AUGUST 22, 1941 PAGE THREE . , ' " 1 - -1 , ' 1 . . I - '.- XI 3 nirrmc at WACiinsnTnii L r LUU.UItU 111 If f Milium Ull '') - By Hugo S. Sims, Washington Correspondent j f Bouse Vote Close On Sendee Eaten-; ' r sion. 'F. D. R. Faced Defeat f 1 The entire foreign policy of the; president barely escaped disastrous ' complications when Che House passed the bill extending Army services by the narrowest possible margin. . The legislation! already approved ' by the Senate, 45 to 30, extended the twelve months' term of selectees and National Guardsmen by eighteen, ad-; ' ditional months. In the House, 118 Democrats and 21 Republicans sup ported the measure recommended by - the Chief -of -Staff of the Army and 65 Democrats, 133 Republicans and 4 minor party members voted against the legislation. The foreign policy of the Adminis tration ib based upon the fundament K al presumption that the Western Hemisphere, if not actually imperil ed, is so acutely threatened by possi ble develoDments abroad, that the United States must prepare itself for active defense against probable aggression. General George C. Marshal, Chief-of-Staff of the Army, had asked Congress for a lengthening of the term of service, maintaining that the new army of 1,531,000 would be dis rupted by the discharge of drafted men and that a "national disaster" might ensue. His request was back ed by President Roosevelt, who sent a special message to Congress. X There were two chief arguments used against the proposal: (1) The assertion that the country is not in such grave danger and that the Ad ministration paints too black a pic- i ture of our future prospects; and, y ,A) that the men in service expected to serve only one year and that to ex tend their time would be to break a "contract" with them. The close vote in the House, while expected to some extent, was viewea as a warning to the President that the people of this country do not yet thoroughly appreciate the gravity of the international situation. The al most even division of the House, de Bpite strenuous efforts to convince representatives that the nation's de fense required extension of service, was attributed to: "(1) The desire of some Republicans to make a political -issue, the opposition party voting more than six to one against exten- ision; (2) The belief of some repre sentatives that the security of this country has been improved by the 'developments in Russia; (3) the in evitable pressure from relatives and men in service, anxious to get back home, and the inexorable political role that the House whose-members face the electorate every two years, is inclined to be wary." Vichy Goes Nazi. Danger To U. S. Unrestrained French collaboration with Germany raises serious prob lems for the United States in regara to the relations of this country and the Vichy Government of Petain. y 0 Implications behind the French an v nouncement involves the situation in Africa, especially the control of Dakar, and the disposition of French possessions in the Western Remis- vphere. Of course, the French Gov 'ernment will insist that, it retains ' control of its colonial emnire. but. bv virtue of the "understanding" with Germany, it is feared that French possessions will become the equiva lent of German-controlled colonies. The decision of the Vichy Govern a diplomatic contest which has been underway for more than a year. (Since the fall of France, certain French elements have dvocated full-fledged collaboration itK Hitler in the hope of salvaging a sphere of influence for France. Germany has continued to exert pressure on the Vichy Government in order to secure concessions of mili ' tary value in connection with the war ' against Great Britain. The United States, represented at Vichy by Admiral Leahy, has applied full diplomatic pressure to prevent a French plunge into Adclph Hitler's ' "New Order" in Europe. Now that the Vichy Government has proclaimed its intention of co- operating with Germany, . it is ob vious, that future developments may ? transform the cooperation into the ' abject subservience of a conquered . state. This, it seems, is likely and ' : carries the possibility that Germany , will eventually acquire complete con ; trol of the entire French colonial empire. , - h. .. - Crisis In Far East Shooting May Begin. Japan Calls U. S. Hand. ' The situation in the Far East, bam about reached . the stage where the United States should get ready for business" on a large scale, or else candidly admit defeat; by, the Japan ese, withdraw entirely from the. Far "j BILLIONS IN GOLD IDLE IN "MV- ENGLISH BANK Piled up in the vaults of the Bank of England are boards of gold and freasure, unclaimed for years.-. Now efforts art being; made to use the wealth against enemies of Great Bri tain. Don't miss this unusual stor7 n the August 31st issue of The American Weekly rhe Big I'-': n rWnited With ,1 ment1 follows East and abandon the diplomatic positions which have been taken since 1931. When Japan 'seized Manchukuo, the United States announced that it would not recognize the altered sta tus of the regions seized by force. Having gotten by with that grab, the Japanese have steadily and persist ently carried out a program of ag gression against the territory of neighboring countries. The United States has diplomatic ally denounced every aggressive step including the encroachment of the Japanese upon our commercial rights, which have been disregarded with complete immunity. Our attitude has been well known to the Tokyo statesmen, as they planned the use of force to secure control of the. Far East, regardless of international law, treaties and the natural rights of other nations. Having pursued such a policy with considerable success for more than ten years, it is obvious that Japan is inclined to continue her advances in the Pacific. Past experience con vinces the Tokyo Government that the United States will do little more than make a diplomatic protest and reserve its rights. If this is all, Tokyo will be grateful. Even economic restrictions will be accepted by the Japanese, who are confident that they can overcome such disadvantages and perhaps re verse them against the United States by acquiring control of vital raw ma terials in the South Pacific. Diplo matic displeasure and economic re strictions are expected by Japan and her policy has been planned with these in mind. Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who recently returned to Washington after a period of recuperation, insists that our difficulties with Japan will be settled only on a basis of the Fourteen Points he enunciated in July, 1937. These require Japan to adjure "the use of force" as a na tional policy and to submit problems to "peaceful negotiation and argu ment" under international law. The Fourteen Points laid the basis for Japanese-American negotiations, providing for "equality" of commer cial rights in the Far East, which would compel Japan to re-open the doors which have been closed in China. The Japanese have shown no desire whatever to deal with the United States upon the basis of the pre-war system that rested, in the ory, upon the observance of treaty oDUgations. The situation in the Far East, as Japan comes under complete mobili ration, is such that hostilities may begin almost any day. There is only one way for the United States to avoid a show of arms with Japan. To have what the Japanese call "peace" in the Far East, this coun- Marshal' must surrender its diplomatic po- oiuuu, give up us ireaiy ngnts ana acquiesce in complete Japanese, con trol of the Far Eastern areas. If we are ready, as a nation, to do this in the interest of peace, we can un doubtedly appease the Japanese for a time. If the United States is not ready for a complete surrender in the Far East, the best chance of preserving peace is to be found, we think, b7 making unmistakable to Tokyo our determination to meet aggressive ac tion with counter-action. The Japan ese have egged our relationship to the point where in the Far East the United (States must put up, or shut up. Japanese action indicates that the Tokyo statesmen have a suspicion that if Japan applies proper pressure, the United States will shut up. If Tokyo is mistaken, and we think it is, the shooting is apt to begin in the Far .East without further notice. City ori Tuesday afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. David White, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. C. White. Calvin Wilson spent Sunday after noon in Hertford. Carey Quincy spent the week-end with home-folks. J. C. Wilson was in, Elizabeth City Saturday. Mrs. Kate Jackson is spending a few days with friends in Portsmouth. Mrs. John Asbell and children spent Tuesday morning with Mrs. Earle Wilder. PINEY WOODS NEWS the campaign' and expressed Its ap preciation "for the cooperation of State Director Edgar H. Bain and members of his staff." The endorsement of the "clean up or close up" campaign by these two groups is timely in view of the fact that approximately four-fifths of the committee's clean-up activities are with the sheriffs and commissioners. Governor J. M. Broughton, during a speech before the sheriffs' meeting, also commented favorably on the work of the North Carolina committee. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Chappell, their children, Mary and Milton, Miss Mary Lamb, C. J. Raper and daugh ter, Miss Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Chappell, Mrs. Raymond Dail, W. C. Chappell, Miss Margaret Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. James Roun tree, Oliver Chappell, Miss Beulah Mae Byrum, Miss Mattie Saunders and Mrs. Mamie Lane attended Friends Yearly Meeting at Wood land, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ward and children, Marjorie and Bobby, of Eli zabeth City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Raper Monday morning. Mrs. W. D. Perry, of Bethel, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chappell. W. W. Chappell continues very ill. Mrs. Laura Ward has returneo. home after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Jenkins, at Potecasi. Coroner Terms Negro Drowning As Accidental West Obey, Negro, of Baltimore, Maryland, drowned in the Perquim ans River last Thursday afternoon. His body was not recovered until around midnight. Obey, who was about 30 years old, was in bathing with several other Negroes at Knowles Landing, near the Railroad bridge, when he got into deep water and drowned before help could reach him. It was reported that he failed to come up after going under the first time. Local citizens, Deputy Sheriff M. Gv Owens and members of the Coast Guard aided in locating the body af ter a search of several hours. Dr. C. A. Davenport, county coro ner, declared the cause of the Negro's death to be accidental drowning. TO RELIEVE MISERY OF COLDS 666 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSE DROPS COUGH DROPS UBMV-TIBM".-A WONDEffPUL LIMIMKMT YolLiiir Faflfl Garden) See us for your needs. We have a complete line of Seeds. All are guaranteed . . . stop in today for Seeds That Grow! All Kinds of Turnip, Kale, Rape, Rutabaga, Carrot HERTFORD HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. EDENTON, N. C. BRIGHT JEWELS MEET The Bright Jewels Missionary So ciety of Up River Friends Church met with Lizzie Winslow on Satur day afternoon, August 16th. The following program was ren dered : Duet, Margaret and Thelma White. Devotionals, Marie Hughes. Minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll was called. Esther Winslow read a poem. The lesson, "Bright (Sky Tomorrow," was given by Lizzie Winslow. Duet "The Shepherd of Love." Refreshing lemonade and cookies were served. Those present were: Betty Lou Eason, Lizzie Winslow, Lela Wins low, Mary Love Winslow, Marie Rountree, Esther Winslow, Mar jorie Rebecca White, Thelma White, and Marie Hughes, of Hertford. CHAPANOKE NEWS Clean Up Or Close Up Campaign Endorsed The beer industry's "clean ud or close up" campaign, which has result ed in the elimination of 183 undesir able retail outlets, has been endorsed by two State groups. The State Association of County Commissioners, at its annual conven tion at Wrightsville Beach, adopted a resolution endorsing the campaign and expressing the commissioners' appreciation for cooperation shown in ridding communities of objectionable outlets. The North Carolina Sheriffs' As sociation, at its conventions in Eliza beth City and Manteo, commended tfotvt&r are YOU -from 0 tre trout fe rfyAtftoM? Take a look at your tires and think about your family's safety. If your tires are worn smooth, the danger of trouble is just around the corner. It doesn't pay to try to squeeze the last thousand miles out of your old tires. Get extra safety PLUS extra savings with U. S. ROYAL DELUXE Famous for its quick-stopping "Brake-Action" tread. Gives you extra protection against blowouts as well as skids, PLUS the extra-long, money-saving mileage. Choice of leading automobile engineers as standard equipment on many of America's finest cars. Get our VTfirce. I Come in and get our net deal on U. & Royal DcLuxe tires including your old tires, before yon do any buying elsewhere. Joe & (Bill's Service Station Road and Wrecker Service "Where Service is a Pleasure" Hertford, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Clifton. Mrs, Henry Simpson, her son, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Patrick were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Lewis on Monday. Mrs. Mollie Trueblood and son, Tim, spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., with Mrs. Trueblood's son, Davis Trueblood. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy and family spent Thursday in Norfolk. Mrs. Daisy Perry and Mrs. John Symons were in Elizabeth City Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bell, Mrs. J. C. Wilson and Curtis Wilson attended services at Sawyer's Creek Baptist Church on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hallett Owens, of Elizabeth City, spent Thursday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Herman C. West. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elliott and children have returned home ' after spending two weeks at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deal spent bunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deal. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald . Wood, of Craddock, Va., spent Sunday with her parents, " Mr.' and Mrs. Wi W. .Lewis; Mrs. Jim Lane visil her daugh ter,. Mrs. .Clarence Byrum, -Thursday aiternoon. -- - r Mrs. . Talmadga ; Lewis" and ". ' Miss Beulah Bogue attended Farm - and Home' Week at State ' College; 'JRa- leigft, -during the first week in -Au See your aearest Athey dealer today I Save V (TlUlvV money by aavlng the surface with Athey'i . AZ 00' ' 100 Pure Paints nd with Athey's -Oll.. VJ 0 Whites the whitest of all white paint ClOV2 (((-, . BALTIMORE. MD. , l-n il lr " 1 J Elertfdrd-Hllardnas'e & SubbIv 0o; ?s7 SUNDAY Ai .CAN, " 7 ; On Sale At All Newsstands ( gust. ' "Trad Here iind Bank the Difference HERTFORD, N. C. Mrs J. C. Wilson was in Elizabeth V : j. : 1- .' f-