i 1 i MM AMI WEEKLY M"- V.V. --II -irrii ii ; r n. nw A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS QOUKTX :yolume VIILNumber 32 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, August 8, 1941 $1.25 Per Year. THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Trouble for the Nazis broke loose in Norway during this past week, so much so that the German authorities placed, the entire country under strict supervision. It was rumored that a "pending" British raid of the northern- points of the small nation caus ed the upheaval. .1-.' ... . ' 176,000 American Workers were affected by the order that stopped all silk weaving in the U. S. this Wyak The Government commandeered the entire silk supply for the use of the Army and Navy . . . and orderea the weaving mills to suspend opera tions. However, later reports state that high grade cotton and rayor. will be used as substitutes for silk. Conflicting reports regarding the Russo-German war continue to be is sued by both sides. The Germans claim to have broken the Red Army on all fronts while the Moscow gov ernment denies these claims and states the Red Army, while giving ground in spots is holding firm and has stopped the Nazi blitz. Russia V also claims that the country is fasti l rW,W its rmn tn nrovont. thm r ... . . ... ... I falling into the hands of the Nazis, Meanwhile, the British R. A. F. continues to bomb the invasion ports of France and cities in Germany with heavy bombs causing much de struction. Little opposition from the German air force is encountered by the Royal Air Fighters, according to reports released from London. The economic warfare between the . U. S., Britain and Japan continues as the three countries enact measures that are stopping the normal flow of supplies back and forth between them. With Great Britain and the , United States both shutting off Ja : v pan, that country now has lost its I best cusomers. .The United iStates this week warn . e the Vichy Government that -unlesb ', ; France protects and keeps her colo l niaj possession, and rules tnem her- self, that the Ajnrfced States will be forced to change its attitude toward the Vichy Government. The record-breaking three billion dollar tax bill passed the House on Monday by a vote of 369-30. The bill includes increases in income taxes., estate and gift taxes and various ex cise taxes, mainly of which is a $b use tax on automobiles, a tax on furs, jewelry, etc., and a 7 per cent tax on all new automobiles. Peace talks again reach the air this week. Mayor Fiorello LaGuar--V ta, speaking at a ground-breaking ceremony for airplane hangars in A New York predicted that America is making great strides in its defense - program and that the war "may be over before the hangar is completed. The United iStates this week form '4 Ally pledged all-out economic and war aid to Russia. Russia will get priority in delivery of war orders but will pay cash for -them. . The notes pledging the trade agreement were i eacbanged between the two govern ments on last Saturday. . - ' ' Rumor has it that President Roose velt and Prime Minister Churchill will hold a conference somewhere rn Canada or on the Atlantic Ocean, ;- possibly this week. It is rumored that Harry Hopkins and McKenzie . King, of Canada, will also attend the " conference which will pertain to the war effort ' '?', "4 The flovr of golden tobacco, one of the South biggest "money crops, started moving Tuesday on the Geor gia markets. Unofficial reports say " that the price ranged from 22 to 24 cents per pound . . . this is somewhat . higher than opening prices last year. " .. Actual fighting may break out in the Far East between British and ' Japanese .forces. Re-inforcing troops . and planes have been landed at Sing apore by Great Britain and the dan; get epot seems to center around piauland, . where the Japs recently Successful in gaining their de- for bases. Congress on Wednesday passed the bill appropriating the funds for th& construction of the blimp base in rssquotank County. - Preliminary work has already begun at the base but it is now expected that the work will soon be going full blast. Plans are being made in New Tonic State 'for the rationing of gasoline, to begin sometime ' in September. Cards-art being printed and. will be distributed to. car owners,, allowing each owner some 16 gallons of gaso- lira each week. The plan -may-be placed in effect throughout the East ern States if voluntary reduction ot isoline use doesn't satisfy the gov irment authorities. v " " 1 Substitute Pastors At Baptist Church During This Month The Rev. John L. White, son of Dr. White, pastor of the Blackwell Memorial Baptist Church of Eliza beth City, and the Rev. John 0. Link, pastor of the Apex Baptist Church, will preach at the Hertford Baptist Church during the month of August, in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. C. E. Hobgood. The Rev. Mr. White will serve on Sunday, August 10, and the Rev. Mr. Link on Sunday, August 17. Ser vices will be at 11 o'clock a. m., and there will be no evening services. The Rev. Mr. Hobgood will return during the latter week in August. Sunday School will begin at 10:30 a. m., daylight saving time. Worship services will begin at 11:15, daylight saving time. Red Cross Receives More Materials For Sewing Project . "'JT" u AmeriCan Red Cr0SB 18 ln of rU -ff 4-1, nnnit.innnl m f fori n la additional materials to be used in the local Red Cross sewing project which has been under way for the past several months. The materials were forwarded here by the National Headquarters of the Red Cross and the garments, when completed, will be sent to the National Headquarters for distribution. According to the announcement, the local chapter received 25 pounds of green wool and 25 pounds of darn brown wool to be used for the mak ing of sweaters; 50 yards of outing flannel for boys' shirts; 96 yards of unbleached muslin for bed shirts; 74 yards of infant robing for layettes. Local people who are interested in joining this sewing project may still do so. All materials are furnished, as well as instructions and patterns, and those wishing to aid are asked to contact any of the following mem bers of the local chapter: Mrs. C. P. Morris, Mrs. Charles Whedbee, Mrs. I. A. Ward, -iss Fraifces Maness, Mrs. C. F. iSumner, or Mrs. Leigh Winslow. t All work done by the volunteers can be done in one's spare time end it need not interrupt other duties. Persons desiring to aid are asked to rolunteer immediately. Aluminum Collected Here Is Carted To Edenton On Tuesday Perquimans County's collection ot scrap aluminum, 365 pounds of it, was carted to Edenton on Tuesday where it was placed with the old metal collected in other counties of this section. Edenton was designated, as a col lection center of this district and after all aluminum has been forward ed there, the total will be shipped to smelting centers where it will be pro cessed so it can be used, in the manu facture of defense weapons. Records of the amount of alumi num collected here was placed in the hands of L. W. Anderson, who head ed, the committee in charge of the drive. The scrap metal was weighed here before being taken to Edenton by Town employees, - and was then weighed again on arrival there. American Legion Meeting Tonight Perquimans Post, 126, of the A merican Legion will hold a joint meeting with the Hertford B6y Scouts Friday night, August 8, at 8 o'clock, at the Courthouse in Hert ford. All members are urged to be present. The Heat Did It! 'Jx "WmNwi tieAivi nf fish stories, hunt ing stories and tall-tales, but this one is a heat wave story that E. McM. JNewby relates actually happened to him. i .HBt Mr. Newby states that one torrid day last week as he was driving from Edenton to Hertford, he auddenly nw i Tuf f of smoke rising in his car, ana aiso smeiung uie buiu.b, u thought, something had gone .wrong Iwith the car and thus he made an in spection: only to find the car in per fect condition, therefore he proceed ed on to his home. - " 1 ' .,0n arriving at home, he decided it was time to light his pipe and as he reached for his small ' packet of matches, carried in, his shirt pocket he discovered, that the' matches hao explpded and burned his shirt, .but he contends that he only saw and smelled the fire .'. it was too hot to feel it. ..'" .V- ' County-wide Plans Being Drawn For Stamp-Bond Drive Township Committees To Play Big Part In Making Drive Suc cessful R. M. Riddick, Perquimans Coun ty chairman for the Defense Savings Bonds Drive, announced today that plans are being drawn for a county wide campaign to insure the succesa of the Defense Savings program here in Perquimans, and that within a. short time a meeting of all commit tee men and women will be helu under the direction of C. H. Robert son, State Administrator of the De fense Savings Staff. Already the Perquimans Commit tee of Eight has been enlarged to twenty-three and these people win serve as the leaders in the drive. Each township in the county win have a township chairman, who win head the drive in his particular township, and all will work directly under the chairmanship of Mr. Rid-1 dick. At the present time plans call for a speaker's committee, publicity com mittee, financial institution commit tee, schools, churches, civic organi zations committee, general citizens committee and rural communities committee. Upon formation of these committees, a drive for the sales of Defense Stamps and Bonds is antici pated and every effort will be made to sell stamps and bonds in every home in Perquimans County. The defense stamps and bonds are on sale in order to produce revenue for the Government to carry on the large defense program now under way. The stamps may be purchased at any post office, or from any ru ral mail carrier and the bonds may be purchased at the post office and at the Hertford Banking Company. The Stamps come in denominations of from 10 cents up, while the bonds may be purchased in denominations of $15, $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. The bands mature in ten yean and reach par value at the end of that time. Bonds are sold at reductions which insures interest payment on the same. At the present time, Mr. Riddick states that a total of $23,000 worth of Bonds have been sold by the local bank, while the post office has sold a total of $720 worth of stamps and bonds, according to S. M. Whedbee, postmaster. Salvation Army To Hold Meetings Here Starting August 14 Envoy Cook, Salvation Army head of Elizabeth City, was in Hertford on Tuesday completing arrangements for a series of meetings to be con ducted here by the Salvation Army, starting Thursday, August 14. Envoy Cook reported that the suc cess of the meetings recently con ducted at New Hope led him to be lieve that response here will be very gratifying. Approximately 300 to 500 persons attended the meetings each night at New Hope, The meetings as scheduled here, will begin Thursday of next week and will continue for two weeks. The !K8. ine. program for the opening night will include motion pictures, entitled "Life of Christ." Mrs. Envoy Cook will preach during the meetings. A cordial invitation is extend by Envoy Cook to the public to attend the meetings here. All meetings will be held at the Town Lot at Front and Market Streets. Hertford lions Club Meeting Tonight 6:45 The Hertford Lions Club will hold its regular meeting tonight at the Hotel Hertford at 6:45 o'clock (day light saving time). All members are urged to be present. District Gov ernor Norman Trueblood will give a report on the International Conven tion held last week in New Orleans. iFarm Supervisors Complete Checking 'Farm Supervisors ' of Perquimans County have completed the work of checking' allf arms, : according to' L. W.V Anderson, county agent, and are now busily engaged in re-checking some . of the over-planted farms found in . the original ' check. Mr- Anderson stated that .this work will be completed very shortly. v Local Draft Board Seeking 3 Missing Negro Registrants A. W. Hefren Named to Chairmanship; 10 Se lectees Leave August 21st Anyone knowing the whereabouts of William Edward White, Sylvester Felton or Floyd Sutton can save these three Negroe men from a serious situation by notifying the Perquim ans Draft Board of their where abouts. The local draft board has for some time been trying to locate these men who are registered for Selective Ser vice and who have failed to answer papers and inquiries of the local board. Prosecution papers are now being drawn by local officials to be placed in the hands of the U. S. Dis trict Attorney for action against the three men. White is one of ten Negroes select ed to fill the August 21 quota of me., for the Army. Fifteen men were called from Perouimans for tW date, but due to the fact that several oi tne uass A men have reached their 28th birthday and are automa tically deferred because of the age limit; the local board has insufficient number of men to fill the quota on that date. Other Negroes selected to leave for the Army on the 21st are: Wallace Jennings, James Reed, Earl Rountree, James Fletcher, Fred Riddick, Lycur gas White, Sherman Barclift, Willie Brooks, and Edward Holley. The re maining men called will probably be sent at a later date. At a meeting of the local board on August 1, A. W. Hefren was named chairman of the board, succeeding J. R. Stokes whose resignation was ef fective August 1. W. G. Hollowen and W. W. Spence are the other members of the Perquimans board. According to Mrs. T. B. Sumner, no calls for white men have been re ceived for the month of August, al though ije board, has fourteen white youths' classed in'T-A'snVi are avail able to fill any quota that may be called. Work of inserting the names ot youths who registered on July 1 into the list of registrants at the local of fice is progressing and Mrs. Sumner states that any registrant may learn his order number by calling at the office, located over the Bus Station. Commissioners In Regular Session Monday Morning Meeting in regular session Monday morning the Perquimans County Board of Commissioners voted to as sist the Town of Hertford in paying rent for the NYA project which will be located in the Shannonhouse building on Market Btreet. Mrs. Mattie Lister White, who will head the project, requested the members to meet the additional $5 per month costs, and explained that under the new set-un the NYA will employ a total of 40 girls, paying 38 of them a salary of $19 per month and two of them a total of $22 per month. This will mean an additional pay roll of some $800 per month in the county for an outlay of $20 per -.i. nn .t, nrnnortv Vinusinir the ct Mrs. White told the Commissioners that she had already received from NYA authorities seven new type writers to be used on the project. These machines are valued at $700. The Commissioners adjourned to the County Home, where they were served a delicious dinner by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. White. Two Stores Change Quarters Next Week Next week will be moving time for two Hertford stores, when the Rose 5 and 10 moves into its new quar ters in the Stokes Building located on Church Street. The D. Pender Grocery Company will move its store into the building vacated by Rose's as soon as renovations are completed there. The store room now occupied by Pender will be renovated and included in the new quarters to be occupied by Rose's. Although it is expected that "complete renovations in the two buildings will take additional time, the . stores ' hope to complete change in locations as soon as possible. . Fishing guides . operating motor vessels for hire are licensed by the Department of Commerce. First Aid Training F. T. Johnson, Superintendent oi Schools, announced this week that a Red Cross First Aid training class will be held at the Perquimans High School either the latter part of Sep tember or the first of October. The purpose of the class will be to train teachers in the art of First Aid in order that classes may be held later for the school children and other organizations represented, at the teachers' class. It is hoped that at least ten adults, including representatives from the Fire Department, Police, American Legion and other organizations will enroll in the class and thus assure instructors for the later classes to be held during the year. Certificates of accomplishment will be awarded all those who com plete the training and pass examina tions to be held at the local school. County Gas Stations Observing Blackout From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Service stations in Perquimans County joined with others from Maine to Florida in observing the re quest of Secretary of Interior Ickes that they close from 7 p. m. to 7 a. m. each day in order to conserve the gasoline supply now available along the Atlantic 'Seaboard. The re quest was that stations refrain from selling gasoline during these hours, although some stations will remain open to sell other merchandise they have for sale. The closing hours wont into effect on Sunday night and there is no way of telling how long the curfew will remain. The threatened shortage of gasoline along the coastline is acute and the action taken, it is hoped, will conserve the power fuel sufficiently so that rationing will not be neces sary. The Sinclair, Pure Oil and Esso distributors in Perquimans are all cooperating in the movement along with the individual station managers and owners. ; Norfolk Publisher" To Address Weekly Newspaper Editors W. E. Debnam, president and edi tor of the Norfolk News-Index, of Norfolk, Va., will be the principal speaker at the August meeting of the Northeastern N. C. Press Asso-! ciation to be held at the Hotel Hert ford Saturday night. Approximately thirty editors, and their guests, of weekly newspapers in Northeastern North Carolina are expected at the meeting to hear Mr. Debnam, who launched the News Index as a weekly newspaper in Nor folk about eighteen months ago and which will go into the daily field as an independent daily paper in Nor folk on October 6th. Dr. E. S. White Injured By Automobile While Attend Farm Program Dr. E. S. White, 68, of Belvidere, who is serving as a delegate to the Farm and Home Week program at State College, Raleigh, this week suffered a broken leg Monday when he was struck by an automobile while crossing a Raleigh street inter section. Miss Myrtle Keith, of Raleigh, was driving the car which struck Dr. White, according to police investiga tion. Dr. White, while crossing the street, stooped to pick up a card he nad dropped when the car struck him He was taken to Rex Hospital ir Raleigh. Rotary Club Plan Fishing Trip To Ocean View Aug. 14 The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular meeting Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. The members voted to forego the regular meeting next Tuesday night and, instead plan a fishing trip at Ocean View for next Thursday, August 14th. All mem bers desiring to make the trip are requested to meet at the Raiford Boating House at Ocean View next Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, daylight saving time. 4-H Boys And Girls To Leave For Camp .Nineteen Perquimans boys and girls, all members of the 4-H Clubs, (will leave Hertford on Monday for Camp Leach, near Washington, N. C, for a week's outing. The local 4-H boys and girls will accompany simi lar groups from Currituck, and Pasquotank Counties. Camden Fare Badly Before Recorder's Judge Ten Cases Disposed of By Judge Granbery Tucker on Tuesday Morning Reckless driving can prove to be a costly pastime as was shown in Per quimans Recorder's Court Tuesday morning when Judge J. Cranberry Tucker placed road sentences ana fines against three defendants found guilty of reckless driving. Charlie Washington Overton, Ne gro, was sentenced to 30 d.ays on the roads after being found guilty of the charge. Sentence was ordered sus pended upon payment of costs of court. William Brothers, also found guil ty of reckless driving, was fined. $10, same to be applied to the costs ol court. William Markham, Negro , was found guilty of reckless driving ana fined $25 and costs. Ten dollars of the fine was ordered paid to the Town of Hertford for damage to the Town's property. The case of Zolla Van White, charged with reckless driving, was continued until the August 12th term of court. Wilder Gregory, alias Wilber Gre gory, Negro, was found guilty ot driving under the influence of intox icants and was given 60 days on tne roads, sentence to be suspended up on payment of $50 and costs. His driver's license was revoked for one i year. Gilliam Twine was found guilty ol improper use of license and trespass and was given 30 days on the roads to be suspended upon payment of 1 costs and good behavior for one year. Costs were assessed against Leslie Winslow, Negro, in two cases oh Tuesday morning when Judge Tucker ruled that both were frivolous pro secutions. Winslow had brought charges against Careen Ferebee, Ne gress, for sale of liquor and against Enoch Brickhou.se, Negro, for assault with a deadly weapon. '' 1 Costs were assessed against both Will Dennis Harrell and Addie Webb Harrell, Negroes, when the Court ruled both guilty of simple assault. This was Will Dennis' 19th trip to Recorder's Court, and Addie Webb's 22nd time. Most of the case revolv ed around simple assault upon each other. In a preliminary hearing the Court determined Melvin Chalk to be the father of the unborn child of Evelyn Harrell and the case was continued until December 9. However, the de fense noted an appeal to the Per quimans Superior Court and bond was set at $200, both for the con tinuance hearing and for the Super ior Court hearing. NYA Student Work Officer Here For Interviews Monday According to an announcement made today by Superintendent F. T. Johnson of the Perquimans County Schools, James D. Taylor, NYA stu dent work officer, will be at the Courthouse Office from 11:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m., Monday, August 11, to interview white and Negro students needing NYA in-school assistance in order to attend the county schools during the coming year. To qualify for the NYA Student Work Program a boy or girl must be at least 16 years of age and mustneed the funds to properly continue his or her edu cation. Perquimans Group Attending Farm And Home Week Twenty-three members of the Per quimans Home Demonstration Clubs, including Miss Frances Maness, Home Agent, are attending the Farm and Home Week in Raleigh which started Monday at State College and will close today. Mrs. W. O. Hunter, of the Helen Gaither Club, and Mrs. Eff,ie Miller, of the Winfall Club, will graduate on Friday morning, having completed the requirements of attending the Farm and Home Week for four years. County Delegates To Florida Meet The State N. F. A. organization is sending two delegates from Per quimans County to the, seventh an nual national N. F. A. convention to be conducted at Tallahassee, Florida, August 17-20. George Crutchfield, a 'student of Perquimans Training School, and K. A. Williams, will re- present the State Agricultural Negro teachers. 1 1 1 "4 ,.

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