lira n 1 mm Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Owens and Bon, Dicky, of Newport News, Va., pent Sunday with Mr. Owens' moth er, Mrs. Sallie Owens. Returns 'From Hospital J. C. Moore returned Thursday from General Hospital, Norfolk, Va., after undergoing an operation. His -condition is very satisfactory. Visiting in Durham Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blanchard and son, Billy, went to Durham Sunday to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Hobbs. i Visitors Over the Week-end Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hoffler, of Washington, D. C, Mrs. W. L. Hef ner and son, Bill, of Richmond, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. W. E. Hoffler. Florida Visitors Gloria and Fern Douglas, of Flor ida, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Knowles, this week. Sunday in New Bern le Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Cannon, their ion. Guy, and Mr. Sedberry spent Sunday in New Bern as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barfield. Visiting Parents T Kenneth Jarvis, of the R. A. F., ) stationed at Windsor, Canada, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jarvis, this week. Home for Summer Vacation Jack Jarvis, a student at the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jarvis, for the summer vacation. Visiting Grandparents Bobby Brown, of Jacksonville, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ainsley, this week. Week-end with Parents Ben Koonce, Jr., student at the 'Mil At Home ' university oi JNortn Carolina, spent Mrs C. E. Hobgood is ill at her! the week-end with his parents, Mr. On Sick List Patsy Vick, who is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick, has been on the Bick list for the past week, but is now much improved. At Wrightsville Beach Bill Jessup spent several days a Wrightsville Beach this week. Monday in Norfolk Mrs. J. G. Roberson and daughter Miss Alice, spent Monday in Nor folk, Va. Returns Home Mrs. J. R. Futrell has returned home after spending a few days in Northampton County working in the interest of safety on the highways. Week-end Here Miss Prue Newby, of Windsor spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newby. At Myrtle Beach Miss Ann Felton spent the week end at Myrtle Beach, S. C, at a house party. Move Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Butler and family moved Monday from the Hotel Hertford to the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Satch well on Church Street. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mangdm, of Newport News, Va., spent the week' end with Mrs. Mangum's mother. Mrs. L. W. Norman. Week-end at Home Dick Payne, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne. Week-end at Ocean View Miss Katherine Jessup spent the week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. YW. Ward, at Ocean View, home, but her condition improved. is somewhat i Visitors from Philadelphia . Miss Louise Payne, a student at a Philadelphia medical school, and a guest, are visiting Miss Payne's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Payne, this week. Week-end in Norfolk Miss Nettie Lee Gregory spent the week-end in Norfolk, Va., visiting with friends. Sunday in Norfolk J. A. Perry spent Sunday in Nor- folk, Va., and visited J. C. Moore at General Hospital. Returns Home Mrd. L. W. Norman returned home Saturday after a few days' visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. C. M. Mangum, at Newport News, Va. f Week-end Here Captain Andy Anderson, York, spent the week-end family here. of New with his 4' h Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Parlin and Mrs. J. E. Parrish, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mrs. J. A. Perry Sunday. VMtinc Here Alton Munns arrived home last week from High Point College, to spend, the summer with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Munns. He has as his gueBtB this week Clarence Leonard and Tommy Dodanead, both of High Point. Sunday Here Mrs. C. Y. Parrish, of near Eden ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry. Visitors Here This Week Mrs. J. C. Cross and son, John, of Suffolk. Va.. are guests of Mrs. Cross' parents, the Rev. and Mrs. R. F.; Munns, this jwae$0fi .s, j Reported As faiplwg i. Miss Bernice White spent! day lnfat week WDurhanvwhere she aa cohinanied her mother, Mrs Anse White, who. entered ptflteS Hospital for an operation. Mrs White is re ported to be doing nicely. AtManieo ' The Rev. R. F, Munns is spending tWa week in Manteo. where he is in charire of revival services. He will return home Saturday. Friday Here Mr. and Mrs, J. "H. Thrower, of Littjeton,-spent Frjdayjw guests, of Mr. and Mrs. J. S, U&. Sundar at Nan Head ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles E, Johnson and children, Chrrile and Vera. Tem ple, Miss Blanche Everett and Jack Kanoy spent Sunday at the Johnson and Mrs. B. G. Koonce. He returned to Chapel Hill Tuesday to attend summer school at the University At Summer School Harrell Johnson returned to Wake Forest College Monday to attend summer school, after a few days' visit with his mother, Mrs. Charles Johnson. At Nags Head Mrs. C. W. Morgan and Mrs. G. E. Newby have gone to Nags Head to spend several weeks at the T. 5. White Cottage. Sick at Home Richard Futrell has been confined to his home this week because of illness. Improved Little Miss Joanna P. Willifora, who has been confined to her home because of illness is now able to be out. Visiting Parents Mrs. Charles Godwin, of Williams ton, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliott, this week. At Nags Head Mrs. J. E. Winslow and children, Betty and Julian, are spending the month of June at Mags Head. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Gates, of Peters burg, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Satchwell. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eley return ed home Sunday from Suffolk, Va. Mrs. Eley is doing very nicely. Return Here Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lee Harris have returned from their wedding trip and expect to move into their new home on Pennsylvania Avenue this week. Return Home Mrs. Leonard Winslow and son, Leonard, have returned to their home near Hertford, after a -few days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bogu4 oavl.pMrs; Bogue accompanied 'her daughter home for a short visit. Visiting Here , Lieutenant and ' Mrs. Alvis E. Hendley are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newby this week. COUNTY-WIDE MISSION STUDY CLASS JUNE 17 The County-wide ' Mission Study Class will meet Tuesday, June 17, at the Hertford Baptist Church, instead of June 18 as announced . in last week's Weekly. , Leaderf of the variouf groups art as- follows: Sunbeams,' Mrs.. W. Norman and Mrs. Jee Perry l G. A. and Junior Boys, Mrs. U is. t5bgbod and Mre. JohrtiJ 3ry YtiWi and CIRCLE NO. THREE MEETS ; Circle Number Three of the Wom an's! Missionary Society of the Hert f ord' Baptist Church held its 'regular monthly meeting with, Mrs. J. W. Ward, Tuesday evening. Eleven members were present. The Circle was delighted to have Mrs. I. A. Ward, president of the Society, visit the meeting which was opened by singing the hymn of the year, "Jesus Saves." Mrs. Carlton Cannon used the 27th Psalm as her devotional. The topic of the month was "An Urgent Gospel Night 'in Europe." The following readings were given: "Light and Darkness," Mrs. J. W. Zachery; "Early Light in Europe and the Dawn of a New Day," Mrs. E. L. Laughinghouse; "Night Again and Watchman, What of the Night?", Miss Frances Maness. The Circle sang the hymn "Send the Light." The July meeting of the Circle will be held with Mrs. T. L. Jessup. Mrs. C. R. Holmes dismiss ed the group with prayer. The hostess, assisted by Miss Sara Ward, served a dainty salad course. HOUSE PARTY AT NAGS HEAD Harrell Johnson entertained a number of friends at a house party at the Johnson Cottage at Nags Head during the week. Those en joying the week's stay at the beacn Bernke White, "Chic" Stephens, Mary - Wood Koonce, Katherine Jes sup, Joyce Harrell, and Ruth Alice Ward, The honoree, Mrs. Hendley, re ceived a gift in crystal. . High score prize went to Miss Prue Newby, second high went to Mrs. Charles Godwin, and Miss Everett received the floating prize. Miss Alice Rob erson, a bride-elect, was presented a dainty gift. The hostess served a delicious salad course. CIRCLE NO. SIX MEETS Circle Number Six of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church met Tuesday evening with Mrs. Clara Gibbs, with Mrs. Kermit Kirby as assisting hostess. Mrs. Clara Gibbs had charge of the program, her subject being "Urgent Gospel of Nights in Europe." Those taking part in the program were Mrs. Maggie Winslow, Miss Annie Mae Matthews and Miss Jean White. Mrs. Anne Perry gave the devotional. Several hymns were sung and Miss Eugenia Gregory offered prayer. Mrs. Mark Gregory offered the clos ing prayer. The hostesses served lemonade and cookies during the social hour. The Circle will meet with Mrs. Maggie Winslow in July, and Miss HOSTESS AT BRIDGE SHOWER Mrs. V. N. Darden delightfully en tertained at a bridge shower Tues day afternoon at her home in honor of Miss Alice Roberson, bride-elect. Those enjoying the affair were Mes dames Vivian Mathews, Jesse Lee Harris, Jack Gaskill and Misses Mar garet Broughton, Marguerite Ward, Katherine Jessup, Patricia Stephens, Mary Wood Koonce, Sara Ward, Nancy Darden, Mary Morris, Lila Budd Stephens, Ruth Hollowell, Ruth Winslow, Blanche Moore Berry, and Maywood Pierce. High schore pVize went to Miss Jessup, guest prize to Mrs. Harris, and the honoree was presented a .gift. After the game the hostess, assist ed by Mrs. Oscar Felton and Mrs. J. G. Roberson, served a dainty sweet course and Miss Roberson opened her lovely gifts. ATTEND FUNERAL Edgar White, of Durham; Robert Hollowell, of Greenville, S. C-; Miss Eva Mae Onley, of Norfolk, Va., and Elwood Nowell, of Newport News, Va., attended funeral services of Mrs. Laura Ann Onley this week. BEACH WEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Playtex Bathing Caps 50c KA Y S E R H O S E Goodwin's DRESS SHOPPE HERTFORD, N. C. were Miss Margaret Little Blount, Dora White will be assistant hostess Bethel; Miss Mollie Bowie. Monroe: Miss Ruth Hollowell, Hertford; Miss Becky Ward, Plymouth; Miss Jean nette McDaniel, Jackson; Miss Caro lyn Straughn, Durham; Miss Anne Felton, Hertford; Donald Bradsher, Roxboro; Zeb Jones, Monroe; Clarke Stokes and Zack Harris, Hertford; Bill Dunn, Leaksville, Zach White and Harrell Johnson, Hertford. BRIDGE PARTY HONOREE Miss Frances Fowler was a charm ing hostess at a bridge party Monday evening when she entertained in hon or of Mrs. A. E. Hendley, a recent bride. Those enjoying the evening were Mesdames T. P. Brinn, Willii Jessup, H. C. Sullivan, Ben Thatch, Vivian Mathews, W. H. Pitt, Lucius Blanchard, Jr., Charles E. Johnson, Agnes Williams, Charles Godwin, of Williamston, Nat White, of New York, Jack Gaskill, Herbert Nixon, Misses JMancy Darden, Grace Knowl es, Dorcas Knowles, Joyce Stokes, Prue Newby, Mary Towe, Jocelyn Whedbee, Helen Vick, Alice Rober- Those present included Mesdames Carl Perry, Fred Chalk, Leonard Winslow, Mark Gregory, Kermit Kir by, Margaret Lane, Jim Bass, Jr., Clara Gibbs and Willie Ainsley, and Misses Annie Mae Matthews, Marian Raper, Eugenia Gregory, Dora White and Mildred Bogue. W. M. S. TO MEET son, Ruth Elliott, Blanche Everett, class, The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet next Monday evening, June 16, at 8 o'clock at the church. Mrs. I. A. Ward, president of the group, requests a full attendance. BIBLE CLASS ENJOYS PARTiY The Friendly Bible Class of Mew Hope Sunday ISchool enjoyed a class party celebrating the termination of a contest for better attendance at the Sunday School. During the contest attendance was increased almost half and the contest was enjoyed. Mrs. E. G. Banks is teacher of the Her tt ord, N. C. State Theatre Friday Matinee 3 I M. Monday - 1 uesday Matinee 3 P. M. JEAN ARTHUR (HAKLES COBURN in "THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES" Saturday- V; "if Also "King of Royal Mounted" No. odnesday Matinee 3 P. M. CESAR ROMERO VIRGINIA .GILMORE in "TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME" Thursday Only Matinee 3 P. M. Intermediate Boys, Mrs; E, Jayci Cottage, at Mags Head, V v? ' 1 and Rev. C. E. Hobgood. - fn,,r,r.l A Week of Bargains at (SPaoicGiard's We have recently purchased the entire stock of the Liles 5-10-25c Store of Edenton and have removed the remainder of the stock to our store here . . . and are offering it at bar gain prices. During the entire week, June 14 to 21, these items will be offered at these low prices. Staple merchandise is advancing every day so stock up now on your needs at these low prices. Men's Dress Sox, special 9c Men's Shorts, fast colors, 14c; Shirts 10c 1 lot of Anklets. Close out 9c Men's heavy Straw Hats 10c 1 lot Full Fashioned Hose, value to 69c44c .1 lot of Combs, 10c value 8c Whisk Brooms, 15c value 10c HARDWARE 1 lot Milk Buckets. Close out 19c 1 lot Enamel Pails, 59c value 39c 1 lot Enamel Dish Pans, 35c value 21c 1 lot Flower Pots. Close out 5c 1 lot Dinner Pots, 89c value 69c 1 lot Water Glasses 3 for 10c 1 lot Glass Vases, values to 89c 39c Close Outs In Jewelry All 10c Jewelry. Special 7c All 25c Jewelry. Special 15c All Toilet Good At Bargain Prices All 10c Tooth Paste (branded lines) 9c 1 lot 10c Powder and Face Cream 5c Shaving Creams. Special 9c NOTIONS AT SPECIAL PRICES DURING THIS WEEK Spool Cotton. Special 2c ONT. Extra value 3 for 10c 1 lot 10c Notions. Hair Pins, Hair Curlers, etc. Close out 5c Space does not permit listing all of the items offered during this Bargain Week. Be sure to visit our store for your choice of these outstanding values. I LOT OF DISHES AT 25 OFF Including Cups, Saucers, Bowls, Patters, Plates and Sugar Dishes. Remember Father's Day, Sunday. June 15th We Have a Large Selection of Gifts That Will Please Him H X c. m anc hard Co., Inc. ;7 frr e '',W-tliU')jtfi RIGHT PRICES "BLANCHARD'S" .W bJ- i SINCE. 1832 9-iz I 1 QUALITY MERCHANDISE

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