TUTS rESQUniAN3 HSSRrCED, 11. 02Jk AUGUST 22, 1M1 PAGRFiyg ; -. TT - "fTT " 1 '' JL ! ! At iNaga Head Mr, and Mn. J. H. Newbold, Misa :' ea Nita and Jeanne Newbold are at their cottage at Nags Head. Retain From Beach ' : Mrs. Agnes Williams and son, Al- fred, have returned home after spending some time at Nags Head. Week-end Here ' Miss Ann Bullock, of Jacksonville, was the week-end guest of her aunt, . Mrs. K. A. White. Visiting With Parents Miss Louise DeLaney, of Pahokie, Florida, is spending her vacation as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'L. DeLaney. Sunday at Ocean View Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright and small daughter, Ann, of Elizabeth . City, Mrs. J. E. Everett and Miss ' Blanche Everett spent Sunday at Ocean View, Va. t D. C, were week-end guests of Mrs, K. R. Newbold. Return To Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Withrow and children returned to Norfolk, Va., Wednesday after spending sometime here with Mrs. K. R. Newbold. Wilmington Visitors Jerry Newbold and Miss Ann New- bold, of Wilmington, are guests of Mrs. K. R. Newbold this week. Visitors Here Miss Doris Etzler of Baltimore, Md., and Miss Grace Angleberger of Frederick, Md., are guests of Miss Polly Tucker this week. Wednesday at Nags Head Miss Polly Tucker and her house guests, Misses Doris Etzler and Grace Angleberger, and W. B. Tuck er spent . Wednesday at Hags Head and attended a showing of "The Lost Colony" at Fort Raleigh. Vacation At Home Miss Sara Brinn, of Jackson, Is viaitfng her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. R.:TJ Brinn. during her vacation; -' Weekend In NorJkn' h Mr. and Mrs.oft, Lade visited in Nhrfolk, Va.:, "with 7 relatives during the week-end. Attending Conference Miss Edna Turnage was in Green ville this week attending a Home Economics conference. Returns Home Marvin Horton, Jr., has returned to his home at Farmville, after an extended visit with his uncle ana aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brinn. At Nags Head Miss Helen Gaither is spending the week at the Gaither cottage at Nags Head. Visitor From Portsmouth Mrs. R. B. Albertson, of mouth, Va., is the guest mother, week. Ports of her Mrs. W. G.' Gaither, this "Penny iSeijenade 4Jr?t I Irene Dunne is starred at the State Theatre, Hertford, Thursday and Fri day in "Penny Serenade," new pro duction m which the beautiful star appears as the wife of Cary Grant, gay, irresponsible newspaperman. ENTERTAIN S. S. CLASS ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. R, Walters T de- Morris, J. H. Towe, G. R. Tucker, Julian White, E. Cannon, H. C. Stoke J Q, Felton and Cecil Wins low anS'Miss Elizabeth Knowles. Durimr the (rarae drinks were serv ed and a sweet course was served at the conclusion; Refnrns To Rockingham Miss Jeanne McKenzie returned to Rockingham Tuesday after spending ten days here as the guest of Miss Blanche Moore Berry. Visitors From Norfolk Mrs. A. M. Farmer and daughter, Imogene, of Norfolk, Va., are guests of Mrs. J. S. Bass, Sr., this week. Return To Alexandria Jack Atchison and Jim Berry have returned to Alexandria, Va., after a week's visit with Clarke Stokes. Saturday at Beach Miss Ruth Hollowell, Miss Becky Ward of Plymouth, Jack Atchinson and Jim Berry of Alexandria, Va., and Clarke Stokes were at Nags Head Saturday night Visiting Here Miss Peggy Clifford, of Winston Salem, is the guest' of Miss Ellie Mae White. Returns From Summer School. Miss Ellie Mae White has return ed home after attending summer school at Mars Hill College. Return From Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wilson have returned home after spending some time at Nags Head. At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Morris and children, Mrs. Evart Newby and Miss Pattie Whedbee are spending the in new iora yjMr. and Mrs. Simon Rutenburg, Returns From Pendleton And Mr. vrA Mrs W A WilHnma nt i Mica Murfrnerit WnrH hna rft.nrn- ' Durham, are spending the week in ed home after spending several days ! week at Nas Hefld New York City. in Pendleton as the guest of Miss Foy Stevenson. Returns From Trip Mrs. T. E. Raper, Mrs. R. A. Sut ton, Miss Marian Raper and Dozier Sutton have returned home after spending last week along the Skyline Drive, in Washington, D. C, and visiting the Luray Caverns. Sunday In Suffolk ' Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stephens, Miss es One Mary and Lila Stephens spent Sunday in Suffolk, Va., visiting with relatives. Returns To Newport News Dozier Sutton returned to New jBprt News, Va., Sunday after spend ing two weeks here. Returns Td Oeensboro Miss MarlhaijAnn;.aadenini, has! returned to Greensboro, after being tne guest or Miss Florence Darden for a week. Returns From Jnnaluska Mrs. R, H. Willis has returned home after spending two weeks at Lake Junaluska. JVeeOc-end Here .' Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Newbold and Mrs. Aosa Waldron, of Washington, Week-end Here Miss Becky Ward, of Plymouth, was the week-end guest of Miss Ruth Hollowell. Tuesday In Norfolk Mrs. R. L. Knowles, Mrs. G. 1. Bullock, Miss Lena Barber, Misses Elizabeth and Dorcas Knowles, Miss es Gloria and Fern Douglass motored to Norfolk, Va., Tuesday. Returns To Greenville Miss Thelma Elliott has returned to Greenville, where she is attending summer school, after spending the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliott. ind Miss .Baltimore Visitors s Miss Katherine Stephens; a! Erma Winfield, of Baltimore, Md., are visiting Miss Stephens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stephens. HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON Miss Ruth Hollowell was hostess on Wednesday at a beautifully ap pointed luncheon. Her guests includ ed Miss Polly Tucker, Miss Doris Etzler of Baltimore, Md., Miss Grace Angleberger of Frederick, Md. - STATEMENT Franklin National Insurance Company NEW YORK, N. lY. Condition December 31, 1940, as thown By Statement Filed Amount of CapitaLpaid in cash $1,000,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st previous year 4,713,766.26 Income From Policyholders, $547,478.43; Miscellaneous $136,818.26 Total 684.296.69 ,d Disbursements To Policyholders, $226,854.22; Miscellaneous, Fire PremiumsWritten or renewed during year, $1,361,042.47 In Force , 2,759,188.71 Aii vbiier .. rreiiuuin wniun nr ivmpurori niv-incr vaar - i $806,041.43 .- In Force 894.677.67 ASSETS v Value of Bonds and Stocks $3,460,532.65 UeDOSlted in Trust Comnaniea and Rnnlra iut nn vntoroaf 1 10flR8ftfifi ( .Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks "on interest ZZZZZZ ' 50,OOo!oO -v Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to t11 Orfihn 1. 1QAft tnn rttzn err "Agents' balances, representing business written prior to 6c- m jtober 'l, 1940 5,570.91 , Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable 12,605.08 ' .Bills raceivshlA. talced fnr tiro riatra 1U01 K Interest and Rents due and accrued 15,629.13 t All other Assets, as detailed in statement 2,225.33 Total $4,888,272.72 Less Assets . not admitted Z.Z ZI 491,482.74 Total admitted Assets . $4,396,789.98 i !. " LIABILITIES 'Net amount of unpaid fosses and claims $ 60,521.09 , Unearned premiums , . . 563,841.72 , ! Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 1,200.00 n , Estimated, amount payable for Federal, State, County and Muni- , ' cipal taxes due or accrued J. 23,520.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued.. 6,000.00 v All othei; liabilities, as deUDed in statement v-. AbLmM ' r Total amount of all" liabijifks ,xcept GhpitaL -i.-if s 86082.81 vi"u vkuuijf jhuu up Ul cV y.-, T - - tJ in "... i. f tyiP' V" Surplus ever all, liabilities 2,68607.17 surplus as regards Policyholders ' ' Total Liabilities - . 8,53607.17 .$4,396,789.98 J - h ' . . Bustoesa In North Carolina Darinff 1940 f mn Risks written .$638,239: Premiums received -JUL JtZJMa AU Other Risks written Losses Incurred---Fire 542,850$ Premiums received AW, Paid . 574; Paid. Losses Incurred All other ' President. F. W. Lavtoni emtinr. Tw Home Office, 85 John Street New-York,' N. Y Attorney lor .teiwteeVDJCn C. Boney, Inrarance Cknumlbsioner, Ralelghr N. X ' . , , V; i - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT " CSetM . , ; . -; , Raleigh; May J5thr194i;I I I, Dan C Boney,1, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true "d correct abstract of the atsf-i-'t-..''-:JP'v,,nV tionallnr :: j --'-y ct J.'ew York, W. -Y- j, Jt C .. Witness. c:y.kand n of-!-! cl, fis V-y and y tit 4 Returns From Beach James Evart Newby has returnee home after spending several days at Nags Head. Week-end at Nags Head George Fields spent the week-end at Nags Head as the guest of Har- rell Johnson. Visiting In ElLin Mrs. Elmo Cannon and son, Guy, left Monday to spend some time in Elkin visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Gilliam and Mr. and Mrs Dick Evans. Returns From Summer School Harrell Johnson has returned home from Wake Forest College, where he attended summer school. Week-end Here Miss Bennie Wood, of Holland, Va., was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. B. T. Wood. Sunday At Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell and Miss Ruth Hollowell spent iSunday afternoon at Nags Head. Mrs. R. T. Clarke, White and Mrs. T. B. lightfully entertained the members of their Sunday School Class on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clarke. Summer cut flowers were used to attractively decorate the room. During the afternoon rook and Chinese checkers were played. Those enjoying the occasion were Mrs. E. L. Reed, Mrs. John Hill, Mrs. G. E. Fields, Mrs. Wilson Reed, Mrs. ti. C. Stokes, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. R. H. Willis, Mrs. R. T. White, Mrs. T. B. Walters and Mrs. R. T. Clarke. Cold drinks and cakes were served at the close of the games. MRS. THAD CHAPPELL ENTERTAINS ON TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED ! BY MRS CHARLES JOHNSON Mrs. Charles E. Johnson delight fully entertained members of her bridge club on Friday evening. The room was tastefully decorated with lovely summer flows. At the con clusion of the game, prizes were giv en with Miss Mary Sumner receiving high score, Mrs. C. R. Holmes, float ing prize, and Mrs. Henry Clay Stok es, low score. Those playing were Mrs. George Small, of High Point; Mesdames G. W. Barbee. T. L. Jessup, Henry Clay Stokes, C. R. Holmes, Misses Mary Sumner and Helen Morgan and the hostess. The hostess served a dainty sweet course at the conclusion of the game, j ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE j Mrs. Durward Reed was hostess to I the members of her bridge club on Tuesday evening. At the conclusion of play, high score prize was award ed to Mrs. R. B. Albertson, with low score prize going to Mrs. T. B. Sum ner. Guests bingoed for a third prize, which also went to Mrs. T. B. Sumner. Those playing were: Mrs. R. B. Albertson, of Portsmouth, Va.; Miss Annie Robinson, of Charleston, West Virginia; Mrs. J. O. Felton, Mrs. 1. B. Sumner, Mrs. B. G. Koonce, Mrs. R. M. Riddick, Mrs. J. G. Roberson, and Mrs. J. R. Futrell. Those playing werer 'Mrs: C. K. Holmes, Mrs. T. P. Brinn, Mrs. G. W.1 Barbee, Mrs. T. L. Jessup, Mrs. Jack Gaskill, Mrs. W. "G." Wright, Mrs. Charles E. Johnson, Mrs. E. L. Laughinghouse, Misses Mary Sum ner, Elizabeth Knowles and Helen Morgan, and Mrs. Frank Jolly, of Greenville. A delicious salad course was served by the hostess. ' Boys who are members of the CCC camps will soon start marching and simple drills as part of their regular routine, according to a plan adopted during this week. Miss Polly Tucker and her house guests, Miss Doris Etzler of Balti more, Md., and Miss Grace Angle-1 berger, of Frederick, Md., were hon- orees at a delightful coca-cola party given by Mrs. Thad C Chappell on the lawn of her home on Tuesday morning. The guests included Misses Polly Tucker, Doris Etzler and Grace Angleberger, honorees; Miss Peggy Clifford of Winston-Salem, Miss Martha Ann Clendenin of Greensboro, Misses Ellie Mae White, Florence Darden, Blanche Moore Berry, Lila Stephens, Anne Felton, Nancy Dar den, Ruth Hollowell, Ruth Winslow, Margaret Broughton and Mary Morris. MRS. JOE P. WARD HONOREE AT SHOWER HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes gracious ly entertained the members of her club at three tables of bridge on Tuesday evening. At the conclusion of the game, prizes were presented to Mrs. T. P. Brinn for high score, Mrs. C. R. Holmes for floating prize, and Mrs. Jack Gaskill for low score. Final Reductions For Our August Clearance Sale $2.00 Children's Sum mer Dresses $1.00 Ladies' $2.00 Dresses now Cotton $1.00 LADIES' DRESSES SHEERS - BEMBERGS $3.95 - $5.00 Values Now $2.00 - $2.98 We have a beautiful line of new FALL DRESSES, COATS and SWEATERS. Come in and select yours. Buy on our lay-away plan. Goodwin's DRESS SHOPPE HERTFORD, N. C. Return To Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Julian Fleetwood and children, Pat and Jordan, have returned to their home in Ferndale, Michigan, after spending a week here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Holmes. Tuesday In Norfolk Mrs. R. T. Brinn, Miss Sara Brinn and Mrs. S. P. Jessup spent Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. Visiting At Mackeys Carlton Davenport is spending the week at Mackeys with his grand mother. Week-end Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brinn ano Claude Brinn, of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brinn. At Nags Head Mrs. W. H. Huffihes and daughter, Betty, of Fayetteville, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. W. G. Gaither, are spending this week at the Gaither cottage at Nags Head. In Greensboro Mrs. V, N. Darden and Miss Flor ence Darden are spending several days in Greensboro. Business Trip to Baltimore . L. C. Winslow made a business trip . to. Baj3more, Md., this week. neiurns riy :-nmasor " MisB Pnie Newby has returned to Windsor to take , up ker.'dutiea a Home Economics teacher,-' after be ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Newby, for the summer. Returns To Fayetteville Mrs. Dennis Holliday returned to Fayetteville Saturday after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliott. Saturday At Nfcfr Head Miss Maiy Elizabeth Fields, Miss Jeannette Fields, Jack Mnnns and John Griffin, of Elizabeth Qty, mo tored to Nags Bead Saturday, Mrs. Joe P. Ward, a recent bride, was honored at a delightful shower on Monday evening by the members of the Delia Shamburger Missionary Circle, at the home of Mrs. George W. Barbee. The honoree received many lovely gifts. Those present were Mrs. Joe P. Ward, honoree, Miss Mary Sum ner, Mrs. Jack Gaskill, Mrs". J. H. Towe, Miss Bertha Chappell, Miss Elizabeth Knowles, Mrs. W. H. Pitt, Mrs. Cecil Winslow, Mrs. D. F. Reed, Mrs. J. O. Felton, Miss Mildred Reed, Mrs. Charles T. Skinner, Mrs. Henry Clay Stokes, Miss Louise Chalk, and Mrs.11 Barbee. The hostess served a delicious ice course after the gifts were opened. MRS. D. F. REED ENTERTAINS AT ROOK Mrs. D. F. Reed was a gracious hostess on Friday evening when she entertained her club at three tables of rook. The house was decorated with lovely arrangements of summer flowers. After, the scores were added, Miss Elizabeth Knowles was presented high score prize, floating prize went to Mrs. J. H. Towe, and Mrs. Cecil Winslow received low score prize. Guests bingoed for a fourth prize which went to Mrs. C. E. Cannon. Guests were Mrs. L. M. Newbold, of Rutherford. N-. J.; Mrs. Frank Jolly, of Greenville; Miss Mildred Reed, Mesdames C. T. Skinner, J. E. Here's The Answer To- YOUR PASTURE PROBLEMS Use Shox-Stok Fence Controllers You can solve your fall pasture problems by fencing in that pea patch or corn field by using one of our guaranteed fence controllers. Priced at 57.95 and $11.95 Wires - Knobs - Batteries - Wire Clips SEE THEM AT OUR STORE TODAY We Have a Complete Line of Field Fencing and Barbed Wire STAPLES AND NAILS See Us For Your Fencing Needs Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. "Trade Here and Bank the Difference" HERTFORD, N. C. COTTON STAMPS Accepted Here! We are helping American Cotton Farm ers move surplus cotton! We will gladly accept Cotton Stamps for any article in our large stock that is made of 100 American cotton and man ufactured by 100 American labor. Shop with us this week-end see our line of Cotton Goods. "STORE OF VALUES" gpRTFORD, NC -y ct j:r York, 1L Yn .... 7 4 ?$Fmmt ."': 1 t U FRTFORD, NifC" ' )f ;aid Comjany, bu the 81st L. Wl d CDiA I f iftf' n,7ipent I , " MiJtZ J:" V . ..,.,.,.,,,1 wrumn, 'H.r..j'..'V-j, .i.,1'.",!. ii-'L-. rv-n-'Y1.',::'. 1 : V'-:"yv:.( iJ-,.,r-j(;f;.'"'.,1."':i',.j;-;rl.i vV::--' ;xyh; .- .. "I ,11

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