rHK PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. &, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1943 PAGE THR1 LOOKING AT WASHINGTON House Should Act Now. Withholding Tax Needed. The House of Representatives, hick is charged with the responsi- ility of initiating revenue legisla- n, has so far been unable to secure fective action upon any tax bilL The defeat of the Ruml plan is not ' accepted as final by advocates of the i proposal and there are indications ' that an effort will be made to secure - some kind of a "compromise," which will rebate at least a part of last year's taxes. ; Meanwhile, it is up to the House of Representatives to demonstrate to .the country that it is, in fact, a legis lative body. Faced with an impera tive need for additional revenue, the nation should have a tax bill as early as practicable. If this cannot be accomplished Without considerable delay, definite action should be taken upon the pro T posal to create a withholding levy " against the taxable portions of wages and salaries as an inflation-control measure. The withholding levy would not constitute a tax but would assist in . the fight against inflation by causing employers to withhold, at the source, i ht, designated per cent of wages and Salaries. The amount thus withheld vt Would be credited to the individual - ana could be used in the payment or v i j i ai n : ... 1 loach uue on is'io incomes aim pay it able in 1944. ,S It may be too much to expect the ?tr representatives to get together on a bajl Ulll IUUI J OIIUUIU UC 1U1 them to vote a withholding levy- sep- arate and apart from any tax con- troversy. I he sooner this is done, ' the better. It can hardly be denied that with holding a percentage of swelling pay envelopes and salary checks would be a move against inflationary spend ing. Consequently, the House should pass a withholding levy measure at ' once. Allies Wonder About 1!. S. Under-Spcrptjirv of Ktatp Siimnpr Welles says that one of the gravest doubts which exist in the minds of our partners of the United Nations todav is "the doubt ns to w hat, thp i policy of the United States will be when victory is won." Obviously, the course that Great Britain or Russia will pursue after the Axis has been destroyed depends upon the course that the United States will follow. If the United States is ready for close collaboration with its present partners in the peace that succeeds warfare, then both Great Britain and Russia will be able to adopt a liberal attitude to propos als made in regard to world-wide reorganization. If, on the other hand, the United States is to withdraw again behind a world of isolationism and leave the other nations of the world to take care of themselves, it is logical to expect the British and the Russians to protect themselves. In addition to an offensive-defensive alliance, both nations will probably deem it wise to take charge of all territory that is necessary to safeguard their future security. Between the British and the United States, there are differences to be ironed out and undoubtedly, serious questions will arise between Wash ington and Moscow. The solution of these problems depends in part upon our willingness to cooperate in pre serving the peace of the world and protecting other nations from un warranted aggression. Until the United States makes clear its post-war policies, it is prac tically impossible for Great Britain or Russia to state, in definite terms, their war aims. The Japs Surprised Manila. Our Planes Caught On Ground. We Hesitated To Fight Back. The people of the United States were so amazed and confounded when the Japanese struck at Pearl Harbor about seven thirty-five o'clock on the morning of December 7th that they have overlooked some of the events that occurred in the Philippines shortly thereafter. When the Japanese pilots were at tacking our warships in Pearl Harbor it was four thirty-five p. m., of De cember 8th in the Philippine Islands, where more than twenty new flying fortresses and scores of fighter planes were ready for action on two flying fields near Manila. Despite the fact that news of the Honolulu attack had arrived, theTe seems to have been some confusion in the Philippines. General Brereton, Air Corps Commander, was at Manila headquarters asking for permission to take off to bomb Formosa, where he had picked his target. These facts are recounted in an article, "Queen Die Proudly," by W. L. White, in The Readers Digest, with the observation that - although Pearl Harbor had been attacked, our "American Congress had not declar ed war" and there was a question whether the' Philippine Command could strike when technically war did not exist. Actually, "when permission was re fused," the General "asked to be al lowed to make a reconnaisance flight, so he could at least see if the Japan- ; ese were . making, preparations to strike w." Thla, apparently, wm p- ' proved by headquarters in ' Manila, where General MacArthur, the Commander-in-Chief was in charge. Unfortunately, just at the time that General Brereton got permission ftom General MacArthur, the Japan ese bombers arrived, blasting the fly ing fortresses on Clark Field, after destroying the P-40s on Ida Field. The interesting revelation is that pilots and aviators at Clark Field were given "early chow" at eleven o'clock, more than six hours after the attack upon Pearl Harbor, but the flying fortresses and the P-40s were on the ground when the Japanese ar rived to make their attack. Out of 23 flying fortresses on Clark Field, only five remained, "badly damaged," but by pooling the wrecks, it was hoped to salvage one or two planes. Every American is familiar with the Condemnation and criticism that was launched against the officers in command at Honolulu but no such avalanche was directed toward the Philippines where our air force was caught on the ground more than six hours after the Pearl Harbor catas trophe. To a civilian, it is very hard to understand why any officer at head quarters in Manila, whether General MacArthur or someone else, refused General Brereton's request to bomb Formosa on the technical grounds that Congress had not declared war against Japan. At the time of the request, it had been established that Japanese planes had attacked our fleet in Pearl Har bor and our pilots around Manila were expecting a similar attack from Formosa. Senators Grab For Pie. .Seek To Control 30,000 Jobs. The Senate Judiciary committee has approved the McKellar bill which would require Senate confirmation of some 30,000 Federal employes receiv ing $4,500 or more per year. The rough idea seems to be that the jobs are now presidential patron age and it might be just as well for the country, and a lot better for the Senators, if they had the final say as to their distribution. In actual practice the McKellar bill would give to the Senators the power of appointment, leaving the executive agency dependent upon the Senators to determine the type of employees available. The idea that the Senate has time to study the qualifications of 30,000 employees, or that it understands the nature of the duties most of them are required to perform, is a great strain on the imagination. Nevertheless, you can expect con siderable support for the McKellar bill from Senators who would like to have more patronage to distribute To get 30,000 jobs lined up would re pair many political fences and in crease the power of political ma chines interested in returning the Senators to office. We are not always sure that any President, depending upon his de partmental heads, can wisely select men for Federal positions. Neither would we deny the obvious, that some jobs are strangely connected with political affairs. We still be lieve that, in the long run, the nation will get better workers for its money than if the Senators take over the power of appointment. Overcrowding Chicks Cause Poultry Losses One of the major errors in brood ing is the tendency of poultrymen to overcrowd their chicks, says R. S. Dearstyne, head of the Poultry Science Department at N. C. State College. He also calls attention to the fact that this overcrowding is further emphasized as the chicks grow in size because they naturally require more floor space, feeding c 3 TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. "WE HAVE THE SHOW8" Friday, April 23 Don Aimeche, Janet Blair and Jack Oakie in "SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT" Saturday, April 24 The Range Busters in "TRAIL RIDERS" Serial - Comedy - Cartoon Sunday, April 25 Jack Benny and Priscilla Lane in "MEANEST MAN IN THE WORLD" Also 'T THE FRONT IN NORTH AFRICA Monday and Tuesday, April 26-27 Errol Flynn and Ann Sheridan in "EDGE OF DARKNESS" Wednesday, April 28 Double Feature 10c and 25c Guy Kibbee in "CINDERELLA SWINGS IT" Eddie Albert in "LADY BODYGUARD" Thursday and Friday, April 29-30 Johnny Weismuller land Frances Gilford in "TARZAN TRIUMPHS" space and water containers. Along with a warning against the overcrowding of chicks, he urged that the sexes be separated as early as possible, since this is a well recog nised practice of -all good- poultrymen. The separation of the sexes not only provides the needed extra floor space but it also allows for a better and more uniform development of the pullets. According to Dearstyne, the sep aration of the sexes can be made at about five to six weeks with the Mediterranean breeds. With the American breeds, the chicks are gen erally eight to ten weeks old before the, sex can be accurately determined. In getting the chicks out on the ground, he suggests that they be al lowed to follow their own inclination, and not be forced out of doors. Where an entire confinement system is not practiced and where a clean range with a grazing crop is avail-1 able, it is well to allow chicks out side of the house any time after they are a week old, weather permitting. ASSIFIEIJ AND LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE MANY ITEMS OF Household Furniture. Sale will be held on Saturday, May 1, at 2S Railroad Street. This furniture i.s the property of Mrs. N. H. Medlin. apr.2.'i. will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of April, 1943. W. II. ELLIOTT, Administrator of Joseph T. Elliott, Deceased. apr.l6,23,30,may7,14,21. NOTICE OF SALE Hy virtue of the authority con tained in that certain deed of mort gage executed on the 1st day of Feb ruary, 1936, by J. M. Gallop and wife, Emma Gallop, to Agatha Levender, and recorded in M. D. Book 19, page 169, Public Registry of Perquimans County, N. C, default having been made in the conditions of said deed of mortgage, the undersigned mort gagee will, on the 8th day of May, 1943, at 11:30 o'clock A. M.. at the court house door of l'er(uimans County, N. C, offer for sale : public auction to the highest bidder fur cash, the following di'S iy: Beginning on Dobb Street, Extend ed at line of Spence Gallop and run ning along his line 02 feet to the Sarah Skinner lot, thence along the Sarah Skinner lot 33 feet, thence along lot of Linda Holly 92 feet to Dobb Street, thence along Dobb Street to beginning. One other piece lying directly back of the above conveyed lot, being 3? feet wide, the width of the iot above conveyed, by 45 feet deep, and being a part of the Sarah Skinner lot. A 5 deposit will be required n' the successful bidder. Dated and posted this 7th day o' April, 1943. AGATHA LEVENDER, Mortgagee. By Chas. E. Johnson, Att'y. apr.9,1 6,23.30. TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS Iff You Suffer 'PERIODIC Which Make Yon Weak, Cranky, Nervous If at such tlmps ion, like so many women and girls sutler from cramps, headaches, backache, distress of "Irreg ularities", periods of the blues due to functional monthly disturbances Start at once try Lydla E. Plnkham's vegetable Compound. This famous li quid not only helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying tired weak, nervous feelings of this nature This Is because of Its soothing effect on ONE OP WOMAN'S MOST IMPOR TANT ORGANS. Taken regularly Lydla Plnkhams Compound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Thousands upon thousands report benefit. Also a fine stomachic tonic. Follow label direc tions. Worth trying! TRAILER FOR SALE API'LY AT Hertford Trailer Camp, Manager's Office. apr.23pd. WANTED WOMEN AND MEN attendants in State institution for mental defectives. Good physical Condition. Must be United States citizen but need not be resident of New York State. Ages 18-70. $62.00 per month and room, board and laundry. Eight-hour day. Write: Superintendent, Letchworth Village, Thiells, N. Y. apr.l6,23,30,may7pd. - I'LASTER CONTRACTOR, FIRST Class Plastering. Call James Grandison, 6 ISrace Ave., Hertford, N. C. anr.9,1 6,23,30. LET YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER HELP V01 TO DO THIS WITH "Monthly Motor Car Maintenance" NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Joseph T. Elliott, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Chapa noke, N. C, on or before the 12th day of April, 1944, or this notice Don't Neglect Them ! Nature designed the kidneys to do n marvelous job. Their task is to Hep the flowing blood stream free of an excess f toxic impurities. The act of living Jte ttteif is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good heath is to en dun-. When the kidneys fail to, function a Nature Intended, there is retention of waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backru-lK', persistent headache, attacks of dizzinep. getting up nights, swelling, pu (fines.-, under the eyes feel tired, nervous, ill worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passur s are sometimes further evidence of kni neyor bladder disturbance. The recognized and proper treat m nt la a diuretic medicine to help lh' kidneys get rid of excess poisonous body v. asie Use Doan't Pills. They have h'ui m.irv than forty years of public approval. r endorsed the country over. Insist on Doan't. Sold at all drup nions. ..u HOW teetW line"1 -Iy and Che Chi Che "d " ana " """on. "2 U8ea Whfcf "r "" used J?, f 5 tfSte. is. "of, el mn " wanw ""re and equip. cost SET Brffiff QmiH n r (COO TO IHIoBEowelll Chevrolet C, HERTFORD, N. C. 7Dte than THAT'S WHY THOUSANDS OF HOME OWNERS ARE NOW BUYING ATHEY'S Double Value SEMI-PASTE PAINTI trne gallon of Athey Serai-Paste Paint mixed with one gallon of pure linseed oil make I wo gallons of high quality, long-lasting, ready-mixed paint . . . ideal for all general painting purposes! It's double value! the most economical, really fine, all-purpose house paint you can buy! Pro vides a protective time and weather resisting coal ing that keeps your property value high. And Athey's Semi-Paste Painl color card offers you the choice of a wide variety of harmonious colors. See your nearest Athey dealer today I '''' CM. Athey Paint Co. j, ' 3JWCANT HUMAN sA ild Jl ts, .Us rfi V V WJl tfS lita 9 LmTF & J XtT

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