fAbE EIGHT THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY! ARCH 28, 1941 4 v. I u i J ) At PfrAT Visit Sister Sunday ' Misa Audrey Umphlett, of Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Minton, of Elizabeth City, were guests of thei. sister, Miss Myrtle Umphlett, on Sunday. Veefc-end Visitor j Mrs. Pearl Panks, of Norfolk, Va., Visited with Mrs. Annie Chalk and llrs. A. W. Hefren during the week end. On Business Trip L. C. Winslow spent several days this week in Baltimore, Md. Visiting Daughter Mrs. E. W. Mayes is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Mickey Hooper, in Elizabeth City. Week-end Here Dennis Holliday, from Fort Bragg, spent the week-end with his wife in Hertford. Visiting Aunt Cale White, Jr., a student at Woodbury Forest 'School, in Virginia, is spending the spring holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Relfe. Sunday At Wake Forest Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Johnson, Mis3 Blanche Everett and JacK Kanoy visited Harrell Johnson, ac Wake Forest College Sunday. Here Last Week J. G. Campbell, from Carolina Beach, spent several days last weea. in Hertford. !JJJ Duke .Student Home Zach White, student at Duke Uni versity, Durham, spent the spring holidays wit'n his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White. On Extended Trip Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mrs Olivia Hobbs left Monday on an ex tended visit to Vilson, Charlotte, Monroe, Durham and Wake Forest. They expect to be away about two weeks and will visit with relatives and friends at each stop. Home For Week-end Miss Donnie Mae Norman, of Ra' leigh, spent the week-end w;th net mother, Mrs. L. W. Norman. Returns To State College Roy Reed has returned to Raleigh to resume his studies at State Col lege, after spending the spring holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corp Reed. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eason, of Hampton, Va., spent the week-end with Miss Mary Towe and Lawrence Tow. J.J: In Wilmington This Week Mrs. Roy Lane spent several days this week in Wilmington with her husband, who is employed there. Week-end Here Corbin Dozier, who is now employ ed at Fort Huston, spent the week end in Hertford with his family. Home For Vacation Miss Ellie Mae White, a student at Mars Hill, spent the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellie White. Week-end In Wilson Miss Patricia Stephens was the week-end guest of friends in Wilson. Returns Sunday Jack Jarvis returned to Chapel Hill Sunday to resume his studies at the University, after spending the spring vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jarvis. Returns To Chapel Hill Ben Koonce, student at the Univer sity of North Carolina, returned to Chapel Hill Sunday after spending We have a complete line of COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, HATS, GLOVES and BAGS to match any outfit Flannel Skirts and Sweaters in Pastels. Long and short sleeved Blouses for your new suit. Hose 49c to $1.00 Nylon Hose $1.35 Godwin's DRESS SHOPPE J J HERTFORD, K. C. ntr the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Koonce. Visits Mother Colonel Henry Newbold Sumner, from Langley Field, Va., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. C. F. Sumner, Sr. Week-end With Mother Miss Helene Nixon, of Winton, spent the week-end with her mother, itlrs. T. J. Nixon. Week-end Visitor Miss Mary Helene Newby, of New port News, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mac Newby. Here For Week-end Miss Virginia Tucker, of Hampton, Va., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Isa Tucker. Week-end Visitors Mrs. Giles Kornegay, her daugh ter, Paula, and Betty Ann Winslow, of Burgaw, spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Riddick Uhappell. Ill At Home Vv. H. Pitt has been confined to his home because of illness, but is somewhat improved. Week-end Here Linwood Skinner, of Charlotte. Hertford visited with relatives during the week-end. in Saturday In Norfolk Mrs. W. G Wright, Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr., Mrs. Charles Whedbee, Mrs. R. M. Fowler and Miss Frances Fowler spent Saturday in Norfolk. Visitor Over Week-end Woody Ward, S. S. Morfett, Nor folk, Va., spent the week-end with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Britt. Week-end Here Jim Layden and a friend, Eric Johassen, of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end in Hertford visit ing with relatives. Sunday Here Mrs. G. G. Dixon, of Ayden, and Mrs. S. F. Pollard, of Bel Arthur, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Elliott. Home For Vacation Jack Anderson, student at Louis- burg College, spent the spring vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Anderson. Returns To Louieburg Jack Winslow has returned to Louisburg College to resume his stu dies after spending the spring holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Winslow. Returns From Hospital Miss Margaret Broughton returned home Friday from Albemarle Hospi tal, Elizabeth City, after undergoing an appendectomy. She is now doing very nicely. Goes To Newport News Rex Gault has gone to Newport News, Va., and assumed his duties there this week. Week-end Visitors Mrs. Bill Flythe and Jack Cowing, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Newby, of Thomasville, were week-end guests or Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Futrell. Saturday In Rocky Moi nt Miss Ruth Elliott, Mis. Holliday ana Dave ruller spent Saturday in uocky Mount. State College Student Home Hollowell Cox Nixon, State College student, has returned to Raleigh, af ter spending the spring vacation with his mother, Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bates and son, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Perry. -m Week-erd With Parents Danus Elliott, of Newport News. Va., and Dick Elliott, of Williamston, spent the week-end- with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Elliott. In Durham Friday Miss Helen Mae White visited her mother, Mrs. Anse White, in Duke Hospital, Durham, Friday. Week-end Here Bill Jones, of Holland, Va., was the week-nd guest of Miss Polly Stephens. Sunday InNDurham Billy White ' visited his mother, Mrs. Anse White, in Duke Hospital, Durham, Sunday. Returns To School Miss Lila Budd Stephens returned Monday to Elon College to resume her studies after spending the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stephens. , ' ! "; "Gome live WilKW ' M lull limn in- iff iwi.T.'M "i. i mm .-k"-;"-v.-...j4 Hedy Lamarr in "Come Live With Me" with James Stewart. Plays to day at the State. ( Week-end Here Miss Piue Newby, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newby. Visitors From Garner Creighton Stephens, of Garner, and Miss Elsie Mae Broughton, also of Garner, spent the week-end witn Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stephens. Week-end At Sanitorium Mrs. Cook Winslow visited her husband, Cook Winslow, at the sani torium, Sanitorium, this week-end. Receives Injudies In Fall Mrs. C. C. Winslow and Mrs. Clyde McCallum visited Cook Winslow a Sanitorium, this' week-end. Mrs. Winslow suffered a fail while it Aberdeen visiting friends and they will continue their stay until she is improved. 1'huisday In Greenville Mrs. D. tS. Darden spent Thursday n Greenville. Visiting In Richmond Mrs. V. N. Darden is visiting her aunt, who is ill in Richmond, Va Mr. Darden spent the week-end there. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Leggett and children, of Williamston, and Mrs. J. H.. Thrower, of Littleton, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick. Portsmouth Visitor Mrs. Robert Albertson, of Ports mouth, Va., is visiting her mother Mrs. W. G. Gaither, and her sister, Miss Helen Gaither. "- Week-end Here Miss Eugenia Gregory, a student at Chowan College, Murfreesboro, is expected to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gregory. Wednesday In Norfolk Mrs. H. C. Stokes, Mrs. W. G. Wright and Mrs. Silas Whedbee spent Wednesday in Norfojk, Va. Wednesday In Rocky Mount Mrs. Durwood Reed, Mrs. C. T. Skinner, Mrs. J. H. Towe, Jr., and Mrs. R. T. Clarke spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount. HOSTESS AT BRIDGE SUPPER Miss Mary Sumner delightfully en tertained at a bridge supper at her home on Tuesday evening. Enjoying her hospitality were Mesdames Tom my Jessup, H. C. Stokes, Charles K Johnson, George Barbee, Carroll K. Holmes, W. G. Wright, and W. H, Pitt, and Misses Helen Morgan, Nelt Kiddick and Mary Jane Spruill. High score prize was awarded to Mrs. Barbee, Mrs. Wright received low, and the floating prize went to Mrs. Pitt. Indians Lose First Baseball Game The Perquimans Indians opened their baseball season Tuesday, bow-1 ing to the Chowan High baseballers 8 to 5. The Indians used three pitchers, Chowan one. Henry Miller was very effective for the Indians, mak ing the first six put-outs by the strike-out route. Edward Jordan followed Miller and pitched the next three innings. He was followed by John Asbell, freshman left-hander, who struck out two of the three men put out in his one inning turn. Red Bunch, Chowan pitcher, seem ed a bit more experienced than the Indian pitchers, and turned in a very gooa penormance lor his team. . Ihe Indians have a promisiiur team, and ate expected to jrofit a great aeai irom the experience ffain ed in this Initial game of the season. The out-field is a bit ragged, but Coach Dave Fuller says it should come around O. K. The in-field seems to be pretty well balanced. All the boys played well, with the ex ception of a lew mistakes, due to lack of experience. The Indians play Creswell in Hertford Friday, game time being set lor 8 o'clock. .Everyone interested in baseball is urged to com out .and give the team a hand. Coach Fuller seems to think that it will prove of great interest to the town if it would sponsor: these boys in summer base ball. ; : , , APPROPRIATE TITLE" Columbus, Ohiov-JThe title of the annual Christmas play at. .the Ohio Penitentiary,' which had a -cast of 100 men was "Stan and Strips of t The Senior ! Class of ' Perquimans' County High School' was delightful ly entertained Friday evening v 1y Virginia Wilson, M&rybelle DeLaney and Anne Tucker '.?at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Felton. The party began with the group singing "It's Old Perquimans." Va rious games were enjoyed, after which the hostesses served delicious ice cream, cake and mints. The party ended with the singing of "Perquimans Boys and Girls" ana "Goodnight, Hostesses." The guests included Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Noah' Felton, Sr., Mrs. J. L. DeLaney, Mrs. W. N. Tucker, Misses Eloise Scott, Ethel Copeland, Myra Layden, Minnie Louise and Miriam Nixon. Pauline White, Esther Mae White, Evelyn White, Wally Mayes, Doro thy Perry, Pat Edwards, Eva Harris, Eunice Chappell, Eleanor E'ure, Mil dred Copeland, Rachel Alice Mans field, Marjorie Forehand, Lucy Fore hand, and Ray Haskett, Elmer Las slter, Guy Webb, Elihu Winslow, Emmett Long, Fentress Winslow, William Stallings, Frank Dillard, Billy Blanchard, Edward Jordan, Adrien Smith, Jr., Edward Wilder, Gordon Winslow, Thomas Rogerson, D. J. White, John Wood, Robert Hollowell, Archie Riddick, Joe Now el!, George Fields and Clarke Stokes. CHAPANOKE NEWS 'Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Brothers, of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Addie Bright Mrs. Daisy Perry and Leroy Nixon, of Elizabeth City, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Symons on Sunday. Mrs. Matilda Russell spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., with her niece. Mrs. John Asbell and daughter, Sylvia, spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., with Mrs. Asbelrs mother. Mrs. S. Semor;Party Afpopuimces STATE THEATRE Today (Friday) Saturday Ladies' r Spring Bags 50c and $1.00 New, Spring Shoes . x $2.00 , E ' '. pr KM Han IT n i mini r"T--'-" ril I "RED RYDER" No, 7 I - I M30m I C M. Woodier. '.,',, v. . 11 , - Mr. ana Mrs. (J. H. tsm spent the week-end in Norfolk, Va., visiting 'with their son-in-law and daughter, Mj and Mrs. L. W. Mann.1' -y Tim TntabloodspemV Sunday in Norfolk,Va, with his brother, Davis TruebloodVS " . . Mrs. J. C. Wilson spent Thursday afternoon in Elizabeth City.. Miss Lydie White has returned to her home in Chowan County, after spending several weeks with her Bister, Mrs. Earle Wilder. Mark Gregory, of Leaksville, vis ited his sister, Mrs. John Symons, Sunday afternoon. John Asbell and sons visited his sister, Mrs. Virgie Lane,, at Tyner, Sunday morning. BALLAHACK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Goodwin visited Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gregory, at Gregorys, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. C. Hough, of Columbia, Mrs. W. W. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Copeland, and baby daughter, Doris Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Godwin Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Elliott, H. V. Baker, Mrs. Murray Elliott and Mrs. Freeland Elliott were in Norfolk, Va., Thursday. Mrs. Josephine Ward, Mrs. Sid ney Goodwin and children called on Mrs. L. A. Goodwin and JUrs. Levi Goodwin Wednesday afternoon. Miss Marie Jordan, of Hertford, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmei Roberson Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Goodwin and little daughter, Lois Faye, of Shawboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodwin Tuesday. Mrs. H. V. Baker, Mrs. Josephine Ward, Mrs. Murray Elliott and Mrs. Freeland Elliott were in Elizabeth City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Griffin vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin Monday Only ERROL FLYNN BRENDA MARSHALL in "FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK" Tuesday Only GEORGE MURPHY LUCILLE BALL in "A GIRL, A GUY AND A GOB" COME TO SIMON'S FOR YOUR COMPLETE OUTFIT 'Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Suits From $5.95 to $16.75 Ladies' and Misses' Dresses BIO SELECTION $1.(13 top Men's Spring: Suits $15Ijti$253 : Boys' Suits to $9.53 Men's and Boys' Shoes $1.S3up HATS - CAPS - SHIRTS r 1 n 2. ...... . . ' "STORE Or VALUc5 HERTFORD, Sunday night. 'l . Mr. and . Mrs: ' Moral Byrum and son, Eugene, visited Mr. and Mrs.' Jesse, Byrum .Friday and Saturday. Mrs. L. A. Goodwin, Mrs. Levi Goodwin and Mrs. Elmer Roberson were guests of Mrs. Sidney Goodwirf ' Thursday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Moral Byrum and son were guests , of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Dail ISunday. - J. G. Ward, iof Newport News, V a., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Josephine Ward. Just Arrived .... For Easter NEW HATS $l'00tO$l'98 A COMPLETE LINE OF NEW DRESSES $1.98 NEW HOSE Visit Our Store For Your Selection Davenport & Blanchard HERTFORD, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA'S FINEST THEATRE HERTFORD, N. C. Wednesday Matinee 3 P. M. "HIGH SIERRA" Ladies' Wool Skirts $1.98 U New Jackets New Blouses - TIES $1.00 - $U3 .c I -K, , N. ,C. w II ACADAMY AWARDS I Thursday and Friday M HUMPHREY BOGART I IDA LUPINO I in I 1 I: V