THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, ftLQSD. N. G, FRIDAY. AUGUST 8, Kil LiiiVi'siiy fiiiiiiiiit it? 11111 Saturday, Aug. 16 J . X Alumni of the consolidated Uni versity of North Carolina will gather on Roanoke Island Saturday, August 16, for the 5th annual "Round-Up" sponsored by the Dare County Alum ni Club. I. P. Davis, 10, of Manjeo, is president of the Dare alumni. The day's events will begin with a luncheon at 1:30 o'clock (daylight saving time) in Manteo at the Fort Raleigh Hotel. Francis E. Winslow, '09, of Ttdcky Mount, will be toast master, and "The Lost Colony" choir will give special musical selections. Greetings will be extended from the institutions at Greensboro, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill. President Frank P. Graham will make a curtain talk in the evening just prior to the performance of "The Lost Colony" which begins at 9:15 o'clock (daylight saving time), and which will be dedicated to the Uni versity of North Carolina. Notices of the meeting have been mailed by the three alumni offices to several hundred alumni in the Albe marle section of North Carolina and in Tidewater Virginia. Miss Eula Russell Weds Charles Dudley In a quiet but impressive ceremony which was solemnized at the home of Joe Spence, in Elizabeth City, Satur day, July 26, Miss Eula Russell be came the bride of Charles Dudley, oi Hickory, Va. The Rev. H. A. Ou law officiated. The bride wore a dress of white sharkskin with matching accessories, and her flowers were a shoulder cor sage of pink rosebuds. Witnessing the ceremony were Mrs. J. C. 'Spence, Joe Spence ana Mrs. Chester James. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Russell, of Hert ford, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dudley, of Hickory, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley will make their home in Portsmouth, Va. Funeral Mrs. Winslow Funeral services for Mrs. Marga ret Winslow, who died in the Albe marle Hospital, Elizabeth City, Tues day afternoon following a very brief illness, were conducted at the Mount Sinai Baptist Church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. (Survivors include her husband, John Winslow, her mother, Mrs. B. F. Jordan; three small children, ana several brothers and sisters. Doagd OfBoET SvuTipfJovLftely Following Election What looks like the final termina tion of a problem which has been bothering for years mid-county resi dents back of Center Hill and on through into Perquimans County, relative to the drainage of the cen tury and more old Bear Swamp, per mitting abutting farm residents to benefit thereby, came to a head on Tuesday when' a special election by these tax payers was held at L. W. Belch's store, and the selection of three commissioners was consumated. The commissioners so chosen were Dr. T. P. Brinn, of Hertford, Archie Lane, of Perquimans, and L. W. Belch for Chowan's side. The newly elected officials, em powered by Superior Court mandate, will at once employ experts who will make a survey of the territory to be drained, estimate the cost of such drainage, and fix an assessment value of so much an acre on abutting and benefitting farm lands by which the expense of the work will be de rived. Bear Swamp has Tor a century been centralized from an ancient and still exisiting canal that once rait from the Perquimans River into .the Center Hill territory. Originally its waters seeped out through the adja cent farm lands, but of late years it has been more a malaria breeder than anything else. It is the desire of Tuesday's voters and the commis sioners to get the drainage back into old time form with a consequent beneficial and improvement result to farm lands. The county board of health has listed the canal, which has in its cen ter a little spring of the purest wa ter imaginable, and the adjoining swamp as a breeding spot for malaria and have condemned it. The expected new move will ob viate this as well as be beneficial to farmers on both sides of the swamp. John Darden Named Plymouth Postmaster Congressman Herbert C. Bonner on Monday was called on by the Post Office Department to name an acting postmaster for Plymouth, North Carolina, to fill the vacancy caused by the sudden death of Post master George Hardison, who was appointed in 1933. Mr. Bonner recommended as acting postmaster, Judge John W. Darden, an outstanding citizen and' leader in Plymouth and Washington County. ir art 7 DO YOU NEED MORE S Land Plaster ? We Have a Supply and Are Ready to Fill Your Needs If you find you are short on Land Plaster and need more to fill your requirements, call us today. We can supply you with the amount you need. Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. "Trade Here and Bank the Difference" HERTFORD, N. C. State Theatre H!?d1 Today (Friday) Matinee 3 P. M. ROBERT TAYLOR as "BILLY THE KID" With BRIAN DONLEVY Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M ACT NEWS Saturday CHARLES STARRETT in "OUTLAWS OF THE t PANHANDLE" Also "Mysterious Dr. Satan" No. 4 -1 Wednesday Matinee 3 P. M. GUY KIBBEE DINK TROUT Jn SCATTEROOOJ), BAINES" Thursday and Friday- i ' at t i V W ... "M W maraiee s rv ACT ML 4 "ih s, NEWS $ MMiMM qneSNAPSHGTCUJLD STUNT PICTURES and, Mrs. T. J, . Perry, of EUzabetb City,' and Mr. , Owens is the son tof Mt. 'nd Mrs, W, W, Owens, of Hertford. rt v t ) Eliz, fertford." .f f j ft s' 4 ' ' i i - I Th yo'unj ipttpli' will teaide In ilizaneth' Ciiy. ; ' ' Who Knows? 1. Where is Cam Ranh Bay? 2. How much is thev Federal Gov ernment expected to spend in this fiscal yearT 3. When does the fiscal year of the Federal Government end? 4. What does the letter "E" mean on a sailor's uniform? 6. What is the difference between typhoon, a typical cyclone, and a hurricane ? 6. About how many automobiles were produced in the U. k, last, year? ? 7. ; What proportion of the i, . is forested? -v Cv, , V I -V 8. "Which A Is closest - to Japan -Singapore, French Indo-China, The ;. o Netherlands. Kast- Indies, or tne Philippines? - f 9. What do the Japanese mean when they shout "Zamzai"? I; THE ANSWERS In Indo-China, mid-way be tween Hongkong and iSingapore. 2. About $22,000,000,000. 8. June 30th. 4. That he is a member or a gun nery crew recognized for outstand ing marksmanship. 5. There is no difference. 6. 8,700,000. 7. About one-third. ' 8. The Philippines. . 9. "Good wishes for a long life. 7 This I iimpl but Intereatlng "stunt" shot fun to take on a evening. How to get auch shots Is explained below. winter 17 VERY aow and ihea, stunt picture adds variety to the cam nra hobby Or course, fou don't want a regular diet of them. But It's run to have a few tn the album a hots that make people say. "For goodness sake! How did you get tbat oneT It's certainly a clever shotf" Tbe picture above Is One ex ample of a "stunt shot" and yet, It was really quite easy to take Tbe girls simply stood In a circle, then bent over and put their heads together, like a football huddle The camera was on tbe floor, fo cused tor a closeup, and pointing straight upward. Pot light, a email flash bulb was placed beetde tbe camera, and the exposure was made by the simple "open the abutter, flash the bulb, close the shatter" method. It could probably have been taken just ai easily by having two flood lights an Inch or so from the floor, one on either side of the camera. This la an "up angle stunt shot, but you could also turn things right around and take a "straight down" shot maybe from the upper stairway landing that would be Just as Interesting. Another stunt that provides lots of tun is to hare part of a snbject too close to the camera, so tbat It shows up too large being care ful. of course, not to hurt anybody's reelings Doubtless you have seen pictures of a person sitting on a bench, with bis feet toward the cam era so that they were several sizes over normal. That's "old stuff" now but try It with a subject's band. Have him lecturing the camera, or making a speech and gesturing to ward the camera or put a boxing glove on him and have him pretend to take a poke at the camera. With tbe bend about two feet from tbe camera, the subject himself can be about four feet back, and appear much smaller Ton must use a very small lens opening, bnt even If the band Is a little out of focus, the effect Is still Interesting. One of the most mystifying stunts 18 (o show an object floating In air. This Is easy Indoors. Tou Just hang up the object by a black thread, and light It with a photo lamp. Then you place a piece of cardboard a foot or two in front of the light, high enough so It Just shades the thread but doesn't shade the sub ject And the thread Is then lost" against the shadows in the back ground It Isn't even there. Try some of these stunts. They're tun on a winter evening and yonll get pictures that really surprise your friends. John ran Guilder Infantile Virus Counteracted By Quick Treatment NO disease frightens parents as much as infantile paraly sis. But the disease is compara tively rare and its dread after effects can be largely minimized of frequently eliminated entirely by prompt and effective measures. This reassuring message from Maxine Davis, the world's fore most reporter on medical subjects, appears' in an up-to-the-minute discussion of the disease in the August issue of Good Housekeep ing magazine. Infantile, Miss Davis says, is caused by a virus, an organ ism so small that it cannot be seen through a microscope. Doctors be lieve that it usually enters the body through the upper part of the nose or the intestinal tract, and that once it has gotten into the spinal cord, it attacks the cells that act as storage batteries for the nerves, which go out like electric wires to the muscles. But the chances of contracting infantile are small, Miss Davis re ports. There were fewer than 10,000 cases last year and only a small fraction were fatal. Actually, ac cording to the Good Housekeeping article, the label "infantile" is mis leading, because it occurs In adults as well. The symptoms, says Miss Davis, are mild fever, upset stomach, per. sistent headache, and a rapid pulse. Then, when the temperature drops, the paralytic stage sets in. It is impossible to tell what portion of the body will be paralyzed, but if terrific pain is suffered in some portion of the body, it is probable that that area will be affected. Miss Davis says frankly that doctors do not know how to con trol infantile.. But once it is diag nosed, an 'orthopedic specialist should be called in immediately, for the promptness with which you act may make all the difference in the world to the patient In most cajees, the orthopedist will place the pa tient in splints, if there is any evi dence of paralysis or muscle ak ness. These Splints are design!! to hold the muscles of the body in position as nearly neutral as pos sible. Drugs and serums are not used in treating the disease, but special treatment known as pnisio. therapy consisting of supervised, exercise, heat, and massage ate , prescribed to maintain muscle tone. , , Infantile treatment is not to be L had , inexpensively, ? Miss. Davis, . points out, but the' federal gov ernment, under the Social Security, - Act 'has appropriated money for,' ; the care of elf crippled children, : Including victims of paralysis.-The , ,' National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, located at 120 Broadway, New-York City, is mother agency which supplements the services of ocai, and. federal government. Lloyd Owens Weds Elizabeth City Girl Of interest to friends in this sec Won was the marriage of Miss Vera Perry to Lloyd Owens, which took place Saturday evening, July 26, at 7 o'clock at the home of the offi ciating minister, the Rev. J. D. Cran ford, in Winfall. The bride, who was unattended, (wore a dress of navy blue with white accessories. Witnessing the ceremony were Miss Kate Perry and Ben Owens. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Drive a car that's fun to drive, and save money, too . . . those are the things you get in f one of our GOOD USED CARS. Come m to I day for a free demonstration. 1936 Plymouth Deluxe W Coach with trunk. Good running condi tion. 1935 Ford Deluxe Coupe with radio and seat covers. 1937 Ford "85" Coach. See this one before you buy. 1936 Ford Deluxe Coach. Runs good and priced to sell now. 1933 Plymouth 4-door Sedan. Good running condition. Priced right. 1935 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Coach. Ask for a free demonstra tion. Other Good Used Car Bargains JPriced to Sell USED PARTS ... We have Used Parts for all makes and models at HALF PRICK Ask About Our Liberal Payment Plan Towe Motor Co. Chrysler Plymouth SALES AND SERVICE 1938 Chevrolet Master Deluxe 4-door Sedan. New paint job. 1937 Plymouth Deluxe Coach with trunk. Here is a real bargain. 1936 Ford Pick-up. Good buy for use on your farm. 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach with trunk. See it at our salesroom. We WI H3) Hun IIandDmiall ED In cooperation with the National Defense Program to conserve Gasoline, the undersigned service stations of Hertford will close their gasoline pumps from 7 P. M. to 7 A. M. daily. The observance of these hours was ordered by Defense Oil Co ordinator Harold L. Icjces. The order will apply to more than 100,r 000 Service Stations in the Eastern States. To prevent inconveni ence to their customers and to advise the public of these new hours, the following stations are publishing this notice. We Will Do Our Part You Can Help, Too :By Making an Effort To Conserve Gasoline By One-third - ; v Iv" : ..,;;:.,, .; .,).. ' ; ..,: flni Ctrn Or ruin n Oiitiftn Hrll uus oiujj ouivibc oiauuii PURE-PEP GASOLINE itfl 1niV Ulil ail! 1115 Hertford Service Station TEXACO GASOLENE ESSO GASOLINE Gulf Service Station Z. D. ROBERTSON Jc3&Di!l'sScracc Station 4 J - tfJ v !) ' -Where Service la a M. ? 0 A ',tS. !,," , Cl ' : I I. V . ' , j' ft I ,J l' , -v Patronize Your Hokiq Service Stations ' ( .it 3: it t Vt. 1 4 V t t L

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