-'. . WEEKLY JLL "JUL JLL JLL-fl, v A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO 1HE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY rolume VIILNumber 42 Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, October 17, 1941. $1.25 Per Year. ''t' mm: PERQUIMANS WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION DniVE OFFERS BIG OPPORTUNITY Weekly's Daily Commis sion Campaign Needs ; More Workers PAID OFF DAILY $00 Top Prize to Be Awarded November 29; Five Other Prizes Are you looking for an opportunity to earn Extra Money? Then join The Weekly's big Daily Comfnission subscription campaign. The starting gong has sounded for the campaign and this is Entry . Week. In last week's issue we an nounfed the details of the campaign land Invited men and women of the Hertford .trade territory to partici- pate In sharing valuable awards and mmission checks in return for their .spare time and effort. .Thus far a few energetic people in ent sections of the county have their names in the contest, tssing their desire to earn their of the profits, hut there is pf room, for more workers . . . ecpons of tne county, as yet, have a representative, so we Issue this invitation for you to you name and start drawing money tonight. Pally Pay Featured I ideal' feature of this campaijrn is ifcVvenr worker is paid a 20 cah mmiesion every day he or she Pyr. subscriptions to The Weekly pffkte.and at the same time has an ec(ulopportunity to wm one of the sixtHf awards to be given away on No I bar 29th. y of the workers now entered campaign are making several dollars each day in return for tyare time efforts. Why not If you- are wishing for the ity to increase your income away extra money for your pmg yo can earn that Mtinr TheT WeeKly jn basis., Call or write us let us know that you want he on our "Daily Commis- irroll list. We will furnish all necessary supplies. Handsome Prizes iere in this paper will be 16 prize list. It is one that iterest everybody in the en nty. The winner of first 1 receive $300 in cash, second fill be $100 in cash, and third $50. There are three addi- iwards, in the form of Bonus to be given to the persons fourth, fifth and sixth more could The Weeklv have done ! V&sembling an attractive prize list? I I hat more could be offered those! lie are willing to help for a few 4 frt weeks to build a bigger jiand tfjter circulation on this home- Bttar plen extysJ . I ThJ countfuewspaper 7 This is a com ,' munifpq business proposition pure EsiUple we want a larger mail hV quickly and are willing to hi me-county people a fair re--. munen tion for assisting us to reach , our go L Easy To Enter , ' Ther . is nothing complicated about getting started in this drive. 1 All you hive to do is to clip the entry couponf appearing on page seven of this edition, mail or bring it to The , Weekly office, and the working sup- ", plies will be furnished you. After reading about the valuable t prizes to be awarded, and the extra i ; money you can earn .daily, you, too, ( should make up your mind to share in ; this subscription drive. ' Even thoueh : . you don't win one of the big awards you will, make extra money paid to v you every day. Do not delay longer . urn- enter your name witn us today. Weekly-Editors Hold Meeting At Nags Head ' t-' ' U' ' ' J ''. : Editors s... J' publishers 'of weekly newspaper . f Northeastern Caro- gs, nd their guests, held the regu- monthly meeting of the North eastern NI C. Press Association last Friday at the Paxkerson Hotel at Vn Head. The editors and their friends were Mats of Victor Meekins. editor of 'i he pare County - Times, and Mr. Parkerson. , - " v ... -r - ; Lucius Blanchardy .Jr., editor of The Hertford County , Herald, t was elected vice president pf the Asso ciation to fill the vacancy left by Buck Kelly, formerly of the ' Bertie Ledger-Advance.' , :h. -.-. ' -i The members voted ' to hold the November meeting at Rich Square on, IMdayr November 14.' v ; , -1 11 ' BIRTH XnNOUNCEMENT r IZt, d Mrs., Claude Winslow an nounce bh'A of a 'son; Thomas ior., .i Thursday, " October 9th. ev i " i son are 4pmg nicely. . THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES A clear picture of the Russo-Ger- man war front is now almost im possible to conceive. The Nazis opened up all cylinders last week-end and started a drive against the mid dle front of the Russian lines which the Nazis claim will end when they reach Moscow. Reports from Red headquarters announced that the Ger mans have driven the Reds back to within some 75 miles of the Red cap ital, but here reserve Russian soldiers have stopped the onslaught. Fight ing on th extreme Northern and Southern fronts continue but the Reds are still in possession of Len ingrad and Odessa, two important cities which the Nazis have tried to capture. Evidently in a weak effort to bol ster Russian morale, the English an nounced this week that British sol diers had effected a landing of an invasion force at Archangel, northern port in Russia, but this town is 700 miles from Moscow. Prime Minister Churchill refused to discuss "aid to Russia" in the House of Commons. United States Naval authorities released a report -us week that a crew composed of Norwegians and Germans were captured while at tempting to set up a radio station on the Island of Greenland. No date was given for the capture, hut it was reported that the Nazis were being brought to the United States. A $13,000,000 fire occurred at Fal) River, Mass., Monday, when an oven, used for treating rubber flared and caught the building of the Firestone Rubber Company. Workmen labor ing near the oven said the occurrence rwar not unusual, but that they, were unable to control the fire and within a . short time it had destroyed five buildings and thousands of tons of crude rubber, owned by the Govern ment, and stored in the buildings. A news release from Iceland on Wednesday revealed .that not a single ship had been lost to submarines since the United States announced on September 15 that it would convoy lease-lend goods as far as the waters of Iceland. A liquor referendum held Wednes day in Bertie County resulted in a victory for the wets by a small mar gin of 34 votes. Bertie has had an ABC store since 1937, when it was opened through an act by the Legis lature, but the voting Wednesday was on the question of whether the county would remain wet or whether it chose to join the dry counties of tne Mate and close its store. A Congressional committee, debat ing the arming of U. S. Merchant ships, closed its committee debate on Wednesday and the measure is ex pected to pass1 in Congress by Friday. The bill will then go to the Senate where it is expected a long debate will delay passage of the act. ine automobile industry felt the pinch of National Defense again this yeek when the Office of Production Management announced that during me monm or January new car pro duction will be limited to 49 of the total output of January, 1941. Town Board Discuss Action Against Hon Tax Usters Monday The Board of Commissioners for the Town of Hertford, meeting in regular ; session' on Monday night, moved to take under advisement a plan of action against delinquent tax listers. ' This action follows a similar step no being taken by the Board of County Commissioners, and it is like ly that the Town Board will adopt the .measurei. I , Delinquent listers will be' notified and given an opportunity, to list their property and; f pay back taxesr "but those who fail to1, heed the notice will, "in all probability, be turned over to the Solicitor for court action. " The Board elected B. C. Berry as Fire Commissioner for the'Townr ' ' ",W. G. Newby, Clerk of the Board, announced that he was in receipt of the 1941 tax books and was' now pre pared to accept " payment,"5, of J941 taxes, ; , 1 T, '", t V : ?l, I ni ij r ; i Liwuren txamineo For Eye Clinic To Be Held Here Oct 27th Lions Club Sponsors Work; 35 Children Need Treatment Miss Elizabeth Pugh, medical worker for the State Commission for the Blind, has completed the screen ing of children in the New Hope and Hertford Grammar schools in pre paration of holding an Eye Clinic here during the week of October 27. Miss Pugh announced that she hopes to complete the preliminary work of examining children students of Central Grammar School and the Perquimans High School by the end of next week. The Eye Clinic will be held at the offices of Dr. I. A. Ward and is being sponsored and conducted by the Hert ford Lions Club in connection with the State Commission for the Blind. Mrs. Lucius Blanchard, Jr., County Welfare Supervisor, is assisting Miss Pugh and the Lions Club with the work. Thirty children, students at the New Hope and Hertford Grammar Schools, it was discovered, needed treatment at the clinic. Not all of these will need glasses, according to Miss Pugh. On examination it was found that some of them needed minor medical treatment. Out of 50 children examined at New Hope, four were found to need the treat ment. In the Hertford Grammar Bchool a total of 31 children were scheduled to attend the clinic. The seventh grade of this school furnish ed the largest number. Fifteen out of 54 children in this class were found to need attention. Five chil dren out of 32 in the sixth grade, and five children out of 24 in the fifth grade were found to have poor vision. The first, second, third and fourth grades at the Grammar School had only six children out of a total num ber of 127 that needed attention. Treatment will be furnished at the Clinic and those children examined and discovered to be in need of glasses will receive them from the Lions Club. However, glasses will not be furnished to children who are financially able to purchase them. There are 22 children, students at the Hertford Grammar School, to be examined. These were absent during the day the examinations were made at the school. Miss Pugh will return to the school to examine these chil dren during the coming week. Eastern Star Held District Meeting At Plymouth Wed. Mrs. Archie T. Lane, Mrs. W. M. Bray and Mrs. J. W. Zachary repre sented the Perquimans Chapter at the district meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star, which was held in Plymouth on Wednesday. An interesting program was pre sented to the members and included speeches by State notables. Superior Court To Convene Here Oct. 27 The Fall Term of Superior Court for Perquimans County, will convene here on Monday, October 27, and it is probable that Judge J. Paul Frizzell, of Snow Hill, will, preside. A short docket is now scheduled. However, there may he more by the time court arrives. There are a total of 17 civil cases to be heard and seven criminal cases are on the docket. QlltllMMIItH, HIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIMIKII MIMIHIIIIMI CONTEST Here is the first list of names entered in The Weekly's big "Every Day Is Pay Day" subscription drive. The names listed below show the people who have been nominated in the race. This is not the standing of the workers . . . Several of the workers listed have yet to turn in subscriptions, but the drive is off to a good start. The first official standing of the workers will be published in next week's paper. There are some sections of the county that still remain without a representative. A big opportunity exists to make extra money by entering this campaign. It is not too late to enter ... If you have been thinking of entering your name . . . Let us know immediately. Here are the workers who have been nominated to date. Miss Jessie Baker ; Winfall Mrs. James Boyce t Hertford Mrs. Tom Cox - " - .. Hertford Mrs. Norman Elliott ', Hertford, Miss1 BlancheJSyerett ; l - Hertford ' Miss Willie Hurdle . Durante Neck ;Mrs Elihu Lane - Chapanoke ' Jesse Lane , T Hertford v - Miss Lucille Lane ' . : Whites ton ', Mrs. E, J. Proctor Bethel ' Mrs. J, J. Phillips .i ... Hertfotd, Route 1 t Vj; Miss Julia Weston Belvidere ! ; Miss Pattie Whedbee ; Hertford - Mrs. Noll Whedbee - Hertford First StandGtff Next WeekWho Will Lead? Annual Meeting Of U. M. U. At Severn Church October 21 Three Associations to Gather; Meeting Will Open at 10 A. M. The annual meeting of the Wom an's Missionary Union of the Eliza beth City Division will be held on Tuesday, October 21st, at the Severn, N. C, Baptist Church, according to an announcement made today by Mrs. I. A. Ward,, superintendent. The Division comprises three asso ciations: Chowan, Pamlico and West Chowan, and includes twelve counties. Officers of the Division are: Mrs. Ward, superintendent; Mrs. Sallie C. Parker of Jackson, assistant superin tendent, and Mrs. H. G. Sawyer of Elizabeth City, secretary-treasurer. The Principal speaker of the Tues day rfffeting will be Miss Pearl John son of Union, S. C, whose topic will be, "Spread the Tidings In Lands Afar." . Miss Johnson is a Missionary from China. The program for the meeting, which will open at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, follows: Hymn; Devotional by Mrs. Sallie Parker of Jackson; Minutes and Organization by Mrs. H. G. Sawyer of Elizabeth City; Greet ings by Mrs. Julian Porter of Severn; Response by Mrs. Jesse W. White of Edenton. This will follow with re cognition of Pastors and visitors. Mrs. Ward and the superintendents of the three associations will give short talks at lt):30 to be followed by the speech by Miss Johnson. Mrs. E. F. Aydlett of Elizabeth City, will talk on Training School and Marga ret Fund at 11:35. Mission study will be held at 11:50. The meeitng will resume after lunch at 1 :30, and the devotional will be given by Mrs. A. C. Harris of Roper. Mrs. C. A. Arrington of Weeksville, and Mrs. W. E. White of Colerain, will conduct a study in Stewardsnip and Personal Service at 1:40. Reports of committees and the electioijr.of officers will be held at 2:10. Miss Eloise Miller and the Rev. J. L. White of Elizabeth City, will conduct a study class for young people beginning at 2:20 p. m. The meeting will close with an address, "Tidings Entrusted To Youth," by Miss Mary Currin, of Raleigh. Miss Currin is State superintendent of young people. Several State W. M. U. officers will be present to speak on various subjects. Rotarians Receive Letter Of Thanks From British Club The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Hotel Hertford. At the meeting a letter recently received by the sec retary of the Hertford Rotary Club from the Rotary Club of Hertford, England,, was read. The Jetter expressed thanks for a recent contribution of $48 made by the Hertford Rotarians, to be used as part of the community service fund of the English organization. The letter also explained that the money was used in part to provide entertainment and recreation for service men. Fire Alarm Monday The Hertford Fire Department was called to the home of Mrs. R. T. Clarke Monday night about 5:40 to extinguish a small blaze which start ed from an oil stove. The firemen arrived in time to prevent serious damage. llllllltll tlllllll C3 ENTRIES AMERICAN LEGION MAKING PLANS FOR ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM IN HERTFORD Bishop Clare Purcell Speaks At Check-up Meeting Held Here The Methodist Churches of the Elizabeth City District held their regular Check-Up meeting Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Hert ford Methodist Church with the Rev. B. B. Slaughter, Superintendent, pre siding. Plans were discussed for the Methodist Conference which is to be held in about three weeks. Bishop Claire Purcell, of Charlotte; made a most interesting talk. Announce Program For PTA Meeting At Creswell Wed. District Meeting Starts At 9:30; Mrs. J. S. Blair to Address Group The annual conference of District No. 9 of the North Carolina Con gress of Parents and Teachers will meet October 22, in the high school auditori um at Creswell. The coun ties represented in the district are: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Martin, Pas quotank, Perquimans, Tyrrell and Washington. Among the speakers will be Mrs J. S. Blair of Elizabethtown, president of the North Carolina Congress; C. W. Phillips of the Women's College, University of North Carolina, and Mrs. E. N. Howell of Swannonoa, field representative of the organiza tion. A business session at 10:30 will be followed by the presentation of guests and reports from the district historian, Mrs. H. G. Sawyer, of Eli zabeth City, and from chairman of the Magazine committee, Mrs. John Symons, of Chapanoke. At 11:1, Mrs. J. S. Blair, president of the North Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers, is scheduled to address the group,' using as her sub ject, "We Aid In National Defense." After lunch, C. W. Phillips Woman's College, University of North Caro lina, will lead a discussion based on the subject "We Aid In Community Life." Participating in the discus sion will be Dr. H. A. Thorson, Hal Stevens and Paul A. Reid of Eliza beth City; Dr. S. B. Lewis of Ply mouth, and John A. Holmes of Edenton. Mr. Holmes, superintendent of Edenton schools, at 3 o'clock, will speak on "Active Spiritual Faith in a Democracy." Adjournment, accord ing to Mrs. Parker, will be preceeded by a report from the registration chairman and the election of a dis trict director for the coming year. Mrs. E. N. Howell of Swannonoa, field representative of the P. T. A., will be present to lead a question hour and panel discussion. Other officers of District Nine who will be in attendance are: Mrs. J. Carlton Cherry, Ahoskie, assistant director; Mrs. Leslie B. Evans, Wind sor, secretary; Mrs. G. R. Tucker, Hertford, treasurer; and Mrs. Mayon Parker, Ahoskie, State Chairman of the Martin Memorial Fund in District Nine. Greater Albemarle Association Elects New Officers Here The directors of the Greater Albe marle Association met at the Hotel Hertford last Thursday evening for the purpose of electing officers for the? 1941-42 year. Charles Pruden of Windsor, was elected president for the coming year. Other officers elected were: A. W. Houtz of Columbia, vice president; L. S. Blades of Elizabeth City, secre tary, and J. Carter Perry of Eliza beth City, treasurer. It was voted to hold the next meeting of the Asso ciation on November 12, at Engle hard. Grammar School PTA Met Thursday Night The Parent-Teacher Association of the Hertford Grammar School 'held its ffrst meeting Thursday evening, October 16, at the school building. Mrs. E. W. Mayes, president, pre sided at the meeting and Mrs. B. G. Koonce, program chairman, was in charge of the evening's program. The Association will meet on the first Thursday, following the second Sunday of 'each month during the school yezty , - . ' Program to Include Scouts, Red Cross and High School Band BONNER MAY SPEAK 1942 Membership Is Making Headway; Names Listed Tentative plans for a big Armistice Day program are iow being worked out by the Perquimans Post of the American Legion. The local Post held its regular meeting la.-t Friday night and it was definitely decided to observe this coming Armistice Day with services commemorating the close of World War I. Post Adjutant B. C. Berry an nounced today that final plans for the services would be arranged at the next meeting of, the local Post to be held at the Courthouse on Octo ber 30th. This program will, insofar as the writer knows, be the first Armistice Day program ever held in Hertford. The local Legonnaires will play a big part in the program, but in ad dition, the Boy and Girl iScouts, the Cub Scouts and the Perquimans High School Band will also have part in the program, as will the American Red Cross. Mr. Berry told The Weekly re porter that Congressman Herbert C Bonner will be invited to be the principal speaker of the evening and that other notables connected with the American Legion will be on hand to talk during the services. It is now being planned to have the Band give a concert on the Court House Green prior to the services which will be held in the Courtroom The Perquimans Chapter will have a representative on hand who will five the details of the American Red Cross Roll Call which starts on Arm istice Day. This year the American Red Cross has asked the local Chap ter to enroll at least 600 member ships in ordr for, the National offices to carry out its work. At last week's meeting the Post's membership committee gave a report on the 1941 membership drive and announced that 51 veterans out of a possible 70, had signed up for Legion membership for 1942. There are 70 veterans in Perquimans eligible for membership and the local Post is hopeful of gaining a 100 member snip by Armistice Day. The First District, of which the local Post is a Part, is leading th entire State in the membership drive. The members who have joined for 1942 are: B. C. Berry, J. H. New bold, Nurney Rountree, W. B. Belch & n Jr" L- L" Winslowi She ton G. Chappell, F. M. Copeland, ' A- Carver, G. R. Riddick, V. N Darden, E. Lee Hurdle, J. Oliver White, W. G. Hollowell, J. E Wins low Elihu White, H. A. Whitley, J. D. Cranford, C. E. White, C. A Dav enport J A. Gault, J. G. Tucker, G. C. Buck, J. C. Howell, A. M. Godwin, Paul Colson, Carroll V. Ward, D. A. Winslow, M. R. Griffin A. A. Nobles, J. E. Lassiter, J A Perry, J. M. Tolar, W. T. Willough by, W. S. Evans, A. E. Layden, A. M. Barnes, F. T. Johnson, G. T. Roach, J. D. Dail, T. W. Wilson, J. R Futrell L. A. Proctor, Thomas . W' Willia, J. G. Camp bell, R. E. Pierce. R. V. MatnJl T. Q U7U:. , ... . ' b, o. I1Ue ana Wallace W d ricks. Hen- Indians And Manteo Battle To 7-7 Tie The Perquimans Indians were bat tled to a 7-7 tie by the Manteo High bchool football team here last Fri day afternoon. The outcome of the game was disappointing to local fans, especially after the excellent showing the Weal team made against Windsor the week before, and in a practice game at Elizabeth City on Tuesday. Both Hertford and Manteo scored their points during the second quar ter, Manteo going over the goal line first and thus gaining the lead 7-0 after converting the try for extra point. Wilbur White made the tally for Manteo. The Indians came back shortly af ter and Joe Nowell carried the ball over the goal stripe, the try for ex tra point being good,, and the score stood pr, where it remained through out the game. The game was a see-saw affair and despite a chilly rain, which set in shortly af ter the beginning of the second half, the fans were on edge all during the remaining' period hop ing that the Indians r would . score again, and thus mark up another, victory for this season. : , k 1)1" r - n & v f

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