THE PEKyUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1948 PAGE SEVEN iiLeeson Text: i v h (.; it 3- K t i , 4 i I SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON GOD'S GREAT GIFT day and month. ! The birth place of rnatioral Sunday School Us. Bethlehem, five miles, out v. i am I mImm (ha nwAtnniA v or ueceraoer n 7""' " . V;" 1 J "i ' i I AUumug, urBL emperor wi iwurai Golden text: "For God so loved ordered general census of the em tlia World that he gave his only be- P're- WnUe the Roman custom was gotten Son, that whosoever believeth that each Pn be enrolled in the on Him should not perish, but have Pce of residence, the Jews were eternal-life." John 8:16. allowed to follow their custom and t , , I enroll in their ancestral city. Matthew 2:1-12. Joseph, the carpenter of i lie ntue village ox urn nee, Christmas celebrates the birth of s.-ended from King David and there- The cugtom obaervi annivei- 1 Jesus Christ While our time is cal- fore, traveled a little over 70 miles garies jg wide d a vvilliam S culatedfrom his birth, because of an southward to be enroll! in the City' L , ' , error made 'in A. D 626 by Dionysius of David. 4he bil.thdavs of greut tne, . I EfflgUUS, the monk who made the It was while Joseph and Mary dMy wl,eM n,es llave Uet. u first calendar based upon this event, were in Bethlehem, crowded with blessing to mankind, are widely the correct date of the birth of Jesus countless strangers present for the celebrated We make much of the Si-0- DecembJer 25 been e"'"!'n'ent, that Jesus was birthdays ' of great poets, musicians traditionally accepted as the actual born. Because of the many visitors. antt .,t ,,f Hn ihn mil. r" """"" i HRISTMAS GREETINGS TO AMDUCAHJ IVtRVWHEM Jackson Poultry Farm Chicks, Eggs, General Merchandise HERTFORD - ELIZABETH CITY HIGHWAY A WE A LTH O F n n MAY THE JOYS OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON GO WITH YOU ALL THROUGH THE NEW YEAR Mrs. Jake White I NEW YEAR J Second Floor Simon's Hertford, N. C. J lUf w Jr'fc. t M M U 4 V nnnnm "One Nation indivisible with M erty and justice for all." It seems important to us that this pledge of allegiance to our flag is singularly appropriate at Christmas time. The observance of this pledge with a background of the true meaning of Christmas can only lead to a world of happiness with the brotherhood of man at a predominating factor. the combination of these thoughts at Christmas time will mean a gen uine happy American Christmas. Reed Op Company K "ESSO PRODUCTS" HERTFORD, N. C. i M -I- H U bu .then was no room fai the inn, and iswasiiswsfoiiuofty Jesus was born in a cave nearby, 8 1 1 .1.1.1. I E ' Dr. David J. Burrell offers the ex . cuse of the innkeeper in the follow i ins imaginary words: "The man was Jesus was a mere peasant, a carpenter, as he of Jen, rJSTSLZ fr .Innan - " a ed guests in guests in my caravansary- priests, rabbis, wealthy traders could I displace to make room for him? Shelter in the cave nearby was. better for them than to rest un der ODen skv. There were cattle there and beasts of burden, so that ; the nlare Afforded shelter from the Nazareth, wind and there was barey straw U) was ue- rpqt on" r lions and millions of individuals who i have appeared on this planet, the first place in the hearts of men, wo men and children, is held by Jesus Christ. No person in history has ever had or ever will have, a birth day celebration like His. Christmas is the supreme birthday. It is cele brated by more people, in more I countries, and with more positive re joicing than is given not only to any other birthday but to any anniver sary of any kind." The birth of Jesus was announced ! to shepherds by a group of angels. 1 It was in keeping with his future life that the first notice of the advant of Jesus should be made to humble men, and not to princes and kings. The shepherds were frightened by the spiritual apparition but the first , words spoken to them were comfort- ; ing, telling them not to be afraid. I "They who have accepted the Christian tidings of a loving Author and Ruler of the universe," says the Rev. John Williams Bradshaw, "and have dared to live as if those tidings were true, have found that the exhortation of the herald angel, 'Fear not,' is fully warranted, ii this banishment of fear from the hearts of men were the one sole gift of Christmas to tne world, what words could overstate its worth?" The first Christmas carol was sung by the heavenly host, following which the shepherds immediately de parted to find the baby whose birth had been told them. At this period of world-wide dis tress every Christian should bear in mind the words of Jesus that it is more blessed to give than to receive. e aevoted his life to serving m cinA j , . - m happiness of humanity. His toUolijiW ers could not better celebrate thel'J' anniversary of his birth than .bv'Ti miu occiiiir u anvmro tho . making some contribution to this'?' same purpose, however small and slight that contribution may be be cause of resources and ability of the individual contributor. There are millions of people in distress of mind and soul who need evidences of the love and spirit of Christ this Christ- maj-ude. And why shouldn't this spirit of!' oving service continue throughout the year? If we would only remem ber that God so loved us (the world) that he gave his only Son to save us, then we, His children, should respond to that love always. If we would do that, then every day would be like Christmas day I Wanted No Slip Up Lover (eloping with his adored) How much is the fare? Taxi Driver That's all right, sir. The young lady's father settled all that. : :; :-: :; : : : : : : :i : :c: :-: : : :; : :; : :s: : :c: : . : ::; c : : :c; : ;c: :c: 3CK Merry Christmas and IIAI'I'Y ,KW VKAii mm ukw HUES ION. . . vv: ' AV'K TM I fl(i Friday, Dec. 24 Open- 1:30 Continuously Miows Until U V. M. Roy Rogers in "HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER" Also Chapter 10 "JViasked Marvel" Saturday, Dec. 25 Special Christmas Program Theatre Opens 3:15. Shows Continuous Until 11 P. M. Stan Lauref and Oliver Hardy in "DANCING MASTERS" Also Gamed) and Cartoon Sunday, Dec 28 Billie Burke and Donald Woods in "SOS YOUR UNCLE" Monday-Tuesday, Dec. 27-28 Richard Tregaskis' "GUADALCANAL DIARY" Wednesday, Dec 29 Double Feature 11c and 26c Evelyn Keyea in "DANGEROUS BLONDES" Allan Jones in "LARCENY WITH MUSIC Thursday-Friday, Dec 30-31 James Cagney fa "JOHNNY COMB LATELY" New Year's Eve Midnigrht Show Ted Lewis and His Orchestra in riS EVERYBODY HAFPYT" th,. . aiff, '"ion' "ear . "J that " e iv of and to es n to nt . rou, y ' our,. WINSLOW - WHITE HERTFORD. N. C mm "w w mm m -i a . . mm r mmm For mony ytora It he bMn our cairom to x Itend tooton't greeting! to thoM whom we hove the privilege of serving. It hot been o cuitom to which we hove looked forward with great anticipa tion ot it always give u an opportunity to tell you of our appreciation for your loyalty ond pa tronage. ThcM Christmas sentiments have been extremely personal with us because of the many contacts which wo hove had with our friends in the past. Our greeting this year takes on added Import once. We aro fully conscious of your problems, your disappointments, af dreoms unrealizad, sad In some instances personal sacrifices. It is wMi full knowledge of your experiences during the past year that wa attempt to convey Our thoughts is this message. When wo say "Marry Christmas," The SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. Hertford, N. C. at i n . U to and (h-US f th es. r jta '"'net , ut to rnends f "es, o ' "'.,,, MOTOR COMPANY fie sfats Y We west yes to 1 lontaW setke we want you to reolixe fast deeper than the words imply. accept rh ii at a personal tor you, to thar you may understood to i.orv . .i ditoppoinliesti as wall ss you h . . . ... .. 1 It is for that reason WO profs tS the true Christmas spirit is ardor last whom wo ore associated stay obtats e degree el happiness and understanding. Lot ss sssasfst le make this a Joyous season, employing ths fjrsde Most of Chrtstmas to their fullest satsst wMt the though Is saisd that Is ths sat too far future, ws wilt a gals enoy ss sM-fsthhjuod W American Yslatids. Shicero Caristmat wssksl ts you our friends. en 7 "CP, I s L, It I a I f V! o 1 a i I J. I I J i J i I : : : : :. : : : : : s: : : : : : : : : : : :: :s: : : ;: : : : : : : : : 3K so: S3 s f fit 4'H 'f tlt Wtil'W''MM40Mtt , 4 t"J- ' '(i'.''.'.1ll':J'M. !IMI TID tit 'i 1 "i ;! V! i 14 4