' y PAGE TWO ? THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 11 su;;day school lesson J." Ill In I if.. I ' ' Hi , CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP ' International Sunday School Lesson for December 14, 1M1 Gojden Text: "It is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." I Cor. 4:2. Lesson Texti II Cor. 8:1-9; 9:6-7. When Christian people generally come to a full realisation of the meaning of stewardship and accept its implications, patting its teachings into practice in their own lives, the Christian Church will show such an advance that it will amaze even the 1 most optimistic. I Just what is a steward? A glance into a dictionary reveals that a "steward is one who manages the af fairs, or possessions, of another." The steward is not the owner of the possessions, he is the care-taker, re sponsible to the real owner. This is true of a ship's steward he does not own. the ship nor even the materials with which he works or for which he is responsible. He must make an ac counting to the owner, however, for the manner in which he performs his duties or cares 'for the possessions oT the ship-owner. When we speak of Christian stew ardship, the idea is the same. We acknowledge that God is the owner of everything, by right of creation and that He lets us hold and use what is really His, for a time and that, eventually, everything that we have, or own, really goes back to the Heav enly Father in some way. The Psalmist declared, ''The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell there in." Time, which we may use or mis use, was given to us by God. Our talents and abilities, which if proper ly developed may help us to attain success in living, are given to us by God. God is the source and owner of all things and man is just a tenant of His, allowed through God's good ness and generosity to use and pos sess what really belongs to Him. Acknowledging the above to be true, what return shall we make to t God for the use of His possessions .' , If we rent an apartment, a store building or a farm from another, we naturally expect to pay rent, a cer tain stipulated sum, for the use of the property rented. Yet, when some one be it preacher, Sunday School teacher or worker mentions that one should set aside a certain stipulated sum out of one's earnings as holy unto the Lord, most people hold up their hands in horror and say that the one tiling they don't like about the church and its workers is their ever lasting emphasis upon giving money. They are not stewards or they would not have that attitude. However, tithing is only a small part of Christian stewardship. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, praised the Macedonian Christians for their liberality and generosity in giving to the unfortunate believers in Judea and called attention to a very 'impor tant factor, when he said that these Christians, "first gave their own selves to the Lord." When Chris- tians dedicate "their own selves to the Lord" there will be no question Pierce, Ned Nixon, Walter Umphlet, about their generosity, their service J. L. DeLaney, E. U. Morgan, Ken or their living. j neth Miller, Marvin White, A. R. A consecrated steward realizes that ; Winslow, Jr., Mrs. Charlie Umphlett, God is dependent On His servants Haywood Proctor, Bernice Woodard, even as each of His servants is de- J. R. Pierce, Jesse Stanton, Sid pendent on Him. The way He has Leary, Lorenza Elliott, Theltang chosen of -getting His work done in Chopper, Mrs. J. R. Jarvis, J. A MotorisJs ride ID LLD?3 - "77 r males the jworld, of serving men and women everywhere, of saving lost souls, is through every' Christian man and woman, boy and girl in every country throughout the world. He wants more than a small proportion of your money. He wants part of your time, your energy, your talent and your God-given ability used for His and in His service. You may not have much money, but there is always something you can give to God or use for God. He doesn't judge us by the size of our gift, the greatness of our talent. His only question of us is: "Did you do your best?" Anything less than our best is not a worthy gift to the God who loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoso ever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. What kind of a steward are you? Additional Members Red Cross Chapter It has been impossible for The Weekly to carry all of the names of people who have enrolled in the Red Cross up to now, but this week we have all the additional names and herewith list those we have not printed heretofore: Mrs. Wilson Reed, ' Mrs. Ernest Reed, Mrs. W. D. Landing, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. George Chappell, Mrs. Claude Williams, Mrs. W. J. Hamp ton, Mrs. L. S. White, Harris Store, Mrs. Addie Tucker, Mrs. C. E. Can- non, Mrs. Edgar Williams, Mrs. si tt- Simons, Mrs. W. G. Gaither, Miss Helen Gaither, Mrs. Durwood Reed, Mrs. Lucy Elliott, Mrs. E. D. Everett, Mrs. J. S. McNider, Leslie Hampton, Mrs. Charlie Harrell, Mrs. E. D. Matthews, E. D. Matthews, Mrs. W. H. Matthews, S. P. Mathews, Mrs. Raymond Eure, Mrs. Freeman Um phlett, J. T. Wood, Mrs. J. T. Wood, Miss Frances Maness, Mrs. C. W. Reed, Mrs. A. E. Layden, J. F. Wins- 0Wl Mrs. Jones Perry. Mrs. C. F. Reed, Hertford Oil Co., Mrs. T. J. Walters, Mrs. W. F. Madre, Mrs. C. B. Parker, Mrs. L. J. Wins low, E. L. Chappell, Ralph B. Chap- pell, C. C. Chappell, Willie Winslow, 1 William C. Chappell, John Raymond I Dail, Edgar Chappell, G. W. Nowell, E. S. White, Miss Lucy White, Miss Clara White, Miss Margaret White, Mrs. Vivian Dail, Wilbur Lamb, Mrs. Charles E. White, Mrs. T. D. Thatch, . Mrs. F. T. Matthews, Mrs. David Cox, Mrs. T. C Chappell, Miss Edna Turn- .1 age, N. N. Trueblood, Mrs. N. N. trvmsLn shoilM , ' fn, Trueblood, Mrs. Alethia Hill, Mrs. C. P. Morris, Mrs. C. R. Vann, Mrs. Clarke, John Lane, Mrs. W. L. Madre, J. A. White, Stokes & Matthews, Mil ton Dail, Mrs. J. H. Corprew, W. D. Harris, Mrs. B. S. Hoskins, Mrs. Young Berry. I. A. White, Mrs. James Sawyer, Mrs. J. T. Brinn, Jim Bass, J. T. Lane, Jr., W. O. Hunter, Bertha Chap pell, Miss Johnnie White, Mrs. Lula Lane, Mrs. J. P. Elliott, Wallace Mor can, Crafton Matthews, Mrs. Arthur a year Gaulti '' The Negroes who have enrolled are: "$,:;. Grammar Grades, Fork -Bridge School; Seventh Grade, Hertford Graded High School; Winslow Grove School, Bethel! School, Senior Class, Hertford High School; Firsts Second and Third Grades, Chinquapin) School; Second and Fifth Grades, Hertford Graded High School: Mrs. V Odessa Burke, Mrs. J. S. Thompson, I. W. Lowe, Mrs. Eva Cooper, W. R. Priv ott, Mrs. Laura Sharp, Dr, Joseph Weaver, Joseph Spruill, Nathan Man ley, Mrs. Laura Lowe, Miss Nellie Holley, Mrs. Beulah Holley, Si H. Manley, Mrs. Lottie Sharp, Mrs. Cleo Felton, J. M. Creecy, Mrs. Geraldine Lowe, J. H. Harrell, George James, Jr., G. Wilson Felton, Rev. A. T. Jor dan, Mrs. Irene Dail, Sixth and Eighth Grades, Hertford x Graded High School; K. A. Williams, Mrs. Idonia E. Rogerson, Mrs. Lena Perry, Mrs. Willie Williams, Golar Newby, Percy Brothers, H. F. Simons, R. L. Kingsbury, E. L. Blair, Jr., Junior Class, Perquimans Training School, John Billups, Mrs. Penelope Bembry, Mrs. Mary Newby and Miss Leola Riddick. Comfortable Hens Produce More Eggs When the cold winds of winter blow, that's the time to think of the comfort of the farm poultry flock, says C. F. Parrish, poultryman of the N. C. State College Extension Service. A comfortable house, free from drafts, will help to keep the birds free fiom common winter ailments and aid them in producing a maxi mum number of eggs. Then, too, each bird should have at least 31-! to 4 square feet of floor "'V1" -"- wuimi jiyauc auuuiu uk uruviueu ui the number culled down to a point where the birds may be comfortable in present quarters. Water that fhas been heated to knock the chill off, or fresh from the well early each morning, will do much to prevent a cold snap from causing a sharp drop in egg production. For less trouble, automatic electric or oil heated warmers should be installed. In other suggestions for December to North Carolina poultrymen, Par rish said the feeding of one pound of alfalfa leaf meal per 100 birds will be a satisfactory substitute for green feed if the dry fall prevented the sowing of a grazing crop. if the flock is properly housed and cared for and not more than 80 to 40 eggs per 100 hens are received daily, then there may be something wrong with the health or breeding of the birds, Parrish said. hi,m.-i. ; to the kind of breeding males he uses next year, or the sources from which he purchases his baby chicks, the State College specialist advised. HONOREE ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. E. A. Turner entertained at her home at New Hope on Sunday at a dinner party honoring her husband, who celebrated his birthday. ' 'invit ed guests were, E. A. Turner,! hon- oree, Mrs. W. C. Hurdle, Mr; and J. G. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker, Mrs. H. C. Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. jasper Sawyer, Miss Willie 'Hurdle, Billie and Dickie Baker, and Mr. and Mrs. Q. R, Hurdle, of Nor folk, Va. RIDDICK LAYDEN Miss Helen Louise Layden, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Layden, of Hobbsville, and James Carroll Riddick, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Oscar Riddick, of Belvidere, were married Saturday afternoon, November 15, at 5:30 o'clock, at the home of Miss Layden's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Layden, of Bel videre. The ceremony was perform ed by the Rev. Ira S. Harrell, 'of South Mills Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Riddjck are making their home with the bride's parents. CARDS OF THANKS To all the people who were so nice to me during the subscription drive, and gave me assistance in winning, I wish to thank each and everyone a thousandfold. MRS. JAMES BOYCE. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the many people who aided me to win a prize in the subscription drive conducted b7 The Weekly. I shall always remember each of you. MRS. TOM COX. I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors and those' who helped me in the subscription drive which clos ed last week. MASS WILLIE HURDLE. Overman & Stevenson . "Prescription Specialists." iv The Store of Beautiful Gifts j Cosmetics, Candies and Cigar , ilnnoLmce Honor Rq!1 jit mnrrm KiTmimr in uuiiu ii ui hiiiiiiyi i 1 T. R. Ainsley, - principal of the Perquimans County Central Grammar School at Winfall, released the fol lowing list of students who made the honor roll for the first quarter: ', . First E Grade- Nonie. .Lou. Lane, Shirley Eure, Dorothy Jean Winslow, Lloyd White, Emily Ann Sumner, James Griffin, Bilty.Chappell, Bobby Elliott, Adron Hughes, Maxie Lamb, Jane Harrell, Glenda Lane, Mary Louise Owens, Kay White- Stanton, Mollie Lou Yeates. " Second Grade Billy Benton, Julian Onley, Beverly Hope Bright, Mary Pa toK&m""? IF YOUR FORD could talk you'd learn in short order that you get best Ford serv ice at your Ford Dealer's. Because only experienced Ford mechanics work on your car. Factory approved tools and equipment eliminate expensive "guesswork." And Winslow-White Motor Co. Hertford, N. C Your Ford Dealer I Ik wk imiim M li i ii -w t i SV;' Furniture is the answer to the ever-puzzling $ gift questioa here shoppers who wish utility! : :c; :c: : : : :: : : ::: g FUKOTTURE FOR GIFTS make',the whole S family happy so why not stop at our store jjjj: wuav xui ocicctiun ua j'uui guts- vve nave y hundreds and hundreds . of , items for your K choice. ', 3CX Kathleen Hurdle, Gravthel Snear. Julia Anne Bundy, Barbara Anne Benton Eugene Boyce, Ben Miller, Xmy Vann Roach, Nellie Cartwright, MargarV SymonsWal ter Umphlett. Jr., Marjorie . WhedbeeJ Martinia i White' .abd- Roberta MejorisJ Winslow. Third Grade Anne Bray, Imogene Chappell, Eula Chalk, r Douglas .Cof field, Harold Colson, Mary ue-Cooke, Carolyn Hurdle, : Leonard , , Harrell, Melvin Lamb; DurWood Lane, Peggy Sawyer, Burwell Winslow and Deryl Winslow. ' Fourth Grade Vejma Ami Carver, Claire Hunter. 1 Fifth Grade Pearl Hunter, Dolan Winslow, Marie Rountree, Lfelia Lee Winslow, Clarkson -WhiteTl Anne Hollowell. Thelma White. Anne On- ley, Timothy Clair Perry and Marii Vernon1 War, s any replacement parjs used are genuine Ford parts, best every time for your Ford. So if you want your Ford to last longer, run better, and cost BRING YOUR HOME FOR SERVICE! are a few hints for Yule to combine cheer and The cheerful glow of a bright new lamp will make everyone happy. FLOOR LAMPS Priced at ,'etta Jolliff.Jw S Cooke : Sixth Grade Peggy Earl Simpson!:-' Seventh Grade Mary Lina Rapev Faye . .Winslow, ; Dotmegan Lflne, Jlary Leland WrnslowrJean Chappell, Sybil Monds, ; Alleene Yeatta, -? Eft White; and Emmett JElmomi AiLouisburg Clarke' Stokes, a member. a4f.,the freshman class at Louisburg College, was elected vice-president Of htfdasr ; Mnnflw of fVi annuAl olw4tfn Theld . . , iat . allege. -VV Clarke is the son of Mr. and -Mrs. H. C. Stokes, of Hertford 'itV.f - ' you less FORD BACK iMetal Smoking Stands! t iviaKe m taeai uin t , ; 1 tt 1 (7 S ARVIN RADIOS J! , $195 , Priced from 51.13 ,J. (J.-JnE, ilgent i Soda - Luncheonette 4 53 Hertford N.;C 1 tJ- I IS ' f I u. 1 . j wvMH M JKJ' J m M " JT r.U M.HHIUyiM 'U M M I M M f M f " "

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