,1 HI 8 3 1 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY. , , , FEBRUARY 25. 1944 i ' wiiim mice Meat. Rat finaiw Stunn Nft. S' Ardor P-KK-f! was nmuiriH i r.MP W J ! w. .. . . .. - in book row i gooa ior live points Regulation 0, Directional, effective worth of pork", (except lard) and all types of sausages through February 28.: Brown stamps. V, V, and X in Book Three are good through Feb ruary 26. Brown stamps Y and Z are good ' through March 20. Red 10-point stamps A8, B8 and C8 in cook rour are gooa February zi through May 20. Waste kitchen fats are redeemed at two ration points plus four cents a pound. Processed Foods Green stamps K, L and M are good through March 20. Blue 10-point stamps A8, B8, C8, D8 and E8 in Book Four are good February 27 through May 20. bugar Stamp Mo. 30 in Book February 16. Fruita-Vegetables Set Aside Canners were directed to set aside increased quantities of canned fruits and vegetables from their 1944 pro duction for Government requirements in order to meet expanded military needs, the WFA announced. The in creases Drincioallv are for canned apples, fruit cocktail, peaches, pears (Harnett; uma Deans, sweet corn, peas, tomatoes, end tomato juice. Round. Up WPR has Mitnnrizeri nroduetion during 1944 of 1,400 motorcycles for essential domestic civilian use, 80 for Canada, 650 for export, and 50000 N. C on or before the i2nd dav of December, 194V or this' notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment .wis zzna aay oi wecemoer, 1S45. ELIZABETH BUDGINS. i Administratrix of A. L. Hudgins. j I : i ii i I Cai March 31. Stamp No 40 in Botklf0r mlht??.use ' ' Use P?? Four is good for five pounds of can.: l lS. recommendation ning sugar through February 28, 51"?" the haryestn? oi next yeas. Gasoline In 17 East Coast states A-9 coupons are good through May 8. Tire Inspection Deadlines For A coupon holders, March 31, and for B and C coupon holders, February 28. Fuel Oil Period 3 coupons are good, through March 13 in all areas except, the South. Period 4 coupons are good in all areas through Sep tember 60. Period 5 coupons are good in the Middle West and South and remain good through Septem ber 30. Shoes Stamps No. 18 in Book One and No. 1 on the airplane sheet in Book Three are each good for one pair. Income Tax March 15 is deadline for filing returns. Earlier filing is desirable. Ration Tokens In Use Sunday During the three-week Deriod. February 27 through March 20, in changing from the old rationing pro gram to the simplified token plan, two sets of stamps, green and blue, will be used for processed foods, and two, brown and red, for meats and fats. The old stamps, brown and green, will be used exactly as in the past at their regular face value through March 20. The token plan win be Xully in effect on March 21. Beginning then, processed foods can be purchased only with blue stamps and blue tokens, and meats, fats and oils only with red stanms and red tokens. The blue and red stamnn. effective February 27, are valued at iu points eacn. AH tokens are valu ed at one point each and will be given, for change only when a pur chase is ; made. No more than nine tokens need be given as "change" in one transaction. ttnkft., rAAwA. IT..! T the largest potato crop in history NOTICE OF-ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator jf the estate of Earving I. Jones, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hobbsville, N. C, on or before the 11 day of Feb ruary, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of February, 1944. W. M. HOLLOWELL, Administrator of Earving I. Jones. feb.l8,25,mar.3,10,17,25. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having Qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Charlie Hurdle, de- last year . . . WPB expects a limited ceased, late of Perquimans County, number of domestic electric ranges North Carolina, this is to notify all to be available for essential civilian , persons having claims against the in retAil ceiling prices of waterproof rubber footwear rubbers, arctics, gaiiers, and rubber boots has been allowed by the Office of Price Ad ministration to compensate for in creased costs. For these higher prices . the public will get rubber footwear more nearly approaching the ualjty of pre-Pearl Harbor footwear than that of the Victory une products, UFA said. Anuaounces More Support Prices Support prices proposed by the War Food Administration for hay and pasture seeds in 1944 are in general higher than those of last year. Increases of 3 cents per pound were proposed for northern alfalfa, red clover, alsike clover and biennial yellow, sweetclover, and of 2. cents a pound for biennial white sweetclover and -sudan grass. Western grasses would be increased as much as 50 per lent, uecuuse oi harvesting difficul "u several grasses appear on the support program for the first ume this year. Less Paper Work To Build Less paper work for persons who build privately-financed housing con structipn is assured by War Produc tion Bpard order P-55-C. This order, announced jointly by the WPB and the National Housing Agency elimi nates filing of a detailed list of ma terials and permits use of materials that wall conserve lumber and fuel slnjplifidd procedure for farm needs during the last half of this year . . . U. S. war expenditures in January amounted to $7,416,000,000, almost 7 per cent over December, and an average daily rate of $285,200,000 Because of problems in eettmir feed, U. S. production of hatchery chicks in January was 20 per cent under January last year . . . Total re tail sales for 1943 wft-e $63,269,000, an increase of 10 per cent over 1942, according to the Department Of Commerce . . . Boys and girls under 20 who leave home seeking war jobs should carry with them proof of their age, advises the U. S. Depart ment of Labor . . . Copper may now be used in the manufacture of auto mobile radiators, gaskets, fuel and oil lines, brake and clutch lininc rivets' and other essential tiarts ac cording to WPB . . . "Small business is more important to this nation to day than ever before," declared Donald M. Nelson, chairman of WPB, and should be given top priority when surplus materials of war are re leased . . . Although the points-for-fats plan did not go into effect until December 13, fats collections for December were 33 per cent over November, WPB reports ... If war food goals are to be met all availahlA red clover seed must be planted this year, wfa asserts . . . WPB has re duced the 1944 maufacture1 of paper towels for home use to 80 ner cent of the 1942 base period output . . . Farmers will have more potash salts for fertilizer use this year than dur ing the two preceding years, WPB announces ... A general retail price reduction tO the Consumer of fhmnnlr salmon is expected to result from the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 2nd day of February, 1945, or this ' notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of February, 1944. MRS. MARY HURDLE, Administratrix of Charlie Hurdle. feb.4,ll,18,25,mar.3,10. NOTICE North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court Hattie Pearl Hurdle, Plaintiff, Vs. Nelson Hurdle. Defendant The defendant, Nelson Hurdle, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, being an action for divorce on account of two years separation; and said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Per quimans Countv. in the courthouse in Hertford, North Carolina, on the 4th day of March, 1944, and answer or demur to the complaint of plain tiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint . This February 1st, 1944. W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court, Perquimans County, N. C. feb.4,1,18,25. An average increase of 6 percent rraent.by OPA of a 20 fcnts retailTceilinr nrices of wJf ?er ,pound P certain producers. CLASSIFIED LEGAL NOTICES WANTED MAN OR WOMAN FOR profitable Rawleigh Route. Pro ducts well known. Real opportun ity, write Kawleigh's, Dept. NCB 100-119, Richmond, Va. WAWltD A GOOD RELIABLE man or woman to supply customers with Rawleigh's Products. Write Kawleigh's, Dept. NCB-100-127 juuiiiiiuna va. FOR SALE-VERY CHOICE DAIRY Heifers, $25 each. Holsteins, Guernseys, Ayrshires. Non-related. Bull free with five head. Shipped C. O. D. Write Sayre Dairy Cattle Co., Sayre, Penna. WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUFFER mg with Kidney Trouble or back ache to try KIDDO at 97c. Money back guarantee. Roberson's Drug Store, Hertford, N. C. . apr.1,1944. NOTICE ! North Carolina, Perquimans County. Liler M. Pike and her husband, Johnnie Pike, Plaintiffs, Vs. 1 Walter L Umphlett and his wife, Ruby Umphlett; Thomas C. Um phlett and his wife, Barbara S. Umphlett; Elsie R. Chapman and her husband, H. Webster Chap man; Bessie C. Cornell and her husband, Jesse Cornell; Eley V. Umphlett and his wife, Loudie Umphlett; Mary Smvey and hei husband, Will&rd Spivey; Susie A. .sawyer and her husband, Johnnie Sawyer; Nannie Hollowell and her husband, Willie Hollowell, and Claudia Barnes and her husband, Joe Barnes, defendants. The defendants. Walter L. Um phlett and his wife, Ruby Umphlett; Thomas C. UmDhlett and his wife. Barbara S. Umphlett?; Elsie H. Chap man and her husband. H. Wehnfor Chapman; Bessie C. Cornell and her nusoand. Jesse Cornell: Kiev V. TTm- phlett and his wife. Loudie Umnhlett- will take notice than an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, to sell real estate ior division; and the said de fendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said county in the court- nouse in Hertford, N. C, on the 6th i aay or. March, 1944, and answer or jj Conserve Your Car NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of A T. w,-. ceased, late of P ' "e" North Carolina,"; HnoiT' nnrsnno i 1 - - - ' v- v estate of ' TaT w ft the demur to the complaint in said action, them tn , j T exnimti or me- piainun win apply to the for the relief demanded in buu complaint. the 2nd day of February, An important step in caring for your car is to care for your tires . . . let Joe and Bill's inspect your tires often. When in need of tires ... and if you have the proper certi ficate . . come to Joe and Bill's for your new tires. We have a Iage stock of tires ... all sizes. GOODYEAR and U. S. ROYAL i TIRES and TUBES IflE AND BILL'S SERVICE STAT10 . "Whtr Vwaiiy. r. A ni . ? BILL WHITE, Prop. This 1944. W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court Under and by virtue of an imfa of the Superior Court of Perquimans county, man in that certain pro ceeding entitled W. D. Landing, Ad ministrator of Noria A Wood de ceased, et al, vs. L. O. Umphlett et ai, me undersigned commissioner will, on the 14th day of March, 1944.' at 12:00 o'clock M, at the Courthouse door in Hertford, North Carolina, of fer for sale ta'the hicrhest birirfo tnr cash that certain tract of land lying ana Deinsr in Mew Hone TnwnaMn , " r-"X' rerquimans uounty, jn. U., more par ticularly defined and described' as follows, to-wit: "That certain tract or parcel of land in, Perquimans County, Hjt C., situate, on the waters of Perquimans River, adjoining the lands formerly belonging fc Seth Spivey and Elian Umnhlett.' founded ;' Afl t.liA MCrR TiW Elisn .Umphlett; Beginning at the river; mouth ,ot Gar, Gut , 'Swwnp, thence running the center of - said swamp to land ditch, thence along said land ditch straight to an angle in said line 80 chains or more, thence a marked line to the .said river, thence along said river to beginning, containing s80 acres, more or less beinjr tse hams tract of land which was conveyed by Seth Spivey and wife to Charles R. Luts and Mary L. Lutz, husband and wife, hv HmuI dated June , 1897, and duly of re cord in the Public Registry of Per quimans County in Book 2. od. SAfi. S66, and being further the same land upon which Noria , A. J Wood and vnaries jjsnieis were living; , at the time of their death.? T-V a tun .nun aay ox . eoruary iye. P. W. McMULLAN, Commissioner.' v ' - feb.l8marJt,10. Mm Es :M - M ' f wW5U.l; I eH TAfiLETl SALVE. NOSE DROPS DADY CHICK? Barred Rocks, and New Hamp shires hatched every Tuesday. Superior Hatcheiy; tf. S. 17," Two Miles West of Edenton I tup rs 9 F 'rFI I r.iviw mnrarrr rwmmn rrrrhr i I tXAXld WJUUV WE J. KL f 2o AmM OAllVJUAlK JtUVTlTMliMi iAJ. HERTFORD, N. G r" t . .nn JU)W Tr t,ta HQ fijn)g pifflfi 1B ASSURE BEST RESULTS WITH America demand the utmost in farm output to win the war. Your country looks to you for the biggest yield from your fields. That means SCO-CO Fertilizers. Containing only quality ingredients cured right and mixed right, SCO-CO is best for you because is made in your region to fit your soil. Every sack" of SCO-CO is a "sock" at the enemy! Call on your friendly SCO-CO Agent soon. Q lore 'J' (5 u 0 Q 0 'fj ) i for Bigger Yields from Your Fields . frwlf , fastltattaa aarviag So.th.ra FanaorTlc7 1887. ' II.,1 i - ' II yi u '4 '' Tt v3- y fMiSOOT . i HERTFORD, N., , :; , PHONE mt " ' V,J . "A, J i sir ' It

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