THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. H EBTFQRP, N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 21, 1944 .yAtic rum. 1 T01 AtlD FARfif IN VMRM Raticm Retalitckr because many of tha parts needed Gasoline-Mta 17 East Coast states for tractor production are aim used A-8 coupons are good through Feb- in landing craft, now in urgent de ruary 8. ! mand by the armed services. SugarStamp No. 30 in Book Four Fruit Spreads Allocated is good for five pounds tnrougn March 31. Shoes Stamp No. 18 in Book One is good for one pair. Stamp No. 1 on the airplane sheet in Book Three is good for 1 pair. 'imipI Oil Period 2 coupons are good through February 7 in all areas except the South, where they are good through January 24. Period 13 coupons, now valid in the Middle West, East, Jrar West, ana souwi re main good through March 13 in the Middle Vvest, East and Far West, and through February 21 in the South. ', Meats, Fats Brown stamps R, S, T and U are good through January 29. iliown stamp V becomes good Janu ary 23 and remains good through reuruary 26. Processed Foods Green stamps D, E and F in Book Four are good through January 20. Green stamps G, H, and J in Book Four are good through February 20. beled'ive Service Changes Occupational deferments generally will be denied IS to 22-year-old regis trants, other than those in agricul ture, fathers and non-fathers alike, unless they are engaged in activities in , hich deferment is speciticauy authorized, according to Selective Service. Furthermore, all regis trants will be given pre-induction physical examinations at least 21 days before being inducted. There fore, the period of three weeks in the enlisted reserve now granted by the Army and the one-week period granted by the Navy will be eliminat edf These changes become effective February 1. : Social Security Fox Farmers Social insurance for farm opera tors, farm workers, business and professional men, household workers, arid employees of governmental and non-profit organizations was recom mended by the Social Security Board im its eighth annual report. lhe board urged inclusion of these groups in. an expanded social security pro- gram which would include insurance against costs of medical and hospital care without disturbing the present principle of free choice in selection of, physicians or hospitals. The board recommenoea mai a comprenenaive social insurance system should be set up now while earnings are "at record levels" in order to have it in fu)l operation for the post-war Ul I ifo Stabilize Ka'ion Buying rower JlUnder the new token plan effective February 27, the housewife will be able to buy about the same amount of) rationed processed foods and meats-fats as she can now. Point v ajlues will be adjusted so the indi- vijiual's allotment of 60 points for L.i. j ...:n I .Ll UUying meats iniu lata win uuy uie A . a. -ii... 1 sa,me amount as uie present auui- ment ol approximately t4 points, Similarly, under the token plan the bO-point allotment for processed foods will buy an amount equal to the present 48-poinl allotment. Ask Farmers' Help In voods .To mobilize armers on farm wood lands and for work in forest indus tries, the War Production Board, War Food Administration, and War Manpower Commission have com bined forces. Farmers and workers are asked to devote farm their spare time, particularly during the slpck winter-spring period, to work it) the woods and woods industries. Production of 14 million cords of domestic pulpwood will be necessary iii 1944 to supply the needs of our armed forces overseas and meet es- i,. f ...,..;... .-..: ihm.. i. rvi.,ii ' ' " t ..'.. f ' - 1 ....... 1. - " ' " . V I H. tlUDII 1 1 1 UIC Farmers have nearly 139 million multitude which had followed him acres of farm woods which annually and waited his word. Our lesson produce about one-third of all forest this week considers what is generally products and 38 percent of the coun- accepted to have been the first try's pulpwood. . parable used by Jesus, one which he ; More Food For School Lunches ' explained himself in detail to his in- : America's school children have timate followers and disciples. ' been assured by the Office of Price From his seaside seat Jesus doubt Administration more generous a- 'ess looked over a field and this mounts of food for lunchroom and comparison came to his mind. The cafeteria meals under a new plan sower of grain depended largely upon fbr providing ratione'd food to tfte nature of the soil uDon which hia 1 senooi3. lhe new allotments were worked out by OPA in close coopera tion with school lunch and nutrition experts of the Food Distribution Ad ministration. The Government's school lunch program, which went into effect one year ago, is a war time measure to make sure that school children will have a well pjanned and nutritionally adequate noon meal. Advice For Soldiers Overseas I When writing to soldiers overseas, particularly those in the tropics, home folks may help contribute to their health, says the War Depart ment, by reminding these overseas rten of the necessity of following t&e advice of their medical officers. Tractor Production Up Production of wheeled tractors in I ttwom ho c u.0.0 ' fViA 1 -; ...i.. wlc 6" iur any. month in two years in excess of 20,000 as compared with 400 in December, 1942. However, according tp the WPB, the current rate of Production must be maintained iir cider :to meet the tractor quota of cp,wu ior the 12 months that will ena. june 3U. This will not be easy: Seasonally, increasing quantities of commercial jams, jellies, marma lade, and fruit butter, produced from fruits harvested last summer and fall, are now reaching the civilian market, according to WFA. It is es timated that civilians will have con sumed or hftVe jn their posses8ion 416 million pounds of these fruit during the current pack year vvhjch ends next June This is about (ii) per cent of the approximate total supply. Eliminate Air Raid Practices The War Department and the Of fice of Civilian Defense have elimi nated practice air raid alerts and blackouts involving public participa tion, except in coastal areas includ ing Vermont, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia. Along the At lantic and Pacific coasts such alerts and blackouts will be authorized once every three months on Sundays only. The measure was taken to de crease interference with production of war material. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON TEACHING IN PARABLES International Sunday School Lesson for January 23, 1944. GOLDEN TEXT: "If any man hath ears to hear, let him hear." Mark 4:23.. (Lesson Text: Mark 4:1-8; 26-34). As the hostility of the synagogue leaders became more pronounced against Jesus he changed his method of teaching. Until now he had spok- j en plainly and proclaimed great truths so that all might understand but, with the Pharisees seeking to entrap him, Jesus began to speak in parables. "Parables are scenes or short stories, taken from nature or from tummou me, says nasungs DiDie Dictionary, "which present in a pic- turesque and vivid way some thought or principle which is capable of be-1 ing transformed to the high spiritual 1 life nf man" Tha mnM, tk life of man ! , v lev.. .co. y comparison, ine oojeet or na- ture or human happening is placed beside truth so that it illustrates and Jesus explains the latter, Jesus adopted the parabolic method because the truths would be apparent to those fitted to receive them yet furnished his enemies no positive k. ........ ...u:-.l .i ij i . upon which nicy couia seeK lo l :i u: . . .. . ouuiun nun wiui tne ecclesiastical aumoriues oi ine temple, rlis par ables were easily understood by simple followers, were so attractive as to be readily remembered and embraced such fundamental truths as to be profitable for serious contem plation upon them " M-pe. gives us here seven cellent dividends bv a constant pro parables as used by Jesus, the first duction of eggs while other hens are of which was that which we know ' ,.at; ; u u the Parable of the Sower. Oth- ers were used of the wheat and tares, the mustard seed, the leaven, the hidden treasure, the pearl of great price, and the draw-net. The Orien tal mind from China and India to Palestine was accustomed to this method of teaching. To the large crowd which ir;itlii.i.,l around the Sea of Galilee Jesus gave tw .j ; . 1. S the 0w ..:J .u , seed fell for the harvest which would toiiow. 60, as the seed was general-' ly scattered by the sower, Jesus said, I it fell on four kinds of soil, on the j "boot-trodden path shallow ground I underlain with rock in the midst of' morns, ana on good tillable soil. In his explanation of the parable he likened each kind of soil to a kind of hearer of the word of truth spoken by him. Seed left by the wayside had no chance to germinate because the birds iouno it easily and ate it. So, in life, I many hearts have become hardened i nnH it tVin ..... ..J 1 ... I uiU leacooH mem it is quickly destroyed and taken away by evil. Some seed fell on shallow, rocky, ground, where it immediately, took root and sprang uo. hat InMrW He nth tliA .l n . .1 : i i . !". uiku jubi 88 Soon as the hot sun parched it. This repre- sents those in life who receive truth K'ad'y, with much outward emotion probably change their life for a time' l when trouble or sorrow comes, the little root of faith is too slender " maintain the plant Home seed falls germinates and grows but the hard ier growth soon chokes out the grain bearing plant. This class represents many who receive truth, give it con sideration and acceptance, but allow worldly interests to choke out any genuine religion. Notice that Jesus mentioned three weeds in human life namely, deceitfulness of riches, cares of the world, and lust of other things. Happily for the sower, some seed falls on the ground, takes root, grows into maturity and yields a rich harvest. So with the life of those who hear the word, accept It fully and completely, pattern their lives , according to its truth and become a benediction and a blessing to those FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITE, who come in contat with them. handmade reproduction. Mahogany. Jesus completed his parable by $100. Write Bor 335, Hertford, N. saying, "Who hath ears to hear, let c., or call 2751. him hear." Almost every person can jan7,14,21,28pd. locate himself or herself in one or, .... the other of the classes of hearers' NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION represented in the parable. Having qualified as Executor ot Jesus was anxious that his fol- the Estate of L. A. Goodwin, deceas lowers be not misled as to the na- ed, 'ate of Perquimans County, North ture of his kingdom. Many people Carolina, this is to notify ell persons wonder what was meant by the having claims against the estate of term, "kingdom of God," and it said deceased to exhibit them to the would probably be better grasped by undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or realizing that it means the same as before the 29th day of Dber the "reign of God," a time when l44- or this notice wl11 be Pleaded mankind will be governed bv the in bar of their recovery. All persons eternal principles of love, righteous- indebted to said estate will please ncss, and other attributes of the make immediate payment, divine spirit. Lest his disciples mis-,' This 29th day of December, 1943. understood how this lr,WHnm wo f.. WALLACE GOODWIN, develop Jesus gave many parables seeking to explain its nature, and our lesson includes two of them. The Parable of the Seed Growing! Secretly is the only one which Mark1 gives which is not found in any other! gospel. Man has made much marvel-; ous progress towards solving the' processes of nature and science but j he has not yet found the secret of I life. This is still locked into the j divine mind. Jesus said that his kingdom was as a man who planted seed in the ground and then went about his ordinary affairs. The mar velous process of life caused the seed to sprout, to grow and finally bear I fruit. So, those who are interested in the advancement of his kingdom, can do their best and trust in the' certain response which will pome, de-j veloping and masrnifvimr the e-rmvrh ' of the kingdom. I The Parable of the Mustard Seed i was to fortify the faith and hope of his followers so that they would realize the possibility of great things from small beginnings. The smallest seed known to his hearers was that of the mustard herb, vet .Ipsiis rwint. ed out that it grew large enourh that birds lodged on its branches.1 So, as the kingdom of God developed from its small humble beginnings in Palestine, so will any good work grow and multiply. Thus the sincere v- - ... .' Minever may apply nimseli to any I worthy cause in the certain assur ance that mankind. it will prosper and bless Cull Laying Flock To Increase Profit Culling the laying flock at fre- nni'iir Hu-"t inteivals during the entire year removes those hens which are "eating their heads off" yet are not laying. And such culling means that profits are increased consider ably, says T. T. Brown, Extension poultryman with the State College Extension Service. f 1 : .......v. j.iwijvo u, iay - ing any eggs or. only occasionally. "With the present high prices for feed, it is especially desirable to re move from the flock all thin, under sized, light-weight, and otherwise unr thrifty hens," Brown says. ' He points out that it is compara tively easy to aeiermine whether a ""K J Vif T ' if tunu'uon- Am comb of the 'ayK hen is bright red kan in in ln..i 1' fT.1 and enlarged. The eyes are clear and bright, giving the head an ap- pearance of alertness. On the other hand, the comb, face and wattles of the non-laying hen are shrunken, dry and pale. The en tire head appears long and beefy, and the eyes not clear and bright. The low producer is also compara tively inactive and of a wild dispo sition. Summing up all these points, Brown says that the principal things to watch are health, present laying condition, past performance, and the future possibilities as layers or breeders. IJnless a hen is healthy May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern 1U with lu hurry and worry. Imt-ular habita, impropar aatlng and drinking Ita risk of axpomra and infae tion throwa heavy atraln on tha work o( tha kidnaya. They are apt to beeoma over-taxed and (all to filter mom add and other Impurities from tha lifa-fivinf blood. Yon may suffer nagging backache, headache, dlasineoa, getting op Bighta, leg paina, welling -eel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too (request urination. Try DeeVt JfRs. Doss's ' help the kidneys to pas off harmful prone body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are reeoas and vigorous, she cannot be expected to lay profitably. "This year it will be increasingly hard to make good profits from' poul try and constant culling is more im portant than ever before," Brown says. classified u:gal notices WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUFFER ing with Kidney Trouble or back ache to try EIDDO at 97c. Money back guarantee. , Roberson's Drug Store, Hertford, N. C. apr.1,1944. Executor of L. A. Goodwin. jan.7,14,21,28,feb.4,ll. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Annie B. Willis, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 29th day of I November, 1944, or this notice will j be pleaded in bar of their recovery I All persons indebted to said estate I will please make immediate payment. I This 29th day of November, 1943. 1 J. C. BLANCHARD, Administrator of Mrs. Annie B. Willis. dec24,31jan7,14,21,28 LEGAL NOTICE An Ordinance Regulating The Fire Protection Of The Town Of Hert ford. 1. When any siren is heard in the Town of Hertford, whether fire, law enforcement officer, or ambulance, it shall be the duty of every person operating any vehicle of whatever kind on the streets of Hertford, to immediately pull to the curbing on BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks and New Harhp shires hatched every Friday. Superior Hatchery U. S. 17, Two Miles West of Edenton il ior iiggest ! Jiifis . a IIS LaGuardia Field, N. Y. Sinclair's unique oil-jeep drains and fills giant American Airlines' Flagship with Sinclair Pennsylvania Motpr Oil. American Airlines, Inc., biggest U. S. Airline, relies on Sinclair Pennsylvania Motor Oil exclusively to save wear-on its costly air plane engines. Now that your car needs all possible protection, give it the same protection given these planes. Buy Sinclair Pennsylvania Motor Oil from your Sinclair Dejaler. JJ. M. V 1 their right side, leaving clearance in said street of not less than ten (10) feet v,..v-t 2. It shall be unlawful for any person operating a fire truck, law enforcement vehicle, or ambulance, unless they are going to a call, or in the case of an emergency, to use a siren on the streets of Hertford. 8. That any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than ten ($10.00) dollars and, or imprisoned not less than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court That this ordinance shall be in i3)re putt uo pejja pus owojvunj January 14th, 1944. V. N. DARDEN, Attest: W. G. NEWBY. jan.14,21. NOTICE In cooperation with the mer chants of Hertford in observ ing a half-day holiday each week, my office will be closed every Wednesday afternoon until further notice. Office hours will not be ob served on Wednesday nights. Night office hours will be ob served on Mondays, Thurs days and Saturday nights. Dr. C. A. Davenport j Conserve An important step in caring for your car is to care for your;, tires ... let Joe and Bill's inspect your tires often. When in need of tires . . . and if you have the proper certi ficate . . . come to Joe and Bill's for your new tires. We have a large stock of tires ... all sizes. GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL TIRES and TUBES JOE AND BILL'S SERVICE STATION 'Where Service T mi w nrrtrmn x-v tm A towel rmem SINCLAIR REFINING CO. 4MTAStXH.iAiyi.N0SE CSS. TAYLOR THEATRE , EDENTON. N. C. ji "WE HAVE THE SHOWS" Friday, Jan. 21 Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins in "OLD ACQUAINTANCE" Saturday, Jan. 22 Don "Red" Barry in "THE MAN FROM THE RIO GRANDE" Sunday, Jan. 23 Matinee 2:30 and 4:15. Night 9:19' Mae West and Victor Moore in "THE HEATS ON" Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 24-25 Don Ameche, Frances Dee Harry Carey, Ann Rutherford In "HAPPY LAND" Wednesday, Jan. 26 Double Feature 11c and 25c Wally Brown and Alan Carney in "THE ADVENTURES OF A ROOKIE" Wendy Bairrie in "FOLLIES GIRL" Thursday-Friday, Jan. 27-28 Mary Martin, Franchot Tone and Dick Powell in "TRUE TO LIFE" Your Car h A Pleasure" PHONE 8601 V 1 4 - ,.'7 'l falls among thorns,,'' jw , . , ' V -1 (, r i - ' , t , , , , v !,... .J..u .. Vtf'"1'. ' '-V' v.r 11 ' ' . ft