ft r "1 - ' i ' ' If i -J AW --r ja w n.n.n v m n.vuscfr m wm:i i 11 ui ri-M.i -ii i n: i iui mijiiiuii lie uu'wryi iwi i a ij i i kkhiji in a u i ii im'I'Ii 1 II IH IU Mil WW ! VHV AV in ITlf IIBfT 1 i UULJ.f VSJkVXS Jill JurauuiUUlM VV41 4k l Volume. Vin.Number,34. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, August 22, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. v. THIS WEEK'S IIEAOUfJES According to reports this " week from the Russian war front, the Nazis are making; modi headway in the tattle on the far southern and northern ends of the battlefields. Although the Red Army officials con tinue to claim they have stopped the . Germans indications are that this is Vtrue only on the Moscow front. Most likely, according to reports, the Reds have withdrawn troops from other sectors to strengthen the Mos cow front. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill, after their his . toric meeting somewhere in the At lantic, brought forth a famous eight i points proposal for peace, after ' Hitler has been defeated. Newspa pers, as well as the public, were giv "t 4 en few details of the meeting, but Churchill is to speak this week from . London and it is quite possible that he will give the world the full de- , tails of the meeting. Without a definite working plan, or at least without announcing one, government officials in Washington . on Sunday released news that there Vis to be a 'forced" cut of 20 per cent in gasoline throughout the Eastern States. Voluntary closing of service stations throughout the night hours . has not produced the results wanted, thus the announcement this week of the cut which will probably start with the distributors and run on down to the service stations. President Roosevelt this week signed the draft age and extension acts which will give a blanket defer i ment to all men registered for mili tary jservice who have reached their iM ,28th birthday, and will also empower "W jtie Army to retain all drafted men, f already in servicer for a period of as '7 much as thirty months. t Along -with this item the Army au Tj lorities stated on Wednesday that M I L 1 . J l 1 1.1 ,11 r 1 . . 4 u 1 uy vina Tney wjf ( ; release V ' some men in nuliUry training Wort t. some 200,000 men may Jbe given their I J -V. .r . i i :ii l uisviwrgBB. 'men reieajMju win utj those badly needed at home, those past 28 and married men inducted since the service act became effec tive. Seven lives were lost and one mil lion dollars worth of damages occur , red at a fire at the Brooklyn Ship ards this week. One ship, seven barges and defense materials were lost in the flames. It was believed the fire was a result of sabotage, but investigation has not revealed it be that. After returning from his meeting ' with Churchill, President Roosevelt has told Congressmen and newspaper men that it was his belief that Rus sia has a good chance to hold out - against the German invasion through (this winter, and plans further aid to Russia by the way of the lend-lease ; bilk v ' .The United States will shortly be gfn ferrying warplanes to the Middle ' East, according to a plan being worked out in Washington. The ' planes will fly from the XL S. to safe '.fields, outside the war zone, in Africa, hence on to the Middle East y ' war jeone for the British. V Japan continues to spar with Brit : ' ish and American authorities in the ' Far-East, but little action has been , taken by the Japanese since they ' amoved toward Thailand last week, tt ' is reported that Russia has moved a large force to th S&erian border to offset the moves of the Japs who last week took up positions along i that line. - , The fifty-first annual reunion of ," Confederate .Veterans Vwilh be held . some time' .next spring'' at -Chatta' noogit- Tenn.: According to anhotmce- - int made tldn week by J. F. Howell, commander-in-chief ..of . the; veterans. No meeting was held this-., year be cause of -the lack of formal f lnvj- "In what seems to be an attempt to stave off German advances toward the Iran oil fields, British and Bus kin troops have arrived on Iran's frontier and the . Persian Government was given notice to expel all German 11 "tourists" within 48 hours. Rumors have been forwarded that the Nazis would make -a drive into the east country to replenish their oil snp- pUetiJfii- i The- Germans admitted late Wed nesday night .. that the . Red ' Army is counter-attacking and putting on a Jteavy air attack. 1 Russians claim to" live driven "back German forces on 't ..-ee fronts and meanwhile JI ar ;'. 1 Voroshilbv, J commander V,6f the 7rad area, called on all inhabi ' to t ' 1 in defending that city. Attend Preview Of New Model Cars At Norfolk Meeting J. H. Towe, Roulac Webb and W. W. White, of the Towe Motor Com pany, and Fred Chalk attended the preview showing of the 1942 Ply mouth automobile at a special meet ing held at the Norfolk Country Club last Friday. The meeting was conducted by the Plymouth Motor Company and in connection with the showing of the new model car, which is expected to be on display Tn local showrooms In the very near future, the Company also exhibited specM movies show ing construction' of the new car. Another special feature of the meeting was a movie snowing the part being played by the Chrysler Motor Company in the National De fense program. District Officers For Lions Named By Trueblood Clinton TTWy to Serve As Cabinet Secretary During Year In preparation for carrying out the work of being governor of Dis trict 31-C of Lions International, Norman Trueblood recently named the district officers for the coming year and these men will make up the official family for Lions Clubs of this district. . Clinton T. Eley, a member of the Hertford Club, will serve as Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer during the com ing year. With 34 active clubs in this dis trict, a total of eleven zones has been arranged and deputy governors and zone chairmen for each zone have been appointed by Trueblood. In Region One, Ted Speight of Roanoke Rapids, will serve as deputy governor and the following men will ..be the lone chairmen of that region: ov;n,-ueorge a. iwgers ot Apx; Zone Two, Albert C. Hoover of Hen derson; Zone Three, J. C. Moore ol Warrenton; Zone Four, B. G. Mor gan of Spring Hope. Norwood L. Vann of Wallace, will service as deputy governor of Region Two, and his zone chairmen will be: Zone One, Milton G. Williams of Kinston; Zone Two, H. Roy Cates ol Faison; Zone Three, Linwood Latta of Wilmington. Region Three will have Wallace S. Griffin of Edenton as deputy gover nor, and the zone chairmen are: Zone One, Ernest W. Larkin of Washington; Zone Two, Jule H. Pur vis of Belhaven; Zone Three Amo. Groves of Elizabeth City and Zone Four, Julius Sylvester of Weldon. All officers will serve until the club year closes next July, with the State Convention being held in Raleigh. A total of eight awards will be made to clubs of this district during me coming year. Jttve oups and three placques will be given to clubs making outstanding records in Lion- lsm. The awards will be made at the close of the club year and pre sented at the next State convention. Rev. B. Frank Bray To Preach Here SundayMorning The Rev. Frank B. Bray, formerly of Perquimans Ckmnty, but now lo cated at Marion, N. C, will conduct the services at the Hertford Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Bray will preach in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. C. E. Hobgood, who' is on a vacation. Revival Services At Bagley Swamp i Revival , services will . lw held at BatfeySwmp. Pilgrim ; SJJheaa vuurcn, starting August z, ana last ing until September 7. The Rev. J. Maxer Walton, ft returned mission ary from South America, is the en gaged -evangelist. A cordial wel come it extended the public to attend the services which begin each even ing at vm o'clock. Attend Showing Of j New Model ars Fred Winslow, Bill Morgan and Charlie Umphlett, of the Fred and Bill's Used Car Gales of Winfall. at tended the preview,. , showing , of the i4 riymouu at a. special meeting held last ,Frlday afc ihe; No. rollt Country Club, Norfolk,. Va. ,y r-- BIRTII ANNOUNCEMENT ' 'V ; Mr, and Mrs. Martin B. Towe an nounce the birth of a daughter, on August 14th. Mother and" '.baby are getting along nicely. - , ; Hertford Merchants To Cooperate With Sale Of Stamps Nation-wide Plan Will Receive Full Coopera tion Here R. M. Riddick Perquimans County chairman of thi Defense Saving Staff, announced today that a nation-wide plan to sell Defense Sav ings Stamps in retail stores will re ceive full cooperation from the mer chants here in Hertford. A complete check of the Hertford stores revealed that every one of them agreed to co operate and place?; the Stamps on sale in the stores. . It is expected that the Stamps will be placed in the stores for sale fwithin a very short time and the plan was a result of a meeting held by Treasury officials last week when members of the National Retailers Association met with Secretary Morgenthau and other officials. At the meeting the retailers en dorsed full participation in "Retailers for Defense" Week, September 15 to 20, when the stores of every state will concentrate their efforts to enlist customers to buy Defense Savings stamps. Before that time, most stores from coast to coast are ex pected to have Defense Stamps on sale. The leaders of the Retailers' As sociations met with Secretary Mor genthau and Treasury officials to project the plan for initiating the nation-wide store effort. The Secre tary expressed his appreciation of the cooperation extended by the re tail organizations, saying: "The Defense Savings Program is gaining momentum every day. The splendid spirit shown by the retail era of the nation in putting their as sociations behind the sale of Defense Savings Stamps is sure to have a stimulating effect in advancing the whole Program. It is another indi cation of the American determina tion to proceed wholeheartedly to ward success in our National Defense effort. "The thanks of the Treasury and of the Government are due the lead ers of retail industry and to their member stores all over the nation for the enthusiasm with which they are entering into the plans for 'Re tailers for Defense' Week, and for the continuous activity pledged in the sale of Defense Savings Stamps." stamps will be sold in the retail Bwras at convenient points, tne re presentatives of the retail associa tions explained. Defense Savings posters "will be displayed, and store clerks will help to interest custom ers in the Defense Savings Program. Gasoline Shortage Not Drastic Says Herbert Bonner According to an announcement re leased Tuesday by Congressman Herbert C. Bonner, the gasoline shortage along the Eastern Seaboard is not as acute as the public has been led to believe and h estates that the situation is being relieved. The following is Congressman Bonner's announcement: "Congressman Robert L. Doughton and Congressman Herbert C. Bonnei yesterday held a conference with the Co-ordinator of Petroleum with re spects to the reduction of gas and oil in North Carolina. The Con gressmen were assured that the re duction would not be as drastic as the public has been led to believe. That re-assignment of oil tankers from the Pacific to the Atlantic Coast and transfer of railroad tank earn, from the central: and. western area to the eastern area would great ly help the loss in "transportation caused by the leasing, of oil tankers on the Atlantic Coast to the British Government Mr. Davis stated that there would not be more than a 10 per cent reduction in thedeliveries on the Atlantic Seaboard and that with a 13 per Cent increase in con sumption this year over last, that 'JJhe 10 per cent reduction would therefore not cause the State of North Carolina any loss in its gas revenue." Making Repairs To Bus Station Wall Workmen were' busily engaged this week making repairs - to the . north stdewall, of tthe -Norfolk Southern But Station: The morUr in the bid Wall had decayed and caused crack ing tif the surface and t6 prevent se rious damage the wall - is being re placed. , j Judge Tucker Finds Probable Cause In Manslaughter Case Robert L. Eggleston Held For Action By Grand Jury Judge Granberry Tucker found probable cause in a hearing conduct ed in Recorder's Court Tuesday morning for Robert Eggleston, Ne gro, charged with manslaughter, and bound Eggleston over for action by the granr jury at the October term of Superior Court. Bond was set at 1,000. Eggleston, it was brought out ai the hearing on Tuesday, was the driver of a car involved in an acci dent near the Perquimans County Home in which two other Negroes lost their lives. The defense offered no testimony during the probable cause hearing. The State asked for a continuant in the case of S. B. Seymour until next Tuesday. .Seymour is charged with illegal parkins' as a result of an accident which occurred last Thurs day morning near the Boyce Service Station on Route No. 17, south of Hertford. David Pike and Linwood Pierce, both of Winfall, were seriously in jured in the accident when their car struck a truck, loaded with peaches, and being driven by Seymour. Both the injured men were unable to at tend court Tuesday and the case will be heard August 26. Three other cases were disposed of by Judge Tucker at the Tuesday session of Court. The State took a nol pros in the case of W. T. Moore, charged with violation of the Rabies law. Norman White, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of non support of his child and the court ordered him to pay $2 per week foi its support, and costs of court. Elisha Johnson, Negro, was assess ed the costs of court in a case whicn grew out of an argument in Goose Hollow., Anpie Brown charged Mil dred Johnson with assault and Elisha with assault on her daughter. Af ter the evidence was in, Judge Tuck er found Mildred not guilty and tax ed Elisah with costs for assault on Bernice Brown. A nol pros was tak en in the case charging Annie Brown with trespass, but Judge Tucker warned her to stay away from the establishment run by the Johnson woman. Local Distributors Lack Information On Gasoline News Although news stories were re leased earlier in the week by high government officials regarding "forced cuts" on gasoline throughout the Eastern States, a check with the local gasoline distributors reveals that they have had no news concern ing this latest development of the gas situation. The news, as released Sunday in Washington, was that a twenty per cent curtailment of gas consumption was absolutely necessary and that distributors and service stations would be cut that amount. However, no plan of action has been worked out or announced. Seemingly, the plan will be that the gasoline sta tions will receive less gas and it will be up to them to take care of the rationing. Although there was some belief that eventually ration cards may be distributed in order to solve the shortage. One service station operator of Hertford, when asked what he thought would be his plan of selling, replied that "I don't know; it's a tough job leaving it to us, but as long as I have gasoline I will sell it to those who come to my station for it." Further checks this week show that the voluntary closing of service stations from 7 p. m. to 7 a. m., has caused no reduction in gas sales in this section. All stations report that sales are about the same, or a bit higher than previous to the early closing. Rotary Club Holds Meeting Tuesday The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Hotel Hertford. Lacking defin ite news concerning the Inter-City meeting planned for 'Elizabeth City next Monday the local club members voted that' in event the InteisCity meetings is postponed,, .they will ge on a fishing trip nextweek in lieu of the regular meeting. -' BOARD OF EDUCATION ENTERS SUIT FOR DAMAGES AGAINST TWO RALEIGH MEN Leaders' School At Agriculture Bldgr. Wednesday P. M. A Leaders' School, conducted by Miss Pauline E. Gordon, specialist in Home Management and Home Fur nishing, was held Wednesday after noon at the Perquimans Agricultural Building. The topic selected for demonstra tion was "Bed Linens" and a home management leader from each dem onstration club in the county was present during the meeting. These leaders will repeat the demonstration at their respective club meetings in September. Old Men Of 28 Get Blanket Determent From Army Service Local Draft Board Has No Quota to Fill For September Those old men who have passed their 28th birthday were given blanket deferment from military sei vice under the Selective Service Act I when President Roosevelt this week signed the bill so ordering the defer ment of all men who had reached their 28th birthday by July 1. The order is effecting the local draft board somewhat, according to1 Mrs. T. B. Sumner, clerk of the Per-! quimans Broard. A re-checking ofj the lists of men classed in 1-A was i necessary and these men were placed on the deferred lists. At the pres-j ent time the local office has 17 white men in Class 1-A ready to be called. Eight Negroes entrained for Fort Bragg Thursday morning and will be inducted at that camp. Originally ten were scheduled to leave, but Sherman Barclift and Lycurgas White were granted a deferment, leaving a difference of eight men, callfed to fill the August quota. As yet the local board has received no calls for men during the month of September. It may be possible that one will be forthcoming to be filled near the close of the month. The local office mailed out ten questionnaires last Friday to men who registered for service on July 1. The mailing of questionnaires has been slowed down due to the fact that men must not be examined for service longer than sixty days prior to being called, the local board, thus, hopes to have the men ready as the quota calls are received from State headquarters. ' Hertford lions Club Meets Tonight 7 P. M. The Hertford Lions Club will hold its regular meetinar tonight at 7:00 o'clock (DST), at the Hotel Hertford. All members are urged to be present. Club (Secretary Norman Trueblood has announced that the local club has signed a contract with the "World of Fun" Amusement Company to ap pear here during the last week of September under the auspices of the Lions Club. The Club will not sponsor a fair this fall, but plans for a gala week in connection with the Amusement Company's appearance here will be discussed at tonight's meeting. Attending Annual Boys' State Meet James S. McNider, Jr., left Mon day for Chapel Hill, where he will attend Boys' State Institute being held there. Young McNider was selected by the Perquimans Post of the American j-egion to attend the study course this week. Special World Service Program At Oak Grove There will be a Special World Ser vice program given at the Oak Grove Church, at Chapanoke, on Sunday morning, August 24. The program will he presented by members of the Epworth Church School of Winfall at 10:45 Eastern Standard Time. The public is cordially invited to attend Revival Services At Cedar Grove v, Revival services start at Cedar Grove Church Monday evening, Au gust 25th, with 'the Rev. J. Herbert Miller conducting the services. The public is cordially' invited to attend. Claims Contract on Winfall Building Not Fulfilled $12,500 IN DAMAGES Renovation Work on School Now Being Completed The Perquimans County Education, through its McMullan and McMullan, beth City, entered suit against W. H. Deitrick, and F. N. Thompson, a Board of attorneys, of Eliza Saturday architect, contractor, both of Raleigh, asking for $12,500 damages for alleged failure to fulfill contract in the construction of the Perquimans Central Grammar School located at Winfall. The Board, in its complaint, al leges that it contracted with Deitrick as an architect to supply plans and specifications for the building and, according to the contract, he was to superintend the construction. The Board also states in the complaint that Thompson was contracted with to build the school according to the plans and specifications. The suit grew out of a recent in vestigation at the building when it was discovered that the flooring and sills of the school house had deteri orated and rotted away. This deter- ioration of the lumber caused a se- rious condition at the school and the work of replacing the damaged un derpinning is now being completed. The Board further alleges in its suit "that plans and specifications furnished were not suitable for pur pose intended, and were defective, In that the ventilation provided for the foundation of said proposed building was inadequate to admit into said foundation a sufficiency of light and air to preserve the timber in the con struction from untimely decay. All of which was known by Deitrick." It was further contended in the complaint that Thompson failed to "ei!o- lumber v-hjih . waF- v-eli seasoned and dry, especially in the construction of the flooring and sills" and that at the time the build ing was completed and turned over to the Board of Education for its ac ceptance both Deitrick and Thompson failed to disclose these facts. Answer has not yet been filed to the suit, which will be brought up at the October term of Superior Court. 4-H Doys And Girls To Broadcast Camp Leach Activities 4-H Club members from Perquim ans, Camden, Currituck and Pasquo tank counties will broadcast from WCNC, Elizabeth City, on Saturday morning, August 23, telling of their experiences and activities at the 4-H camp held last week. The time for the broadcast has been set at 11:30, Daylight Saving Time. Ninety-three boys and girls at tended the camp, representing the four counties. Eighteen of the youths were from Perquimans and were ac companied by Miss Frances Maness, Home Demonstration Agent. ,The camp was fortunate in having two specialists from State College to conduct classes in woodwork and insect study during the week. H. M. Ellis and Mr. Rowell were the class instructors, Mr. Ellis having charge of the woodworking class, while Mr. Rowell taught the study of insects. Other activities during the week at camp were, directed by Farm and Home agents. Pender Grocery Co. Moving Into New Quarters Next Week The Pender Grocery Company will move into its new quarters in the Towe Building during next week. Renovations are now being made to the building and it is expected that the work will be completed in time for the grocery to hold a formal op ening of the new store the latter part of next week. The new location will afford a larger store room for the grocery and will give ample space for dis play of merchandise and for custom ers. Announcement of the opening will be carried in The Weekly. Suffers Broken Arm Edna Bass, small granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mayes, suffer- , ed a broken arm Monday night.- tShe received treatment at. the ' Hertford Clinic, v 'i i.vW t 'L :- i