J WEEKLY. HERTFORD. N. C FRIDAY. APRIL II. 1911' SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON j CHRIST SHOWS HIMSELF ALIVE International Sunday School for April IS, 1941 Lesson '. GOLDEN TEXT: "I was dead, and behold, I am alive for ever more." Rev. 1:18. Jesus was buried late Friday even ing, following the crucifixion. Two prominent Jews attended to his burial. Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sannedrin, was bold enougn to request the body from Pilate ana (rive to it a place of interment m his own new tomb excavated in the! appeared to seven fishermen led by was manifested in new power on the Day of Pentecost, and who is now an abiding Presence and a Source of limitless strength to all, who seek to do the will of Christ and to glorify his name." At length, Jesus revealed his identity to these disciples who re turned to Jerusalem and found ten of the apostles together, discussing the appearance of Jesus to Peter. The Savior appeared then to this group and a week later to the eleven apostles to convince Thomas, who had been absent the proceeding week. Several other appearances during the forty days are also given us. Jesus BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. W A, Elliott, of Edenton, former Hertford residents, have announced the birth of a daugh ter, born last week. - CLASSIFIED AND LEGALS FOR SA1J!-0L1 M-iWSPAPERS 5c per bundle. ' Call at The Per quimans Weekly Office. . rock. Nicodemus, one of the rulers, who early in the ministry of Jesus came to him by night, also assisted him. As it was almost the beginning oi the Sabbath, the process of embalm ing was very hastily done. The three-day period foretold by Jesus passed, not three days as we count them, but according to the Jewish method, that is, part of Fri day, all of Saturday, and part of Sunday, during which time Jesus was in the tomb. Early Sunday & group of faithful women proceeded to the tomb to complete the embalming which the two men had hurriedly done Friday evening. To t'heir surprise, they were met bv angels who advised i them that Jesus had risen. They; hurried back with the news and im mediately Peter and John proceeded to investigate the report. Peter en tered into the tomb and found the grave-cloths perfectly arranged but the body of Jesus was gone. The first appearance of Jesus was to Mary Magdalene. This is note worthy in an age when women were not regarded as highly as now. Shortly afterwards, he appeared to the other women of the party. The first man who saw Jesus was Simon Peter, although we have no details of this appearance, it being merely stated that he appeared to Peter. We have a very good account of the appearance of Jesus to two dis ciples, not apostles, walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a village a bout seven miles from the city. These two men were discussing the various events of the recent past when Jesus joined them and in ans wer to his questions they told him briefly about Jesus and his work, how he had been killed and with him the hope that he would redeem Is rael, and then of the strange story of the women who had visited the sepulche on the third day and found not his body. In talking with the two men Jesus referred to the many scriptural pas sages about his career and inter preted to them the application vo himself. In this interpretation, we may be sure that Jesus stressed such facts as these, pointed out by C. R. Erd man: "The ScriDtures contain au thoritative messages concerning Christ: these messages can be un derstood only by those who believe in Christ, and are guided by him; the essential truths concerning Christ center in the facts of his death and resurrection; in witness of the sal vation thus secured, repentence and forgiveness of sins can be preached; this salvation is to be proclaimed in all the world; the followers of Christ are the messengers by whom this good news is to be made known; tho power for such proclamation is im parted by the Spirit of Christ who reier, to an me aposues, ana to a large gathering of five hundred, also to his brother James, who became as a result a leader jn the early church, and finally, on the occasion followed by his ascension from the Mount of Olives. We cannot understand the mystery of the nature of Jesus during this period. He passed unimpeded through the days as if spiritual yet he ex hibited his wounds and ate food as if material. Perhaps his form was interchangeable. So, the ascension is a mystery to us, but J. Patterson Smyth says. "We believe that the visible event which we call the as cension was his kindly condescension to simple human minds. We natur ally connect that higher life which is beyond our present comprehension with the blue heavens above, or the starry heights beyond the blue. In concession to this simple thought, in stead of just disappearing as at oth er times, he rose from the earth and a cloud received him. It only means that he passed from our present sphere of existence to another sphere beyond our own." ONION PLANTS BEST QUALITY Crystal Eax or Yellow Bermuda . $1.50 per crate of 6,0000. Expres collect William Y. Giesler, Crystal City, Texas. mar.21,28,apr.4,llpd. NEW LOT ARMY SHOES NOW ON Hand. Assortment of sizes, most ly heavy weight. Julian Ward's Shoe Shop, Edenton, N. C. KUDZU BEST PASTURE AND hay. Write oldest and most exper ienced grower offering roots for sale. Rock Glen Farm, 946 W. Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga. mar.21,28,apr.4,llpd BO-KO ENOUGH TO KILL OVER 100 Trees or Sprouts, $1.75. Bo-Ko Company, Jonestown, Miss. mar.28,apr.4,ll,18pd depth of two hundred feet Bang same property as deeded to Nelsou M. Felton and wife, Annette' M. Fel ton by Thomas' H. Hoffler ; and bis wife, Miriam - Hoffler, ' , recorded u Public Registry of Perquimans Coun ty in Book 4, page 113, which for further reference. ' A 10 deposit will be required ol the-successful bidder. Dated and. posted this 7th day of March, 1941. ' CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Trustee. mar.21,28,apr.4,ll. Work On Census Nearingr Finish North Carolina's annual farm cen sus, with 70 per cent of required in formation already assembled, will be ready for distribution to farmers and others in June, W. T. Garris, census supervisor of the State' Department of Agriculture reports. Approximately 1,035 farm census books are received yearly from tax supervisors who take agricultural in ventories from growers at the time they list their taxes; 750 complete books have been returned. North Carolina is the only South ern State makiifg an annual farm census survey. Information from the census is used by farmers, agri cultural leaders, farm groups and others in planning farm programs and as guides in mapping other programs. BUFF ORPINGTONS EXHIBITION heavy layers extra big eggs now half price. Buff geese, stock eggs. R. Kelley, Avera, Georgia apr.4,ll,18,25pd NEW ZIPPERS PUTT IN LEATHEP Coats. Also reline them and repair them. Julian Ward's Shoe Shop Edenton, N. C. GLADIOLUS BULBS RAINBOW Mixture, all colors, best varieties, large blooming size bulbs, $1.00 per 100, postpaid. George C. Owen, Box 1841, Birmingham, Alabama. apr.4,ll,18,25pd It's Time to Re-Sole Old Shoes . . . LET US REPAIR THEM FOR YOU! Per-Acre Yield Records Broken THEY'LL LOOK LIKE NEW Leather, Chrome or Rubber Soles Rubber or Leather Heels WORK GUARANTEED 'We Most Collect Sales Tax Ward's Shoe Shop EDENTON, N. C. Per-acre-yield records for five North Carolina crops cotton, wheat, oats, flue-cured tobacco, and peanuts were established in 1940, W. T. Wesson, junior statistician of the State Department of Agriculture, re ports. The new per-acre-records reported are: cotton lint, 425 pounds; Winter wheat, 14 bushels; oats for grain, 24 bushels; tobacco, 991 pounds; pea nuts picked and threshed, 1,275 pounds. A new per-acre yield record for lespedeza seed of 230 pounds was set in 1939. BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. James E. Totten was a most charming hostess to a number of relatives at a bridge luncheon at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. G. Rober son, Tuesday. The table was covered with a beautiful hand-made lace cloth cen tered with an arrangement of spring flowers and Easter decorations, car rying out a color scheme of yellow and blue which was also evident in tne irozen saiaas and desserts as well as in the place cards and tallies After lunch, the guests retired to the living room where tables were arranged for bridge. After several progressions, high score prize was awarded Mrs. H. R. Winslow, while Mrs. M. M. Spivey received second high. Those enjoying Mrs. Totten's hos pitality were Mrs. C. W. Ives of Eli zabeth City; Mrs. R. L. Spivey of Hertford; Mrs. M. M. Spivey, Mrs N. C. Spivey, Mrs. C. D. Spivey and Mrs. Bob Spivey of New Hope; Mrs. J. G. Roberson, Mrs. H. R. Winslow and Mrs. Vivian Mathews of Hert ford, and Mrs. J. B. Basnight of Burgess. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Bennie Lamb and wife, Fronnie Lamb, to Chas. Johnson, Mortgagee, dated the 31st day of December, 1930, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C, in Book 17, at page 473, for cer tain purposes therein mentioned, and default having been made in the con ditions of said mortgage deed, the undersigned will on Monday, the 14th day of April, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Hert ford offer for public sale at auction for cash the following described lands to satisfy the conditions of said Mortgage, viz.: Those certain lands and improve ments located in Belvidere Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as-l follows: First Tract: Bounded on the North by the John Bush Tract, on the East by J. T. Hollowell, South and West by Watson C. Chappell, containing 18 acres and being the same land conveyed to Bennie A. Lamb by Chas. Johnson and wife by deed of even date. Second Tract: Beginning at the fork of the road, running down the road to Willie Lamb's line, a post; thence along said Willie Lamb's line across the field to the ran of the branch; thence up said branch its various courses to the Edenton Road, thence up said road to the place of beginning and being the homeplace of Thomas E. Lamb. Third Tract: Being four acres ad joining the lands of J. E. Chappell lying between two branches, being the same tracts conveyed to Raymond C. Lamb by deed from Thomas E. Lamb and being the same land con veyed to Bennie A. Lamb by Ray mond C. Lamb and recorded in deed book 17, page 80. A cash deposit in conformity with the statute will be required of the successful bidder immediately after day of sale. Dated and posted this 10th day of March, 1941. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Executor of Chas. Johnson, Mort-' gagee, at request of holder of notes secured by said mortgage deed by C. R. HOLMES, Attorney. mar.21,28,apr.4,ll NOTICE I t Sale Of Valuable Property By virtue of a Deed of Trust exe cuted to Mozelle Harrell by Robert E. Leigh and wife, Ferebee Leigh, for certain purposes therein men tioned which said Deed of Trust bears date January 7, 1926, and is registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Perquimans County, in Deed Book No. 14, Page No. 358, I shall on the 26th day of April, 1941, at 12:00 Noon, offer for sale, at the Court House door, in said County, at Public Auction, for cash, the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust, to-wit: The following described piece or parcel of land lying and being in New Hope Township, Perquimans County, N. C, designated as fol lows: Bounded on the South by the Albemarle Sound; on the West by J. L. Overton; on the North by Roben E. Leigh; on the East by Susan Green and containing 21 acres. This being the same tract of land convey ed to Mozelle Harrell by Robert Leigh. A deposit of 10 of the purchase price will be required of the high bidder. The land will be sold sub ject to taxes. Dated and posted this 17th day of March, 1941. MOZELLE HARRELL, Mortgagee. By: J. H. LEROY, Attorney for holder of note. apr.4,11,18,25 to me in said Deed of Trust,, to-wit: . A certain tract of land, lying and being in Hertford; Township, Per quimans County, North Carolina and more particularly described and de fined as follows: Beginning on Per quimans River and tunning along the; middle of Railroad tract S. 1, W. 33.70 chs., S. 20 W. 5 chains, S. 45 W. 5.17 chs., to the point "M" on the lane. Thence along the said lane Sf 47. 30 feet W. 7.60 chs., to uh"; thence S. 70 W. 13.50 chs., to "K" at a pine on the South side of the branch; thence1 down the middle of said branch as follows: N. 27 W. 3 chs., thence N. 39 W. 2.60 chs., thence N. 19 W. 2.50 chs., thence N. 50 W. 3 chs., thence N. 64 W 3 chs., thence N. 29 W. 7.50 chs., thence N. 64 W. 3 chs., thence N. 29 W, 7.60 chs., thence N. 11 E. 6.50 chs., thence N. 9 W. 3 chs., thence N. 4J W. 1.50 chs., thence N. 11 E. 2.50 chs., thence N. 52 E. 4.52 chs., to the old dam thence down the run of the Creek to Perquimans River at "F"; thence along Perquimans River to "S" the point of beginning, contain ing 157 acres, being lot No. 3 as signed to N. Thatch Everett in the division of the T. T. Everett lands as shown in plat book No. 2, at Page 82 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, and: this deed of trust ts given this' day to secure a part of th. purchase price of the above descril. ed lands. i'-'-: ; . y$:-y ' i A deposit of 6 of the high -tyd ' will be required of the high bidder. The land will be sold subject to taxes. Dated, and posted thi 17th day of March, 1941. LUTHER F. CONGLETON, Trustee. Byr J. H. LEROY, Attorney for holder of note. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ' Having qualified as Administrators ' of the estate of A. W. Roughton, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all ; persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the tod day of: April, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of April, 1941. J. R; STOKES, D. J. PRITCHARD,, Administrators of A. W. Roughton. apr.4,ll,18,15,may2, NOTICE! Sale Of Valuable Property By virtue of a Deed of Trust exe cuted to Luther F. Congleton, Trus tee, by W. G. Wright and wife, Fannie Wright, for certain purposes therein mentioned which said Deed of Trust bears date of January 14, 1929, and is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Per quimans County, in Deed Book Nq. 16, Page No. 483, I shall on the 26th day of April, 1941, at 12:00 Noon, offer for sale, at the Court House door, in said County, at Public Auc tion, for cash, the property conveyed Buy Robertson's Proven Fertilizers From Us I We have sold Robertson's Fertilizers for the past 6 years exclusively. OUR CUSTOMERS LIKE IT BECAUSE: 1 It produces a better crop. 2 It drills better. 3 It keeps your land in better condition for the next crop. Try ROBERTSON'S FERTILIZERS and See For Yourself CliiBiiii3 EsMssbhsibhS CTmIi Hollorjell Brothers Winf all, N. C. CP n THE NEW eo. us. J 'pat, off. IfKW The World's News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper is Truthful Comtructive Unbiased Free from Situational im Editorials Are Timely and Instructive , and Iu Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts .j " '...- Price 12.00 Yearly, or 1.00 a Month. y;4: Saturday Issue, including Magazine Secnon, 2.60 a Year. 1 ?' Vit Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 23 Cents. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority con tained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 22nd day of May, 1937, by Nelson M. Felton, to Chas. E. Johnson, trustee, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Perquimans County, N. C, ui M. D. Book 19, page 336, default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the' under signed trustee will on the 17th day of April, 1941, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the court house door of Per quimans County, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, : sub ject to a deed ot trust 'given to H. O. I C, and other mortgages should there be any, ait taxes, all the right, title and interest of the grantor set out above, in the following described property: That certain hon and lot lying and being in the Town of Hertford, Perquimans County, N. C, bounded on the south ' by Market Street; xm the east by lands of Thomas H. Hot fler: on the north ty , the lands : ot Mrs. Elizabeth Myers; and on the west by the lands of William Madre, containing seventy -teei irontage on the said Market iStreet, and having 3. Extra anti-knock value not just at high speeds ... not just t low speeds ;.. but all txound the dial. And that's not all! Evn more important thorn any other new feature is Pure Oil's chemical -bonus something no other gasoline in this territory can offer: Extra chemical combina tion that works at you drive to reduce excess carbon formation in your motor, Exduslre at Pure Oil dealers. Still costs no mort than regular. Drire la at the blue-tad-white Pare Oil sign. fogstrUoJemmoar , Tabes only JO minutes . . cons entj mi . , . menejacm jftmmmwm No, you don't just imagine it That im proved performance is really there. Hun dreds of motorists around here who've tried it know Solvenixed Pure-Pep in the tank puts more fun back in driving. Here's why: 1. Ixtra wlght-moe pounds ol power behind every piston stroke. 1. bctixi unit -to keep that power working all the time tod screech it into T Hertfqrd,N.G 'A It- PRE ;) O'1 y ' Address ....-.L.- , , ' ' ;,V, j , SAMPLB COPY ON REQUEST ; ' " Vf teo6oi4&otxG4eGooG ' ' ; ' , " f ' ' I

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