Four Weeks In Town J. Edenton, March 21. -Definite as anrance was received late last week thai flie Lancaster, Pa., baseball club of the Interstate League will train in r Edenton, During: the previous week 1 Norman McCain, secretary of the club, and John Quinn, an American League umpire, who is interested in the club, came to Edentcn to investo rs gate facilities and though favorably impressed would give no definite in formation at that time. However, on Friday Quinn tele phoned Dave Holton, who has been interested in securing a baseball club to pick Edenton as a spring training camp, that at a meeting of Che Lancaster club's officials it was decided to train here. The baseball park and field house will be at the disposal of the recruits free of ?ost and suitable accommodations win be provided at Hotel Joseph Hewes for boarding the men. According to McCain, there will be approximately 30 players in the group to come here to train, who are expected to arrive April 7, and re main in training about four weeks. Following the telephone conversa tion, Holton early this week receive. a letter from McCain confirming the club's agreement to train in Edenton. He also asked Holton to arrange Ui have the diamond in satisfactoiy condition and arrange to take caie of the umpires as well as assist Wil liam Cowdrick, the business manager, , in the sale of tickets at the ball park. McCain, in his letter, said they had not yet decided on their playing manager, but did furnish a list of the .exhibition games scheduled, which , ' are as follows: April 13 Lancaster at Newport News, Va. April 14 Lancaster at Porto- ) mouth, Va. April 18 Lancaster at Wilson. April 19 H age ra town at Edentou. April 20-mLAncaster,, Jit Rocky Mount. .r ' April 22 Reading at Edenton. April 26 Lancaster at Newport News, Va. April 27 Lancaster at Newpon News, Va. April 28 Lancaster at Newport News, Va. McCain has arranged to ship to Hotel Joseph Hewes a gross of bast balls, as well as baseball bats anu other paraphernalia, which he asks to be taken care of nntil the cluo officials arrive. According to McCain, the club u contemplating purchasing a new but but in case the plans are not carrleq tut, ha asks Holton's cooperation in securing fans to assist in traveling to and from Edenton to play exhibition games. He also suggests securing couple of batting practice catcheia rAmnd upon information furnished ex pressed pleasure at having William Carton take part in the practices at second base. Tha local field will be put Into proper shape for the visiting base ball players and it is hoped by those interested that the weather will be more favorable for baseball titan: was die case last year when it was so unseasonable that few days af forded comfortable training periods. Library Schedule Changed During Next Thirty Days u ' .The Perquimans, County Library Board announced this week that for the next thirty days the Library X will be open only on Mondays, Wea- nesdays and Saturdays, from 10 to ' ' 12 and from 1 to 8. . .a , - This change in the Library hours ' - VVia necessitated due to the librarian, -"Vlf Mrs. ' Brooks Whedbee, being relieves f -of -hetWPA -duties for. the thirty m tfa :peUod. MwfcWMb fcvin 'A" 'carted fcn the PWA'for the past eigh- j -teen, months, must comply "with . WPA ralins and auanerid trencmrnddtat fox vlhthirtTUy period. "- , .The Library Board, however,- has arranged with Mrs; Whedbee to ovei- see the Library - during the ' thra days each week. All regular hour wilLbe resumed at tha end 'of the thirty-day period. , K' " Mrs. C V; JiiMfcrd Breaks Hip In FaH Mrs. C. V. WinWord wa painfully ; injured when aha fell at liar residence in the Hotel Hertford Wednesday morning.- t ' - ' . Examination , revealed that 'Mrs. Williford sustained a fracture of the hip. and she was carried to the Ell sabeth City Ilcspital for treatment for treatment :iL7,13CVCTAPBE DITOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OFJBS&TFOBD AND PERQUIMAN8 COUNTY 2. : ; - i Hertford i t Pprnuim an 54 Cnuntv. North CarnlimT TTVirJotr Mamh oi i67i JZ - m I Ifionary , tlnicn: To , f Meet On March 23 At Cocl Spring Church The annual meeting of Woman Missionary, Union of the Chowan Association will be held Friday, March 28, at Cool Spring Church, in Gates County. The superintendent, Mrs. A. D. Ward, will preside dur ing the morning session. Mrs. J. P Perry, of Hertford, Mrs. Philip White, lately returned from China, the Rev. Frank Oale, of Tyner, and othet interesting speakers will take part in the program. A quartette will render special music. Mrs. C. C Bell, of Elizabeth City, and Mrs. Percy Smith, of Edenton, will have charge of the afternoon session. The program will be given by the young people. Bundles For Britain Shipment Sent From Hertford This Week Committee Very Grate ful For Splendid Sup port The first large shipment of Bundles for Britain from Perquimans Countz was started on its way Tuesday, be ing sent from here to National Head quarters for the movement in Tew York. The shipment, results of a concen trated drive by the Hertford Troop of Boy Scouts, was valued at $125. It included eight men's suits, foui teen ladies' coats, numbers of men's overcoats and shoes. The Bundles filled four boxes when made ready for shipping. Fifty dollars in cash were sent beside the clothing. The Perquimans County Bundles for Britain committee was organized through the Hertford Woman's Club, wih Mrs. R. T. Clarke as chairman, Aire. Edgar Morris, co-chairman, Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood, secretary, ana Miss Mae Wood Winslow, treasure.. The committee expressed apprecia tion for the contributions made for the shipment sent this week, and urged continued support of the move ment for future shipments. Those de siring' to .give- bowBaa ara. asfcrf notify any one of the members of tne committee and arrangements will be made to pick up the bundles. New Licenses To Be Issued To Motor Boat Operators The Department of Commerce this week announced the necessity for all motorboat operators to obtain li censes for the same before April 26, 1941. The act regulating the oper-. tion of jnotorboata was amended this year and all operators holding li censes issued under the Motorboat Act of June, 1910, must renew under! the new regulations. Licenses issuea under the old law are now null ami void. A bulletin issued by the Commerce Department stated that all appli cants for a license as Operator of motorboats must pass an oral exami nation given by local inspectors, ana will be based upon the subjects whlcn a person operating a motorboat carrying passengers should know be fore being entrusted with the opera tion of such boats. The examination will consist of questions on the regulations govern-' ing motorboats, the collision regula tions applicable to waters over which the applicant operates, fire protec tion and extinguishment, life saving equipment, the operation of propell ing machinery, and particularly the safe 'and, proper handling of gasoline metoiMiand simple first aid. f Any person who has attained fte agvof 18 yeari and is qualified H'11 other, respect, ihair U'aAAlani eljgibjesand. W .baaxaJbed Ipr uchUeM.::; 7 Y , :. , ".f! AhJ applicant; for : an original V cense a an'operator shall submit sworn application on form to the local inspectors and ahall ba. av arained orally concerning his cham ter and fitness to bold such license. v The office of the Bureau of Ma rine Inspection ; and Navigation,' at Room 204,' Custom House, .'Jforfolt, Virginia, is prepared to issue thetM jicenses to all eligible applicants ano they are urged to present themselve immediately, , so as to avoid conges tion during the latter, part of 'April; CIRCLE ?. . t',. :iai'i' . t " . ' The Ht .Wtlaoit'drclS'wUl meet Monday evening at t bcIock"at the home of . Mrs., Thomas Sumner, ' Ai ' members are urged to be present.. 'members are urged JU b present.., ;.: " 'r .". . Legislature Adds Civil Procedure Recorder's Court Liquor Bill Voted Down; Local Vote May Be Held By Mid-July The 1941 North Carolina Legisla ture, which was adjourned Saturday night after the shortest session since 1927, passed few bills affecting Perquimans County directly, but one or two not passed may bring voting action here later in the year. In one of the final sessions of the Assembly a law was enacted grant ing the Perquimans Recorder's Court the power to hear civil cases brought to the court. This will, no doubt, he very beneficial in relieving the Su perior Court of minor civil cases, and at the same time speed up tn local cases brought before the Re corder. The Legislature alwo passed an act granting Perquimans County the right to allocate delinquent tax col lections to the General Fund; also the body acted favorably on a but which will continue on the active list delinquent taxes due the Town of Hertford. i The Legislature "out-fumbled" thu Jry forces of the IState and a bill! which was presented calling for a referendum on the liquor question was killed by the second committee before being placed before the Houte for a vote. The action on the pari, of the finance committee prevent any action being taken in the way of a State-wide vote. The liquor bill was first handea to the committee on complaints ana grievances and was passed favorably by a vote of 13-12. It was then turned over to the Finance committee and voted down 34-10. The balloting by the committees was done by se cret vote. It is now probable that Perquiman County will have its own referendum regarding an ABC store, inasmuch as the question was brought before the Board of County Commissioners in January and at that time, without motion, the question of a special election was discussed and tabled for the time being. It was the con sensus of opinion among . Boaru members that a special election vpuld have to be held providing the Legislature did nothing regarding State-wide vote. At a further discussion of the question at the February meeting of the Commissioners, it seemed that it the General Assembly failed to call a State vote, that arrangements would be made here to hold Per quimans'' election sometime during July. The law forbids the holding of this special election within sixty days of a regular election, and since the Town of Hertford will elect officials on May 6, the earliest date possible for an ADC vote will be July 5. Farmers Requested To Appear And Sip 1941 Farm Plans L. W. Anderson, Perquimans Coun ty Farm Agent, announced this week that many farmers in the county have yet to appear at the Agricul tural Building and sign their 1941 Farm Plans. He urges that an farmers who have not signed then plans to come to the building and sign in order that they may be eligi ble to receive Farm Program checks. All 1941 Farm Quotas have been arranged and farmers notified of this action. The county agent is anxious for all farmers to come forward and sign their plane in order, that tne plana may be forwarded on to Wasi. ingtoo: . - ''MrAnderson has a very interest- Tng'orimadftBltect brooder, ,on and myKeikijkin; -ty. lPlitatqrMd. ill. chicken raia Ing. a ,'Jk rtXS&&f4S?' ' The "brooder, as constructed t Mr. Anderson, costs approximately 118, thia includes the electrical unit which was purchased for the brood er. M?. Anderson pointed out thai, this brooder can be built at a great savings to farmers interested nt adding", this equipment, Lioits Club Meeting Frijiay Night, 6:45 VThe' Hertford Lions Club, will hold. Its regular meeting Friday night av fl:45. at thW.Hotel;;-; Hertford. Mi membeflFara urged, to bti present at , thii meeting aa plans : for Charter? j, night celebration will be discussed, ' J. J.MUJ)J,1VU J.f XtX. Rotzrian Receives News From England Telling Experience Shoe Retailer Sends Let ter Thanking: Local Club For Gift Mayor V. N. Darden, prominent Rotarian of the Hertford Club, this week received the following letter from a fellow Rotarian of Hertfora, England. One will note the date line of the letter as February z, and it' is evident that the war hab slowed up mail service considerably. We are grateful to Mayor Darden for his permission to publish tne letter: ) Rotary Club Hertford 4 Mill Bridge Hertford, England ' February 12, 1941 Deaf Fallow Rotarian: As a member of the Internation al Service Committee of the above club, I should like to add my thanks for your gift to our Christmas Com munity Fund. All these kind thoughts of yours and also the greav help of R. I. to our Red Cross is a great encouragement to us in these terrible times. We-are still going well with Rotary in this old Borough of Hertford. We have 22 members and have plenty of work tjo do in some form of National Service. Perhaps I can best interest you by my own personal experiences. My Classification is "Shoe Retail ing" and my business is opposite the Castle Gates where under the Tennis Court we have trenches or air raid shelters and my wife and I are the shelter marshals, so when the sirens sound we go over and switch on the lights and look after the women and childrjen. Some months ago we had crowds of about 300, but now nobody seems to take any notice of the warnintr sirens, and we have only a few children visitors if caught on their way to school. One nignt some months ago we were thert and about 50 people were asleep when we heard a bomb whistling down from the sky. It shook us up, but my wife was soon quieting the womgn' and children and telling then we waalNUl-.safe. Another night we heard another great noise not far away and we had a lot of people to look after. My wife came home for a few hours sleep and then went a long early in the morning to help (ret breakfast for about 300 people who had become homeless during the night. As you may know, this is only a small country town, but we have a few thousand extra in our homes, evacuees from London but we are keeping our spirit up and looking forward to better times. We should like to hear more about your Hert ford, so if you have a member Clas sification "Shoes" perhaps he wouio like to answer. With all best wishes, Yours in Rotary, PERCY COLE MA IN. Train Strikes Auto At Vinf all Crossing Injuring Two B. F. Lane and J. L. Sawyer of route two, Hertford, suffered cuts and bruises when their car was struck by a southbound Norfolk Southern freight train at Bembrey's Crossing north of Winfall before noon Wednesday. Lane, who was driving, evidently did not see the approaching freight and drove on the tracks in front of it. The car was struck in the rear. The injured men were brought to Hertford on the train and were tak en from, the depot to the Hertford clinic by, Canaan Trueblood, locaH t Norfolk, Southern agenty Their Injuries were sw tjoirbe not I eriou8 ,. i y Kv-'.' " '. - Senior Class To Present Annual Play Thursday April 3 At School '. F. T. Johnson, superintendent ol schools, announced this week that the annual Senior Class play will be pre sented April Srd, on the stage at the High School Building. The play is scheduled to start at 7:30. ' This year's class has chosen the play "Torabox" for the stage produc- tion.. The play,' according to Mr. Johnson, is all that the name1 implies and has a cast of fourteen charac- ten. Fuller detail and the" cast jfor Mtie show will be-announced next week. 1 - Equalization Work Completed By Board Of Commissioners The Board of County Commission ers, sitting as a board of equaliza tion and review, completed the taste of revaluation of the county's proj ert early Tuesday. The Board had been in session several days revalu ing property and notices were mailed to those taxpayers affected. The final job of reviewing thv changes and equalizing the same was started Monday. Several complaint were made but for the most part, very little change was made in the valuation of property in Perquimano. The Commissioners will meet again on Monday, April 7, for their regular monthly meeting. J. C. Blanchard To Sponsor Flower Growing Contest Open to Residents of He; liertlOrd WhO Reside On Highway A plan for the beautification of Highway No. 17, leading througn Hertford, for this spring and sum mer, comes with the announcement that J. C. Iilanchard, in cooperation with the Hertford Woman's Club, will sponsor a Flower Growing Con test open to all residents livfng within the town limits, and on the highway route. The contest will be open to botn white people and Negroes. Six casn prizes have hcen announced by Mr.! Blanchard. Three prizes will be a-j warded white people and three prizes will be awarded Nesrroes. First prize will be $2.50, second prize whi be $l..ri0, and third prize will be ji. However, Mr. Blanchard has stip ulated that there must be at least ten white people and ten Neproe. enter the contest, if it is to be car ried out to completion. All white residents who wish to enter the flower growing contest are requested to get in touch with Mrs. Thomas Nixon, and Negroes - inter ested should see John Lowe. A com mittee of Negroes has been appointed to contact residents on Edenton Road Street to. antqrjthe, contest. Judges oTOtv contest will be an nounced at later date. John Elliott Again Elected President Of Baptist Group One of the most successful and in teresting conventions ever held by the Baptist Training Union was held in the Edenton Baptist Church Fr. day and Saturday, at which Tl churches were represented. The theme of the convention, "Following the Living Christ," was carried out by a group of speakers, with the highlights being addresses by the Rev. P. Rowland Wagner, of Nor folk, and Archibald McMillan, ot Richmond, editor of "The Commis sion," Baptist publication. Special music of various kinds also contri buted to rounding out a very delight ful program, which was highly praised by those in attendance. At the conclusion of the conven tion, officers were elected for anoth er year. Those elected were : John M. Elliott, president; J. J. Beale, vice president; Mrs. John Lee Spruh!, secretary; the Rev. Harold White, chorister; Mrs. M. R. Brown, pianist; the Rev. Clarence Hobgood, pastor adviser. Leaders for the group were elect ed as follows: adults, Miss Mamie Chamblee; young people, Herman Sawyer; intermediates, Miss Mary Lee Jackson; juniors, Mrs. George Burgess; leadership director, T. S. Britt. Club Meets At.Belvidere The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular meeting Tuesday night at the Belvidere Community House. The club was served by the ladies of the Belvidere Home Demonstration club. Dr. E. S. White was a guest of the club at the meeting. Next Tuesday club members will journey to Norfolk, Va., for an oyit ter roast, instead of holding the dinner meeting at the Hotel Hert ford. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMEIT Mr. and Mrs. Odell Cartwright an nounce the birth of a daughter, Dorothv Odell. born March 18. Mother and baby are reported doing nicely. -Mrs. Cartwright was form- erly Miss Dow Dorothy Matthews. 1.25 Per Year. Full Day Session Necessary To Clear Court Docket Tues. Twelve Cases Before Judge Tucker In Big gest Court In Weeks After a week's recess due to the illness of the judge, Perquimans Recorder's Court consumed a fuii day in order to clear the court dock et on Tuesday. Twelve cases were heard during the day. Milton Harvey, Negro, chargea with possession of a stolen automo bile, was bound over to the Grana Jury when Judge Tucker found prob able cause in his hearing. Hardy Skinner, Negro, was founa guilty of drunken driving and sen tenced to 60 days on the roads. Sentence to be suspended upon pay ment of a $50 fine and costs; Skin ner's driving license was revoked for one year. !anw.n ri:f.. M.in xi pleaded, guilty to a charge of reck less driving and having no operator's license. He was sentenced to 60 days on the roads. Ernest Stepney, Negro, pleaded guilty to being drunk and was tax ed one-half the court costs. Rupert Davidson pleaded guilty to being dunk and was assessed one half the court costs. William Everett, Negro, pleaded guilty to the charge of transporting and having in his possession nun tax-paid liquor. Judge Tucker sen tenced him to 60 days on the roaoj,, sentence to be suspended upon pay ment of a S25 fine and costs. j Elihu Kee and Charlie Gaines, both Negroes, were charged witn ' possession and transporting and eii , tered a plea of not guilty. The Court found Kee not guilty ano Gaines guilty. Gaines was sentenceu I to 45 days on the roads, sentence to be suspended upon the payment of a I $25 fine and costs. The defendant j appealed to Superior Court. I James Whitehurst, Negro, was , found guilty of larceny and Sentenced I to 90 days. Whitehurst appealed to the Superior Court. Willie Webb, Negro, was brougxit into court charged with, assault up on. Gladys Cooper, but testimony showed that Webl Vply slapped the Cooper woman to prevent her fight ing another woman. Costs of court were assessed against Gladys Coop er, who swore out the warrant. Horace White, Negro, was founc guilty of assault on a female ano sentenced to SO days on the roaob. The sentence was suspended upon payment of costs and good behavior for one year. Linwood Harris, Negro, was founa guilty of assault and sentenced to 60 days to be suspended upon pay ment of costs and good behavior for one year. John Felton, Negro, charged wits reckless driving, driving with in sufficient brakes and assaulting James Taylor with an automobile, was found guilty of the first two counts and sentenced to 60 days on the roads; sentence was suspended upon payment of the boy's doctor bill, repairs to his bicycle and loss of time. Including the costs of court, the case costs Felton $53. rp. Ccw. TA . Concert Thursday March 27th The Minnie Wilson Circle of the Hertford Methodist Church will sponsor a band concert at the high school auditorium on Thursday evening, March 27, at 8 o'clock. The Elizabeth City High VSchooi band will present the concert and the public is cordially invited to at tend. A small admission will be charged and the proceeds will go to the Minnie Wilson Circle. Sorry The Weekly regrets to say that some copy that was supposed to appear in this week's paper has been lost and we apologize that we are unable to publish it this week. The sad part is that we do not know exactly what copy is miss ing, but due to a mistake in the handling of the mail which was carrying the copy to the printers in Edenton, the envelope had not shown upiat press time. We do knpw that several of our Community i letters are among the missing, but we will publish them next week . . providing the copy shows up. 4," V it Tii,.