THE PERQUIMANS WEEXLY, HERTFORD, N. a, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1941 PAGE THREB By Hugo S. (Sims, WasJ>on Correspondent? Two-Ocean Navy..' Beady In 194 . Will We Junk It? The two-ocean uavy wUj he ready in 1944, saya SeereUry of the Navy Knox, who ift well-please4 with' the fast. progress 1eing made n the con struction of warships. , - -i ,r ' The feverish hartelto'. ecure-d. stroyers, cruisers and J hattleaaijw compels ub to revert to tin day ter the World War, when. lfy Unitef ttfntaa astonished the world by pro posing to Junkhundreds of million" of dollars worth" of tapital shjps, then under construction. We would, "not bring up this amaz ing spectacle of American obtuae neaa if it were not for the danger that,1 after the present peril is over, some bright pacifists in the Unltea States will come out with the idea thal fihe taxpayers can save a lot of money by scuttling their own war--aktaa and forsrettinsr about the im portance of aircraft. . Hihtorv reneats itself and there will he many Americans willing to fall for the same hokum. The pro cession will be led by half-baked economists, theoretical idealists end muddle-headed sentimentalists. We hate to predict it but the chances are that the neonle will be fooled again. v Before many ' years. fcave passed, you will hear Congressmen who now proclaim loudly that, the nation should be better prepared, assert tbajb the nation should build school houses and hospitals rather than warships and airplanes. It will be the old twaddle but it will souna convincing to the saps who believe that lower taxes are the chiet aim of jgovernment. v Honeymoon" Is Over. Warns Of H. C. U Out-Producing Hitler. V; The "honeymoon" months of the defense boom have ended, according to" Leon Henderson, Price Control Administrator, who warns that the nation, faces a long period of higher prices and shortages of all kinds. ;;MrHeitferson asserts that "every person will be touched and many will be touched harshly by the de fense program.'' There will be fac tories idle for lack of raw materials to make civilian goods, and men idle forthe same reason. Bingle-indus- try towns may be blighted when it becomes necessary to cut aown on the' production of non-defense goods. Here is the picture 'painted by Mr. Henderson: "Customers,: ready, eager andble to buy, will be crowding the marUt places and stores, but manu facturers will be unable to get enough raw materials to satisfy oe- " Because instruments of war ore made of the same basic materials that automobiles, washing machines, electric toasters, kitchen stoves ana paring knives, many materials will be rationed and this .means that some 'serious dislocations are certain to occur. ' " r. Mr. Henderson warns- purchasers that-Drices are sroimr ud and that the nation 'may face "that , terrible mons ,ter who destroyed family incomes in the j last war old h. c.l. himsell Price advances arer certain .-.because of wage increases in basic industries, the hW policy of eighty-five per cent parity loans for agricultural pro ducts, and ocean shipping rates which have recently, been, increased. , I Mr. Jienderson thinks : that the Government must "sup up" extra iurchasing power by increasing tax s fig stimulating, savings in order o prevent purchasing -power hunting .round for "soimethinjr to buy" when, here are-t no .goods available. Be ays that if this occurs to any sub- tant,il degree ""no power on eartn ir- Ru!3S Of tilDROCl signs.' within course to be turning there. an' intersection the followed by vehicles tan-; prevent muation. :t. The Price Administrator asserts tjiat the United States can equal the production of Nazi Germany and its conquered territory "if .we spend two hours ?day on defense" To- out produce Hitler (t will be necessary to use three hours out of every elgnt for defense production and, he -adds, "My guess is that by next spring we will be equalling ; Hitlers produc tion." . .. "Exactly" Impossible. War Needs ii ";V. , . Develop. : One of the interesting criticism of the defense program is that the government has bailed to tell indus try "exactly what it wanted." ' Governments are operated by men and there are no magicians and in fallible soothsayers anywhere in the world, including Germany What the nation will require, in the way of defense a year from today, depends upon what happens in the next twelve months. What we think we need now is based upon what hap pened in, the world in the past fif teen months. Until (we secure a set of of."tIals who can know what will happen, at least a year ahead, it will be very difficult to tell anybody "exactry what" will be necessary. ' . The defense program is develop ing, unfolding need. Industry, like government, can use its intelligence in attempting to understand what is likely to happen. There is no law to prevent afi industrial leader from being smarter than a government of ficial, even in the matter of probable defense heeds. Pacific War Threat. Japan Marches On. U. S. Faces Crisis. In considering events in the Far East it is important for Americans to realize that Japan is asserting a hegemony over vast areas of the Pacific and that, step by step, the Tokyo statesmen are attempting to make the Nipponese dream of power come true. Japanese aggression has been de layed not because of any peace sen timent in Japan, but solely because Tokyo waited for a favorable occa sion. The clash between the United States and Japan does not arise over idealistic terminology but because Japan uses war as an instrument of national policy to take what she wants, regardless of the owner. For several years it has been ap parent that only a complete back down by Tokyo or Washington could avert serious -complications with the imminent threat of warfare. This country has shown greaf patience with the Japanese, even delivering oil to Japanese tankers and permit ting the purchase 'of vast quantities of scrap metal, in the hope that diffi culties might be awarded. The Japanese advance into French Indo-China is important evidence of further designs, affecting Singapore, the Netherlands East Indies and, possibly, the Philippines. Without bases closer than those in China ano Japan the Japanese navy could not hope to carry out a successful attack upon the rich islands that are covet ed for their raw material wealth. . With British planes and ships at Singapore, American planes and ships in the Philippines and the Dutch ready to fight, the Japanese fleet could not afford to risk an en gagement. Existing bases were too far away to afford aircraft protec tion for warships, operating in .dan gerous waters. - The acquisition of bases in French Indo-China by-pass es the Philippines, moves much closer to Singapore and the Burma high way, and puts Japan in position for a TURNING AT INTERSECTION ' Seetion'm6, Motor Vehicle : Laws of North '. Carolina: "Except - as otherwise provided in this section, the driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the right at an intersection shall approach such , intersection in the lane for! traffic nearest to the right-hand side of the highway, and in turning Shall keep as closely as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, and when in tending to turn to the left shall ap proach such intersection in the lane for the traffic to the right of and nearest to the center of the highway and in turning shall pass beyond the! center of the intersection passing as closely as practicable to the right thereof before turning such vehicle to the left." In other words, when you want to make a right turn, get in to the ex treme right-hand lane of traffic; when you want to make a left turn, get in the traffic lane immediately to the right center of the street. And don't cut too short an a left In connection with ' the section of the motor vehicle laws, local author ities in their respective jurisdictions may modify the method of turning at intersections by clearly indicating by turn. buttons, markers or other direction foray against the East Indies. With the world situation what it is, we must remember that the American battle fleet has been sta tioned at its Honolulu station in or der to exert pressure upon the Jap anese. While Japan, under naval treaties, had a capital ship ratio oi three to five, nobody knows exactly what construction has been under taken by the Japanese since the treaty limitations were thrown over board. Whether the full strength of our fleet has been maintained in tne Pacific is questionable. Certainly, some scouting units have been with drawn for service in the Atlantic, being replaced by aircraft of the lat est type, well adapted for scouting work. Experts believe that the U. S. fleet is more than a match for the Japanese navy but it will be operat ing far from secure bases if it ven tures into Far Eastern waters. The importance of the British base at Singapore, in connection with pos sible involvement of the American battle fleet, is appreciated in Wash ington and Tokyo. In part, this ex plains the desire of the Japs for Indo-China bases. It also elucidates the cooperative spirit that exists be tween the British and ourselves in the Far East. 4f. . - Some experts go so far as to say that the possession of Singapore is kthe essential factor to prevent Japan from running nog-wild, not only in the Pacific, but even in the Indian Ocean. They remind us of the re port that Hitler eventually expects the assistance of the Japanese fleet, if necessary, to win his war in the Mediterranean. , The developing sequence of Japan ese aggressive enterprises indicates that Tokyo is going to test American backbone and determine whether the United States is ready to put up a fight at any given point in regards to the Pacific. Economic moves are not apt to persuade the Japanese that the United States means busi ness and will probably increase Jap anese determination to grab coveted territory at the risk of war. BURGESS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Lane mo tored to Norfolk, Va., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mathews visit ed with friends and relatives in Gates County- Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sidney Layden has returned home after spending a few days in Norfolk, Ya. Mrs. Arthur Chappell, of Edenton, visited her ' mother, Mrs. John J-. Bateman, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Spruill, of Deep Creek, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. J B. Basnight Sunday afternoon. Shelton Davenport entered Albe marie Hospital, Elizabeth City, Sun day for an appendectomy. Carlton Spruill, of Deep .CreeK, Va., is spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Basnight Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Mathews and Mrs. H. S. Davenport visited Shelton Davenport at the Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth Cjity, Sunday af ternoon. RAISING FUNDS FOR SCHOOL BUS The colored people of Hertford, and surrounding territory are raising funds with which to purchase another bus for the Hertford Colored School. Two of the county schools have re ported goodly sums for the project and those in charge are giving Ethel Williams and Annie Askew credit lor raising the sum of $50. It is thought that the necessary amount will be raised by the time the bus is needeu for the opening of school. WHAT TO DO WITH THAT SOUR MILK Interesting contribution .from a reader, who tells of many dishes in which sour milk can be used instead of sweet milk and baking powder. One of many features in the August 10th issue of The American Weekly The Big Magaline Distributed With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN On Sale At All Newsstands Young Pullets Require Good House, Green Feed Prepare the laying house now lor the young pullets, says C. F. Parrish, Extension poultry specialist of N. C. State College, in timely suggestions to North Carolina chicken-raisers. "Also see that the pullets have plen ty of green feed for the remainder of the summer and the fall" he advised. "Scrub out the laying house with hot lye water," Parrish said, "and after the house is thoroughly ry, apply a good disinfectant as an extra precaution. Let the house air out for a few weeks, if possible, before filling it with pullets." The Poultryman says it may be necessary to plant some additional green feed for late summer and fall. He recommends soybeans as good late summer and fall green feed. Where soybeans or other green feed are not available, broadcast oats in corn near the chicken house when the crop is laid by. These oats wifl furnish tender green feed through hot August and September weather. Parrish also said.: "If the flock of pullets is to be vaccinated for pox, or dewormed, do it early. It is not a good practice to do either job after the pullets have started laying. "Go slow on feeding new grains," he declared. "Start with only a lit tle new grain each day and gradual ly increase the amount if no trouble is noticed in the flock. It is better to allow the new grains to become thoroughly dry before feeding to poultry." As a final suggestion, the Exten sion specialist said: This is the sea son to do that repairing of poultry houses and equipment that has been put off so long. What about putting a floor in the laying house? How about building those dropping boards or roosting racks that have been needed so badly? Do you have enough nests? True To Her First Love Her Fiance Would you like me better if I'd shave off my beard? His Fiancee By no means. I ac cepted you on account of it. It makes you look so much like a dear little Skye terrier that I lost. 25c YOUR KODAK FILM DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 6 or 8 exposure roll film developed and printed all for 25 cents. Post age 3 cents extra. EXTRA PRINTS 3 cents each 35 MM developed and enlarged to 3&x4. 18 exposure roll $ .60 36 exposure roll 1.00 LOUIS SELIG Eastman Kodak and Films ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. See Our Line Nesco Stoves They are attractive, low priced Stoves that will streamline your kitchen. Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. HERTFORD, N. C. VIS AUTO AND PERSONAL LOANS See Us Personally Before Purchasing an Automobile. No Investigation Charge. PERSONAL LOANS FOR EVERY NEED HERTFORD BANKING COMPANY MEMBER FDIC HERTFORD, N. C. SEE DEMONSTRATION "I can't tell you how thrilled I am with the performance, labor saving features, and beauty of my new NESCO Kerosene Range. "Before you buy, insist on seeing these new NESCOS demonstrated and learn about their many convenience features and their fine cooking and baking qualities. You'll find Just the model to fit your individual needs." Simplified Operation "The large, scientifically designed oven has a reliable heat indicator and Is fully insulated with efficient glass wool. Fuel tanks are easily accessible and powerful burners provide in stant heat in various desired degrees. "There's an enclosed storage space for idle utensils and a removable burner tray that keeps the stove and floor clean without back-breaking drudg ery. Staggered burners allow me to use 3 Urge utensils at the same time and the convenient table top provides much needed extra working space.' Declare a housewive's holiday and hurry dotvn to see the new NESCO Ranges at your dealer today! : ONE-PIECE M&ie them eKecfe YOUn SET MAY BE VVOHTII c-"3 h rcsa cld rcs.Tc:ATi if ; , eccd l"c:::i to cl.e p t;:dtke a TKEYtE .K tin foa oa purchu of mw U. S. Tire, lit in fiiiileo oppamatf r been wian fc . ' - M . L n . Umm.. ted. , i J.ottci.on of luiiet wwftaf U.& Tin j 'II m ;i-aiui v : .rc3'tTj CHI's CcrviC'j Station4 ;J "',.- Serri:e la a rieasus . -; THAT'S WHY THOUSANDS OF HOME OWNERS ARE NOW BUYING ATHEY Ooubfe Vatuo SEMI-PASTE PAINT Oa faBoa. of Athay Seml-Paiie Paint mixed ftltona of high quality, loof-Iaiiing, readytmixad paint . . Ideal for all general painting purposes! It'll doable wJael -the moat economical, really fine, aD-purpoae hooee paint jrou can bujrt Pro vide a protective time and weather resisting coat ing that keeps your property value high. And Athey's Semi-Paste Paint color card offers you the choice of a wide variety of harmonious colors. See your nearest A they dealer today! C M. Atkor Ms Co ALTWOSg. MD . "TOO CANT HURT AN f yp) i,.,v.vf;? , w. ii . ti h 1 1 1 1 1 i ' ir lint inn.: rif inniu V7ii. . - . : Jl JiTr&de Here and Bank the Dtferihie? V ? HERtFOREi; R C :J