'Pi WEEKLY i Awma.Y NirnprbrvbTED to isfc upbuilding oj hitpord and pj3Bquiuak3 countx :oliime;yiII.rNumber 40. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, October 3, 1941. A. $1.25 Per Year. i HERTFORD UOflS CLUB SPONSORING DAL FESTIVAL HERE NEXT WEEK Central Amusement Company Signed to Provide Midway '"$; Norman Trueblood, secretary of . the Hertford Lions Club, announced on Wednesday that the Central Amusement Company had, been sign ed by the local club to provide rides and shows for the midway at the Ajnual Festival being sponsored by the Lions Club all next week. The Amusement Company, owned and managed by Sherman Husted, will arrive here sometime Sunday and will have all rides and shows ; . ready for the gala opening Monday night Mr. Husted will be no stran ger here, as he was manager of the ' Amusement Company which provid ed the midway for the first fair held two years ago. His company is made up of new rides, several for ' the. kiddies, and shows for both iadults and children. The Perquimans County Home Demonstration Clubs will also have , a part in the festival. The ladies U operate a concession on the J... i n j r Kjiwn aim mms lutcciuj xxuiti uujjs yal be used by the clubs for their federation. Friday has been designated as Children's Day and all children will be admitted to the grounds free and to the rides and shows at one-half -' the regular price. The Annual Festival will take the place of the Perquimans Fair which the local Lions have sponsored for the past two years, and it is the hope of the club that all the people of the county will enjoy the Festival as they did the fair. The Festival will open Monday night and last through' out the week, closing Saturday ' laaht October 11. Mr. Husted stated that among the rides which he plans to bring here . an the Merry-Go-Round, ; Ferris Tflieel. Tilt-O-Whirl. Rollo J Plaile. Chair Plane, Kiddie Swings,' Kiddfc -'Tram, and of course, the ' inn be otner attractions on tne mMwsy;iof entertainment , of thnxA. wh-i ' .i' not' Care to "ret a thrill'' frqar rides. As was the custom last year, the Amusement Company will furnish free acts every night, and it was an nounced that free prizes will be giv en away each night at 10 o'clock. Clinton Eley is chairman of the committee in charge of the Festival Uus year. September Business Best In 100 Years .Woof that business is booming in Hertford as well as in other centers of the U. S. is shown by a statement V made Wednesday to The Weekly Editor by J. C. Blanchard of the J. C. Blanchard St Company, who re ,i ported that the Company's Septem ber. business was the greatest the 4?)Company has had in any one Septem , ber in its 109 years of trading and bartering. ,' ' ' pr. Blanchard stated that his , Company wished to express its sin cere thanks to the many friends and patrons who had made possible this excellent record. Jean White Chosen To Represent County : At Peanut Festival Jean White, daughter of Mr. and ? Mis t:r A. White, has been chosen to ; represent Perquimans County at the National Peanut Expo sition to be held in Suffolk, Virginia, ' October, 80-SL , ; . She: will . be: represented in the Queen's Court and will take part in all the (various ' festival activities., ; y ' ' ',.'..- HertfordT was given a glimpse of new mode of travel now used by the U. S..Army when 802 vehicles passed through the town last Satur ! day ' morning carrying members of ( th 244th Coast Artillery and Com 3 p wy 80th Quartermaster Bat- t .lion. ' a l'i Vi" j,1- ' The convoy,' which was nearly ten miles long and carried 1,500 men and officers,- was a big change from' the method tised to ..transport army men back in 17 s . then practically all traveling torts ' by ,trainr . especially when the men were moved any great "distance. 1 The soldiers we're enroUte' from mp Pendleton, Virginia, to the fall maneuvers in the vicinity ' of Wades boro and Hoffman:. They will be a : ;-t of the J50,000 menVho Will a part iii the biggest maneuvera ..e army has ever staged. - !..;iT.ssBsinru 5 W.' TillS VMS HEADLINES A strong undercurrent of revolt seems to be spreading over Europe Reports from Paris, Norway and Czecho-Slovakia state that the Nazis have this week continued to shoot native hostages for acts of violence against German rule. One report stated that 95 Czechs were shot this week for planning an up rising against the Nazis. Although little news has come out of the Eastern part of Europe this week some reports give reason to be lieve that the Germans are pushing the Reds out of the southeastern part of Russia. Red Army authori ties state that the attack in Crimea is costing the Germans heavily and that the Russians are retreating or derly to a new line farther inland. Fourteen new Merchant Ships were launched from United States ship yards on Sunday which was recog nized as "Liberty Fleet Day." Sec retary of Navy Knox said that the new Two-Ocean Navy is rapidly be coming a reality and is far ahead of its schedule. Joe Louis, heavyweight boxing champion of the world, successfully retained his crown Monday night in a scheduled 15-round bout with Lou Nova. Louis knocked out Nova in the sixth round of what may be Louis' last fight. He is expected to be inducted into Uncle Sam's Army within a short time. A report from London says that Rudolph Hess, former deputy fuehrer of Germany, who made the sensa tional flight from Germany to Scot land lastjMay ,has twice undertaken nungerjStnxes because he- is being ttat aa' a prisoner thitead of a special emvoy. An unnamed member of Adolf Hitler's general staff admitted on Tuesday that the Germans exDected the war in Russia to go on until next summer, thus this must mean that the blitz has been slowed down by the vastness of the Russian plains. The New York Yankees won the opening game of the World Series, defeating Brooklyn 3-2. The base ball teams played again Thursday at the Yankee Btadium. They will move over to Brooklyn for the next three games today. The Nazis placed their picked premier of the Czech protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia, General Elias, be fore the firing squad on Wednesday. General Elias was condemned to death for alleged treason to the German cause. Harold Ickes, Oil Coordinator, told the Senate Committee, investigating the oil shortage, that he had said there was a shortage in transports tion which would cause a shortage of oil along the Eastern Seaboard . . . and that the transportation shortage still existed and there were prospects of an oil shortage by next winter. Represents Woman's QubAtWiriton Meeting: Thursday Mrs. F. T. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Skinner and Mrs. J. G. Roberson re presented the Hertford Woman's Club at the convention of the Senior and Junior Woman's Club and the Sorosis Clubs of the Sixteenth Dis trict, which was held in Winton on Thursday. ''.Mis. :4ftcR.' Rankin, of M Gilead, Stats federation president, was prea enfold presided . '. Pauline Vhite New Repprtr On Weekly : idss Fauiins Whits, - salutatorian of the 1941 class of Perquimans High School, has accepted a position as news reporter on The Perquim ans Weekly.. v;, ,; -.-0 Miss White began her new duties this week and will assist the Editor ins gathering and writing the news of Perquimans County,, jj .. . ' . i BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT V i Mr. and ' Mrs.; H. ' C. BarclifWf of New Hope, are; receiving ; c6ngratu lations on the birth of a daughter. :' 'T BIRTH - ANNOUNCEMENT1 Mr. and Mrs - Sidney ' Blanchard announce the birth of r daughter; on Sunday moriiingi ? September'; 28. Mother and b:by are doing nicely. Seventeen Cases In Recorder's Court On Tuesday Morning Judge Tucker Gives Traffic Violator Stiff Fine Perquimans County Recorder's Court opened Tuesday morning with 17 cases on the docket. Notwith standing the large number of cases, the court disposed of them rapidly and was recessed at noon. (Six of the cases on Tuesday's docket were traffic violations and most of the defendants entered a plea of guilty and paid the costs. W. H. Riddick entered a plea of guilty of driving with improper lights and was taxed with costs of court. Nurney Chappell was fined for the same charge. Frank Brown was fined $7.50 for driving with no operator's license. George Harrell was taxed with costs of court for driving with im proper lights. Vann Harrell paid the costs of court for passing on a curve. Marshall Jones, charged with reck less driving, entered a plea of guilty and was fined $25. David Pierce, Negro, charged with assault and being drunk and disor derly, was found not guilty of as sault, but guilty of being drunk and disorderly. He was sentenced to 30 days on the road to be suspended on payment of $15 fine and showing good behavior for one year. Tom Brooks and Duke Fleming, Negroes, were found guilty of as sault with a deadly weapon and were sentenced to 30 days on the road; sentence to be suspended upon pay ment of costs and good behavior for one year, Norman Revels, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to being drunk and disorderly and was sentenced to 30 days on the road; sentence to be sus pended upon payment of costs. Janie Roberson, Negro, was found guilty of assault with a deadly wea pon and .was sentenced to 6 months t uontinuea on rage ragm; State Draft Head Urges Employers To Aid Returning Men Urging the cooperation of every employer in the State of North Car olina to see that every returning sol dier has a job when he gets home, General J. Van B. Metts, State Di rector of Selective Service,- will give the same assistance in finding jobs for all men completing their terms of service in the Regular Army, Navy or Marine Corps, as it does to its own selectees and members of the National Guard. Director Metts pointed out that while the Selective Service System, with the cooperation of the War De partment and the State Employment Office, has inaugurated a carefully studied and organized program to ob tain civilian jobs for returning sol diers, the complete cooperation of all employers is a vital requirement for its successful operation. He said: "It is not merely a question of obligation imposed by law that the Selective Training and Service Act requires former employers of return continued from Page Four) ANNOUNCE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP & " k', I; .- One of Hertford's oldest Service 'stations changed ownership on October 1, when Wif W (BUl iWhiteright, purchased the"? Interest of H. Towe, left, and assumed active Management of Joe & Bill's, )oeated on Dobb street. Mr. 'Towe, who has been connected with the business since it was founded in 19&t will retire frora retail' business nd devote his time exclusively to the wholesaling of Sinclair products a Mr. 'White recently resigned a position with th4 Atlantic Discount Corporation of Elizabeth City in .order to ie- vote his entire time to the management 6f the statioV and n cordially in vites the public to visit him at his new place of business. , " Red Cross First Aid Class Opens With 40 Persons Enrolled Instructions Given Each Night; Class Enthus ed In Work A class in the administration of first aid, under the sponsorship of the Perquimans Red Cross Chapter, was opened Monday evening at the Perquimans Courthouse with 40 persons enrolled. The instructions are being given by Emil F. Lewis. Mr. Lewis pointed out that among persons of all ages, only three dis eases kill a greater number than do accidents. These diseases are heart disease, cancer, and cerebral hemor rhage. He said that, while it is im possible to evaluate a human life in dollars and cents, the wage losses, medical expenses, and insurance costs are estimated at more than two and a half billions of dollars annually. . "These costs," Mr. Lewis said, "are distributed as follows: motor vehicle accidents, 33 per cent, occu pational and home accidents, 25 per cent; and public (not automobile) accidents, 17 per cent. "Even in these days of large ex penditures these wastes, occasioned every year by our accident tolls, stand out as a major item in our national economy." Almost one hundred persons turn ed out for the opening class of the First Aid Course and this was far too many for efficient handling of the class and it was necessary to cut the number down to forty. S. M. Whedbee, chairman of the Perquimans Chapter, was well-pleased at the interest shown and stated that the members of the present class, upon completion of the course, will be qualified to serve as instruc tors for other classes which will be formed immediately following the present class being taught by Mr. Lewis. The local Red Cross Chapter will endeavor to see that every person interested in taking the first aid 2b1rrsB'-wiH have the opportunity in the very near future. Indians And Windsor Meet On Local Field Friday Afternoon The Perquimans Indians have been putting in a hard week of practice in preparation for the game with Windsor High School on the local gridiron at 2:30 Friday afternoon. The Indians played their opening game at Williamston last Thursday afternoon and lost a hard-fought battle, the score being 13-0. The grid contest at Williamston was the season's opening event for both squads. The Indians, the ma jority of whom are inexperienced and who had had but one week's practice, held the veteran Williams ton club in check until the last of the second quarter, when Williams ton scored its first touchdown. Sparking a lively offensive, the team looked ragged on defense in its opening game. Coach Dave Full er said he planned to prescribe heavy drills in defensive tactics during th next few weeks. Such practice ses sions ought to yield a greatly im proved Hertford team before mid- season, the coach predicted. Tit 1 PEANUT COOPERATIVES ELECT OFFICERS AT MEETING IN EDENTON LAST THURSDAY New Taxes Here They Affect Us No doubt many people have been walking through the stores these days and noticing the new price cards, some of which say "11c Fed eral Tax Included," and that, Friends, means that the new $3, 553,400,000 tax bill which was pass ed by Congress and signed by the President, became effective October 1st, and. from now on you and you and we will be paying a 10 tax on many of the items we purchase for our everyday use. And there is no use in trying to "wheedle" your local merchant down on that tax because Uncle Sam tells him mighty plain that the tax shall be colleced from the customer and the merchant is liable to heavy pen alty if he fails to collect from us. In additional to increasing the amount of income tax to be paid I each year, the law calls for a 10 j levy on all jewelry purchased, on all toilet articles, furs, automobile tires, tubes, radios, etc. Even the movies will have an addi tional tax. Children who have been used to paying just a dime for ad mission will now have to pay 11c. However, adult admissions at the State Theatre will remain the same, with the exception of Saturday af ernoons. During week days adult tickets will continue to cost 28c, tax included, but admission on Saturday afernoon will rise from 20c to 25c. A list of toilet articles on which you will pay includes: Perfumes, essences, extracts, toilet waters, cos metics, petroleum jellies, hair oils, pomades, hair dressing, hair restora tives, hair dyes, aromatic cachous, toilet powders, etc. (Some of the new taxes will be in cluded in the price paid for articles such as sporting goods, ca,meras, phonograph records, automobiles, etc., for on these item the manufacturer will pay the tax direct and it will be passed on to the customer . . . but there is no doubt that we will "run into'' that Federal Tax enough to know that our country is now in the midst of the National Defense pro gram which takes lots of money. Mrs. I. A. Ward Elected Executive Committee Baptist Association Mrs. I. A. Ward was elected as one of the new officers for the coming year by the members of the Chowan Baptist Association which met in Edenton last Tuesday and Wednes day at the Edenton Baptist Church. Officers elected for the coming year by the Association included: E. H. Potts of Elizabeth City, moder ator; E. L. Wells of Edenton, vice moderator; A. H. Outlaw of Eliza beth City, clerk-treasurer; and B. B. Flora of Shawboro, auditor. The executive committee elected was: J. L. White, Jr., of Elizabeth City, chairman; Mrs. I. A. Ward of Hert ford, Victor Morgan of Elizabeth City, R. S. Knight, Jr., of Columbia, C. W. Overman of Edenton, Miss Addie Mae Cooke of Gatesville, and H. L. Swain of Belcross. 1942 Ford On Display Today At Winslow White's Show Rooms The 1942 model Ford V-8 is being shown to the public for the first time today at the Winslow-White Motor Company's Show rooms. The agency officials and salesmen were given a preview of the car last week at the Ford plant in Norfolk, Va., and were pleased at the changes made in this new model. The Wins- low-White Company invites the pub lic to view the new car during this week-end. Bundles For Britain Mrs. R. T. Clarke, chairman of the Perquimans County Bundles For Britain, announced today that the Boy Scouts will make a tour of Hertford on Saturday to collect bundles for Britain, and requests persons to place their bundles on their porches for the boys to gather, Mrs. Clarke stated that the local committee needed several more bun dles to complete a shipment which it hopes to get off early next week. Rotary Club iThe members of the Hertford Ro tary Club held their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday evening kt the Hotel Hertford. " Mayon Parker of Ahos kie, President; 82,210 Tons of Peanuts Are Handled In Year About 50 representatives, who had over 300 proxies from members of the Growers Peanut Cooperative, which includes Virginia and North Carolina peanut growers, met in the Chowan Court House Thursday to transact business and elect officers. The meeting was very harmonious throughout despite newspaper indica tions that there would be a contro versy over representation on the part of growers in both states. There will be equal representation, each state having eight directors, who were elected for the ensuing year. President J. Mayon Parker of Ahoskie, and J. B. Fearing of Wind sor, were re-elected as president and secretary, respectively, while W. T. Honeycutt of Stoney Creek, Va., was elected vice president; W. T. Parker of Waverley, Va., manager, and Ep Debnam of Edenton, assistant mana ger. The directors chosen were as fol lows: Virginia E. J. Howell, Holland; T. J. Rowell, Surry; P. F. Weaver, Emporia; L. L. Thorpe, Newsome; Jordan Wood, Petersburg; Jesse Mc Clenny, Franklin; W. T. Honeycutt, Stoney Creek; and H. G. Dashiell, Smithfield. North Carolina J. Mayon Parker, Ahoskie; D. D. Stevenson, Pendleton; J. G. Shields, Scotland Neck; W. R. Everett, Palmyra; R. V. Knight, Tarboro; L. E. Hassell, Roper; J. B. Fearing, Windsor; and John G. Wood, Edenton. The nominating committee who presented the North Carolina direc tors was composed of W. L. Powell of Windsor; Julien Wood of Edenton; M. H. Hobbs of Sunbury; Julian Smith of Bethel and Merrill R. Evans of Ahoskie. At the outset of the meeting President Parker presented a verbal report of the year's activities of the Assoc'cion, clrtg Jto the--attention of those present tow beneficial the Association has been to peanut grow ers and predicted just as helpful a program for the future. He said it was unfortunate that a difference of opinion had arisen between members of the board of directors, which, he said, was occasioned by a lack of complete knowledge of the problems confronting the peanut producing area as a whole. During the meeting several amendments were made to the by laws, most of which had to do with the election of directors. It was de cided, however, to change the mem bership fee to an even dollar, in stead of 50 cents or one cent per bag of peanuts sold if that amount exceeded 50 cents. In making his annual report, Man ager W. T. Parker of Waverly, said that the organization had handled 82,210 tons of peanuts last year, of which amount 78,953 tons were Vir ginia type and 3,256 tons Spanish type. Total receipt for the year amount ed to $10,687,686.14, which amount included a subsidy payment by the government of $1,185,296.66. The report showed a balance of some thing over $80,000, which brought forth the question if that amount could not be distributed among the members. Mr. Parker, however, stat ed that the government has its eye on the money and. that -it could not be disposed of. He also reported that about 60 per cent of the pea nuts purchased for diversion was sold back to the trade, but that in such sales the only profit realized is $3.00 per ton, for the government specifies payment of the guaranteed price of peanuts, plus storage charges and the $3.00 profit. Tax Relief There is no doubt by this time but that all of us are going to be affected by higher taxes due to the National Defense program, but here is a "ray of relief" concerning taxa tion to some people of this area. The State Motor Vehicle Division recently released the information that the last General Assemly a mended the law relative to the reg istration of motor vehicles so that strictly farmer-owned and operated trucks, used solely in the carrying or transportation of applicant's farm products, raised or produced on his farm, and farm supplies, and not en gaged in hauling'' for hire, will be sold license plates at a rate equal to one-half the present registration fee ' provided that the minimum rate for any vehicle '.under ihisv proviso ' shall be $10.00. , This act will od trfc .. full force- .beginnings with license. period Of 1942.

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