THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1M8 TAGE FTV1 IF I& IE IS EG) (0) Rfl 7 IB n Your Pocketbook BACKING THE INVASION, now bein- made by our huhtinu- men, calh for Dollars! Now, as never before, our nutitini- men need planes, tanks, guns and ships. They must be produced in even .ureater quantities than heretofore. They must be paid for now . . . and the money must come from the pocket-books of those of us on the home front . . . from yours and mine. Farmers, production workers, business men . . . let's do it the American way . . . let's back the attack with War Bonds. Perquimans County's quota for the Third War Loan is $2(1,000 . . . we can achieve this ironl if we all pull together . . . wre will do our part. Beginning today, September 17th, the total gross sales made at our store through September 29th will be invested in War Bonds. We propose to purchase War Bonds with each sale .made . . . both cash and credit. Every dollar's worth of merchandise sold by our store during these days will be used to buy Bonds to back the attack of our invading forces. The entire expenses of the store during these days will be paid from what cash we have in the bank . . . sal aries, rent, lights and so forth ... we are going to invest the entire gross sales in War Bonds toward helping our County meet, its Third War Loan quota. We issue you a special invitation to shop for your home needs at our store during these days . . . the more the merrier, and the more Bonds we can buy. Of course, our stock is not as large as it was before Hitler and the Japs started this war, but we are hoping to help knock them out. Our fighting men are doing a real job . . . and they are fighting with all their might to win the war. Sure, they can lick the Nazis and the Japs, but they are count ing on us to help, too . . . to give all we've got ... to buy Bonds ... all we can. If you have an account with us, it will pay you to settle in part or full before September 30, as that sum will also be invested in War Bonds, thus your money will be serving a double purpose. Keep an eye on our windows for displays of real value. We have a lot more inside ... so come in and look them over. We are short on some things, but we still have plenty of items you need in your home to make it more comfortable. If you need a Heater or Cook Stove, we have them, too. Be sure to get a Certificate of Purchase from your Ration Board, then we can sell you the stove. We have two carloads of Mattresses ranging from $7.50 to $39.50, and our special offer on three of the brands is still in effect. Every home needs an Occasional ('hair or Table, and we have a nice stock of these items. They are priced to suit, you and still leave you money to buy War Bonds. We cannot offer you special prices on items this Fall, but our prices are ceiling prices and you will not find similar items any place at lower prices. Remember, this proposal of ours starts today and will end on Thursday, September 29, as we want to in vest all of our sales in War Bonds before the drive closes on September 30th. We can serve you ... so come in today and buy what you need to beautify your home. Buy Anolher Bond Today Kick Hitler In, the Face By ... t4 Buying War Bonds O LSdJL O "The Furniture Man" I Hertford N. C. Our Store Will Close Wednesday at 12 Noon Until Further Notice