V ill )1 f r ' 2 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 7, 1944 PAGE FTVB rv - - v.. . i HARRIS HURDLE I Returns To Raleigh r Mrs, Charlie Hurdle, of Route 2, Miss Elizabeth Knowles has return announces the marriage of her ed to Raleigh, after spending the .daughter, Mildred Shirley, to Gar- holidays here with her parents, Mr. enc Marion Harris, son of Mr. and and Mrs. R. L. Knowles. Mrs. S,, W. Harris, of Route 1, Ell-1 eth ' City.K The marriage took Week-end V'sUors place ai South Mills in July, 1943. j Mrs. C. A. Withrow and children, '-'wi ,r .Virginia and John, of Norfolk, Va., Returns To Roanoke Rapids j spent the week-end as guests of Mr. - ' Miss Mary Morris has returned to i and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. Roanoke Rapids to resume. her workj there, after spending the holidays Returns To E. C. T. C. here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Frances Newby went to - C. P. Morris. '!'u : - Recent Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Milton White, of Greenville, were recent guests of Mr and Mrs. Jake White. ' Sunday Viators "Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright and daughter, Ann, of Elizabeth City, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Wright's , parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Everest -A 1V Mr. and Mrs. Willie Atkinson and -.', Friday In- Suffolk daughter, Judith, of Williamsburg, .(,,,' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton T. EleyjVa., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. ' spent Friday in Suffolk, Va., with IT. Eley Sunday. ( relatives. j i Return To Leaksville y Returns Home . Mrs. Lena Gregory has returned 'home, after visiting relatives in Nor - folk, Va. !la Florida Miss Cleo Trueblood left Wednes- ' r" day for Tampa, Fla., where she will r ' t visit relatives. , Returns To Ellerbe (Miss Blanche Moore Berry has re ' ;l turned to Ellerbe, after spending the bolidays here with her parents, Mr. y and Mrs. B. a Berry. ' Returns To Durham Mrs. T. S. White, Jr., has returned 'to her home in Durham, after visit- ring Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White. etarns To Dutv tjf Zach White left Saturday for L s fepringfield, Mass., after spending f tne holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White. . Here Recently t '"Mr. and Mrs. Rufus White and children, of Newport News, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. -White. p. i'A.wiii ." " Returns From Georgia Mrs. W. D.N Armstrong, Jr., return ed home Tuesday after spending some time in Georgia with her hus band, who is stationed there. fceturns To S. Mary's Miss lietty Winslow has returned1 to St Mary's College, Jlaleigh, after ' Spending the holidays heie with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ei Winslow. Stte Theatre" ; Today (Friday) Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. Matinee 8 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. JOHNNY MACK BROWN SniuUty Only Shows 2:15. 4:15 and ' EDWARD G. ROBINSON 66 PE,IRYEll, V C Monday and Tuesday Matinee SV P. Wednesday Only Matinee 8 P. M. DOUBLE si'" " ( First Feature , , 1 . RONALD REAGAN Girls OnTrobati sday and Friday Matinee 8 P. , r ALICE FAYE. . .i- 1 t" XA'sf v Greenville Monday to resume her 'studies at E. C. T. C. ! Return Home Misses Helen and Mary Gaither j have returned home after a 10-day .visit to their sister, Mrs. V. H. Huffines, in Fayetteville. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson and Mrs. C. J. Atkinson, of Suffolk, Va.; Mrs. Philip White and children, Geneva Jo and Norman, have return - ' ed to their home in Leaksville, after ' a visit here to her mother, Mrs. L. W. Norman. Returns To E. C. T. C. Miss Elizabeth Darden ,returned to Greenville Tuesday to continue her studies at E. C. T. C, after spending the holidays at home. Returns To Cherry Point Emmett Landing, U. S. M. C, has returned to Cherry Point, after be ing the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Landing, for several days. Returns To Greenville Miss Ruth Winslow has returned to Greenville, to continue her studies, after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Winslow. Home For Week-end Pfc. Elmo Cannon, who is station ed at Seymour-Johnson ' Field, Golds boro, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cannon. Returns To College Miss Pauline Reavis has returned to Greensboro to resume her studies at Greensboro College, after spend ing the holidays with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Reavis. Enters Medical School Durwood Reed left Saturday for Winston-Salem, where he will enter , Bowman-Gray School of Medicine under Navy V-12. in "Six-Gun Gospel" Also -45- "VaBey of Vanishing Men" No. 2 9:15 P. M. GLENN FORD in. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M- ' BiSHOr MRM DfiNlra. NigMtt 7 and 9 P. M- FEATURE Second Feature . JEAN PARKER. "TJiQ Deerslayer" M. Night J and 9 P. ML CARMEN MIRANDA Return From Washington Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mathews have. returned home, after visiting in j Washington, D. C, for the past week. Return To Wilmington Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mangum have returned to Wilmington, after visit ing her mother, Mrs. L. W. Norman. r i i. J returned to their home in Raleigh,! aiwsr visiung ner parents, bit. ana Mrs. E. McM. Newby. Returns To Winston-Salem Miss Nancy Darden stopped in Greenville as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Picklefimer for a few days be- ,sa lucer fore returning to her school work in Winston-Salem. . V'8't8 Pnts I Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce, Returns To College Miss Hat Edwards has returned to E. C. T. C, Greenville, to resume her . ,. ,. ., , ... studies after spending the holidays with her grandparents. Returns To Nforfolk I Miss Mary Helene Newby has re-1 turned to Norfolk, Va., after spend ing some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McM. Newby. Tuesday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ward, Jr., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sumner on Tuesday. Returns Home Miss Edwina McMullan has return ed to her home in Greenville, after spending the week here as the guest ! of Mr. and Mrs. T- g Sumner Returns To College Miss Eva Harris returned to Greensboro Wednesday to resume her studies at W. C. U. N. C. Tuesday In Greenville Mrs. D. S. Darden and Miss Bar- cz jFci 10 Days Only Ladies Coats I Ov esses At Big Reductions t ibara Winslow spent Tuesday in Greenville, Returns To Denton Miss Joyce Harrell has returned to Dern, after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Harrell. Returns To Raleieh Miss Elizabeth Tucker has returned T!-w " m 'l Returns To Washington Granbury Tucker has returned to Washington, D. C, after spending several da's with nis mther- Mrs. of Fayetteville, spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Boyce. I ,, , T n ... I Return To Greenville Miss Katherine White, Miss Jayne I Griffin and Morris Griffin have re- : STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of Stockholders of the Hertford Bank ing Company, Hertford, N. C, for the election of the Directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meeting wiii l.r held Tuesday, jant,;.:y i.v 1944, at its Banking House, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock I'. M. R. M. RIDDICK, Cashier PRICES ARE NOT LISTED We want you to come in and see for yourself the wonderful Bargains we are offering you at this time. We have many other items especially priced for this event Come in this week-end and make your selection. We must move these items to make room for our new Spring Merchandise. REMEMBER THESE SPECIALS ARE FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. SHOP EARLY TO GET BEST SELECTIONS. BACK THE ATTACK BUY MORE WAR BONDS turned to E. C. T. C, Greenville, after spending the holidays at their respective homes. CIRCLE NO. SIX MEETS Circle Number Six of the Wom an's Missionary Society of the Hert ford Baptist Church met on Tuesday nijrht with Mrs. Thomas Morgan. Mrs. Rupert Ainsley was in charge of a very interesting program, with Mrs- Jim BaS8' MrS Clinton Eley, Mrs. Howard G. Dawkins and Mrs. i MnrMTl flflfliatinfr. Those present were Mrs. Leonard Winslow, Mrs. Haywood Divers, Mrs ! Shirley Tarkington, Mrs. Tom Cox, Mrs. Jim Bass, Mrs. Howard G I Dawkins, Mrs. Rupert Ainsley, Mrs Clinton Eley and Mrs. Morgan. , During the social hour, the hostess served refreshments. I The February meetincr will be held with Mrs. Howard G. Dawkins. 1 ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. H. R. Winslow was a k'- lightful hostess on Tuesday evening. s when she entertained her club ai two tables of bridge. Guests were Mrs. V. N. Darden, Mrs. W. G. Wright,' Mrs. B. G. Koonce, Mrs. J. G. Roberson, Mrs. Riddick Chappell, Mrs. J. 0. Felton, Miss Kate Blanchard and Mrs. W. H. Hausdoerffer. At the conclusion of the . game Mrs. Felton was presented high score prize, and Miss Blanchard received second high award. During the evening the hostess served a delicious salad course. Rny Moi'P Wri Roilds V IF w' 1 : HEAD vj)ijiHvHfii'-'- 1A DO THIS! To reiir-ve discomfort one of the best things you can C) is put :i goot! spoui:ti:l of h mc testcd Vicks V.ipoK a bowl of boiling v.. jter.' Then fir) ihc nonderlul rr:!(f come as you breathe in I'.i Naming ci'H'i' ati wrs tt.ut penr'r; '. i- 1:1 i ':. c .. . il;' .' c J i.OKr , ' -'hi ;-" 1 ' - -w,! Se' !i.v, 1 111s s." sit :n luU. n quiet ; coughing, nrjrt Ji;-; (..ar tlic hcad-brir.Rlnr f.rar.rt comfort. rOR ADDED nEllEF ...nil throat, chest and back v.ilh Va.-.i-ib at bedtime. Vicks Vapwiub works for hours 2 ways at, onc-to bring reliel from distress. Try it. v ViroRui lit (A 1 .Tf 1 '.f it 3- f In It V u 1 ' ' -1 1 v! Filmed lit Technicolor ' i) v $ i ? i' if 4 1 7 " 1 ikn ! ' ' 1 ' ' , Vj 1 t ,1