THE rERQUHjAflS WEEKLY. HERTFOJU), N. fi, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1944 PAGE FIYJ3 4 , 'A Retains To Durham Mrs. T. S. White has returned to hftffht,i1rtW to patient in Dolce Hospital. , Mm. J. 8. Vlck, Mrs. Will White and Mrs. Joe Totre spent Thursday in Norfolk, Va. Week-end Here Lieut, and Mrs. Tom Nixon, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. T. J. Nixon. Visiting Mother Francis Nixon, U. S. A., Camp Blanding, Fla., is spending several days with his mother, Mrs. T. J. Nixon. I Returns To Duty ' Lieut W. H. Hardoaetle, Jr., U. S. N., has returned to duty after visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle, for several days. Week-end At Home Corp. Ben Koonce, of Fort Bragg, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Koonce. Here Last Week Mrs. R. A. Sutton, of Raleign, spent several days last week in Hertford. t a t. c, GwwOK IH week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. C Edwards. Week-end A Boss Miss Frue Newby, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby. Home For Week-end Miss Ruth Winslow, a student at E. C. T. C, Greenville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Winslow. Week-end With Parents Miss Frances Newby, e student at E. C. T. C, Greenville, was the week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby. with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. Visiting Here Lieut and Mrs. K. L. Jarvis, of Trenton, H. J., are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. tL Jams. Sunday In Elizabeth; City Mrs. E. W. Mayes find Mrs. J. E. Everett spent Sunday in Elizabeth City visiting relatives. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cam pen, of Columbia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Jane Campen. Sunday In Wilson R. E. Clinkscales and Miss Kitty Clinkscaies spent Sunday in Wilson visiting friends. Here This Week Mrs. G. R. Anderson and children, of Norfolk, Va., are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Sutton, this week. Visitors Here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Don Campen, of Portsmouth, Va., spent Saturday as guests of Mrs. Jane Campen. Week-end Visitors Louis Sitterson, U. S. N. R., Miss; Ruth Sutton and Billy Sutton, of j Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. B. W. Pennington. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gault end daughter, Barbara, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Byrum. In Albemarle Hospital H. A. Whitley, who has been quite 'ill at his home on Church Street, was taken to the Albemarle Hos pital, Elizabeth City, this week to undergo an operation. Week-end At Home Emmett Landing, of New River, spent .the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William landing. Week-end In Elizabeth Cilry Miss Mary Gaither spent the week-end in Elizabeth City with friends. Week-end In Norfolk Mrs. Edgar Lane spent the week end in Norfolk, Va., with friends. Visitors Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wright and daughter, Caroline, and Mrs. C. N. Wright, of Jarvisburg, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. Week-end Here Miss Pat Edwards, If i Week-end Hers Mrs. C. A. Withrow and son, John a student at' of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end Women more than men apt to suffer simple " V If Weakened From Lack off Iron V Due to "Monthly Losses" oromen who suffer from strength and energy In such cases. You sirls and simple anemia fc who lose so much during monthly periods that you feel tired, weak, "draroPd out" due to low blood-lronti- Start at one uy lydla rinhhnm's TABLETS one cf the greatest blond Iron tonics tor home use you can buy to help build up red blood to' give more Taken as directed Plnkham's Tab lets Is one ol the very best home ways to get precious iron into the bloud. Just try Plnkham's Tablets faithfully for at least 30 da: -?, "lion see if you, ire loat remarkably benefit. Follow lauj directions. Plnkham's Tablets are ireU worth, tryiu. . drugstores. Lydia Pinkham'sVS&G State TheatreHrcd' Today (Friday) Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. J Matinee 3 P.:M. Night 7-9 P. M. SMILEY BURNETTE NELSON EDDfY SUSANNAFOSTER "Phantom of the Opera" "Beyond the Last Frontier" Also "Valley of Vanishing Men" No. 9 Sunday Only Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M DALE EVANS GEORGE BYRON in "Hoosier holiday" X. tf-i 4 ,A i .? f Monday and Tuesday Matinee 8 P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M. BANDOLPH SCOTT , JAMES BROWN Wednesday Matinee 8 P. M. Night 7 , and 9 P. M ' ' DOUBLE FEATURE ' ') "First Fsatttre '" - , , BASIL RATHBORN . "Sherlock Holmes , Faces Death? i. . Second Feature JiAEY BETTH HUGHES "Timher Queen" fThlrsd 9 P. M- : ; ,rMARX MARTIN FRANCHOT TONE , r i , i ! t'f r''- 4- 1 i'1 , I Visiting Grandparents little Miss Nancy Hooper, of Eli zabeth City, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mayes, this week. Attending Conference Miss Kate Blanchard, Mrs. Tim Brinn, Mrs. B. C. Reavis, Mrs. Henry Stokes and Mrs. W. W. Trueblood went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend a church conference. Attend Wedding Mrs. Hoyle Umphlett, Mrs. Anse White, Mrs. R, L. Knowles, Misses Grace Knowles and Lena Barber at tended the Deegan-Bullock wedding in Ayden Saturday. Miss Barber re mained for a few days' visit. Week-end In Ayden Mrs. R. D. Elliott and Mrs. Ros ser Brinn spent the week-end as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Dixon, in Ayden. Attend Funeral Mrs. Rosser Brinn and Mrs. R. L. Knowles are attending a church conference in Raleigh this week. Week-end Here Cule White Jr., of New River, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Relfe. Visiting Here Mrs. J. G. Campbell, of Carolina Beach, is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. C. V. Williford. Sunday In Norfolk Mrs. Tom Perry, Miss Mary Beth Perry and Mrs. Vera Broughton spent Sunday as the guests of rela tives in Norfolk, Va. Visiting Mother William Feild, U. S. guest of him mother, Feild, this week. A., is Mrs. D. the M. Returns Home Mrs. Charles Johnson spent Sunday and Monday in Edenton visiting rela tives. In Norfolk Mrs. E. A. Hines went to Norfolk, Va., Monday to visit relatives this week. Week-end Here Miss Elizabeh Darden, and a friend, Miss Alice Calhoun, both stu dents at E. C. T. C, Greenville, were week-end guests of Miss Darden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Darden. Returns Home The Rev. Howard Dawkins return ed home Tuesday from FayettevMle, where he was called because of the illness of his mother, who is some what improved. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. B. G. Koonce entertained her bridge club on Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were: Mes- dames Charles Whedbee, Oscar Fel- tonV. N. Darden, J. G. Roberson, German "Winslow, W. G. Wright, R. M.-; Riddlck and Joseph" Benedict, jlHigh score j pri?e , was awarded to Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Darden re ceived low score award. A dainty, sweet course was served. tlWNSlM. "CLUB Miss Helen 'Morgan was hostess toew bridge; club on Tuesday , even ing at her hpme.,pn Church Street. Those enjoying ( the evening were: Mesdaines, H. C. Stokes, C. M. Willi ford, George Barbee, C. R. Holmes, T. L. Jessup, C. E. Johnson and. Mai R. Carnjpbell and Miss' Mary Sumner. High seore- and'bHigo prizes went ,to Mrstokes, ,an4 Mrs. Williford recsjfpd pscoftigty award. ! A sdv course was- served by the hostess. , BWTSTttf BRIDGE CLUB .' Mlss-Mar' Wood Winslow enter tmitted'her bridge-erab onWednesday evening ijit her home n Market StrsietThoss ' playing were Mes danietf Louis Anderson, CA. Daven port, Trim Wilson, J. R. FutreU 4. P, Jessup, J. H. Newbold, Mrs. Ford ham and Miss Mary Gaither. i ' High coreOTrie -cnk 4o - Mrs, Newbold. A -AuAtyjsJaA wurse, was, -serrei W. M. S. MET MONDAY NIGHT The Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church met Monday evening at the Church with Mrs. I. A. Ward presiding. The meeting was opened with the hymn of the year, "The Morning Light Is Breaking," and Mrs. Mark Gregory offered prayer. The roll was called with Circle Number Four having the largest attendance. Mrs. J. W- Ward gave the devotional, tak en from Psalm 96. A very interesting playlet was pre sented by Mrs. Clinton Eley, Mrs. Rupert Ainsley, Mrs. Willie Ainsley, Mrs. Jim Bass, Mrs. Arthur White and Miss Blanche Butler. The sub ject of the play was "The Prove Me Plans." A hymn, "Trust, Try and Prove Mef" was sung. Mrs. L. W. Norman offered the prayer of dismissal. MINNIE WILSONS MEET The Minnie Wilson Missionary Society met Monday evening at the home of Mrts. Jake White. Mrs. B. C. Reavis, leader, presided. Mrs. Charles Whedbee and Miss Kate Blanchard read several chapters from the Mission Study Book. Mrs. R. M. Fowler gave the devotional. Fourteen members were presest. After the program, the Society de cided to give a tea next Tuesday af ternoon, February 29, at the parson age, from 3 to 6, inviting all ser vice men's wives in the town. The hostess served delicious re freshments, carrying out in her color scheme the George Washing ton birthday motif. HOSTESS AT STORK SHOWER Mrs. Sidney Layden charmingly entertained at a stork shower honor ing Mrs. W. D. Stanford, at the home of Mrs. T. W, Nixon, on Friday afternoon. Contests were enjoyed with Mrs. Josiah Proctor, Mrs. J. B. Basnight and Mrs. Carson Hollowell winning prizes. Mrs. Carey Quincy gave a humorous reading, "The Corporal's Letter." The gifts were opened and acknowledged. Those present were Mrs. Josiah Proctor, Mrs. Henry Layden, Mrs. Dan Simpson, Mrs. Preston Nixon, Mrs. J. S. Startton, Mrs. T. W. Nixon, Mrs. Carson Howell Mrs. Sidney Layden, Mrs. Harry Winslow, Mrs. Addie Nixon Jones, Mrs. Carey Quincy, Mrs. Louis Knight, of Nor folk, Va., Mrs. J. B. Basnigkt, Mrs. Winston Lane, Annie Lou Lane and Annette Parker, and the honoree, Mrs. W. D. Sanford. Those sendfng gifts were Mrs. Albert Hunter, Mrs. Dan Mupford, Mrs. C. W. Heed Sni Miss Miriam Layden. The h6Bfeps' BejVW iee cream ami cake, candy d pft&ufe. DELLA SHAMBUQKGMRS MEET The Delia Shamborger Missionaxjr Society of the Methodist Church mef Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Oscar Felton. Mrs. oe Towe was in charge of the program, with Mrs.' George Barbee and Mrs. LinoW Winslow taking part. ' Members present included mes dames George Barbee, Jimmy Jeraf gan, Archie Lane, Lindsay Winskrw, Joe Towe, Crafton Matthews, Edgar Morris, Vivian Mathews Hurley Hof fler, W. H. Pitt, D. F. Reed, C. T. Skinner and Miss Mildred Reed. The hostess served dainty re freshments. Buy More War Bonds GewTune-cfoops HELP PREVENT ' MANY COLDS from developing Put a few drops of Va-rro-nol up each nostril at the very first sniffle or sneeze. Its quick action aids Nature's defenses against colds. Follow VICEIS mVA-raO-KOL Crop Loans Monthly Installment Loans YOU CAN BORROW MONEY AT THIS BANK FOR SEASONAL CROP PURPOSES ... OR FINANCING THE PURCHASES OF Automobiles - Electric Stoves Electric Refrigerators - Taxes Doctor's Bills - Hospital Bills Vacation Trips and other items We make Real Estate Loans. Loans secured by collateral and endorsement loans. Before borrowing for any of the above purposes, consult the officers of this bank. We are glad to be of every service that conservative back ing will permit. Hertford Banking Co. Member F. D. I. C. Hertford, N. C. t N MBMk jBSK. Bb. ..OSSSte -SSMBSSBk BJSSSSSSSM UE-JWt uui LIBBY'S Dark Brown Baked BEANS LET'S ALL BACK THE ATTACK . . . BUY WAR BONDS! (5) 14-oz. Can lie POINT FREE! COLONIAL BRAND GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-oz. can 29c LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE (3) 18-02. Can 9c Morton's Salt 2 r 15c "Try Salt on Yonr Grapefruit! Next Time" NORTHERN Tissue Towels 5c Per Roll Roii 9c (4) Hurff s Soup (4) Apple Butter (3) Pure Lard (18) Colonial Catsup (5) Heinz Beans (10) Tomatoes (5) Armour's Treet VEGETABLE 102-oz. can WHITE HOUSE 14-oz. jar BEST COOKING 1 -lb. Carton 14-oz. Bottle TOMATO SAUCE 12-oz. size NEW PACK 19-oz. can 12-oz. Can 10c 12c 18c 15c 9 c 10c 36c SUNSHINE 1-Ib. pkg. HI HO CRACKERS RUMFORD BAKING POWDER RALSTON CORN FLAKES 12-oz. Can 11-oz. Pkg. 23c 22c 7c Green Cabbage 3 lbs. 12c Snap Beans, lb 15c oxydol k- ioc POINT FREE! STRING BEANS No. 2 Can NEW PACK lie 23c ' WOODBURY'S SOAP JSe 8c LetOIGe, llB2u 8C SWEETHEART SOAP 5 20c 20-MULE TEAM BORAX 15c CLAPP'S INSTANT 8&fi'&&?B3k CITRUS MARMALADE 25c Grapefruit . . .3 for 15c Orages . . . Jf lbs. 40c fcEicfy . . . . . 2 for 23c Large Pkg. APPLE JUICE VINEGAR CLOROX 21c BED1 MILL Qt pottle DISINFECTANT

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