1 J I 9) " I, '.- r J I, v , I, J. (t i . A- : ' :' - Uwat " ' " -1 i i i jjjl g ' " "i""' i.i'.n " " -i ' y . .w-rAti-"fV"iic f Un1 Tt." f! Wilder and son. Ed. ii r m a Ma i in f. . re mi rv - . . j t Tl . PACE FOTJS t V A. ' TEE ' Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday by The Perqoimans Weekly, a partner ship consisting of Joseph G. Campbell, and Max R. Campbell, at Hertford', N. C. MAX CAMPBELL Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year -H Six Months -75 tnmHr,. reisj ASSOtL Nona Carolina v. BBSS OCIATKWB) Entered as second class matter November 15, 1934, atV at Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March 187. Advertising rates furnished by request. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular adver tising rates. FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1941 THE HITCHrHIKERS BIBLE THOUGHT FOR WEEK START RIGHT IN CHILDHOOD: Come, ye children, hearken unto Me: 1 will teach you the fear of the Lord. Psalm 34:11. , - 1 n l- ill . ... ' , 'I II I vvv mm i EXTENSION NOTES By FRANCES MANESS Home DemonstratUn Agent smFDITLE FOR JUNE 16-20 Tueaday, June''? Snow Hill White Hat Club meets at 8 p. m. Wednesday, June 18 Belvidere Qub meets at the Community House nt 8 s. m. Thursday, June 19-Heten Gaitier Hnh meets at 3:80 with Mrs. donn Lane. NEW HOPE NEWS eral Weygand, expert on Syria, werei list, From all indications the political races in next May's primary will have plenty of entrants. Four candi dates already are in the Congression al contest while two men nave an nounced their intentions of seeking a seat in the State Senate. Well, the more the merrier. Mussolini must be taking sulphan ilmide tablets ... he was mighty sick for a long time, but now, seem ingly, has recuperated to such an ex tent that he "dares the United States to fight him." Of course, he knows that Hit' isn't far away. Here's Hoping We do not profess to know much about situations in Washington, we ro kinHa like Will Rogers, who used to iay, "All I know is what I see in tho Tun." hut if there is any truth in the latest rumors that Madame Perkins intends to submit her resig nation as Secretary of Labor, here's hoping that she does not hesitate lonir. Tko Wklv heiieves that it is high timo that. Mrs. Perkins vacated the office and it is placed in the hands f n harrf-hittinsr Americaa who has "hiiHHipj" amour the Communists that infest this country of ours, and who will crack down on those Kom mies that are now causing trouble in the labor unions. It has been shown time and again that alien powers have eaten their way into certain vital parts of this country, especially among labor, and now is the time that they should ho .loaned nut . . . starting with the Wh nlacea and leoine right down n i - " the line. present. British troops may now oe into Svria. and Vichy is re ported to have dispatched air forces to defend it as a rFench possession. But Syria is not a rrencn coiony. it i n mandate. lies between France and Syria are strained and confused by Syrian disappointment with French handling' of the bynan mandate. Syrians expected inde pendence and were displeased wnen 1939. hecause of unsettled political weather in Europe, refused to make good the promises it gave in the Franco-Syrian treaty of 1936. For all practical purposes toaay Fmnrp. is incaDable of carrying out oitWr t.hp terms of that treaty or the mandate under which it now pre tends to hold Syria. Britain's friends in the United States and elsewhere, and the British people themselves, are urging ttie Dt.'oVi flnvornmpnt to move its UlJblOll v. - - forces into Syria before the Nazis can establish a position in that ter ritory. Based in Syria, Nazi planes can make assaults on Iraq and Cy prus, and Naiz troops and air power can move against Transjordan to ward Egypt from the north and east while other Nazi forces are striking at Tobruk and toward Alexandria from Crete and Libya. Britain's position is difficult be cause of an apparent lack of air pow er in the Near East, and natural re luctance to reinforce that power at the expense of weakening defenses elsewhere. Yet the time seems at hand whn heavier risks must be run by Britain. Indeed, developments in the Mediterranean, linked as they to the Battle of the Atlantic, call for a display of new energy and initiative all along the democratic front The Christian Science Monitor. Marv Lina Raper is suffering with an attack of tonsilitis. Mrs. Mary Chappell and son, Clar ence, visited Mrs. E. N. Chappell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow, Mrs. Carroll Ward, Miss Agnes Ward, Mrs. N. D. Chappell, Mrs. W. P. nhannell. Mrs. Edward Smith and Miss Mattie Lou Turner, Mr. and Mrs. W. W: Chappell, Mrs. Laura Ward, Mrs. Caleb Raper and daugh ter, Margaret, visited Mrs. jn Chappell last week. Mary Lina Raper is staying with fcor. aunt Mrs. E. N. Channel 1. Miss Minnie Reid of Weeksville, rcishprrv Ohannell of Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Bunch of Sun- hnrv. and Mrs. Charlie Chappell visit ed Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell on Sunday. Miss Doris Blanchard, of Sunbury, spent last week with her sister, Mrs PVrnandn ChaDOell. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lamb' and son, Ray, visited her mother, Mrs. George Chappell, Sunday. Air Power Depends Upon Bases The invasion of Crete, by German parachutists, owed its success to the control of the air, acquired by the nap nf thousands of German air planes. The strategists are wondering if this island conquest may prove to be the testing ground of tactics that will, some time, pave the way for a successful invasion of Great Britain. There is no way to tell. Certainly, if Germany ever manages to control tho air nvpr Enirland the island will be in grave danger of invasion and conquest. Whether this will' happen remains to be seen. Obviously, the British are better prepared to contest aerial mastery over England than they were in Crete. Equally apparent is the un doubted fact that Germany has hun dreds of air bases within striking distance of England. It would be possible, we presume, for the Ger mans to launch a stupendous aerial attack upon the airfields of Great Britain with the idea of putting them out of commission, and the effort might succeed. This is the danger that the British face now. Outnumbered in the air in mnnVrn warfare is iut like beinsr out gunned in earlier wars, with the dif ference that aerial artillery Strikes at 300 miles an hour. The defense is vet to be found for nisrht attacks and only offensive tactics, destroying enemy bases, can protect a nation from threatened disaster. This conclusion exnlains the in sistence of President Roosevelt that the United States must prevent ene my nations from accmirincr . bases from which to launch aerial assaults upon us. " If we stand by, while Ger- momr tvnnR hpr faajuyi toward this continent, our position will be dan gerous. WHITESTON NEWS Willard Baker, of Norfolk, Va.. spent the week-end with his parents. iu. nA Mro Charlie Baker. 1U1 cnv Mis Dnris Lane has returned from Guilford College to spend the sum mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs .Tnhn T. Lane. Miss Anna Baker is in Washing ton, D. C, attending a business col Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lane spent Sunday in Murfreesboro with Mr. and Mrs.' Willie White. Miss Miriam Lane, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Howell, of Hertford, visited with relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White ana fomiiir nf Rplvidere. Mr. and Mrs. B. - . , L. White and family, of aunoury, mr. A Mm Paul White and family. Wit w - - ' of Elizabeth City, spent Sunday af- Mary J. wmte. fivria Nn Mnn'a JstnA Syria waS to have become an inde- .--r -jp.i . r pendent state ana a league oi na tions member in 1939. It has be mm i no-man's land in 1941 Reports from Turkey state that Nazi troops and "tourists" are al readf TiSyrla7 Vichy dispatches tell nf a 'aMeial Cabinet meetkur of the tt Anttmrnrnt at whlrh Vice II. ternoon witn mrs. mry a., Mr. and Mrs. Leverette winsiow ""-(' , j 5 HONORED AT SHOWER Mr and Mrs. Georee Winslow, who were married on May 25, were guests of honor at a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening when Mrs. Freeland Copeland entertained at her home at Belvidere. After manv entertaining games were enjoyed the hostess invited her guests into the dining room, which was beautifully decoratea wiui sum mer flowers. The dining table was centered with a lovely white cake topped with a miniature bride and groom. Delicious ice cream and cake was served. Those present and those remember ing the honorees with gifts included Mesdames Winford Chappell, T. C. Perry, R. R. White, W. T. Smith, M. H. Chappell, V. C. Winslow, L. E. Winslow, Nurney Chappell, Louis Winslw. V C. Dale. F. E. Smith, C. T. Roeerson, Jr., Linwood Chappell, D. D. Price, Lillie Mae White, H. E O. T. Roeerson, J. C Trivette. Edwin S. White, Linwood Winslow. B. W. CoDeland. J. M. Cope land, Raymond Dale, C. S. Chappell, VMmr nhanoell. Linford Winslow, W L. White, Murray Elliott, Mamie R. Hendren. Robert Hendren, L. J. Winslow, Curtis Chappell, V. C. Tatia. Archie Baccus. Ralph Perry, R. H. Copeland, Thomas R. Winslow, M. J. Gregory. Sidney Blanchardj Crafton Matthews, Willie Ainsley, Mr anH Mrs. F. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. fiVoplarwl Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Free land Copeland, Misses Eva . Wrae window. Velma ChaDnell. Mary Le land Winslow, Marjorie Perry, Mary Elizabeth Winslow, Theima juuiott, Mary Elliott. Dora White, Evelyn White, Cassie Winslow, Lois Wins- Koger- Mrs. Jerry JackBon is visiting her mnfw Mm. Tom Foster, who has hp ill for some time. Mr. Foster was ill the past week. Miss Jessie Mae Banks, who is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Banks, had as her guest on Sunday Johnny Hancock, of Newnort News, Va. Redmond Perry, of Newport t. the week-end at lCWO, T - home. ... Mrs. R. R. Perry is spending this week in Newport News, Va., with her son, Ray, who has been a patient in Riverside Hospital for some time. Hp in imnmviiwr verv slowly. Robley Perry spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Banks, Mrs. Jerry Jackson and Mrs. Tom Foster motored to Raleigh Sunday. H. N. SDencer and daugnter, mar- aiiprit. nf Newnort News. Va., spent Sunday and Sunday night with his Barents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. spen cer. Mr. and Mrs. Latham Umphlett and son, Vann, of Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pritchard, of Weeksville. spent Sunday with Mrs. Pritchard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Banks. Mrs. W. E. Dail and little grand- dauyhter, Billie, are visiting Mrs. Dail's daughter, Mrs. Kermit Bar- clift, and Mr. Barclift, in Washing ton, D. C. Miss Celia Blanche Dail has re turned from E. C. T. C, Greenville, to spend the summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail. S. D. Banks and Ray Pritchard visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Griffin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Archie Barclift is spending this week in Norfolk, Va., where her husband has a job. Miss Carmen Perry is spending this week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pritchard, of Weeksville. ,;-itrl n-tVa WhitAhpad and daturh- iter; ,AV returned Thursday after vk- ltingT.in; I vJUinij Jtu wuni Mrs. CK-tWW Jr. of Hertford, spent lasrweekwift - Mr. and Mrs. C. Pi Quiacy. xr. VmnV Brav and children, Ann and Billy, of Hertford Highway, spent Friday afternoon wrai jura. Mra p Briffin is soending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Rmnn. in Portsmouth. Va. Mm RAhnrt Wood and son, of Elizabeth City, visited her moflier, Mm T C. White. ISundav. Mrs. Curtis Asbell, of Charleston, S. C Mr. and Mrs. Georfe Asbell and daughter, Rosa. Wilma, of Eden ton, spent Monday evening with Mr, and Mrs. John Asbell. n' Imtita. of Winfall. visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl, Wilder Tuesday; Mr. and -Mrs. U,; ii, peu anu t r wiiann nnt" Sunday In Nor folk, Va., with Mrs. Bell's daughter. Mrs. L. W. Mann. Miiui Sarah Elliott has returned - f rom E. C. T. C, Greenville, and is spending the summer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Elliott Roy Nixon and John Asbell, Jr., went to Eichmdnd, Va., Tuesday evening .on business. CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAM A Children's Day program will be given at the Hurdletown (Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, June 15, at 3 o'clock. The public is cordially- invited to attend. NEW SLACKS AND PLAY SUITS At Simon's Slacks $1.00 Suits $1.98 - $2.98 Shirts - Skirts Dresses Sheers and Wash Frocks AT SIMON'S Treat Your Dad Sunday Buy him any of these presents and please HIMr! Ties - Sox - Shirts Pajamas - Hats Belts Bed Room Shoes AT SIMON'S . I3f x 1 r I L . s ft 'Z. f' ' , Lit )' gflnyrniirtii nilDCDC WHAT 0OHS THAT GASOLINE HAVE THAT NO OTHER GASOLINE HAS? A CARBON-FIGHTING CHEMICAL EXTRA AT NO EXTRA COST II ii hj .III I . .. , . I Z&i ,a v v ' 1 Ronald, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mrs. Verna Winslow. Mr and Mrs. Robert Riddick ana son, Klsoerry, airs, raary iuwio and son, Herbert, spent teunoay ai Weeksville with Mr. and Mrs. Henr Williams. Mr. and Mrs., Willie Lamb and Bon, of Tyner, visited Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Williams Sunday afternoon. PINEY WOODS NEVS Mro w. P. ChanDell and Mrs. An na Lane spent JSunday with Mr. 'lad M Tnai Rnnpli. of near Center HilL Mrs. E. N. Chappell has returned home from General Hospital, ' Nor folk, Va., and is getting along nicely. Mrs. Wade HamDton and daugh ters, Inez and Lucy, of Hertford; Mm V c. White. Mrs. Jesse Asbell and children, Emerson and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Trivette, Mr. and ra, Ttf W Channell and children and Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Chappell, all of Belvidere, visited Mrs. E. N. Chap- nolT rcwantlv. Mrs. Troy Chappell' visited het itiTtMiuBfiifriTi Jbrr"- Frfy and also cauea "to ee Mrs. E. ' 1. ChappelL - ; nnn. Rlaie Coneland. Sara Mae Chap pell, Edith Trivette, Anna Paye Copeland, Norma Winslow, Bessie Lee Perry, Blanche Chappell, Avis Win alow. Theima Chanoell. Dixie Chappell and Mildred Copeland, and Kenneth Hendren, Bill Winslow, Nelson Lane, Dorus Copeland, uras WinsloWfcMetyin. Copeland, Sirmai( I 1 1 m.Aw fllvnll iifilloiv) IfOpClUILU, ..'XliUIIlW VJA14yClJ JKAX.AmM and Parker Copeland. BELVIDERE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Learv and Mrs Ida Leary, of Edenton, were guests in the home of Mrs. H. P. White on Rnnriav. Jaok Anderson, who is worUiur in Newport News, Va., spent (Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. li 'W. An) amah c Misses Eva Wrae Wmalow, Noma Winslow and Cassie Winslow Vera dinner guests of Miss Zenova Chap nell Sunday.. Uym V M. White and son.? Jay Winslow, returned to their, home- in Nn-fatv. Va.. Friday after hayine pehtfiieveral day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 4 winsiow. t ; -yJvvJlsi CrUjfield. ML. .was a fWst in the horn of E. L, Chappell on flday, 9 fft" Solvenized Gasoline actually works as you drive to combat excess carbon . . . helps clean out the accumulation of hard carbon around valves and piston rings ... and brings the fine edge of top performance back to mechanically sound motors. No other gasoline gives you this chemical bonus yet Solvenized Gasoline sells at the price of regular. Stop in and prove it out in your own car. 5;i. -to;. I I 1 'J J '?ff!Y,f ;::;v,soi.VB'NQigj!i'. PURE-PEP GASOLINE Don't miss th6 opportunity to participate in nnr Wo- AffAr now opoincr on. See any Pure Oil Dealer in Gates, Perquimans : or Chowan Comity for the full details: 4h it; i .a .J Ift .siT'. : mm JM 'COMPANY Anothw "Bs sure with Purs product - HEAT-RESIBTANT PURI PINfCSYlVANlA MOTOR Oil ; . , ' t 5 -I . I , Fmrfer (Admiral) Dsrlan and. Gen- Mrs. Laura Ward is on the ejwf , Jy 1 V, .1 t ' J, UJ ,';,- A Jvji f ' VV'm-

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