t THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD. N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1943 PAGE TWO Perquimans Weekly: Published every Triday by Tht Perquimans Weekly, partner ship consisting of Joseph G Campbell and Max R. OampbeU. f Hertford. N. C MAX CAMPBELL Editoi ii.iieo as second class matt i ember , 1984, at yufatSfM at Hertford, North Carolina, na. der the Act of March, 1879, SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - H-?? .W Six Months Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, eta, wCl b charged for at regular advertising rates. Advertising rates famished by request .' ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1943 PcrGaHiTciur BMBBjm ' T SI V EDITOR'S NOTE: This colu-; umn is written by and about stu- . dents of Perquimans County High School, under the supervision f Mrs. .George .Barbee, and will ap pear often as space permits. :, The faculty and stadentNbody of P.CH.S, wish, to express their sym pathy to Nancy Zachary (9A) in the loss of her father, and to Thelma Elliott (11A) , in the loss of her brother, Johnny, who was a former pupil in our schooL ' . - ' Some honor roll students helped in Winfall with the issuing of Ration Book IV last week. They were Esther Winslow (10A), Marjorie.R. White 10A), Dorothy Faye White (MAT, Pauline Smith (10A), Joan Winslow (10B, Clara Smith (11A), White and Miss Dora "White, of Hrt-vice .was sung.- ,The minutes of the Ust meeting were, reaa ana approved. At roll call, each member answered with Bible verse. V . T, , ; ' ;;' The yearly reports were collected. 'The nominating committee submit ted the following, report, which was accepted: Mrs. Winston E. Lane, pres ident; Mrs. J. B. Basnight, vice president; .Mrs.' R.,,G. McCracken, secretary-treasurer, , .---' Book reports were made by Mrs. far. viritM Edith White and son Sunday afternoon, , ,' 4 ' , v ' Allen J. Winslow, Misses Clara and Minnie . Lee Winslow, of Bagleya Swamp, visited William T.Winslow Sunday. 'w vA- ; Miss Myrtle Winslow and Mrs. Willard Morgan, of Suffolk, Va., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winslow short time Sunday. x " , Mr. -and Mrs. Earl Winslow and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Stockton Turner,vof Center Hill, Sunday. v- ' : BELYIDEHE NEWS 'Miss Blanche Chappell, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Maude Chappell. Mrs. Dan Fearing", of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Weston. ' Mrs. H. P. White, accompanied by J. B. Basnight and Mrs. Tommie Matthews, j,) V. Tf. ' A collection of $6 was taken to be spent for flowers. ? Mrs. Winston E. Lane conducted a Hallowe'en contest, with Mrs. Sidney Layden winning the prise. 1 y " : Those .present 1rere Mesdames Sid ney Layden, Josiah . Proctor, . A. M. Copeland, Irvuv Whedbee, J. B. Bas night, H. S. Davenport, Winsioli E. Lane and B, G. McCracken and Miss Frances Maness. - The hostess served ice cream and Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Copeland,' of Ry Bute Mae Morgan 11A), end Eunice Jand. ffdvth,ef Family Day at the . - . . w . . rAncMiiHnl Ail VnlfoA Plant in F.IlTO- " White (I1A). 'w7 c a - . . 1 1 Miss Julia Wetherington, supervisor jheth. City, ; ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB of elementary schools of the State L Mr. and Mrs. &dney Blanchard and Heman Winglow 9MaSaaA Department of Education, visited e i'. - "" ".''her brid club on Tuesday eighth grade in our school on we- 7 i Wr " . at her home. Those playing day. REST IN GOD'S LOVE:Is is vain . nicely1 in for you to rise up earl7, to sit up hope she will soon be back in school late, to eat the oread oi sorrows: ior again, Mrs. W. L. White. wiv n tv ifii'l. " t. J MiWrwl PiV OA who was ininred 1 "an precne in an accident recently, is recovering mons Creek Church Sunday 'af- misses viara, mnrgn- so He giveth Psalms 127:2. His beloved sleep. Mrs. Millikan ret and Lucy White, Mist Scott's class" (9A-9B) In First r BabD na?rr Aid is learning to give artificial res-, Mwtpa ifaoo ana oaugmers, Miwrea piration. and Mary, of Ivor, Vs.; were visittws: rmr jj r x i yva mw n w oiohrtpH on Octo. in tne nome oi Mrs. a. r. w,mte m Der 2r. wixn . 8 cnspei program oy , - : . Rear Admiral Ross T. MclnUre, wag a fitKng dimax to the ' Mr. and Mrs. JR.; JSC; . Smith were in chief of the Navy Bureau of Medicine programt 4 former pupil, ; Robert Elizabeth City on-.uesday afternoon, and Surgery, says that it has been Lpms gtevenson, 41, who is in the' MrsJiLwjinda Lane, 'Mr. and Mrs. necessary to remove the Red Cross jjavy y.j cles8 at Uf m. c., spoke to HenryLane'and Mrs. Tommy Harvin, brassards from hospital groups be- the school. , ' 'of Center' Hill, were visitors in the cause the Japanese have been using On Navy Day the school learned a home of E. L. Chappel Ion Sunday new song "Semper ramus," the evening. Coast Guards' marching song. Mr. Johnson had his hands full last week with the supervision of the is suing of Ration Book Four. Popular songs often confuse people. The other day Gale Winslow (11A), in translating French, read "in my and Mrs, arms," instead or "in his arms." Guess vuie. Gale was thinking about the song,' Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Chappell and "Will I Ever Get Another Girl in My family visited Mrs. Louisa Ward, of Arms." Kyland, Sunday afternoon. Thanks to Miss Riddick HOB 1 and I Doris Byrum (11A) we now have HI TRDLETOWN NEWS evening at her home. Those playmg were: Mesdames V. N. Darden, B. G. Koonce, W. G. Wright, J. O. Felton, J. G. Roberson, R. M Riddick, . Mrs. I Setten and , Miss Kate Blanchard. j High scere vand 'flratihg : i prizes went to Mrs. Felton and Miss Blanch- ard received low score 'award. A dainty sweet course was served. 1 1 s met --xriwec 1 fv. ; We have just received another ship- . ment of the o)d style. 72-inch Peanut Bags.r If you haven't bought yours yet or still heed some v. ; come in and I i , , f . 4 , ' 11,'" 3git youi. needs. ; . , f -,V , WE ALSO HAVE Ar SUPPLY OF : TWINE IN SKEINS 1 "V-i - t Hertford Hcrdvarc & Supply Co. HERTFORD. N. t .044eeeeeeee4eeeee. the marks as targets. The Admiral, however, had some good news. The Navy, he reports, has cut the mortality rate among all wounded personnel to less than two and one-half percent This compares with nearly eight percent in the first World War. The experience of the Navy dupli cates that of the Army. The wound ed, in this war, seldom die. This speaks volumes for the work of the doctors, nurses and sunreons who serve our veterans, often at the risk of their lives. Mr. and Mrs. L. J, Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hurdle and daugh ters, Carolyn and Delma Ann, at I tended the Family Day at the Consol- idated Vultee Plant in Elizabeth City Sunday afternoon, and visited Dr. W. A. Hoggard, at Wood- mimeographed copies of the songs of our armed forces. The Navy songs were sung in chapel on Navy Day. Teachers have to "stay in" too. Each afternoon last week the teachers helped with 'the issuing of Ration Book Four. The view from the south end of our building from an upstairs window is Praises Strategy In Mediterranean Field Marshal Jan Christian Smuts, Prime Minister of South Africa, is generally regarded as one of the leading statesmen of the world. The former Boer leader, who fought against the British many! of the, woods make a beautiful back- City gy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sumner and children, Mrs. Nellie. Sumner and Emily Anne Sumner spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stallings and Ernest Carey visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Stallings, Sunday PVATIinO. 0. . i . . iwo Mrs. Ernest Symons was admitted . wvnnww Classif 0 FOR SALE SLt-ROOM-t HOUSE,! Lot 57 (front)xl45 feet. Southern' exposure. Has gooa out-Duuaings Located 17 Pertn. Ave.j : See Mrs. Isa Tucker, 71 Front St, or phone 3291, Hertford, N. C. nov.5,. FOR SALENICE, WIDE DEEP lot and 6-room house. in good con dition, at 44 Edenton Street, Hert ford, by J. 0. Leary, 110 Glendale Ave., Norfolk, Va. Phone: 84174. nov.5,12,19,26pd. lovely now The inany colored leaves to the AJbemMle Hospital, Elizabeth NOTICE OF SALE I will, on the thirteenth of Novem ber, 1943, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., at. the home-place of the late E. S. Long, in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, offer for sale at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property. -All househod and kitchen furniture belonging to Mrs. Katherine L. Long,! Signed; MRS. KATHLEEN L.' MATTOX, For MRS. KATHERINE L. LONG nov.5. log's iQi nununa. PEAKY - DEER I Stots ft'o-f 5th Ends Nov. 13Ui Our Annual Peanut Weet is knovra throughout the country ... it has helped to maintain an exceUent pea nut market. It is also a time for you to buy good, f wholesome peanuts. Come in during Peanut Week for these specials. . , Spanish Salted Peanuts. 5 oz. 10c Jumbo Split Peanuts.... .4 oz. 10c All New Stock Received This Week 9 540' 25c STORE HERTFORD, N.C. years ago, nas twice taKen tne ieaa in aligning his people with the Em pire in EWorld wars. He wast recent ly in London' for a conference with the British government. The veteran Boer, who was a mili tary leader of considerable ability, says that the Russian contribution to the war has been immense but that there has been no greater event in the strucrirle than the success of Allied strategy in the Mediterranean, helping Eloise Winslow (10A). "Nothing comparable or of greater importance has been achieved in this Freshmen were given their quarter- Tl e 8y7mel'ncal peanui Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jordan were snociH ana inecurea com stum. of Mr and Mrs. W. Q. Hurdle. A. V- S L . M . ,1 1 TT i , Tl Amemane os- Mr. and Mr8 N- & Hurdle and pital, after an operation for append.- cMldKn were . Elizabeth City Sat. Charles a letter in French. He and Edgar Berry translated it. ' Mrs. Barbee has a new library as sistant during the second period. A former student, Lyndon White, is war," he asserts. ( ' nauui cnecn-up The Marshal said that alreadv the tain of the number: United Nations have eone further 9B Nancy Zachary and achieved more than they had ex pected to accomplish by next Winter. He expects new advances, with a grand assault with all arms upon Europe next Spring. (9A), Mary Inez Chappell (9B) need to be seen with a bottle of milk daily. Louise Banks (9A) was like Baby Bear's Chair, She was "just right." nrday. Eugene Hurdle spent Sunday night j as the guest of Hillary Scaff. i Mrs. Walter ' Trueblood was the i guest of her mother, Mrs. Annie Lane, Monday. Mrs. C. M. Hurdle visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scaff Sunday evening. Mm VMiut Cfolliniva won V,o Se Winslow of her parents, Mr. and.Mrs. WHITESTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Hobhs and family, of Winfall. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie E. Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Winslow, o Belvidere. visited Month For Pulpwood The Newspapers Pulpwood Com mittee, in renewing its drive to make up the shortage now facing the pulp wood industry, has set November 11 to December 11 as a special month for during the afternoon, people to cut pulpwood and thus aid Mrs. Roy Lane and children, Jessie in this serious wartime job. I R0y and Billie, of Elizabeth City, During this month, the Pulpwood spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. Committee, and this newspaper joins and Mrs. DeWitt Winslow. wun tnem, urges all residents of this Mr. and Mrs. Vann Spivey county to nonor tne youths from daughter. Marlene. - BURGESS CLUB MEETS Burgess Home Demonstration Club met with -Mrs. Winston E. Lane on Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the president, who read the 107th Psalm. ; "Hail Club Women Crowned Through : Ser- IN MEMORIAM On June 10, 1943, the beautiful soirit of Mrs. Sarah Ella Smith left them 1 this earthy tabernacle after 69 years of vital habitation, for the kEternel City whose bujjder and maker is God. riWM "Every wise woman buildeth her 'home," saith the man of Holy Writ end Some women build superficially, of Hickorv. Va ' nnm hnild Dretentiouslv. but . Mother .vuuui. ui me ATuusu x Dices oy were ween-end guests or Mrs. verna bum permanently. : f;a cutting pulpwood in order that the Winslow. The passing of this treasure ! was industry may have sufficient wood Mr. and Mrs. John Gregory, of 1 an irreparable loss to ds, v and to produce the many items needed by Newland, spent Sunday with Mrs. Suej-brought heartaches indescribable, those boys in carrying on the fight Eason. iBut to her it was simply a Jriumph- for victory. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. White, of ant, glorious victory. PMsini We ask each reader to read the Elizabeth City; Mr. and Mrs. Archie the bar into that undisclosed country advertisement "Let Us Honor the White and children and Miss Doris to which we are all traveling, and Living," which appears in today's Lane, and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. White sooner or later, must go, she left her issue . . . then to act accordingly, and children, of Sunbury, were the ! loved ones and friends' one of life's" Pulpwood, as this newspaper has guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White 'imperishable estates good name, pointed out in recent issues, is badly Sunday. j Her life was a blessing and an inspir- needed to supply many of the items Mr. and Mrs. Ossie White, Traverse ' atlon to the multitude who knew and used by our soldiers and if we here - loved her. A holy character 1 was at home will but cut a few cords of would have guarded Hitler carefully 1 beautifully exhibited in her daily; life, pulpwood it will be a great help in unless the German Army chiefs Always manifesting a desire to help the fight to end this shortage. ; wished to be rid of him. But for someone know Him, whom-sh loved, - : j that purpose they would be more an(j go faithfully aerved. ''God know- KidnaDinS HftW i likely to think of an "accident" such eth all things, and doeth all things xibici a9 haa removed Beveral high officers. wen; je our hearts respond "Thy No more diverting and probably Or they would try to "sell' Hitler to be ddne." - worthless tale has come from Ber- the Allies themselves in a bargainj May her children and 'grindchil lui recently than that about King for peace. 'dren follow in her footsteps,, as she Emmanuel and Marshal Bedoglio con- Berlin is bearing down on the followed the Christ of the Cross, re spiring to kidnap Hitler. TJie idea "treachery" of Marshal Badoglio and fleeting the image of the Christ whom hat the Fuhrer should be lured Into the-House of Savoy. Dr. Goebbels is 8be served, and at the laat j he re Italy for a conference with Mussolini now. claiming Italy's "betrayal? wa , united there, where no sad rewells bq ui ooxn coma De seized and turn- responsible lor th e uerman retreat and heartaches are known. y ed over to the Allies makes a dla. tinct appeal. It would have been i dramatic stroke beyond ? anything in : nistory-or Italian opera. That any such plot existed is high ly doubtful. . That it could have sue- in Russia. This ;-; is typical J of the , The delightful harmony 'Sot a (life Nazi technique. ; It tries to divert at- irk Mother's breaks in rapture on tentlon from its own failures both in the, ear, and dies away on the dis Russia end Italy to say nothing of tant waters; but the inspiring strains Allied successes by turning the vials linger forevef in the chambers'' of the of popular resentment on some scane- nnl U -i : ceeded is more so. The Badoglio re- goat. Berlin is so utterly unreliable ' I believe as her soul passed C rough gime did, not show itself well prepar- that we cannot, take the Goebbels the entrance to the "Beautifut City"? iA til 1 Jrtntmt I , r)lAn if r, mill ' ! n .m.i a WiMiittili. A . A sai.' il . MussolinL' It was not able even to "Third Front" has helped ! Russia. 1 "Well .done, thon good and f&ithfun turn over ii vuce. and was itself Indeed, wise folk listen to Berlin, If servant,' enter" thou into the joys of forced to flee. .The Germans held at all, not for information, ' but for, the Lord." " ',' virtual control of Italy and certainly diversion. Christian Science' Monitor 'A Daughter Neppie' Maude Smith. is "rait! ? t - ,. To get Mie utmost -milea out oir efery galloiri- vi 1 a s .il n Em -o- ? .v, t iitr 1 . 1 "i t , Distributors of Pure Oil Products f A'u:r" - r i .? ''" " : 'w- . - r - :,. ..