l"1 r,-Tll'-yrriii.MMiiiiliir-iiTTii -trTt- ' " ")" MMrmrinw-rittvi immwr-rn, -y ; i J i? J1 't 'Oil , ' WEEKLY U A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUDJMKG OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume VIII. Number 48; Hertford. Perauimans Countv. North Carolina. Fridav. October 24. 1941. $1.25 Per Year. ' ') ;fYT ' ' T THE WEEKLY'S BIG SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE IS NOW REALLY JUST GETTING UNDERWAY First Week Special . Prizes Awarded to Four Contestants WORKERS NEEDED Renewals and New Sub scriptions Count To ward Big Prizes The Perquimans Weekly's big sub ; scription drive is off with a rush, j , After a careful check of the first ' week's business, which ended last Saturday night, it was found that Mrs. James Boyce of Hertford, and Miss Willie Hurdle of Durants Neck, had tied for the number, of subscrip tions reported during the first week and each was awarded a special prize 'r of 25 gallons of gasoline. Mrs. Tom ; Cox of Hertford, won the second Jtanecial prize of 15 gallons of gas, and jjesse Lane of Hertford, won the 10 gallons of gas as third special prize. The drive for subscriptions to this home county newspaper is off to a otod start and the workers are meet- Shg with cordial reception from all ' whom they contact in their search for renewals and new subscribers. So far, the race for the big $300 first prize, to be awarded November 29, is a neck and neck affair. Nothing but a few hours of good hard work separates the leaders in today's standing from those further down the list. Because a contestant is low to day does not mean she or he cannot be the leader next week. The vote totals at the present time show most of the workers closely grouped and therefore none can slacken their pace or they will be passed in the race by - ttase more energetic. 'jfi'-J Campaign Just Starting 'v. While the response thus far has bfm gratifying, the fact remains tfclt the tork is realty just starSng. AB of thel workers are fully , aware i that there are literally hundred, of , peepie.au over tne nerswHi waoe . wdwa "JKIiETS' XTLtook ai to 13 win ovef the Per wno will db na waose.8wmpi will be added to the list of The Weekly. As a plain statement, of fact, the campaign is actually just getting underway and the field has not been scratched. Last week was entry week and this week can proper ly be termed "starting week." Have YOU started yet? Have you signed the Entry Coupon and then $t down to rest before beginning work? Or have you just been think ing about it? In either case, let us say in all earnestness-GET BUSY 'AY BUSY and WIN Big. tfut 'n't wait another minute ... do it Time Short For New Entries - flhere is still ample room in the race for entirely new workers to en ter and make themselves important factors in this Daily Commission campaign. But now, not later, is ttie rtime for 70U to enter. Several com ' munlties, including Belvidere, Center 'HOI, Ryland, and Beech Spring, still need representatives and if you have ibejn thinking of entering and shar . fti& in this big cash distribution do V it today. Every day you put off v entering simply means you are 1 ' throwing away an opportunity to earn from $2 to $5 daily ... or as ' - much as $300 for six short weeks of "'spare-time work. ! If you have been thinking of enter ing this drive call at The Weekly : office; on the Courthouse Square in ' Hertford today and make your start. " We will gladly give you complete de tails and supplies needed for the j work. r.'- i jQU Hubert Bonner Adepts Legion Did i I. i'Vifc: iPKBewri :adjutant of th-Per-. iqulnuyiii Port of tiie American Le i ggav anhoanced this week that, lie Is in receipt of a letter from Con- greseman Herbert C, Bonner, , who wrote that he would gladly accept the ' invitation to be the principal speaker it the Legion's Armistice Day pro 'ff&m to be held at the Courthouse on the nltfht of November II. " s Complete plans for the program will be drawn at the meeting of the local Post Oct. 80, which will be held at 7:30 o'clock in, the Courthouse. All members of the Post are urged to be present for this meeting. , Plans now call for a' band concert to be Pven by the Perquimans High School Band on the - Courthouse Gen prior to the meeting to be held aV 8 o'clock. . The. Boy , and Girl Scouts the Cub Scouts and .the Per ".mana Chapter of the -American "-I Cro"i will also hsveajbig part taa program. , , -. " sift zmSo Important Notice To Subscribers In order to conform with Postal regulations, which require that all subscriptions to The Weekly be paid in advance, and with the best ethics of the newspaper profes sion, we announce today that this will be the last issue of The Weekly mailed to subscribers whose subscription has expired. We are again conducting a cir culation campaign for the purpose of collecting renewals for The Weekly and you can check the small label on your paper to de termine if your subscription has expired,. No doubt you have a friend working for one of the big prizes we will award November 29th ... if your ,paper has expir ed, contact your friend and renew your subscription ... so you will not miss a single copy of your paper. In making these changes in our mailing lists it is possible that we may make some errors, but we shall gladly correct any mistakes called to our attention. If you have already renewed your sub scription through one of our cam paign workers, you can disregard this notice. It applies only to those subscribers whose subscrip tion has run out. Littleton Downs Indian Gridders By Score Of 31-13 . a-powerful Littleton football tea.n fqOimans Indians oh thelbcal gridiron - loimiIWI T-Ji-n- last Friday. In spite of the fact that the invaders made two of their five touchdowns during the first 15 min utes of the game, the Indians fought doggedly on, and the showing they made against their opponents was considered very good. Both of the touchdowns for Perquimans were made by the fleet-footed Joe Nowell, the first a 75-yard dash, the second a run of 70 yards-. In the first quarter of the first half, before the Indians had a chance to size up their opponents, the Little ton team scored their first two touchdowns. The remainder of the first quarter featured hard fighting on both sides. In the second half, Littleton al ready having made their third tally, Nowell received for Perquimans and made his brilliant 75-yard dash and also tallied the extra point. After the Littleton team had made its fifth touchdown of the game, Nowell came through and made his second touch down, bringing the final score to 31-13. The Indians will play the Plymouth High School team Friday night at Plymouth, under the lights. Funeral Services Held Monday For Accident Victim Funeral services for James Thomas Lane, 40, who was killed instantly in an airplane crash near Elizabeth City Sunday afternoon, were held at 3 o'clock, Monday afternoon, at the chapel of the Thwiford Funeral Home in Elizabeth City with the Rev. L. Sigabee Miller officiating. Mr. Lane was a native of Perquim ans County but for the past several years had resided in Elizabeth City. Survivors include his wife. Mrs. Bessie ' Stagings Lane; two sons. Tommy and Johnny Lane; one daugh ter, Mrs; Marie Perry; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lane of Elizabeth City; five sisters, Mrs. Lula Cooper and Ttfrs. Mary Basnight of this county, Mrs. Eunice Cooper and Mrs. Mattie Horsley of Camden, and Mrs. Pearl Pate of Elizabeth City; four brothers, J. L, Nelson and Ernest Lane, all of Elizabeth City, and Ar thur Lane of this county. Interment was made in the family Plot. County Council To :IMeet Agricultural u, Bldgr. Saturday P. M. The County Council of Perquim ans Home Demonstraliion' 'Clubs will hold its regular meeting- at the Agri cultural Building on Saturday after noon, .October 25, at 5:3Q o'clock ' J AU members .are urged tto,be present. , it -, . 1 NYA Project Makes Much Progress In New Headquarters Training Includes Sew ing, Cooking and Typ ing Work With pretty new curtains at the windows and slip covers and cushions of bright colored cretonnes, with the handiwork of the girls, the project home of the NYA on Market Street, is taking on a lived-in appearance which is most attractive. Seductive odors from the kitchen, which, inci dentally, the girls themselves ceiled and painted, indicates that the in struction of the cooking class taught by Miss Helen Gaither is not merely theory. At the same hour that the cooking class is in progress, from 8 until 9 in the morning, Mrs. White, the project supervisor, is engaged in conducting her class in shorthand and typing. The two teachers are both expert in their line. Miss Helen Gaither, a former teacher in the high school, had several years of experience as home demonstration agent in the county, while Mrs. White's skill as a stenographer is also well known. In addition to a number of years of ex perience in routine secretarial work, Mrs. White was for many years a court reporter. After an hour's related training work, the entire group of 20 girls on the NYA project take up their sew ing and quilting. Making warm quits and comforts for use of the inmates of the County Home, as well as woolly night gowns and night shirts for the unfortunate old people who live in the home, is part of the sew ing project. They are a fine looking group of young women on this NYA project, 20 on each shift, and Mrs. White is warm in her praise of them, both of their work and of their spirit of cooperation. Mrs. W. E. White, Supervisor of the Sewing Project, returned Satur day night from a two-day school of, NYA supervisors in Washington, N. C, cpnducted by State and area officials of the National Youth Ad ministration. It is a training program, Mrs. White stated, a program designed t( (Continued On Page Four) Merit Examinations For Superintendent Public Welfare Merit examinations for, superin tendents of public welfare and case workers will be given on November 22, 29 and December 6, according to an announcement by Mrs. Ruth Blanchard, County Welfare Superin tendent. Persons wishing to take these ex aminations must file application by November 9, with Dr. Frank T. de Vyver, Box 2328, Durham, N. C. Ap lication blanks may be obtained at Mrs. Blanchard's office in the Court house. In order to be eligible for these examinations, persons seeking posi tions as superintendents of public welfare must have college graduate rating and three months training in a school of social work. Similar exam inations will be given persons wishing to apply for case workers' positions, and the qualifications for these posi tions also call for persons to have college graduate ratings. THE SCOREBOARD The Weekly's Daily Commission subscription drive is rapidly be coming a fast race between the active workers entered in the contest. Today we publish the first official standing of the workers, and in checking the records we find that only a few subscriptions separate the leadens and any one of the workers still have time to put forth the effort and become the final winners in the campaign. The standing as shown today is based upon all subscriptions re ported up .to Tuesday night of this week. Elsewhere is published the winners of the special prizes during last week, but several changes have been made in the standings since Saturday night. The campaign is now open. The race is oh. There are some who are still thinking of entering this big prize distribution and they should enter NOW, immediately. Right now is the time for candidates to do effective work that will place them high in the standing. Here's the standing of the workers several are tied for various positions and it will be up to the workers themselves to put forth the effort that will carry them over the top. First Place Mrs. Tom Cox ' First Place -Miss Willie Hurdle Second Place Mrs. James Boyce Third Place Mrs. E. J. Proctor Fourth Place Jesse Lane 'u Fifth Place Miss Jessie Baker xth Place -Mrs. Elihu Lane Seventh Place Miss Lucille Lane Eighth Place 1 -.Miss Julia Weston . ' f . t Eighth Place Miss Blanche Everett ' yis ft 'Ninth, Place Ll:Ji Miss Pattie; Whedbee lU Tenth Place --HJI Mrs-Nell Whedbee , u, , WORK NOW BE A WINNER LATER r More Children Are Found Needing Eye Clinic Treatment Clinic Starts Monday For Children Unable To Pay For Treatment The preliminary work of examin ing school children for the Eye Clinic which opens next Monday at Dr. I. A. Ward's office will be completed by this week-end, according to Miss Elizabeth Pugh, medical worker for the State Commission for the Blind. Thirty-five children were discover ed in need of treatment in examina tions1 at the Hertford Grammar School and at the New Hope School. Forty children were added to this list in examinations held at the Centra! Grammar School in Winfall. Screen ing of students of the high school was made during Thursday and Fri day of this week. The Eye Clinic, which is being sponsored by the Hertford Lions Club in cooperation with the State Commission for the Blind, will open Monday for children who are finan cially unable to afford treatment from a private physician. The chil dren who will be treated at the clinic will be passed on by the Lions Club Committee and the County Wel fare Office. Mrs. Ruth Blanchard, County Welfare Supervisor, has been assisting Miss Pugh in the prelimi nary work connected with the clinic. In cases where parents of children in need of treatment or glasses are financially able to secure these for the children, the local Welfare Office will notify the parents of their chil dren's condition. Plans are now being discussed for the establishment of a continuous Eye Clinic here in Perquimans. Ac cording to Miss Pugh, the State Com mission for the Blind will allow $50 per year toward the project and there is a possibility that the Lions Club will enter into the movement and sponsor a year-around clinic. The cost of receiving clinic treatment would be one dollar, however, the clrntcv'would be open only to those persons unable to afford treatment from a private physician. Glasses through the clinic would cost approx imately $4.50 and, according to Miss Pugh, these could be paid for in small payments; however, the glass es would not be delivered until the total amount is paid. Schoolmasters Club Holds Meeting In Gatesville Monday The Schoolmasters' Club of this district met with the Ruritan Club at Gatesville on Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Dr. Dudley, president of Chowan College, made a most inter esting talk. During the business session plans were discussed for the district meeting which will be held in Greenville on November 7th. On this day all Perquimans County Pub lic iSchools will be given a holiday so that people interested may attend, this meeting. F. T. Johnson, Mrs. R. M. Riddick, Miss Mary Sumner and T. R. Ains ley represented Perquimans schools at the Gatesville meeting. ROTARY CLUB MEETING The Hertford Rotary Club held its regular weekly meeting on Tuesday evening at the Hotel Hertford. PERQUIMANS CHAPTER OF RED CROSS TO OPEN ROLL CALL DRIVE NOVEMBER 11 Old Document According to E. H. Cannon many articles are discovered in clothing sent to his cleaning and pressing es tablishment, but on Wednesday, he discovered an old clerk of court docu ment issued in 1809, which he be lieves may be highly valued by its owner, and since he had no way of knowing the rightful owner, the pa per may be recovered if the owner will call at The Weekly office for it. The old document is well preserved and is issued to one Joseph Albert son for service as a witness in the Albertson vs. John 1!. Blount case heard at the March Term of Superior Court, 1809. According to the order, Albertson was entitled to six shillings a day for three days' service, or a total of 18 shillings. He was also paid 3.2 shillings for traveling a distance of 12 miles at 8 shillings per 30 miles. The order was signed by a Robt. W. Friaton, Clerk. Committeemen And Alternates Elected County Convention Convention at Agricul tural Building on Oc tober 29th Results of the election of the community committeemen for the five townships of Perquimans County were announced this week by L. W. Anderson, County Agent, for partici pation on the 1942 Triple-A Farm Program. At the meeting two alter nates were also elected in each town ship. The County convention will be held on October 29th, at which time the delegates from each township will elect the county committeemen. Results of the township elections follow. The first name appearing is the community chairman and dele gate, the second name is vice-chairman, and the third name designates the regular member. Belvidere Dr. E. S. White, John T. Lane and Edmund S. White. Bethel S. P. Matthews, W. L. Madre and R. S. Chappell. Hertford Milton Dail, J. E. Hun ter and A. D. Thatch. New Hope C. W. Umphlett, S. D. Banks and. J. Q. Hurdle. Parkville G. W. Jackson, L. A. (Smith and C. B. White. Operators Of Peanut Pickers Must Obtain License For Year Operators of peanut pickers in this county have received cards from Frank Parker, Agricultural Statisti cian, notifying them of the law which requires each operator to obtain a li cense each season before operating his machine. The licenses are on hand at the Register of Deeds' office in the Courthouse. J. W. Ward, Register of Deeds, stated that thus far only about one third of the operators in the county have procured their licenses and he urges all machine operators to call at his office and obtain the necessary license immediately, as he is forced by law to make reports of those who have obtained the license. Hertford Chapter Eastern Star To Meet Monday Evening Hertford Chapter No. 137, of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold its regular meeting on Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. The Hertford Chapter has been commissioned by The Orphans' Friend and The Masonic Journal, published by the Oxford Orphanage, to receive new and renewal subscrip tions to The Orphans' Friend in Per quimans, Chowan and Gates Counties. Patrolman Gaskill Ordered To Duty In Maneuver Area State Highway Patrolman Jack Gaskill has been ordered to serve in the. maneuver area for an indefinite period, f Patrolman Gaskill left here for Hoffman, N. C, last Friday, where he is expected to be stationed for two weeks and possibly for the remainder of the. maneuver period, which ends about the first of December. . -i ' - . , Mrs. C. P. Morris to Di rect Local Campaign This Year $600 REQUESTED State - wide Meeting Held In Kinston Last Week-end S. M. Whedbee, chairman of the Perquimans Chapter of the Red Cross, announced today the appoint ment of Mrs. C. I'. Morris as chair man of the Red Cross Roll Call Drive which opens on November 11th. The Perquimans Chapter has been asked by the American lied Cross to raise $600 in memberships for this year, in order to assist in the tre mendous program which faces the Red Cross during the coming year. Definite plans for the Roll Call drive will be annouhced through The Week ly from time to time. The American Red Cross has set as its objective the greatest membership roll call in history. This was pointed out at the Red Cross Regional Conference held in Kinston last week. This was con sidered the most important Red Cross meeting in North Carolina since World War days. Prominent National Red Cross of ficials who spoke included Everett Diz, assistant manager of the East ern area, and Albert E. Chamber lain, special Roll Call representative. Chief among the topics discussed were the Red Cross services to the Armed Forces, the role of the Red Cross in civilian defense, and the plans for the annual Roll Call. Red Cross membership increases this fall must be doubled or more in order to conduct the Red Cross de fense services as well as maintain the normal Red Cross work being continued all along the home front, Red Cross officials say. North Car olina Red Cross membership last year totaled 148,441, an increase of 44,6(52 oyec the. previous year. ThfWgfi its't'ongressionUl Charier , the Red Cross acts as the link be tween men in the military forces and their families back home. Aided by 800 Red Cross field directors and staff members stationed at military and naval stations, and hospitals, lo cal Chapter home service workers are prepared to aid the Army this fall by investigating from 25,000 to 40,000 applications for discharge from military service. This increase in Red Cross home service and the vast expansion in all the Red Cross aid to the nation's armed forces are only two of the problems to be dis cussed at the conference. Fire Department Reorganized At Meeting Monday The Hertford Volunteer Fire De partment was completely reorganiz ed by a meeting held Monday night at the Town Offices. Under the new set-up, B. C. Berry will serve as Fire Commissioner, Mayor V. N. Darden will be Fire Chief, S. M. Whedbee, Assistant Chief, and. F. T. Britt will be assist ant to the Chief. C. F. Sumner, Jr., and W. B. Tuck er will serve as Captains under the new arrangement, and the Depart ment will have as its members the following men: H. N. Nixon, H. C. Sullivan, J. E. Newby, C. T. Skinner, Bill Fowler, William Boyce, Ray White, W. F. Ainsley, Tommy Miller, Pete Howell and Ralph Lane. The Department will from now on hold regular fire drills, the first of which will be held Monday night on the Babb lot. Although the local De partment is a member of the North Carolina Firemen's Association, the members of the Hertford Department seek in the near future to organize a Volunteer Firemen Association for Northeastern North Carolina. An oyster supper will be served to the local firemen and their wives at an early date in November. County 4-H Girls Win Honorable Mention At Fair Myra Layden and Delia Evans, of the High School 4-H Club, received honorable mention on exhibits sent to the State Fair. Myra exhibited a bath unit that she arranged in her bed room. Delia entered the two jar canning contest for 4-H girls. She exhibited one quart of tomatoes and one quart of peaches that the canned, during the summer. v V n if 1 I'

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