'V'r?. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER bEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANfl COUNTX 5 Vn1nvin 17TTT XT,-ik. QQ Hertford, Perquimans County, North' Carolina, Friday, September 26, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. IDS KittlAPi WEEKLY I'. IIS WEEK'S HEADLINES I After suppressing the news for " Several months, Secretary of Navy Knox, late last "week, revealed that a dozen British warships are beinsr re- ' j paired in United States navy yards. The names of the ships were also re pealed. As one may remember, four iijoung British "Tars" visited Hert ford several months ago . . . these sailors were from the British air craft carrier, Illustrious, being p&red at Norfolk. re- The German Army has again start ed a big "push" on the Russian front. Russia this week admitted the loss of Kiev, principal city of the Ukraine, and on the far northern point the city of Leningrad is still surrounded. Germany has forced tiny Bulgaria to the point of breaking off with Russia and it is believed that Bul garia will openly join the war on the .Axis side. The Nazis continue to execute hostages in the French occupied ter ritory in an attempt to halt up risings against the German occupa tion. Marshal Petain, puppet leader of the Vichy Government, has ap pealed ,to all French people to abide . by the German rule and to cease re volting and trouble-making, lest the Germans occupy all of France. Another American-owned, but un der the Panamanian registry, ship was sunk this week in waters off Iceland. The ship, Pink Star, car ried a crew of 34, none of them Americans. German authorities, when the incident was reported, de nied knowledge of the sinking. Indications are that both British ami Axis forces are preparing for a new campaign in Africa. Now that the heat on that desert is abating it is likely that England will attempt to regain ". the territory of Libya Sjin. ISupplies, war machines and the like have been stored in that sec tor by the British, -1 'i f; , Oil Coordinator Hajrold Ickes, early this week, told' a gathering on the West Coast that oil conservation hould be put into effect along the Western Seaboard in order to fore stall a possible oil shortage in that area. Oil tankers transferred to haul oil to Russia was given as cause for possible shortage. .. Ab a result of American ships be ing sunk on the high seas, President ... Roosevelt stated this week that we were probably headed toward arming our merchant ships for their protec- -, tioto on the seas. T' Resistance to German occupation - broke out afresh this week in Serbia, r where members of the Cetnici, a f group of outlawed Serbs, killed 98 Croat; soldiers. The Cetnici group is increasing in numbers as Serbs flee o the wooded mountains to join their t countrymen in revoke agaist German rule. i '' " '.British warplanes continue to ham mer t occupied Europe and German Industrial centers, although reports show that the German air force has . lately begun bombing English com munities. It is believed that the Russian air force has been materially weakened as a result of heavy Nazi attacks. In apparent effort to gain support of all peoples of Europe, Great Bri- . tain -and her allies are planning a "great pool of food" for post-war Europe. The plan would be such 'that every country could dip into'this reserve to assist in the fight against flunger. . ' ; A' report . reaching Vichy France statedTthat a state of seige had been declared in Paris as a result of the eeriei of anti-Nazi incidents. The Brooklyn Dodgers iav "prac ' ullf won the -'National league base .all Itle'and will . meet the New xork ijuuucees la toe world Series. Oi4 Thursday the Dodgers were V& garnet ahead of ft Louis, 1 leading contender against the Brooklyn team and each team had three games to sry Meeting' : -L, The Hertford Rotary Club held its "jular meeting c Tuesday, night at 9 Hotel Hertford.' The1 meeting i attended by 98 per cent of the lers." Three of the Rotarians ',;..:fie4 their intention 1 of Joining vii Ked Uross first aid school wluch opens September 29th. 4 i 1 ' -1' ' 1 BIRTH . ANNOUNCEMENT ) I.Ir. and Mrs. Uick i.ayden an unce the birth of a daughter,! born ' J-7. September 20lh. I!other .v.0,..tr are doing nicely. Farmers Urged To Comply With Soil Building Goals L. W. Anderson, County Agent, this week urges all farmers who have not completed their soil building goals, as outlined under th'.s year's program, to do so in order to be eli gible to receive full payments. Mr. Anderson stated that the lo cal county agent's office has on hand Austrian Winter Peas, Winter Vetch, and Italian Rye Grass, which can be obtained by those who still need units to complete their goals. These seeds may be purchased either for cash, or if producers wish they may sign assignments in order to receive the seed. County Apt Office To Mail Peanut Data To Producers Soon L. W. Anderson, County Agent, announced this week that his office will soon mail out to peanut produc ers and pickers production report sheets and requested that these re ports be mailed back to his office as soon as the peanuts were picked I .i 1 X mi . ... ' t ecn larm. inese reports will i show the actual production of pea nuts on each farm. Mr. Anderson also stated that his office is now making up peanut marketing cards for all producers who did not overplant their allot ment and those who destroyed their excess acreage. "Peanut producers who planted within their allotment can sell their entire crop to the edible trade," Mr. Anderson said. Producers who over planted and who have not destroyed their excess will receive a red mar keting card and are required to sell their excess for oil or pay a tax of 3c per pound, if sold to the edible trade. Mr. Anderson stated that producers with excess acreage can destroy it or fence it off for hogs and not be re quired to sell the peanuts for oil or pajMhe '-toft He requests farmers who .expecTtij hog-off excess acreage to notify his office' at once, in order that the acreage may be checked at digging time. Producers who destroy their excess acreage or who sell excess peanuts for oil will not be penalized under the conservation program. AH pea nut buyers and operators of peanut picking machines will be instructed by the county agent's office relative to the marketing program in the very near future, Mr. Anderson said. Marjorie Forehand Winner In 4-H Club Dress Revue The 4-H Clubs of Perquimans County held their annual Ch-ess Re vue at the Agricultural Building on Monday afternoon. Thirteen girls from the clubs of the county entered Miss Marjorie Forehand, represen tative of the Hertford High School Club, won first place and will repre sent Perquimans County in the State Dress Revue to be held at State Col lege October 3rd. She will model a blue wool church dress. From the Junior Clubs, Ruth Tadlock won first place and Joyce Wlnslow won second place. These girls will receive a free trip to Ra leigh to attend the style show. New Store Hours W. M. Morgan announced today that beginning Monday, his furniture store will observe ' the following hours: Open at 8 a. m Eastern Standard Time, close at 6 p. m. On Saturday, the store will open at 8 a. m. and close at 11 p. m. Highway Death Death WM again riding the Per quimans highways last Saturday when William Rose, 25, of Portlock Virginia, "was instantly killed, about 10 o'clock Saturday evening, when the car he was driving turned over on U, S. 17, near the Perquimans County Home. Harvey Jordan, a. passenger in the car, received a broken hip end pos sible internal injuries. Mrs. Rose, the. fbird oecutant.of the car, : was only slightly bruised and shocked. Mrs. Rose told officers Investigat ing the accident ' that her husband had been drinking and lost control of the car as it neajred ,the curve and all three v occupants . were " thrown through .; the top of 'the --car as It turned Over. , Rose , died nl a jrestft Of a broken , neck. yJ , The young couple was enroute. to Greenville, and had picked up Jordan, who was hiteti-hlkingi tli homejB in Belhaven. - Red Cross Training Class To Open Here Mondavi Evening hi Elimination of Accident Fatalities Is Goal of Local Chapter The certainty that many fatalities resulting from accidents of all kinds can be eliminated 1 was pointed out yesterday by S. M. Whedbee, chair man of the Perquimans Red Cross Chapter, in announcing a series of classes in first aid to be sponsored by the local chapter beginning Sep tember 29th, at Hertford. "The national headquarters of the Red Cross in Washington recently revealed that many letters are re ceived each month recounting in stances where first aid training was the means of saving lives and pre venting lasting injuries," Mr. Whed bee said.. "In our own state and county we also have had numerous instances called to our attention where knowledge of first aid came in handy." "Police and firemen, employees of public utility companies, and drivers ' busses and interstate trucks are 1 ; a i i ii r i r ? "cng trained Dy me Kea vross m- structors in an effort to lessen the number of fatalities that occur on our highways and in our homes," Mr. Whedbee said, "We feel that our local chapter will be performing a distinct and much-needed service to the community in training everyone possible in the rudiments of first aid and its application." Automobile accidents are increas ing at an alarming rate, he pointed out. The toll of lives taken on high ways and in city streets continues to mount in many places in spite of traffic laws. The Red Cross has traffi claws. The Red Cross ha9 been working hand in hand with lo cal officials throughout the country in efforts to control traffic fatalities and crippling accidents, and the na tional organization has incorporated this accident prevention work in its year-round program. All persons interested, in receiving the' first aid training should com municate with the local Red Cross Chapter at once, in order to be en rolled in the class which has been announced. Funeral Services Held Saturday For Hugh & Barclift Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock for Hugh G. Barclift, who died at his home here at 10 o'clock on Thursday night, following a stroke of paralysis Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Barclift was 74 years old. For a number of years he was mail and express manager for the Hertforo Post Office and the Railway Express. Funeral services were held from the home with the Rev. C. D. Bar clift, of Wilmington, nephew of the deceased, and the Rev. C. E. Hob- good, pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was made in the Cedarwood Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Charles Skinner, Hudson Butler, B. S. Hoskins, Edgar Fields, Roulac Webb and E. A Goodman, Jr. Survivors include his wife, the former A'nnie Elizabeth Potter; two daughters, Mrs. W. B. Hollings of Rocky Mount, and Mrs. H. Bruce Pablovsky of Jacksonville Beach, Florida; and one son, J. Edward Barclift, of Hertford. Perquimans County Board Of Agriculture Organized Wednesday The Perquimans County Board of Agriculture was organized at a meet ing held Wednesday afternoon at the Perquimans Agricultural building in Hertford. - J. W. Ward was elected president; A. T. Lane, vice president, and L. W. Anderson, secretary. Members of the board are: Clar ence Chappell, F. M. Copeland, E. W. White, R. SV Chappell, W. L. Madre, A. T. Lane, Milton Dail, E. M. Perry, John T. Wood, J. T. Benton, W. H. Smith a&di W. Ward, - - The purpose of the board will be to further '' the Interests ;:- in farm work .and.' to cooperate with the County's extension service. t V KlRTn ANNOUNCEMENT -' Dr.and Mrs, T. P, Brirm announce the birth of a daughter,"4 bdrn tn a Norfolk, Va., hospital; onV Thursday, September 18th. Mother and daugh ter are doing nicely. ; , , N. C. Farmers Should Claim Cotton Equity Before October 1st Present Increase In Price Means More 1 Money For Borrower Many North Carolina farmers who received a government loan on 1938, 1939 and 1940 cotton still have an equity in the cotton and can sell it at the present market price, which is several cents a pound higher than hen the loans were made, says J. A. Shanklin, Extension cotton spec ialist, N. C. State College. Mr. Shanklin advises farmers who placed cotton under loans in the past three years, and who have not re deemed the loans since then, to in quire immediately about the process of claiming their equity in the cotton, which the Commodity Credit Corpor ation still is holding as security for loans. Claims for cotton equity must be placed with the CCC be fore October 1, inasmuch as all out standing loans will be pooled on that date. Cotton not redeemed by October 1, will be placed in pools and sold after March 1, 1942. Upon final liquida tion of all cotton in each pool, the net proceeds, after deduction of all advances and accrued costs, includ ing insurance, storage and handling charges, will be distributed among producers having cotton in the pool. Distribution of any net proeeds will be made among growers according to the. value of the individual holding in the pool. Many persons have moved from their former farm homes and theirlthat, more bys are shwng interest present address is not known. Mr. Shanklin urges friends of such peo ple to advise them of the cotton sit uation immediately. Some farmers either have forgotten about their equity in loan cotton or have mis takenly understood that the govern ment took over the lint as payment for the loan. Farmers are advised to determine their ..Equity in ioen cotton baaed upon the current market price, for the grade and staple under loan, be fore selling, it. Hertford Lions Club To Sponsor County Wide Eye Clinic Here Members of the Hertford Lions Club voted at their meeting on last Friday night to sponsor a county wide eye clinic which will be held in the very near future in cooperation with the County Welfare Depart ment. Claude White, Lions President, appointed J. H. Towe, Dr. I. A. Ward and Max Campbell to act as a committee for the eye clinic and plans for this public assistance will be drawn shortly and a date for the clinic will be announced. Present plans call for all school children of the county school system whom the teachers recommend as needing eye examination to be given tests at the clinic. Each case will be investigated by Mrs. Ruth D. Blanchard, County Welfare Super visor. The State Commission for the Blind will aid with the clinic and supply screen tests prior to doctors' examination and will also furnish part of the materials used in the clinic work. Funeral Services Held Tuesday For Mrs. Mattie Turner Mrs. Mattie Riddick Turner, 41, died at her home near Belvidere, on Monday morning at 6:25 o'clock, af ter a long illness. Her husband, Johnnie M. Turner, two 'daughters, Miss Mattie Lou Turner and Miss Emma Mae Turner, her father, William Riddick, and two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Jones of Eliza beth City and Mrs. Nonie Nixon, of near Belvidere, survive. Funeral services were conducted from the home Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and interment was made in the Riddick Cemetery. Dr. C. A. Davenport Moves To New Office Dr.. CiA. : Davenport today an- nounced that he had moved into his newly, completed f clinic and would, beginning today, be permanently Io cated in the hew building directly across the street from the Hertford Bantist Church. i V1' Reset Your Clock Old time and new time . . . fast time and slow time . . . those descrip tions of Daylight Saving Time which has been in effect here since Monday morning, July 28, will merge into Standard Time at midnight Sunday, September 28. All in all, little confusion was not ed here in the change of time; al though many times rural folks came to town too late to do shopping, but now that Standard time will go into effect this week-end the important point is for all people who have been observing Daylight Saving time to reset their clocks on retiring Sun day night. . . otherwise, one might find one's self getting to work an hour ahead of time on Monday morning. Turn your clocks back one hour and you will thus gain that hour of sleep you lost when Daylight Saving Time went into effect. P. H.S. Football Team Opens 1941 Season With Williamston The Perquimans High School foot ball team opened its 1941 schedule Thursday night when it met the strong Williamston team at Wil liamston. The Indians have been practicing only six days, late open ing of the schools placing the locals behind other schooLs in this section in getting in early practice. Prospects are very encouraging in the local football camp, not that an exceptional team is expected, but in the game this year. Superintendent Johnson stated that is was the largest squad that has re ported in his six years here. The boys are small, but Coach Dave Fuller is glad so many are interested and hopes to build up a speedy team. Coach Fuller worked the boys overtime during this week preparing them for the game at Williamston. The Indians wre hard hit by grad uation, losing John Wood, D. 3. White, Guy Webb, Frank Dillard, Wallace Chappell and Clarke Stokes. All of these boys were first string men. The only regulars from last year's squad back in harness this year are, Joe Nowell, Percy Byrum, Calvin Wilson, Matt Spivey and Cal vin Banks. However, Ernest Wins low, Edgar Berry and Hilton White, members of last year's reserves, are being counted, on to fill some of the vacancies. Emmett Landing, who was not out for football last year, is expected to fill the center position, according o Coach Fuller, and he also hopes that Thomas Fleetwood, who saw lots of action last year, will also be on hand to play this year. The Indian schedule will include games with teams from Columbia, Manteo, Windsor, Edenton, Maury Junior Varsity and Woodrow Wilson Junior Varsity. Dates for a number of these games are still pending. Recorder's Court Faces Busy Term After Week Recess Perquimans Recorder's Court will open next Tuesday with probably the heaviest 'docket it has had for many weeks. The Court recessed this week and all cases were continued to Sep tember 30. Clerk of the Court W. H. Pitt stated that some sixteen or seven teen minor cases were scheduled to be heard next Tuesday. Final Rites Tuesday For T. H. Fitzwater Funeral services were held Tues day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Berea Christian Church for T. H. Fitchwater, 78, who died at his home in New Hope Township on Monday morning at 5:45 o'clock. His wife, 'Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fitzwater, and five children, Miss Linda Upton of Elizabeth City, Robert HolloweU of New Hope, Mrs. Minnie Show of Norfolk, Va., C. H. Sawyer of Hertford, and Mrs. Willie Cartwright of Belcross, survive. Joseph T. Biggs Dies At New Hope Sunday Joseph T. Biggs, 85, died at the home of Mrs. R, D. Benson, at New Hope, Sunday afternoon at 3:45 o'clock after a lingering illness. Mr. Biggs was a native of Wash ington County, but had been living in, the- New Hope community for the past 85, years. . He is survived by one niece, Mm Missouri Hnfton,- of Hickory- Va., ana several great nieces. ' - Perquimans Weekly Navy Campaign Booklets Now Ready For Distribution to Those Interested At the suggestion of Secretary of the Navy Knox, Max Campbell has been made Navy Editor to help in giving ambitious young men infor mation about the opportunities the "Two-Ocean Navy" offers them for technical training and advancement as they serve their country in its emergency. According to an announcement made public in Washington, a limit ed number of additional men between the ages of 17 and 50 will be given a chance, by enlistment in the Navy or Naval Reserves, to go to the top, with big pay, in jobs which by their aptitude and as a result of examina tion they show themselves fitted, from among nearly 50 different trades and vocations. These include such callings as aviation machinist, dental technician, photographer, die sel engineer, radio technician, elec trician, welder, storekeeper and bak er. Enlisted men may also qualify for commissions as officers. Beginning this week, the Navy plans for a limited time to accept new qualified men for training. These men will be sent to one of four Naval Training Stations and may have a chance to go to a Navy Trade School even before assignment to the fleet. During this period they will be given regular Navy pay and the Navy's free schooling is valued at hundreds of dollars. "Never in the history of the United States has there been greater oppor tunity for loyal young Americans to serve their country and build their futures than right now," said Secre tary Knox. In outlining the many advantages offered by enlistment in the United States Navy Mr. Campbell said, "It is possible for a bright young man to increase his pay seven times during Mr fhr- enlistment am! Vp. can earn as much as $126 a month. This monthly figure is actually worth much more when it is remembered that the man has few living expenses and is provided with the finest of medical and dental care. "You have all your food and lodg ing, and also your original outfit of clothing provided by Uncle Sam free," Mr. Campbell continued. In ad dition there are free sports and en tertainment even to the latest Holly wood pictures. On top of this you get free travel and adventure in col orful places a thing few civilians can afford. "When you consider the size of this country and the fact that the Navy will select only 15,000 applicants a month from many times that number throughout the United States, the quotation, 'Many are called but few are chosen,' will apply to local young men interested. "Navy men are a 'hand-picked' lot. Candidates must be men of more than average intelligence and ambi tion, of fine moral character and must have the written recommenda tion of at least two local towns people." As Navy Editor, Mr. Campbell has just received from Washington a sup ply of free illustrated booklets for all men interested and, in addition, will welcome inquiries from young men who wish to look into the new and greater opportunities the Navy now offers for training for future civilian careers as they serve their country now in its emergency. Popeye Cartoon Aid In Navy Recruiting Through the cooperation of King Features, owner of the rights to Popeye, world-famous sailorman of the comics, this cartoon is furnished The Weekly in connection with the U. S. Navy's campaign to enlist re cruits. It is hoped this popular car toon will be enjoyed by Weekly read ers, as well as be of some aid in se curing young men to join the Navy. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY MEETS The Christian Endeavor Society of Berea Christian Church met at the home of Misses Sarah Jane n-nri Clarine Eure on Wednesday evening. inose attending m addition to the members were Mrs. C. O. Richardson, Margaret Jane' Richardson, Eula Vir ginia WhiteV : Mildred Webb, Guy Webb, Calvin Banks, Matt Spivey, and Belvm Eure. After the meeting a delicious ice course was served. SUNDAY SERVICES Services at tne Hertford 'Baptist Church will;be held Sunday on Eastern- Standard Time. The publitf is " cordially invited to attend. v V