, i- art v i k lit " A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER HeVOTED TO THE TIPBTTTTJTNft OF HRPTFnT?n AKD PEROT TTTUT A W f? flOT TUTY, Wolume VIII. Number 33. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, August 15, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. V. THIS WEEK'S By a narrow vote of one the Houae of Representatives on Tuesday pass ed the Draft Extension Bill which will, retain all draftees, Guardsmen and Reservists in military training for ji' period of 18 months over the original one year called for in the Selective Service Act The vote on tne bill came after bitter discussion ahd the final tally was 203 to 202. At the conclusion of the balloting one Representative asked for a recount, waich was given but the results re mained the same. Conditions in France again hit the top headlines this week after Marshal Petain, aged head of the Vichy Government, announced Tues day that his plan of government was not succeeding in France and that henceforth France would look to Ger many for leadership in Europe. This action is expected to cause upheav als elsewhere, particularly in Wash ington. Some authorities believe that the U. S. will now recognize the Free French forces as the right ful leaders of the French people. i Reports on the curfew of gasoline Ritions and curtailment in the dales of gasoline along the Eastern Sea board are confusing: Some localities report as much as a thirty percent decrease in the sales of the gas, and others report no change or increase. Official releases from Washington have not yet been published. Richard Whitney, former multi V millionaire of the New York Stock Exchange who has been passing the past 40 months as an intimate of Sing Sing Prison for the mis-use of millions trusted to his firm, started ' on a new job this week as superin tfndent of a 25-cow dairy farm lo '7n , cated in New England. 'M British dripping losses' in the At-' untie reached a new low ift July, ac ': "prding to reports from London. The :uly losses amounted to about 10,000 ton! per day. Reason for the de- engagement with Russia. The Russo-German war continues along the 2,000-mile front with, what Beems truthful reports, the Ger mans making headway in the battles along the (Southern front. Pincer movements on the part of the Nazis continue on the central and northern lines but the Reds claim they Are IKlding fast to the line. Odessa, capital of the Ukraine section of Russia, seems in danger of falling to the Axis forces. i Airplanes of the warring nations - continue to bomb the capitals. .Mos : cow and Berlin are getting the heav ier Wows. The Nazis have done lit- ' - tie bomzing in England since the war ? started in Russia but the British R. ' . A. F. has caused much havoc along . the invasion ports of France and in f jorthern Germany. Prime Minister Churchill has been . missing from London for almost a !' week now, and no news has come .jm President Roosevelt's yacht up v ,; , to Wednesday. It has been reported . that the men are holding a meeting ; "somewhere" in the Atlantic and the i ; reason eeenus to center around a r : British invasion of the continent . . . thus relieving the pressure on the R,ed Army and forcing Hitler to fight on two fronts. Tension in the Far East remains J high due to the warlike acts of Ja - pan, but reports state that Japan is '. hesitant to move due to fear that the t United States will fight if she moves f, toward the Dutch or British posses sions. Some reports are that Japan 1 '' is readying an army to strike at Rus ' .. aia on the Siberian border. . rk, ISenator Robert R Reynplds this weer atmtuea tnat na iH.engageq to marnr. Miss. EvaTm STcXeari, 20-year- old. heiress,, daughie'r of Mrs, Evalyn. . WiJi. uejean, .pt, . vy asningion, v. m, No date has been announced for the , wedding. . , William S. Knudsen, Director of the Office of Production Manager, reports that by-the middle of 1942 the united States defense program -Mild be double , that v of any other . tuition in the world. The Senate, although the thought is distasteful to it, to toying with the idea of a general sales tax in an effort v to raise the money necessary for the defense program It Is pos eible, it was "stated, that a sales tax would be, necessary next year. Strikes continue - to slow down the defense . program., li' ia - estimated tirat thirty, work stoppages jawjiow in effectp one important' one at a lare shipyard I irt New Jersey and it id reported that a strike is pending ra the r 1 Telephone system. New Books Received At Local Library Another list of new books has been received at the Perquimans Library, according to Miss Mae Wood Wins low, member of the Library Board. The books received this week in clude "City of Illusion," by Vardis iFisher; "Some Must Watch", by Ethel Lina White; "The Giant Joshua," by Maurine Whipple; "H. M. Pulham, Esquire," by John P. Marquand; "The Usurper," by Harry Harrison Kroll; "Better See George," by Freeman Tilden; "Manifold," by Phyllis Bentley; "The Keys of the Kingdom," by A. J. Cronin; "Not by Strange Gods," by Elizabeth Madox Roberts; "Cheerfulness Breaks In", by Angela Thirkell. All new books are circulated for a period of one week only, without re newal privileges, in order to give everyone a chance to read them early. Library hours are now from 10 to 12, and from 2 to 5. Manslaughter Case Continued To Next Recorder's Court Two Negroes Killed In Wreck Saturday; Nine Cases Heard Here Tuesday Robert Lee Eggleston, Elizabeth City Negro, will face charges of manslaughter in Perquimans Record er's Court on August 19, as the re sult of an accident which occurred on a curve near the Perquimans County Home late last Saturday night. The State continued the probable cause hearing scheduled for this week due to the fact that one witness was in a critical condition in the Al bemarle Hospital and could not be present in court to testify. Patrolman Jack Gaskill, who inves tigated the accident, stated . , that Eggl&ton was the driver of the death car in which Luther Hawkins and Winfield Wilson, both Negroes, lost their lives when the car over turned on the curve. Neville Reid, another occupant of the car, was seriously hurt. Eggleston was not injured. Nine cases were disposed of in Re corder's Court on Tuesday morning when Malcolm Nixon, Zolla Van White and M. O. Baccus all submit ted to the Court and were taxed with the costs. Nixon submitted on the charge of simple assault Van White submitted to charges of reck less driving, and Baccus submitted to charges of speeding. The case of Fred Smitn, charsred with abandonment, was continued for two weeks after the defendant had posted $5 for each week's continuance with the clerk of the court for sup port oi his wire and three children. Roy and Ralph Lane entered a Dlea of guilty to charges of being drunk ana disorderly, simple assault and use of profanity. Judge Tucker con tinued prayer for judgment unon payment of the costs of court and placed the defendants on rood be havior for a period of two years. Bessie .Ferebee, Negress, entered a plea of guilty to having non-tax paid liquor for aale. .Bessie, who has been in court on similar charges more -than once, was given a fine of $50 and costs. Although she entered a plea of guilty, she contended she had no knowledge of the "liquid" the officers found at he rhome. Hertford Soft Ball Team Ringing Up Impressive Record . Hertford's Softball team, reorcun- jijaj this; yea afer a season or two oi .inactivity, is jnaJdntr an Inrhre? fcive, record, for the rmtmber"of g4&es' won,-,''Je. local 'team has J won J7j and loflfc 11, playing some of the best teams in this section. During the past weak the locals won four straight games, defeating Elisabeth ; City three times - and Edenton once. Pat Kelly and Percy Byrom do the pitching for the Hert ford team.. Willie Ainsley J mana ger of the team. , V . The teams play all home games on the town lot and a large number of fans have .been turning out for the games; which are played at sight un cer the lights. Ai , -, .) Doctor To Be Away V ; Air Next 'We&i M,CA' - IJoctor C A Davenport announced today that be will ,ba out of "town from, Monday through Friday of next week and will not maintain any of fice hours during those days. ' ; PROPOSED PEANUT BOOSTS PRICES $25 Crop Again Marketed Through Designated Agencies; Program Is Encouraging Peanut growers will be interested to know that the Department of Agriculture has announced a schedule of prices for quota peanuts for use in connection with a proposed pro gram to divert peanuts into the man ufacture of oil and by-products. De tails of the program, which will be similar to diversion programs pre viously conducted by the Department of Agriculture, will be announced in the near future. Under the proposed program pro ducers could sell their quota peanuts to designated agjncies at the announ ced schedule of prices. For the pur pose of the Droeram "auota peanuts'' would be those marketed, within AAAi farm marketing quotas established for 1941 after a referendum of pro ducers. The program also provides for the marketing through designated agen cies of non-quota peanuts at the mar ket value of peanuts for oil, less es timated handling, storage and selling costs. Non-quota or "excess pea nuts" are those marketed in excess of AAA farm marketing quotas. Program provisions require that both the quota and excess peanuts be properly identified with marketing cards when they are sold. The pro gram would authorize designated agencies to pay the following prices to producers for quota peanuts grown in 1941. The price paid in 1940 al so appears below to give an idea of the increase planned for 1941 as com pared with last year: Virginia U. S. No. 1 1940 1941 Per Ton Per Ton Class A $70 $94 Class B 66 88 Class C 61 81 Virginia U. S. No. 2 Class A 67 91 Class B 63 85 Class C 58 78 Virginia U. S. No. 3 Class A 65 89 Class B 61 83 Class C 56 76 Under the proposed program it is expected that producers' cooperative associations which participated in the peanut diversion programs in prior years will be named as the designat ed agencies to divert quota peanuts and to market excess peanuts. Pro ducers may deliver either quota pea nuts or excess peanuts at the ware houses of the designated agencies. The prices set up by the United States Department of Agriculture, will, of course, have to be met by processors if they expect to secure peanuts, which should be reason for no little encouragement on the part of farmers who will have peanuts to dispose of and should result in the farmer making a good profit on his crop. City Commissioners Vote Ban On Public Dancing On Sundays The Hertford Town Board, meeting in regular session Monday night, passed an ordinance which prohibits public dancing in the Town of Hert ford on Sundays. The ordinance was passed as a result of numerous complaints being made to members of the Town Board regarding public dances being held each Sunday in cer tain sections of the Town, Violation of the ordinance will see court action taken against owners of establishments permitting dancing. The Board was in short session at the , Monday night meeting fesjittle bpfflness ,wai 'placed before .it. A 'discussion ' resrardinar all-nisrht nark ing on the streets of the Town lead to an agreement by the members that the police would be instructed to remedy parking where it created dangerous situations. W. G.Newby, clerk of the Board, informed the commissioners that all current bills outstanding against the Town, bad been paid to date. lions Club Change Time Of Meetings . The Hertford lions Club held its regular meeting last Friday evening at'; the, Hotel Hertford. Members voted, to change' the hour of meeting irom o:o vo t p..m uayiignt ssav- insT - Timi.in orderto, .give .all Wem Derg ;an opportunity r. to get , to . the meetings on time.'' The new" boar for the-Meetings, will be effective1 only during we remaining period tf Day light Saving Time. DIVERSION PROGRAM ABOVE LAST YEAR Boy Scouts Present With Legionnaires Troop 155 of the Boy .Scouts and the Perquimans Post of the Ameri can Legion held a joint meeting at the Perquimans Courthouse last Fri day night with nearly every member of both organizations present. After a brief business session of the Legionnaires, the meeting was turned over to the Boy Scouts who presented the veterans with a fine program pertaining to Scouting. The Veterans thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment and the skill as shown by the local Scouts. In an effort to gain a 100 per cent enrollment of all 1941 members by September 1, the local Post has or ganized itself into two membership teams and given each team an equal number of veterans to enroll for the coming year. Both teams are under the direction of C. F. Sumner, Jr., acting as Colonel, and B. C. Berry as Lieutenant Colonel. V. N. Dar den has been named Major of team one, and Charles E. White, as Major of team two. F. T. Johnson and Shelton G. Chappell will serve as captains under Major Darden, and A. A. Nobles and J. Oliver White will serve as captains under Major White. Mr. Darden's team will en deavor to enroll all veterans whose names are included from A to L, while Mr. White's team will enroll those men whose names are included from M to Z. At the present time twenty-two veterans have signed up for the new year, eleven men on each team. These members include: W. B. Belch, B. C. Berry, J. A. Carver, F. M. Copeland, V. N. Darden, W. G. Hollowell, E. L. Hurdle, S. G. Chap pell, J. D. Cranford, C. A. Daven port, A. Gault, J. H. Newbold, G. R. Riddiek, N. Rountree, C. F. Sum ner, J. G. Tucker, Elihu White, Charles E. White, J. Oliver White, H. A. Whitley, J. E. Winslow and L. L. Winslow. At the close of the membership drive a "dutch treat" fish fry will be enjoyed by the competing teams . . . but the catch is that the losing side will be forced to wait on the mem bers of the winning team, and since most of the Vets are crazy for fish, a lively battle is expected between the two teams to see which side eats first. Webb Funeral Held Tuesday Afternoon At New Hope Church John B. Webb, aged 68, widely known merchant and farmer of New Hope, was found dead at his home early Monday morning. Mr. Webb was a life-long resident of Perquimans County and held the respect of all who knew him. He had engaged in farming and the mercantile business for many years. Always ready to assist his neighbors his death came as a shock to his community. Funeral services were conducted at the New Hope Methodist Church oh Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock (EST) Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock (EST) with the Rev. J. D. Cranford, assist ed by the Rev. R. F. Munns, officiat ing. Music at the services was by the Hertford Methodist Church choir. Interment was made in the church yard. His mother, Mrs. Susan Sutton Banks; two sons Guy Webb of Dur- ants Neck, and Roulac Webb, of Hertford; five daughters, Mrs. Wil liam Meads, of Woodville; Mrs. J. T. Robbins, of Smithfield, Va.; Mrs. Clifton Haakett, of Durants Neck; Mrs. George Newby, of Norfolk, Va., and Mrs. Edgar Fields, of Hertford; one brother, L. R. Webb, and three half-brothers, S. D., B. S. and E. G. Hanks, of Durants Neck; and sixteen grandchildren, J. T, Thomas, Fran cis, Ruth and Catherine , Robbins, Mary, Maude and Janet Meads, Ray, Keith and Ruth Haskett, John Webb Newby, Guy, Horace and Mildred Webb, and, Edgar Fields, Jr., survive, Pallbearers ., were : Percy . Webb, Francis Robbins DeWitt Webb, JvT. Robbins, Jr, .Edgar . Fields and Thomas Jlobbins. ,;, . . CIRCLE. TO MB3ET ' The Minntel wflibn GwloV of the Methodist Church -will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Tim Brinn. f , Program At Meeting Judge's Warning Judge Granberry Tucker was a bit vexed as Perquimans Recorder's Court opened Tuesday morning, and the reason the judge was vexed was due to the fact that not one of the persons cited to court on that date appeared on time. Although Solicitor Charles E. John son called a couple of cases, the de fendants were evidently reluctant to come and meet their justice. This condition lead Judge Tucker to issue a warning to all persons henceforth cited to Recorder's Court, said warning being: "Recorder's Court will open at 9:30 a. m., Day light Saving Time, and defendants who are not present to answer charges at that time will be held in contempt of court and will be put in jail." A word to the wise should be suf ficiemt. Local Draft Board Completes Work On New Order Numbers No Calls Received For September; Negroes Leave August 21 The Perquimans County Draft Board has completed the work of "filtering" registrants, whose order numbers were drawn during the sec ond lottery, into the list on file at the draft offices. The list, as car ried below, shows each man's order number and designates the order in which he will be mailed question naires and ordered for .selection. At the present time the local board has not received any calls for white men during the month of Au gust, nor has it received any calls for men during the month of Sep tember, although some neighboring counties have received quotas. The local office was successful in locating two missing registrants, William White and Sylvester Felton, Negroes, who were reported last week as among the missing. These men have reported to the local offi cials. However, Floyd Sutton, anoth er missing Negro, is as yet unheard from. Ten Negro selectees will leave Hertford next week for Fort Bragg, where they will be inducted into ser vice to fill a portion of the Perjuim ans quota for August. These men are: Jerry Williams, Wallace Jen nings, James Reed, Earl Rountree,1 James Fletcher, Fred Ridrick, Lycur-I gUB White, Sherman Barclift, Willie' Brooks and Edward Holley. i The order numbers, as given to tne men who registered for service n July 1, are as follows, the num eral in front of each man's name being his order number: S462, Peter Billups; S474, Alphonso Hutson; S486, Walter Turner; 3498, Harvey Nixon; S510, George Whedbee; S522, Garfield Perry; ,S534, Thomas John son; S546, McKinley Jones; S558, James Mallory; S570, Lloyd Overton; S582, Bennie White; S594, Ivory Skinner; S606, Jaushal Lilly; S618, Sim Jones; S630, Robert Barclift; G642, Willis Elliott; S654, George Davis; S666, John Lightfoot; S678, El wood Perry; S690, Howard Long; S702, Charlie Overton; S714, Horace Stallings; S726, Braxton Godfrey; S738, Joseph White; S750, Booker T. Geston; S762, William Ward; S774, William Lane; S786, Thomas Dail; S798, Johnnie Lane; S810, Rollo White; S822, Guthrie Jolliff; S834, Charlie Chappell; S846, Vernon Brickhouse; 'S859, Paul Whedbee; S872, .Lemmy Dillard; S884, Charles Harrell, Jr.; S896, Charles Miller; S908, William Simpson: S920, Rich ( Continued on Page Five) Hertford Rotary Club To Attend Inter-City Meet The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular meeting Tuesday night at the Hotel Hertford. The Club mem bers voted to attend an Inter-City meeting to be held at the Hotel Vir ginia Dare in Elizabeth City, on Monday, August 26. Other cities in cluded in this meeting will be Eden ton, Manteo and Elizabeth City. This meeting will take the place of the regular Hertford Club meeting of the 26th. The fishing trip planned by the local Rotarians for last Thursday was indefinitely postponed. i MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Turner an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter,Mir Myers Louise Turner, to Mr.' Jasper " Sawyer, son of Mrs. battle' Sawyer, ofJtew Hope. Ther marriage took place August -2nd. in-Dillon, South Carolina. , Board Of Education Releases Bus Routes For New School Year White Schools Open on September 17; Negro Schools August 25 MACHINERY READY Faculty Is Complete For All of the Schools In County F. T. Johnson, Superintendent of the County Schools, announced Wed nesday that the school system is all set for the opening of the 1941-42 school year which will get under way here on August 25th. On that day the Negro schools will open for the fall term, to be followed with the opening of all white schools on Sep tember 17th. Every part of the school machinery will be ready for the more than one thousand Perquimans school children on the opening dates. The buildings will have had a thorough going-over and will be prepared for the winter term. The faculty for all schools has been arranged and all vacancies have been filled. One of the biggest items to attend to in connection with the opening of the county schools s the arranging of the bus routes for the school year. Mr. Johnson, in this issue of The Weekly, gives a complete detail of the routes as arranged by B. F. Kendall, a representative of the School Commission, and himself. They are published for the first day convenience of the County's school going children. The routes follow: Perquimans High School: Lloyd Evans, Driver Bus leaves driver's home and goes 3.5 miles to several mail boxes at junction and turns right 2.2 to a T road and turns left 1.2 miles to P. E. Lane's home, thence retraces 1.8 miles to junction and turns left 6.0 miles to school. Winfall-Pfrquimam;: Edward Jordan. Driver First Trip: Bus leaves driv er's home and runs 1.1 miles to Cum berland and turns right 1.5 miles to four corners, thence left 4.2 miles to Parkville and turns right 2.3 miles to Chapanoke Road, thence right 3.6 miles to junction and turns left 1.2 miles to Hurdletown, tums and re traces 1.2 miles and turns left 2.8 miles to Winfall School. Second Trip: Leaves Winfall School and runs 2.9 miles to Per quimans County High School. Perquimans High School: Thomas Harris, Driver Bus leaves driver's home and goes 1.9 miles to Greasy Lane and turnf right 1. 0 mile to Poor Hall Road, thence right 1.2 miles to end of State maintenance, turns and retraces 1.2 miles and con tinues 1.6 miles to Stepney's Ford road, thence right 0.8 mile to junc tion and turns right 3.9 miles to sec ond junction and turns left 1.0 mile to L. M. Godwin's home, thence right (Continued on Page Eight) It has come to the attention of The Perquimans Weekly that on oc casions in the past -the fire signals and fire wards of Hertford have been described to the public for its convenience. We believe it possible that some might have forgotten and therefore, we are again publishing this information. The Town of Hertford, is divided into six fire wards and thus has six fire signals. The siren blows one time for each ward, that is if a fire occurs in ward five. the siren sounds five times, and so on. Thus by the siren you can locate the ward. The fire wards of the town are divided in this manner: Ward One is that section of the town which lies northeast of Market and Covent Garden Streets, extending to the river. Ward Two is the section lying southeast of Market and Covent Garden Streets, extending to the town limits. Ward Three is the section lying northwest of Market and Covent Garden Streets and extends to Eden ton Road Street. Ward Four is the section lying southwest of Market and Covent Garden Streets an4 extends to the town limits and Edenton Road Street. Ward Five is that section of the town lying west of the Railroad. Ward Six is the section lying west of Edenton Road Street to the Rail- )ne can readily Beet that wards' 1 2, 8 and 4 are divided sections of the town and; Market and Covent Garden Streets are the dividing lines, and wards 5 and 6 are easily identified by the above description. v v At C HI

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