1 -j. - - I NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TOTE irpmnrnt BfefjialARlt TOBY f V " " 1 . w. MujuAiin vvtiii 1 1 1. v . i aj 1 1 1 i r i rwt nn o u v Watt ui. i ha -v j , twi MftBLj t sssssssssssr""' yy.y whki xcij.. j-iwi mail Duaru an THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES ...President Roosevelt, following example set by President Adams, t on last UTiday ordered the United ,fitates Navy to shoot all Axis surface raiders and, submarines found within the 'defensive area of this nation. The President's orders followed re peated attacks by Nazi submarines oa our shipping within these waters. Later rfovAlonmantu - - v w f Vl VI1C0C orders, point toward definite con voying of vessels from American ports carrying Lend-Lease goods to KHUtn -fighting Hitler. In the Far East the war situation has taken a softer tone. The Japan ese Emperor has taken direct com mand of the Japanese Army and, it is oeueved by some authorities that Japan will break with the Axis pow ers and seek normal trade relations i with the U. S. and Britain. U The war in Russia continues to be a mass of claims and counter-claims, although early this week Russia still held command of the situation. TheJ Oerman Army has advanced little Lthis week but claims to be gaining grouna in tne UJcraine, having the cuy oi ajev completely surrounded ine Dacue or lenine-rad continues with the Nazis bringing in their air pianes to force a surrender of the city, i he Red Army and citizens are aeienaing tne position to the last aitcn. Recommends Mayor Darden For Job . Jtierren, chairman of the Perquimans draft board. announwM tnis week that the local board had recommended Mayor V. N. Darden to oe appointed Re-employment com mitteeman for the local board. Mayor Darden will work with all returning selectees in an endeavor to place them in employment as soon as possible after their release from army service. Mrs. T. B. Sumner, clerk of the draft board, stated that George Butler, first Perquimans boy induct- cu 'w military service, under the Selective Service Act, was given his discharge this week in accordance to the Army's plan to release some sw,wu men from service by Christ mas of this year. Red Cross Training Courses To Be Held Sept 29 To Oct 10 Perquimans Chapter to Sponsor First Aid 1 raining For Local People $1.25 Per Year. Britain, in an attempt to aid the Reds, is flying aircraft to Russia to replace some of the planes lost in the war on the Eastern Front. Some plans reveal that the British will bomb Germany enroute to Russia, thus making the trip a business one wen as aiding her ally. With the strong position that rrewaeni Koosevelt has taken again, st the Axis laree . G. Newby Winds Up Ten Years As Hertford Town Clerk Gives Brief Outline of Accomplishment Dur ing Past Decade to , wie Axis forces during the een, touth Amrican nations past now tifffateninir un . nonr thia the various oQtk American -ewpWHe1:ft;iaJWr Ss 1 , being kept over all well-known Nazis. By W. G. NEWBY Our popular Editor hasasked me give a brief resume of the finan cial progress of Hertford during my .oumc vi oince wnicn was ten years oepiemDer 17th, 1941. Our bonded indebtedness at this time is $145,000, being a reduction in ten years of $41,000, and we are re ducing this each vear hv rohVino- $5,000 in bonds with duction in interest of $350 per year In 1932 and 1933, the bonds of Hert ford nad reached an all-time low of $576 per one thousand dollar bond. Now these same bonds are impossible w jcure ana uie price has risen to $1,100 per bond. The tax rate has never been .increased, the rate still on fi."t,i , ' l"e rate sua ZSJir. W0 on the hundred pyuria continue to come out of urope tnat inland will soon stop fighting Russia. It is stated that rimano. is interested only in gaining back the territory the Reds took from the small nation in their war two years ago. If the Finns with draw from the war, it will relieve e Russians on the Northern Front .u give more men for the battle with Hitler. '(The American Legion is holding qtr national convention this week in Milwaukee. Wisconsin. a,-j loosing 4 new national commander, Till A I AMtAH.. ' a B""'"ire8 re expected to "uwyk resolutions regarding proDiems now nation. IS major facing the Sf:21 Sh8h of Iran ab- cated his throne in favor of his 21- 'l ZTtiT 1nI1Tue8dy " Russian . Bntteh soldiers neared the capl- Jf;Jutr.the A,lle8 !S2S'!j,hM to.ctic8 t0 aId Germans j uji uio country. . to uerman occupation !ltLnUein Pari8- Two German ""r we. "W d wound- ZJ&jrSrS " the Nazis had Zy7,'i,cl1 aostages held by fcrtr''--"1 mwed down - fw r Ge.'ns to five Reds and we aiaughjar:. the, Jews, but die Grnm t&, that the other fi " " ' , , Kusaia. Ugh ftiark this week nin' IWa TWll hav no . a.vJ: -T .: wT S. Navy h fef, W cargo .hips the .v. w, wnuc, ana at the same time tontlnae to aeek out Axis submarine. r-B wu-oreaupg ; defense . tax ; "rovea by Congress on .. ednesda7 and aent to the President -.i u oinnxure. one of the main item, of the new bill is the lower fa nl emption8.rom nov . J? 1w " Pay income tax when their -annual . income ti 2S py -v.m WUii reacnes the $1,500 The navy of Sweden receaved iaet bCk -thi9 week -when three of it. ''Oft modern destroyers- exploded I rank in a fjord south Vht Rwir- cents per J.w. and the power rate was 5 cents flat. Now the light rate is 10 cents per K.W., and the power rate in the lowest bracket reaches 2 cents an average of over thirty three and one-third per cent reduc tion in rates to consumers. The physical properties of the Town have been improved steadily for ten yrs. The storm of September 16th, I 133, cost the Town m replacements. , The poles have been renewed and the bare wires have been replaced; the Ice plant has been rebuilt and the water plant has been renewed. The pipeline to upper , ., vycum ttuanuonea, on ac count of brakish water and the in- eiaiiaiion or driven pumps was dertaken. The streets have been treated with arvia twice and since November, 1939, nearly nine thousand dollars ve oeen spent by the Town in im provements through the WPA. This causea a Dathing pier and bulk cu8 piaceq at the foot of Covent v.ruen aaa jfront Streets. One nf thn i w. , ,i . l t ""fiuvemenus mat w also might mention is the addition to Cedarwood Cemetery at a coat nt owruximateiy $4,000. As we all know, the Fire Deparf- on up-io-tne-minute Purap- mra wouia ao credit to a lareer ZZi , u, 8" " nas Iady ren dered valuable service nt , v lieve this was a fine investment for HID 1UWQ, One of the most outstanding a chievements of the Town during my tenure of office, I think, is the pav- !-rwSb Street ata C08t of i v al exPenditure of only $1,020 for the Town. Roughly .peaking, I would not hes itate to .ay that in improvement. Plus reduction in bond principal the Town has pushed ahead to the amount r f nunorea thousand dollars ten yean. o. m. wnedbee. chairman of the Perquimans Chapter of the HA ross, has been notified that the National Headquarters of the Amor. ican Red Cross has assigned one of its nrst-aid instructors, Mr. Emil iewis, to Hertford for the purpose of conducting a training course in first Aid to local people who may aier act as instructors, in case of emergency. The class here will be conducted from September 29th, through Octo ber 10th. This will be a thirty-hour two weeks' course, and there will be no charges in connection with taking the course. The local chapter of the Ked Cross will furnish all nporofi text books for the training. Classes wii oe arranged to last three hours dailv Mnnrtntrc. fU u n i jo "nuugii rriaays over the two weeks reriod. Thoaa !,. will be arranged to suit the member i uie ciass taking the training. Candidates for this course, those desiring to take the training in order l ? bIe f teach it to others, should be at least 20 years old and nave as good an educational back ground as possible, according to the information received by Mr Whed bee. Local officials of the Red Cross are hoping to enlist from thirty to forty people of Perquimans County to take the course and thna h ki to teach first aid to others in case or national emergencies. Mr. Whed bee stated that all persons who are interested m the course and wish to memoers of the class should contact him at the post office durW the next two weeks, and the local chapter will organize the group dur ing this time. Representatives of the law enf. ment office, Boy ScVtfts, Woman's name demonstration acnoois and Civic Clubs join in this course. Recruiting Drive To Get Under Way During Next Week JNorth Carolina Press To Assist Navy In i Getting New Men' Clubs, are urged to ,' a uuijr g&y mat mr toTT mayor and Boards has been most t.i.-. r"ui miu agreeable. Rotarians Invited To Edenton Meeting President f.i-ien r. r TiT oow Edenton Rc- viuu. went miBiif a tr t ford Club at its meeting held Tue- mJ , J? at tlle HoteI Hertford . Mr.. MoOullera invtail fkA tr.Li Rotarian. to attend an inter-city Wr w afna in jaenton In the near futures Rotarians, from Eliaa- tendthis meetine-. 'whiVJi ! . ladies' mVht affaii..1 . t 1 ' S. M. Whedbee urmul the Wi i,ik to nave at least two membem attend ue vea woss - first aid " tmtin Funeral Services Held Thursday For Mrs. Mary How Funeral services for Mrs. Mary W. vvumiow, wno died Thursday morn ing, were conducted Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at Holy Trinity Epis copal Church, with the rector, the Rev. E. T. Jillson, officiating. The casket was covered with a pall of white gladioli, lavendar asters, yum roseDuas and Easter lilies. Mrs. Winslow was 80 years of age and had been a life-long resident of Perquimans. She was the widow of tne late Tudor F. Winslow. She is survived by one son, Fran cis a. winslow of Rocky Mount; inree daughters, Miss Mae Wood Winslow and Mrs. W. H. Hudson of Hertford, and Mrs. T. H. Wilcox of Norfolk, Va.; eight grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. W. G. Gaither of Hertford, and Mrs. Pattie Warren of Hxlenton. Pallbearers were: Emmett Wina- low, Frith Winslow, Leigh Winslow, Wood Gaither, Dr. T. P. Brinn, W. H. Hardcastle, H. C. Gaither and Charlie Gaither. Interment was made in Holv Trin ity Churchyard. Youth Cleaning: Gun Accidentally Shoots Younger Sister Newspaper publishers from prac tically every town in North Carolina attended a meeting in Raleigh last 'Saturday for the purpose of hearing explanations of the Navy Recruiting campaign, which will get under way within the State during the coming weeK. The Navy Department is seeking to enroll an additional 150,000 men dur ing the year ending July, 1942, in order to man the new two-ocean navy nearing completion. In order to hasten the enlistment. of new men, the Navy Department will insert advertisements in every newspaper in every town of under 50,000 population durine the next four weeks and if results are justi fied, additional advertisements will appear later. ine advertising firm of Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn are handling the "advertising campaign for the Navy Department and a re presentative of that firm was at the meeting in Raleigh to outline and explain the Navy program to the publishers. The advertising campaign will con tot of a series of ads telling young men between the ages of 17 and 31 1 me advantages that the Navy offer. It carries a coupon, which when cut out and mailed to this newspaper, win entitle the writer to a free honk let on Navy life and the training one receives aunne his en stment uiing wis recruiting campaign enlistments will be taken from both white men and Negroes. A Navy recruiting uilicer will visit Hert ford during the course of the cam paign ana will answer all questions oi young men seeking information regarding Naval enlistments. The Perquimans Weekly will have A hjdjifjhe booklets giving details of Naval training, iohs the Navy, pay received during the enlistment, etc. Any person desiring this booklet can receive one at The Perquimans Weekly office, or it will be mailed to you free of chare-e hv sending us the coupon appearing in the Navy advertisement which will run in next week's issue of this paper. Seven Boys Pass Life Saving Tests Given By Local Red Cross Seven boys, Broughton Dail, Wil liam Elliott. Jack Hoffler. Rohhv Holmes, Bobby Jordan, William Murray and Thomas Perry, success fully passed the life saving tests conducted last week by the Perquim ans Chapter of the American Red Cross. The tests were under the super vision of Miss Louise Payne and. were given at the Municipal Pier. Thir teen young swimmers appeared to take the examinations but only the above seven made passing marks. Red Cross Life-Saving certificates will be awarded the boys for their success in passing the teste. Philip Ernest White Died Thursday At Hospital In China Recorder's Court Disposes Of Twenty Cases Tuesday A. M. Varied Docket Heard Before Court Recess ed at Noon Hertford Missionary Is Claimed By Death Af ter Operation Additional Clothing Completed By Local Red Cross Workers Philip Ernest White, Baptist mis sionary to China and a native of Hertford, died Thursday in Kweiteh, Honan, hospital, where he had been operated on for appendicitis. Death resulted from peritonitis which de veloped after the operation. He was born in the Bethel com munity, September 6, 1897, the son of Isaac and the late Geneva Keaton White, of Hertford. The Rev. Mr. White and. Mrs. White, in f924, were appointed mis sionaries under the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Con vention. They sailed for Kweiteh. Honan, China, on September 11, 1924.1 After serving a three-year period in I United States when China had its civil war. The Rev. Mr. White held pastorates in Winston-(Salem and at Leaksville but returned to China in 1935 to continue his mission work. Surviving are his wife, the former mattip Mapnn tu.mov. nrA u:i i . ii , .luimaii, anu lwu liiii- rn pp was: tmmi J . " ' ureii, ueneva jo ana XNorman. Be cause of war conditions in China. Mrs. White and the children ....u l,ClltC l,J UC - Ike Stokley, Jff-year-old eon . of Mr. and Mrs. Morden Stokley of the White Hat community, accidentally snoi ana injured his seven-year-old ewter, tut, Tuesday afternoon. The youth was cleaning a rifle in a closet at his home when the gun was accidentally; discharged.. The bullet passe through the door of the cioset striking his sister in the barlr Little Peg was taken to the Alb. "marie Hospital in Elizabeth City, for treatment and ner condition is re ported, as fair. lions Cfiib Meets , Tonight At 7 P. M. Mho Hertford Lions Club will hold. iuj reguiae ttieetmg,, tonight at the Hotel Hertford vat 7 ' orcfoclc, Day light Saving Time. AD jued tot be .present as this 'meeting has been designated as ,100 Attend ance meeting. n ,".( The sewing project being conduct ed by the local chapter of the American Red Cross conmleted IS operating gowns and 18 hospital shirts and shipped them to the Red Cross warehouse at Jersey City this week, according to Mrs. Leigh Wins low, chairman of the project. The sewing project is being car ried out by organizations throughout the county and each group aided in the completion of the articles. The articles are all made accord ing to American Red Cross specifi cations. A previous shipment of 39 chil dren's and misses' dresses was sent from Hertford during June, and now there is a distribution in the town and county of boys' shirts and layettes. ihese articles will be forwarded to national headquarters as soon as they are finished. The clothing is sent from the Red Cross warehouses to be distributed among the needy and the refugees of war-torn countries. Mrs. Winslow stated that a large! assortment of wool is on hand and this wool is to knitted into sweaters by the local workers. Any person wishing to aid in this worthy cause should get in touch with any of the following: Mrs. C. P. Morris, Mrs. I. A. Ward, Mrs. C. P. Sumner, Miss Frances Maness, S. M. Whedbee, or Mrs. Leigh Winslow. Local Stores End Thursday Closing Yesterday marked the last day for the half-day holiday closing of the Hertford stores on Thursdays. All the merchants;, have cooperated dur ing the summer to rive their clerks & half -day off during the week, but Deginmng with next Thursday, all stores will remain open throughout ine , aay. ilRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr., and Mrs., Vivian Mathews an nounce the -MrtiiCfVfc; son, born on Thur8dayfciSetMnb MOtner and baby are doing nicely. to the United States last December. Also surviving are his father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac A. White; one brother, Robert A. White, of Hertford; and four half- sisters, Mrs. Boyd Collins of Red Oak, Mrs. Elizabeth Barefoot of Raleigh, Miss Mattie Gatling White of Washington, D. C, and Miss Jean White of Hertford. 4-H Clubs To Hold Dress Revue Next Monday Afternoon On Monday afternoon, September 22, at 4 o'clock, the 4-H Clubs of Perquimans County will hold their Dress Revue in the auditorium of the Agricultural Building. The girl win ning first place will represent Per quimans County 4-H Clubs in the State Dress Revue held at State Col lege, Raleigh, October 3rd. ine following girls are entering tne county Kevue: Hertford Senior Club Myra Layden, Mariorie Fore hand, Josephine Hunter, Doris Mill er, Eloise Keaton, Mary Pasco White, Artie Mae Hollowell. Winfall Club Velma Davis, Dorothy Faye White, Ruth Tadlock. New Hope Club Marjone Lou, Perry. Hertford Jun ior Club Joyce Winslow, Argie Bell Hendrix, Mary Inez Chappell, Kath leen White, Anna Mae Perry, Lucy Forehand. It looked as though an all-day ses sion would be needed to clear the Perquimans County Recorder's dock et when court opened Tuesday morn ing with twenty cases to be heard by Judge Cranberry Tucker, but quick work on the part of the Solicitor and the defendants made it possible for court to recess at noon. It was announced by court officials I that there will be no court on Tues day, September 23. All cases will be continued until September 30. Ten of the cases on the Tuesday docket were traffic violations and most of the defendants entered a plea of guilty and little time was consumed in clearing the docket of those offenders, j George Gallop, Negro, was taxed ! with costs of court on both counts when he was found guilty of having improper brakes and driving with improper licenses. Horace Reed, Negro, paid the costs of court for having insufficient brakes. Lessie Burke, Negro, was fined $7.50 for the same offense. Charlie Hurdle, Negro, paid a fine of $7.50 for driving with insufficient brakes. Adro Best, Negro, was fined $7.50 for driving without proper licenses. Charlie White, Negro, paid a fine of $7.50 for driving with improper lights. Arthur Lane, Negro, was nrifli L I I "un lums ui coun ior unviiig insufficient brakes. I The cases of Hugh laul, charged with reckless- driving, Lucius Armstrong, Negro, charged with driving drunk, were continued until September 30. A motion for non-suit was allowed by Judge Tucker in the case of Ben uttv wegraniihajpgedi with , havic nijica jid liquor. I r i 1 1 . . iiajwuuii cason, iegn cue en- guilty of carryinjr a concealed weapon. He was sen tenced to. 60 days on the roads, sen- suspended upon payment taxed with Jr., and log ot a fine of $50 and costs and good behavior for one year. Edward Barnes entered a plea of guilty to carrying concealed weapons and was sentenced to 60 days on the roads, suspended on payment of a fine of $50 and costs, and good be havior for one year. Adam Clark, Negro, was given a fine of $7.50 or 30 days on the roads for being drunk and disorderly. Curtis C. Sugg was sentenced to 90 days on the roads for larceny of a bicycle belonging to a Hertford youth. The case of Claud Dail, charged with non-support, was continued for two weeks. Madison Boone, Negro, charged Continued on Page Eight) School Enrollment Lowest In Years Methodist Church To Hold Homecoming All plans are now complete for the home-coming to be held Sunday, Sep- ujinoer 2i, at tne Methodist Church in Hertford. The Rev. R. F. Munns, pastor of the church, announced that tne Kev. T. M. Grant, a former pas tor of the local church but now of Greenville, will preach during the day. AH old members and pastors of the church are cordially invited to attend tne nome-commg, and the Rev. Mr. Munns announced that a pitch-in dinner will be served on the grounds following the morning services. BIRTH 'ANNOUNCEMENT ! Mr j;;a;Mrii?:;t7. , Pearce -an- ftounce the. birth of- daughter; Joyce ndijSeptember 8th, batoy are doing nicely.,; j Mother and baby jETdotof nicVly. School bells tolled the ending of summer vacation for nearly one thousand children Wednesday when county school buildings were opened for the 1941-42 school term. Enrollment figures, according to F. T. Johnson, County Superintend ent, are the lowest in a great number of years, only 272 students register ing at the High School on opening day. The Hertford Grammar School had a registration of 259, and the Central Grammar School at Winfall enrolled a total of 371 children. No reports on the number of students at New Hope had been received up to late Wednesday evening. Mr. Johnson stated that th iftth and 11th grades at the High School had fewer students this year than any year in the past but the eighth and ninth grades enrollment was a bout average. Forty students are registered in the senior class this year while the school graduated a to tal of 66 during 1941. k Discussing the enrollment situation Mr. Johnson said that five or six years ago the school system of the county lost one teacher in the Gram mar Grades because of the small registration and about three veara ago the High School lost one teacher. However, at the oresent tim. h does not know whether the number will oe, decreased asrain due to th smaller enrollment this year or not. a nau-day session wan held nt. n schools on Wednefidav and th chit. dren were registered and assigned to classes.1 ;n Full lime; classes were started oh Thnrsda f morhmg fcnd will continue on through the year.