t -1 ; 1 " 1 A v y 111,. WEE 11 O ,, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume VIII. Number 24. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, June 13, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. 1 . A I'M T tin V rami's Deadlines The Government, acting under the recent proclamation of a national emergency, "cracked" down on labor and sent the Army in to take charge of the North American Aviation plant in Los Angeles. President Roosevelt had ordered the strikers of the plant to return to work on huge orders for airplanes. When they re fused the Army took over early this week. England, along with the Free French forces, beat the Nazis to the punch this week and invaded Syria, long thought to be the next battle ground between the British and Ger dman forces. Up to mid-week little opposition appeared to stop the com bined British and Free French from taking the colony. Reports said that the colonists were receiving the Al lies as a welcomed company. Re ports on Wednesday, however, stated that the Syrian forces controlled by the Vichy government were putting up a stiffer fight than earlier in the drive. Thus far the Germans have offered little in the way of aid to the French. Aside from the Syrian front, the war seemingly has slowed down a gain until the opposing forces find a weakened link in the defense of one or the other. Bombing raids by .both English and Nazis have been carried out. Alexandria suffered from Nazi bombing twice this week. In connection with the labor diffi culties in this country all draft boards have received instructions to re-classify men who have been de ferred due to their employment in de fense work, where those men are nom causing trouble by strikes. The officials have declared the policy of 'work or fiyht." German submarine tactics were brought close to hofe this feek when announcements were made that an American shi, Robin Moor, was sunk in the south Atlantic on May 21. Eleen of its crew members were picked up by a Brazilian steamer. Reports say the ship was torpedoed by the Germans. However, the State Department has requested all to withhold an opinion until definite facts could be ascertained. Rumors are current in Washington, New York and elsewhere, that the Secretary of Labor, Madame Perkins, will soon resign her position. Defin ite information is not forthcoming, but it has long been known that both New Dealers and Old Dealers have railed for the resignation many times. The Senate, this week in a test vote, unanimously approved legisla tion authorizing deferment from Army training of all men who attain their 28th birthday by July 1, 19'1. Effect of the measure will be to low er the maximum draft age from 35, the present limit, to 27. Techinaclly, men from 28 to 86 still would be registered for service and the Presi dent could rescind their deferment if conditions warranted it. It is possible that unless some ac tion is taken by Congress, and some minds are changed in that body that Elizabeth City will lose the oppor tunity, to .gain a Naval blimp base. A disbelief in military usefulness 4' . of the dirigibleon the part of a ma- . Jority of its members has caused the ; ' House Rules Committee to hold up i on the bflTrwhich will authorize the lighter-than-air legislation. t Although information has been giv- u f en out that work on the new base ' - would start sometime in August, it npw seems that the Rules Committee fVjt ;,wfll have to Jbe. atrtUghteHed out be l0fnth: propose 1base -:5ban come to otitis taction,-' to buy coal - now." The increased " nwawwwif tuwe warned the IWbllef cei of Dr. C. A. - 'demand on the part of the Defense 7 . v Program and manufacturing plants i U seen as causing extra heavy de- ,, , .. mandator coal for next fall and win ter., i V,:' S Teporw nave, w xna we Mast .' luftwaf fe had ? ! finally entered x the uawie oi cyna cniy xo wiuwraw. Reports on Thursday tend to show that the Allies- are toakhwr ; steady 1 'W'thl -tuAotaf- uid probably ; ly, will Occupy.it &ati0i,4'f'H . Representative Herbert Bonner, in Elisabeth , City iuWednesday for Jhe Potato Festival, was quoted as assur ing the people there that the Naval blimp base scheduled .: to , be ,'. con tracted in Pasquotank County will be reality. rMr. Bonner believes that the authorization for ' the base will soon be forthcoming. , Makes Early Bid A. P. GODWIN Being in the service of the Democratic Party for 40 years, Mr. Godwin this week made a formal announcement that he will be a candidate for the State Senate in the Democratic pri mary election to be held in 1943. Wilmington Lions Offer Opposition Local Candidate Opposition of a very formidable nature has developed to the candidacy of Norman Trueblood, secretary of the Hertforr Lions Club, for the Gov ernorship of District 31-C of Lions International. The Wilmington Lions Club has sponsored Luther T. Rog ers, & member of that club for Gov ernor, and all indications point to a nip and tuck battle between the two contestants. It is possible that oth ers may enter the contest, but with the convention and election less than two weeks off, it is thought that one of the two present contestants will be the next Governor. Trueblood has received pledges of Support from all over the district and is very encouraged over the oui look, but it must not be overlooked that the Wilmington club has a mem bership double that of the local club, and their candidate is well known and has many friends in the district The local club is basing its campaign on the record of achievement and ac complishments of its candidate, who has been one of the most active Lions in the State. The convention starts June 22, and headquarters for the Hertford Lions Club will be located in the George Vanderbilt Hotel, the convention hotel. A sizeable delegation from here is expecting to attend and put up a stiff fight for their candidate. Much local interest has been shown in this contest and the outcome ap parently will not be known until all the votes are counted, as the strength of the two candidates is so evenly divided at this time that a forecast is almost impossible. Perquimans Band To Play Saturday In Health Program , The Perquimans High School Band will take part in the parade and program of the County Health' Day exercises to be held here Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to( attend the program which will be presented on the Courthouse Green. F. H. Jeter, Extension Editor at State College, will be the principal speaker. 1 Construction New Office Building Started This Week ; Office the offl- Davenport, was started here this week. The new building will be located opposite the Hertford Baptist Church. ; Dr.' Davenport stated that con struction of the building will take possibly two months and as soon as it is completed he will move his of fices to tioe new location. ' Winners Announced In Home Contest ' Winners"' in the Home Beautlfica tioft Contest) sponsored by th Home and t Garden Home T)ehonstration Club were announced this " week as followsr'rsfr Prize, Mrs;itWi't. Landing, and second priie, Mrt. Rid- di'ck.cMppeii, z b '." This was the second home, beautifl cation contest sponsored by' the club 1 1 i-:-5:--:-K-.-. i A. P. Godwin Makes Early Bid For Seat In Senate In 1943 Informs First District Voters That He Will Be Candidate " A. P. Godwin, of Gatesville, this week made formal announcement that he would be a candidate for the North Carolina Senate for the term of 1943. The First District's two seats in the Senate are now held by Merrill Evans of Ahoskie, and Her bert Leary, of Edenton, the latter several weeks ago announcing that he would be a candidate for Congress man of the First Congressional Dis trict, now held by Herbert Bonner of Washington. In making his announcement, Mr. Godwin said, Gates County has not had a State Senator for 18 years, and "I hereby announce my candi dacy for the State Senate, subject to the wishes of the voters of the district at the Democratic primary. Forty years of service to the Demo cratic party has placed me in a position where, I feel, I am well ac quainted with the needs of the peo ple of the district. If elected, I shall represent the interests of all of the people of the district to the best of my abilities." Mr. Godwin is a native of Hertford County and has been a prominent member of the Gates County Bar for 41 years. He was a member of the State Senate in the sessions of 1907 and 1909 and has served as judge of Gates County criminal court for nine years. He is a member and active lay leader of the Methodist Church, a prominent farmer and the father of five sons. Mr. Godwin was in Edenton last week meeting friends at which time he intimated that he would be a can didate but withheld his formal an nouncement until early this week. Crescent Company Amusements Here All Of Next Week Same Show That Came For Lions Fair Last Year: More Rides Than Ever Entertainment for ybung and old will be offered here nert week when the Crescent Amusement Company will present rides of many kinds, as well as other amusements on the Town Lot. The amusement company comes to Hertford through arrangements of the Hertford Lions Club, which spon sored the same show here during the past two years. The Crescent Amusement Company is one of the cleanest shows of its type appearing in the State. The management has made many friends here in Hertford on previous occa sions, and both Mr. McHenry and Mr. Bartel will be in Hertford all next week with the show. The Lions Club expects to realize a substantial sum from the engage ment in Hertford and this sum will be used to bolster funds needed by the Club in civic undertakings. No admission will be charged to the grounds and the show will open Monday night and remain here through Saturday, June 21. Dan Cupid Scores A Blitzkrieg In Month Of May The sale of marriage ' licenses in Perquimans County Is definitely on the npgrade''':,,,V--,''"v:''"i': An increase of one" thousand per cent in the sales for May, 1941, over the same period of 1940 was shown in a check of the records in J, W. Ward's office of Register of Deeds. Ten licenses were sold during the past month, while during May, 1940, only one sale was made. June, which is supposed to be the month of brides, however, is, lagging in sales as compared to June, 1940. Thus far this month, not one couple has presented itself at Mr. Ward's office for. the purpose of securing a license, while during June, 1940, a total of four was sold. ; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ' .' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Umphlett.- of Hertford, Route Three, on t Wednesday, June 4, 1941, a son. He was christened William Edward. Mothet.and.baby am doing1 .nicely. County To Furnish 5 Negro Selectees For June 30 Quota Army Getting Strict On Education of Se lectees J. R. Stokes, chairman of the Per quimans Draft Board, announced on Wednesday that the local board had received a call for five Negro selec tees to be inducted, into military ser vice on June 30. This call is num ber fourteen that the local board has received. The board announced that the fol lowing men will be selected to fill the quota: Arthur Beasley, who is a volunteer, James Jordan, Ellis Lee, Robert Leigh and Aaron Riddick. These men will report to Fort Bragg for their examinations prior to being1 inducted into service. Indications are that the Army is becoming more strict in accepting men on the educational qualifications is apparent. The last four men, all Negroes, sent by this County to the induction center were turned down by the Army due to illiteracy. Two .other Negroes from this county have been rejected for the same reason. With the rejection of the men call ed for the last quota, Perquimans will have furnished a total of 39 men to the Army, when the June 30th quo ta is filled, according to Mrs. T. B. Sumner, clerk of the local board. Mrs. Sumner reports that the local board has mailed out 150 question naires since last Thursday, bringing to a total of 973 the number mailed to date. Approximately 150 men in the county have yet to receive their question forms from the local board. The local board is waiting definite instructions regarding the new regis tration, scheduled for July 1, when all young men in t'he county who have reached their 21st birthday since last October 16 must register for service at the local draft office. It is expected that some fifty young men in this county are eligi ble -for this registration. The local board.will announce the details of the "signing up" as soon as they are received- Lanier Announces Candidacy In Race For House Seat Second Pitt County Man J Entered For Post Now Held By Herbert Bonner As predicted in the last issue of The Weekly, Senator J. Con Lanier, of Greenville, late last week an nounced his candidacy for Congress from the First Congressional Dis trict. Mr. Lanier is a prominent lawyer, farmer and business man of Greenville. With Mr. Lanier's announcement the race for the House Seat now be comes a four-cornered affair with Marvin Blount, another Pitt County man, Herbert Leary of Edenton, Mr. Lanier and Herbert C. Bonner as the contestants. Mr. Bonner has not yet announced his intention to seek re election but it is almost a foregone conclusion that he will. In 1933 Mr. Lanier served the United States Department of Agri culture as tobacco expert. A year later he was appointed code adminis trator of the AAA by Secretary Henry Wallace, now Vice-President. He was elected to serve Pitt County in the .State Senate in the November election. For five years he was mayor of Greenville and was Cap tain of Battery A, 113 Field Artit lerv. for the same lentrth of time. He also served Pitt County court as J solicitor for four years. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina. Group Attends State Meetings In Raleigh G. C. Buck and five members of the Perquimans Chapter of the F. F. A., including Gordon Winslow, Ed ward Jordan, Thomas Rogerson, Adrian Smith, Jr., and Robert Louis Stephenson, are in Raleigh this week attending State meetings. Mr. Buck is attending the State Conference of Vocational teachers, and the young men are attending the State Conven tion of the F. F. A. Gordon Winslow will take part in the State Livestock Judging Contest, while at the meeting, and the other members from the Perquimans Chap ter will receive the Carolina Farmers' Degree. This degree is the highest conferred by the State Association of the Future Farmers of America. Town Commissioners In Regular Session Tuesday, June 9th The Board of Commissioners for the Town of Hertford met in regular session Monday night, June 9, and heard a report from Mayor V. N. Darden that the sale of ice from the platform at the Municipal plant is proving very profitable to the Town. Sales of ice by the Town itself at the platform, calculated on the past few weeks business, will mean an ad ditional five to six hundred dollars income per year to the Town, accord ing to Mr. Darden. Little other business was brought to the attention of the Board at the meeting on Monday. The Board passed a resolution agreeing to re lease a certain section of land in the Beech Spring neighborhood to the Virginia Power and Electric Com pany for t'he purpose of serving pow er to that territory. The power com pany in return agreed to relinquish some of its territory to the Town of Hertford. It was also stated that the Town will again include the library in its budget for the coming fiscal year, the amount to be determined at a later meeting. Funeral Services Held Tuesday For Mrs. Laura Onley Mrs. Laura Ann Onley, widow of the late Charles A. Onley, of Belvi dere, died at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. G. W. Nowell, June 9, at 7:20 a. m., at the age of 79. Funeral services were held at the home of her daughter Tuesday after noon at 3:30 o'clock, with the Rev. C. E. Hobgood, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Byrum, pastor of the Ballards Bridge Baptist Church, officiating. Interment was made in the family cemetery. Mrs. Onley suffered a paralytic stroke which caused her death. She wis the (daughter of the late Charles and Elizabeth Layden, one of the oldest and most prominent families in Perquimans County, and a life-long resident of the county. She leaves to mourn her death, one son, J. E. Onley of Belvidere; five daughters, Mrs. G. W. Nowell of Belvidere, Mrs. L. N. Hollowell and Mrs. C. W. White of Hertford, Mrs. R. E. Bunch of Center Hill, and Miss Eva Mae Onley of Norfolk, Va. Six grandchildren survive, and three brothers, R. T. Layden, A. C. Lay den and E. B. Layden, and many nieces and nephews. Active pallbearers were: R. T Layden, A. C. Layden, E. B. Layden, Hubert Onley, Ellis Onley and Car roll Ward. Honorary pallbearers included Dr, C. A. Davenport, J. Emmett Winslow, Dr. E. S. White, W. M. Hollowell, W. A. Winslow, Dr. I. A. Ward, Jesse Asbell, Vivian Darden, Walter Nowell, T. R. Winslow, E. L. Chap pell, L. J. Winslow, C. T. Rogerson, Kenneth Miller, Jim Winslow, L. J. Lane and J. C. Blanchard. Hertford Boy Scout Troop Makes Plans For Summer Outing Approximately thirty-two Perquim ans boys, all members of the Hert ford Boy Scout Troop, Number 155, are busily making plans for the at tendance of the annual summer camp which will be held at Nags Head, starting June 20th and ending June 27th. The boys will "camp" at the Nixon Cottage, the same place used -in last year's trek to the seashore. All boys will be under the supervision of Scoutmaster W. H. Pitt and his as sistants. Mr. Pitt stated that practically all plans for the camp for this year have been completed and he is ex pecting the boys to have another en joyable week in Boy Scout work. Committee Announces Another Drive for Bundles for Britain Mrs. R. T. Clarke, Perquimans County chairman of Bundles for Bri tain, who recently announced that the county has already sent 9 boxes of clothing and $60 in cash to Bri tain, has issued a call foranother box of clothing to be collected Sat urday of this week. All who have clothing which they are willing to give to this worthy cause are requested to have it ready Saturday anil to notify Mrs. Clarke or some member of the committee, which includes Mrs. J. J. Fleetwood and Miss Mae Wood Winslow, in or der that a Boy Scout may call and collect the bundle. Jessie Lee Harris Weds Elizabeth Ann Clarke Of Wilson Ceremony Took Place June 4th; Young Couple Will Live In Hertford A wedding of much interest to people in Hertford took place in Wilson when Miss Elizabeth Ann Clark became the bride of Jesse Lee Harris, of Hertford. The wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, June 5th, at high noon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark, of Wilson. The lower floor of the home was tastefully decorated with feverfew, white lilies, palms, evergreen and white tapers. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. B. Porter, pastor of the bride. The bride and groom entered together, having no attendants, and were married with the impressive ring service before an improvised al tar in the spacious living room; the ceremony being witnessed by a few relatives and close friends. The bride wore a blue gaberdine suit for traveling with white acces sories and her flowers were a shoul der corsage of white orchids. The mother of the bride wore blue chiffon with a corsage of pink rose buds. The mother of the groom wore navy chiffon and her corsage was of red rosebuds. Miss Dorothy Barrett, of Rich mond, Va., accompanied at the piano by Miss Celia Crawley, of Wilson, sang "O Promise Me" and "Be cause." The bride is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark, of Wilson. She received her education at the Wilson High School, -St. Mary's School, Raleigh, and A. C. I. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris, of Hertford. He recei 'ed his education at Perquimans Hig?. Sc!" i and the University of North Carolina. He is now in the mercantile business in Hertford and the young couple will make their home in Hertford. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Miss Nancy Livers Woody of Roxboro, Miss Jeanne Hilley of Wil son, Miss Janice Fitzgerald of Smithfield, Miss Lucy Williams of Wilson, Miss Dorothy Barrett of Richmond, Va., Miss Celia Crawley of Wilson, B. C. Barber of Wilson, Henry iStokes, Bill Jessup, Miss Alice Roberson, Mrs. J. G. Roberson, Mrs. J. B. Basnight, Mrs. H. R. Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Harris, Misses Eva Brinkley Harris and Ann Harris, all of Hertford, Mrs. C. W. Ives and Mrs. Carlton Matthews of Elizabeth City, Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Porter, and Miss Frances Barrett of Rich mond, Va. Immediately after the ceremony the guests were ushered into the din ing room and. served a delicious buf let luncheon. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth and center ed with a huge wedding cake topped by a miniature bride and groom. After luncheon the bride and groom left for a wedding trip to an unannounced destination. Ruth Hollowell Wins Beauty Contest At State Theatre Represented County In Potato Festival In Elizabeth City Miss Ruth Hollowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell, was selected as Miss Perquimans at the beauty contest staged last Friday night at the State Theatre, to repre sent this county in the Potato Festi val staged Wednesday at Elizabeth City. Miss Hollowell was the offi cial representative of the County at the Festival, taking part in the big parade and other activities in connec tion with the annual glorification of the "spud." The judges of the local contest to select the Perquimans "queen" chose Miss Helen Mae White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. White, as the second choice of the County. Miss Fannie Lee Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Turner, of Durants Neck, was selected as num ber three of the seventeen young la dies who took part in the local con test. Cash prizes, contributed by Hert ford merchants, were awarded all three girls. 4 - is

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