THE PERQUIMANS WEEZLY. HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1941 PAGE SEVXSI tctoiMaiiaf ftm Yoxfc, torn 1 llL Kyes WHEN TO SELL CROPS Farming It more than growing crops. .It is as much a business ' as running a store or factory.. It ; involves all of the problems that ' must be solved by the merchant and the -manufacturer. Perhaps one ( reason why more .farmers are not successful is that they do not meet and solve the common business prob lems of keeping cost records, or knowing what to slant, and rhn w seii weir crops. Unfortunately, in most years, crop prices tend to be low when harvest has been completed. That Is a natural working of the eco nomic law of supply and demand. For today's prices do depend upon supply, and Upon the number bt People who want to selL TODAY. it ism always a simple matter to decide upon the best time to sell, and it has been our obser vation that the price you receive . Is only one of the elements that Jl' tna)rA s4a Mut4K r HKIIV9 AVI MVU19 Perhaps the experience of two Maryland farmers will best illusi irate our meaning. These two men had nearly iden- tical farms. Soil conditions and L eather were about even, and Crops. K- Hilt win MAW 1 1J 1 f- crops as soon as they were har vested, while Farmer "B" held on to his crops until he thought he could get the too price. Both of these men kept books on their farm operations. They knew what it cost to grow crops, as well as to handle them and Store them. After several years of men tion, the books showed that B averaged about 10 pescent more money for his crops than A. But the books also showed that A had 'made about 10 percent more ac tual money than B. It cost B ex- rra mnnnr tn nanma aarh itm '' more than nnce arid it rrutt him interest on his money, and insur jfance, and there was generally 'something to be deducted for snrinxage or spoilage, mat g wny B's profits were less, evert though he got more money when he sold. This is not written to advise you to sell your crop as soon as you harvest it, There are certainly times when that may not be food business when it will pay more than it costs to hold on. But it is sound advice to urge you to keep accurate records of all your costs. If you follow the ' 'simple method of comparing the money you have at the start of the year, with what you have at ' the end, you can easily tell whether or not you have made 'money, but you may not know why. And the why is important, y for it shows you where you can do better. The manufacturer who does not know now much it costs him to build His product, and get tt to market, will soon go broke unless be is unusually lucky. The same thfntf km triMfe Af tVlA ffirmar If yqu want help in setting up a simple bookkeeping system for your farm operations, why not ask your County Agent? Or write to either the State or Federal De ( partment of Agriculture. You will . find someone of broad experience ready to help you put a yardstick on your operations. You'll get : picture of your own work that will contribute to your creator success on the land. f Lois' Bowman, at Biscoe. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Evans and sons ' visited l Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Elliott Sunday evening. W. P. Perry, of Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with his family. Mr. and Mr. W. A. Perrv had as tijelr supper guests Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hollowell, Jr., and children, and Misses Geraldine and Frances Perry. , Mrs. J. G. White, of Center Bill, Misses Esther and Helen "Evans have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Wiseman, at Fayette- ville, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Welch, Sr., and John Welch spent the week-end in Greensboro with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baber. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Corprew and son visited with relatives in Ports mouth and Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Knight and son, Bobby, of Tarboro; Jimmie Shields, of Scotland Neck, and Rob ert Everett, of Palmyra were supper guests, of Mr. and, Mrs. E. N. El liott Thursday evening. Mrs. W. D. Welch, Sr., Mrs. Drew Welch and son, Billy, visited Mrs. E. N. Elliott Friday evening. ( Mrs. A. S. Bush, Miss Louise Bush and Hiller Fahey Byrum attended the Byrum-Chappell wedding at Bel videre, Friday evening. Mrs. R. H. Hollowell, Mrs. W. J.' Bunch and Mrs. Fred White have re turned from Raleigh, where they at tended Farm and Home Week at State College. Mrs. E. N. Elliott, Mrs. Fannie B. Knight. Mrs. A. B. Hollowell, Miss Esther Elliott and Asa Hollowell spent Friday with Mrs. J. G. Perry, of Rocky Hock. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Elliott and Miss Esther Elliott spent Thursday in Richmond, Vat Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Burch and son, of Baltimore, Md., are visiting her mother Mrs. W. W. Bunch. Asa Hollowell, Jr., of Aulander, spent Sunday with Edgar Earl Hollowell. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Boyce, of Center Hill, Mr. and Mrs. R. W Leary, Sr., and Miss Mary Leary, of Rocky Hock, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hollowell. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cobb, of Goldsboro, were Sunday evening sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Elliott. Mrs. A. B. Hollowell, of Aulander, is visiting Mr. and Mss. E. N, Elliott Mrs. Whitted, Dr. Ben Skinner and Dr. Kenneth Podger, of Durham, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. H Winborne and Miss Pattie Winborne. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Ben Skinner, who has been the guest of Mrs. Winborne and Miss Winborne for the Dast two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Privott and son visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Perry Sunday evening. Miss Marguerite Etta Evans is spending this week at Manteo. Mrs. T. C. Brittle, of Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blount, of Frank linton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nixon. Miss Marian Johnston and Paul Johnston, of Harrisburg, Pa., have concluded a visit with Miss Mar guerite Etta Evans. Misses Marguerite Etta Evans, Mary Winborne Evans and Marian Johnston and Paul Johnston spent Sunday afternoon at Manteo. Pciidty On Excess Cotton Set At 7 Cents Per Pound The U. S. Department of Agricul ture has set the penalty rate on 1941 cotton marketed in excess of the farm marketing quota at seven cents a pound, Tom Cornwell, Cleveland County cotton farmer and member of the tState AAA committee, an nounced. The 1940 penalty rate on excess cotton was three cents a pound. The 1941 rate was provided by Congress in an amendment to the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1988. This legis lation set a basic cotton loan rate at 86 per cent of the parity price and provided that the penalty on market ing excess should be one-half Aw loan rate. In view of the cotton parity price of 16.49 on August 1, the loan rate for 7-8-inch middling cotton is 14.02 for gross weight Thus the penalty rate, which will apply to all excess cotton marketed this year, will be seven cents a pound, Mr. Cornwell said. The Cleveland County fanner re-1 minded that while the penalty rate has been increased just four cents a pound for violations of marketing quota provisions, the loan rate has been increased by more than five cents a pound from 8.9 cents in 1940 to 14.02 this year. Cotton growers who knowingly ex ceed their acreage allotments may receive government loans at a rate of just 60 per cent of that offered to growers who planted within allot ments. The 60 per cent loan will be available only on that portion of thi crop which is subject to penalty, however, Mr. Cornwell added. make immediate payment This 14th day of August. 1941. MRS. DELLA TWINE, Executrix of O. K. Twine. aug.22,29,sept6,12,19,26. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION" Having qualified as Administrator D. B. N. C. T. A., of the estate cf Alfred Turner, deceased, late of Per quimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Chapanoke, N. C, on or before the 28th day of July, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 28th day of July, 1941. G. D. TOWE, Administrator D. B. N. C. T. A., of Alfred Turner, Deceased. augl,8,15-22-2sept5 Overton, Eugene, King; Street 6.19 Overton, Miles, Cox Ave. 20.95 Parker, Essie, Estate, Dobb Street 4.13 Parker, Henry, Estate, Dobb St 8.25 Perry, Henry L., Cox Ave. 9.82 Reed, Wilson (col.) Dobb St. 9.08 Reed, Elisha, Estate, King Street 6.60 Reed, George R. 13.37 Reed, George N. 10.62 Riddick, James W., Cox Ave. 6.19 Satterfield, F. H., Railroad Ave. 10.32 Satterfield, OUie J., Cox Ave. 6.41 Simpson, W. D., King St. 9 6.78 Skinner, Geo. L., Estate, Railroad Ave. 1.65 Skinner, Geo. L. (N. E. Chappell, Agent) 9.08 Skinner, John H., Railroad Ave. 4.95 Stallings, Isaiah B. 4.95 Sutton, B. J., Edenton Road St. 6.60 Taylor, Katie, Estate, King Street 8.25 Thompson, C. B. 6.19 Thompson, Cleotie B. 8.80 Thompson, W. J., King Street 28.22 Walker, Mary 3.30 Waters, Harriett, Estate, Dobb St. 4.95 White, Herman, King St. 8.31 Wrigtt, Sherman - 4.19 Wright, Ruth H., Gum Ave. 1.20 CROSS ROADS NEWS Miss Lois Kavage left Saturday zor New York City to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Bunch and . daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. '- Bunch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. . Waff, of near Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hollowell and ' eon and Mrs. J. C, Leary spent Wed- ' nesday In Norfolk, Va. - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hollowell. of ' Philadelphia, Pa., are visiting Mr. Y. and Mrs. Ralph Hollowell. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Hollowell, Mr. and Mrs. 'Balph Hollowell and chil- ' dreri were the supper guests of Mr. V and Mrs. C. J. Hollowell Tuesday ,'. evening;. . '"''"'-'''f-' Ilr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hollowell and riiHHran and Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh K a '. ! f 1 ii 1 . a. ITU ' ttouowen ana cnuoren spent xnurs- day at Ocean View, Va. Iff, and Mrs. Ralph Hollowell and children Spent Friday in Suffolk, Va., f with relatives. V . Mf. and Mrs. J.' & Leary were the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Hollo- well Sunday afternoon. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. T. P, Burgess, fiss Dorothy Lee Savage,1 J. L. Savage, St., fund Miss Nolle Wade, of Qcala, .:rU.jf Mr. and Mrs. By M. Robinson ar i children, of Mats HilU Mr, and Clay Elackatock, of Washington, D. (X, Tare visiting J. L. Savage. , Mr. and lira. .Cecil Evans have re. turned td' their home , at Haddonfleld, - Tr w Jersey, after visiting with Us t her, Mrs. ITxttU Evans. '. L- Vashtt Cowman has ret"-"l f l a "visit with her sifter, I - DEFENSE BOND QUIZ Q. Can my children buy Defense Savincs StamDS? A. Yes. Hundreds of thousands of American children are buying Stamps regularly as their share in the national savings program. 9. Why should children be en couraged to buy Savings Stamps? A. Because by buying Stamps they write their names on a Roll of Honor of Americans who are doing their part to show the dictators that united America will never flinch to preserve her sacred liberty. Q. After my child has collected enough Stamps to exchange for a Bond, can the Bond be registered in the child's name? A. Yes. A minor may own a De fense Savings Bond. Many parents are registering Bonds in their chil dren's names to prepare for future educational needs. Note. To buy Defense Bonds and Stamps, go to the nearest post office, bank, or savings and loan associa tion: or write to the Treasurer of the United States, Washington, D. C, for a mail-order form. n.m::vrG COMMTOtriAt. JOB PRINTING "'AT LAST! THE TRUTH , ABOUT "CARDIFF GIANT" , After seventy years of silence lie Son of a stonecutter reveals now nis father v chiseled Barnmn'B famous petrified man out of a block of gypsum. One of tttnyw Interesting features In the August Slat issue of Th6 American Weekly TSs Big t?t"M CistrCwted W13i Ci r j At A3 Newsstands LEGAL NOTICES CLASSIFIED FOR SAAJi OLEr KaWSPAPERS. 5c per bundle. Call at The Per quimans Weekly Office. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of O. K. Twine, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 14th day of August, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina,' Perquimans County. . Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County made in the Special Proceed ing entitled Pleasant E. King, Admx., of Sarah F. Sutton vs. T. E. King, Charlotte Rucker et als., heirs at law of said Sarah F. Sutton, deceased, the undersigned commissioner will, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Septem ber, 1941, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., at the courthouse door in Hertford, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Park ville Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and more particular ly described as follows, viz: Beginning at road leading from Winfall to Belvidere at corner of street laid off, and running along said road 122 feet to Hurst lot thence an easterly course about 132 feet, thence a northerly course 122 feet to street, thence along said street about 132 feet to the road place of beginning, being situated in the northeast corner of block just out of corporation of Winfall, and containing one-fourth of said block and known as lots Nos. 6 and 7, in Perry's addition to Winfall, and be ing the identical land deeded to Sarah F. Sutton by deed from E. V. Perry and wife, Susie S., dated 24th March, 1906, and recorded in Book 7, page 421, office of Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, N. C. A deposit of ten per cent of price will be required of the successful bidder immediately after sale. Sale will remain open ten days for upset bids. Dated and posted this 1st day of August, 1941. C. R. HOLMES, Commissioner. aug.8,15,22,29 Notice of Delinquent Tax Sale TOWN OF HERTFORD Sale rvf Tnum nrnnoir fnv Hnlinminnt tavAo -fz-w. vonv (A( Hnta sale, Monday, September 8th, 1941, at 12 o'clock, Noon, at the Court House nnn une 1 xt ti. - i: . W. G. NEWBY Clerk and Tax Collector, Town of Hertford TOWN OF HERTFORD WHITE Name Location Amt. Barclift, J. T., Penn Ave 13.48 Caddy, John, Estate 5.37 Campbell, Mrs. Louise, Market Street 56.68 Cooke, Mrs. Fannie, Church Street 16.50 Elliott, Mrs. Norman, Penn. Ave. 19.80 Elliott, Josiah. Penn. Ave. 9.35 Elliott, Wm. T., Dobb Street 12.71 Felton, J. O., Dobb Street 44.59 Harrell, Mrs. Lilly R., Edenton Road St 23.83 Jordan, R. S., Church Street 49.81 McMullan, Mrs. W. T., Estate, Church St. 35.75 Medlin, N. H., Railroad Ave. 7.76 Morgan, Mrs. Tim, Grubb Street 9.90 Perry, A. A., Estate 4.95 Pierce, E. S., Estate, Market Street 65.92 Roughton, A. W., Estate, Grubb St. 16.50 Shannonhouse, Mrs. J. T., Church St. 75.38 Small, P. H., Estate, Church St. 33.00 Weeks, Mrs. F. M., Front Street 20.62 White, W. E., Church Street 20.55 Wbite, C. W. 35.01 White, C. I., Grubb Street 13.26 White. Capt T. S., Dobb & Church Sts. 18.95 Winslow, Mrs. Cora B., Estate 79.83 Winslow, T. R., Estate 20.02 Wright Mrs. W. G. 45.10 Zachary, Dr. J. W Front Street 42.24 Winslow, E. L., Dobb & Front Sts. 69.34 TOWN OF HERTFORD COLORED Bembery, Moses $ 4.54 Bembery, Miles, Market Street 14.44 Bembery, Ed, King Srteet 9.90 Bembery, Robert, Estate, King Street 6.60 Blanchard, John, Edenton Road Street 2.48 Clark, Adeline D., Edenton Koad St 4.95 Cofield, Allie 6.39 Dail, Elverd, Estate, Covent Garden 1.24 Dail, Elisha, Dobb & Edenton Road Sts 49.84 Dougles, Terrisa, Estate, Grubb St. 4.13 Douglas, W. N., Market St. 14.59 Elliott, Arthur, Market St. 6.78 Evans. Sarah . 1.65 Everett. Mamie, King Street 4.13 Felton, George 1.46 Felton, Terry 4.95 Felton, Elec 2.68 Felton. Wm. Percy, Railroad Ave 5.78 Felton, Mary L., Estate 8.25 Felton, Lucy, Hyde rtrk St 8.80 Felton, Geo. Wilson 1 12.76 Felton, Lloyd .i Felton, Laura S., Railroad Ave. 12. Pen. .54 .21 2.27 .66 .79 .37 .51 1.78 .95 1.99 1.43 .31 .40 .20 2.64 .66 3.02 1.32 .82 .82 1.40 .53 .76 3.19 .80 1.80 1.69 2.77 Cost .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 Total 14.97 6.53 59.90 18.11 21.54 10.67 14.17 47.32 25.73 51.75 38.13 9.02 11.25 6.10 69.51 18.11 79.35 35.27 22 39 22.32 37.36 14.74 20.66 83.97 21.77 47.85 44.88 73.06 Felton. W. J.. Estate. Market St. Feltoh, James ; . Franklin, Prentise, Estate, Barrow Lane Harreii, jonn Henry Hoffler. Wm. King- Street Holly,. Alpine, King Street HollVk L. D.i Dobb Street . Hollyi Malinda, Estate, Dobb St Hurdle, :Millie Ad Gum Ate. l. Jaro, cworge, Jung street Lassiter. Herbert. Edenton Road ISt Lsssiter, Harriett, Edenton Road St Lloyd. Pearl,. Dobb Street Lowe. , Market Street Lyons. , Washington, Edenton Road St KTm4' na Vina, fihw - ' 24.75 16.78 3.03 14.74 14.74 &20 Ifl 2.75 8.80 sis 82.32 'OS 2d.4 17.17 .25 .84 .16 .83 .30 .86 .26 .63 .42 .25 .41 .25 .27 .06 .36 .20 .20 .26 .33 .25 .25 1.13 .13 .20 .33 .16 .17 .95 .65 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 7.39 22.73 5.24 9.53 11.16 10.39 7.81 14.85 11.99 7.39 11.68 7.61 8.00 2.66 10.39 6.10 6.10 7.81 9.53 7.39 10.10 30.30 4.38 6.10 9.59 5.30 5.32 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR NON-PAYMENT 1940 TAXES (Continued From Page Two) Madison Mabine, 32 acres Harrell Land BELVIDERE TOWNSHIP COLORED Charlie Armstrong Heirs, 6V2 acres Home Land; 23 acres Lilly Land $ Chlora Armstrong, 8 acres Billups Land blsie Lowther Barnes, 59 acres Home Land Ed Billups, 2 acres Armstrong Land; 3 acres Home Land Elnora V. Billups, 10 acres Jim Hurdle Land John A. Billups, 32Ms acres H. Eason Tract; 1 Filling iStation W. H. Billups, Jr., 6 acres Hester Winslow Land Mary Blanchard, 3 acres Home Land Annie Boyd, 10 acres Home Land Seaton Bryant Heirs, 7 acres Home Land John A. Burke, 3 acres Home Land; 10 acres Simpson Land; 3'i acres S. M. Winslow Land Lee Butts, 40 acres Home Land John A. Cooper, 2 acres Home Land Rufus Dail, 20 acres A. Perry Land Martha J. Daniels, 12 acres C. Hurdle Land Eliza J. Eason, 5 acres Honie Land Ethel Eason, 3 acres Alex White Land George Eason Estate, 9 acres G. Eason Land Mary E. Rogers Felton, 2 acres Woodley Land M. Frierson, 1 acre Wingo Isaac Gallop Estate, 18 & acres Home Land; 14 acres White Land Charlie Hinton, 2 acres Fauntleroy Land Henry M. Hollowell, 1 acre Home Land Thersa Hunter, Land Agathy Hurdle Estate, Vi acres Home Land Harrison Hurdle, 60 acres Home Land Jason Hurdle, 1 acre Home Land Joe Hurdle, 2 1-3 acres Home Land Odell Hurdle, 2 acres Teasy Hurdle Land Warren Hurdle, 7 acres Home Land LMaud Jordan, 12 acres Millie Hurdle Land B. F. Lilley Heirs, 59 a. Home Land; 125 a. White Land; 48 a. Land Haywood Lilly, 1 acre Home Land L A. Lilly, 1-5 acre Home Land Hester Morris Heirs, 6 acres Home Land Luvenia Newbold, 67 acres Home Tract Land Golar Newbold, 68 acres A. Newby Land Mary E. Norfleet Heirs, 50 acres Nicholson Land John Henry Overton, 2 acres Edward Riddick Land W. H. Overton, 1 acre Home Land Isabella D. Perry, 12 acres Emmanual Perry Land Allie Rawls, 6 acres Hester Winslow Land Addie L Riddick, 19 acres Pierce Land Elizabeth Riddick Heirs, 21 acres Home Tract Land James C. Riddick, 4 acres Home Land J. M. Riddick, 8 acres Home Land James Riddick, 6 acres Home Land Martha Brothers Riddick, 22 acres Perry Land Mary Felton Riddick, 5 acres Home Land Miley Riddick, 10 acres Lilly Land; 3 4-5 acres Home Land M; T. Riddick, 27 acres Home Land Soney Riddick, 1 acre Home Land T. E. Riddick, 8 acres Home Land; 15 acres C. Winslow Land Thad W. Perry, 4 acres Roda Perry Land W. B. Riddick, 13 acres Home Land W. Gaither Riddick, acre A. E. Winslow Land; 15 acres T. M. Lamb Land; 15 acres Elbert Chappell Land Wright Riddick, 88 acres Lucretia Riddick Land T. R. Riddick, 4 acres Home Land C. W. Rountree, Land Julia RoUntree, 15 acres C. Winslow Land Abram Small Heirs, 7 acres Small Land; 19 acres Home Land Clinton Small, 2 acres Small Land : Cyph Small, 7 acres Small Land Mary Small Estate, 7 acres Small Land Elijah T. Smith Estate, 2614 acres Price Land Leroy Smith, 12 acres Home Land Robert Smith, 7 acres Home Land W. E. Smith, 7 acres Home Land Spellman Heirs, 14 acres Whitehead Land C. F. White, 500 acres Tuttle-Onley Land Frank B. White, 102 acres Stanton Land; 2 acres Stanton Land; 40 acres Home Land Hezekial White, 1 2-3 acres L. B. White Land John A. White, 50 acres F. White Tract Land Mrs. George H. Winslow, 15 acres C. Winslow Land Crene J. Winslow, 80 acres Home Land James A. Winslow, (of George) 7 acres G. H. Winslow Land John A. Winslow, 1 acre R. H. Hurdle Land Mary L. Winslow, 30 acres Home Land W. T. Winslow, 15 acres C. Winslow Land BELVIDERE TOWNSHIP WHITE Albertson, Miss Catherine, 1000 acres Swamp Land Buller, Minerva, 30 acres Henry Copeland Land Chappell, Myrtle F., 25 acres O. R. Chappell Land Chappell, J. T., 25 acres Mitchell. Land Chappell, Mrs. J. S., 4 acres Honie Land Chappell, Willie R., 46 acres Home Land; 6 acres Pocosin Land; acre Hunter's Fork Land; 41 acres Town send Chappell Land Chappell, Ralph B., 4 acres I Chappell Tract Land; 3 3-4 acres M. L. Chappell Land; 1 acre Home Land Chappell, Charlie T., 3 acres Chappell Land; 1 acres Chappell Land; 10 acres Chappell Land Copeland, Valand J., 55 acres Bush-Copeland Land Chalk, Eliah E., Estate, 25 acres J. A. Smith Land Cox, David, 16 acres Newbold Land; 10 acres Patent Land Cox, David, agent for Fanny Lassiter, 40 acres Fanny Lassiter Land Dail, Mrs. E. J., 33 acres Home Land; 16 acres Old Home Land; 35 acres A. Forehand Land Eason, W. T., 18 acres J. G. Winslow Land; 130 acres R. M. Onley Land; 21 acres W. F. Onley Heirs Land Forehand, Alfred, Heirs, Land Griffin, Clifton, 42 acres N. B. Dail Land Griffin, C. N., 40 acres Edmond Riddick Land; 9 a. Poplar Neck Hurdle, L. H., 137 acres Home Land; 53 acres J. Riddick Land; 100 acres Nixon Land; 19 acres Bunch Land Lane, David, 60 acres G. Stallings Land Lilley, Pete, 2 acres Robertson Land Nixon, W. H., 30 acres Home Land Perry, Mrs. Mamie, 7 acres Roberston Land Riddick, K. F., 25 acres Home Land Rogers, Joseph, 808 acres C. Perry Land Rountree, Gus, Heirs, 137 acres J. M. Riddick Land Rountree, Jesse, 10 acres J. G. Turner Heirs Rountree, Ralph, Gayle and Dorothy, 15 acres Riddick Land Smith, Fred E., 12 acres W. T. Smith Land Smith, Mrs. Dellie, 9 acres Home Land Southern Vineyard Co., 40 acres Southern Vineyard Land Stallings, Willie, 100 acres Edmond Riddick Land Stallings, Mrs. Marina, 131 acres Stallings Land Turner, Mrs. John, 18 acres Desert Land Uphoff , W. E 80 arces Parkville Drainage Land Venn, G. G., 7 2-8 acres Venn Land : Ward. Carroll V.. 42)4 acres Ward Land D. MoodyWhite, 75 acres B. N. Twine Land Wilder, Lk fc, Estate, 72 acres J. White Land Wraslew Arnold W.. 48 acres part of J. L. White Land . Winslow Llmer It, 19 acres Turner Land; 80 acres J. L. White umai g acres J. v. ratter Land Winslow, James TM 60 acres Charley Winslow Land - 6.04 16.90 6.13 13.93 6.86 15.79 33.66 12.53 6.13 4.85 11.02 10.80 11.45 7.06 10.47 4.16 6.72 5.43 5.01 3.09 7.66 6.57 10.66 6.74 6.13 3.16 18.75 4.96 8.21 7.11 5.51 4.33 43.68 4.61 6.43 3.09 12.14 39.37 4.94 7.46 5.04 2.98 4.90 7.07 2.63 4.38 4.97 10.47 3.69 10.48 3.69 10.59 9.95 9.33 8.52 13.97 3.79 3.56 4.48 12.5 4.97 3.79 3.72 10.59 5.3'J 4.68 2.59 3.69 8.90 26.59 5.04 7.92 4.85 21.94 7.30 8.16 11.99 4.85 17.05 7.27 14.32 7.84 3.56 49.95 20.00 9.67 13.88 6.72 11.37 4.57 39.34 37.17 6.56 22.84 10.35 81.35 8.47 4.95 7.20 4.97 11.40 39.26 16.57 3.56 8.20 20.77 6.13 13.15 34.78 10.87 8.56 8.94 8.79 21.48 21.67 8.78 140 28.73 lf.77 i t

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