E PERQUIMANS WEEKLY A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume XI Number 42. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, October- 20, 1449 $1.50 l'er ! Indians win Third Straight Game By Htowning Edenton Scoring six touchdowns and coji verting two tries for extra points, the l Perquimans High School footbalj - team romped home to a 38-0 victory , Over their ancient rivals, the Edenton Aces, in a game played on the local i field last Friday afternoon. The victory was the third straight i for the Indians, who have scored a total of 112 points in their games mis season, wnne holding their op ponents scoreless. The Indians opened the game against Edenton by kicking off to the . Aces and, after failing to gain , through the Indian line, Edenton ' punted the ball into. I'erquimans' possession. The Indians, due to lack of practice during the week, failed to display their aggressive brand of football and it was midway of the . first period before Joe N'o,well scur ried around Edenton's end for six points. Mayes converted the try, by a quarterback sneak, and the first quarter ended with I'erquimans lead ing 7-0. The Indians scored airain in the second period, with Ilerry carrying! the ball over the goal line, and the I Indians converted on a pass from I Wood to Nowell to make the score : 14-0 at the half time. i The local squad opened up the , third period by scoring another touchdown, which was called back due 1 to a penalty by Perquimans. Later,: the Indians broke loose again and Nowell and Berry crossed the pay line twice, running the score to 26-0. ! i The Indians were regaining their' timing on the offensive and the line- j wmen were showing strength on both -offense and defense. The' visitors showed a nice passing offense, but the alertness of the Perquimans squad prevented the Aces from getting close enough to the -oal line to threaten a score. , curing me unai quarter Nowell collected another six points for the .Indians, and Johnnie Hunter scored th final touchdown on a lateral pass irum wnson wno naaM-eeeiveri th Koii j. ,i s ball midway to the roal on. a mtaa. -njLii ttmmmm"-:- . - - " , "-"if" Coadj Max Campbell started the game with the following line-un: Holmes and Winslow, ends; Murray and Perry, tackles; Symons and El liott, iruards: Wilson, center! Mvm AVood, Nowell and Berry in the back- Held. HEADLINES The Japanese navy came out of hiding this week, but after taking a Sa"ized groups with interests inim look at the sizable task force, under 'cal to tne farmer's welfare, they de-the- direction of Admiral Halsev. and c,ared. which has be'en throwing heavy blows at Jap strong points all this week, tUmed and ran from tho onarto Cnn frary to a Jan renort issued this week, that the Jap ships had in- flicted heavy damage to a large number of American ships, Admiral Nimitz announced that two of our smaller sh inn were Hiimairait or,.! to.l "reared from action with minor cas- ualties. In the meantime, U. S. : carrier, planes shot down and dam.-1 l, , , , T . , . the week and severely damaged Jap installations at Formosa and in the Philippines. Fighting grimly, American troops lof the First Army continued to inch themselves into the German city of Aachen, against heavy Nazi counter hlolMB. The city has been complete 'surrounded, but the Nazis are -eaperately holding out. Reports iay Aachen has been completely de- Uha...J k.. 4.1 All:-. L!11 J pbxvycu vy me aiiihu aniiiery ana planes. Elsewhere along the West- srn front, the British troops, oh the ' northern end of the line, have made ji. new drive toward the Ruhr Valley, vhile thv American Third and Sev enth Armies are continuing the pres itire against the Germans in the louth of France. Berlin reports the Russians have munched a new drive into the heart f East Prussia this week, but Mns- ow made no announcement on that' art of their line. The Red troops continue to advance in Hungary, ending that nation's attempt to quit e war; Reports from Budapest say aririans have taken over the capita! id the armyj while many of the top ngarians have gone over to the BIRTH ANNOUNCRMKTN . Sgi and Mrs, Francis E. Witley, , announce the birth of a daughter, : Francine, at the Medical Center, r 7th. Mrs. Willey is , the er Mi Eula, White. . , -' . Vv--,!'i."V'';;'-1; Burning Men of the famous and feared Amerlcal Division are shown burning DilluoY on Bourainville Island. These boys Dlay for keeps the Nips know fr War Knnrt iiuiav PERQUIMANS COUNTY FARM DUREAU SEEKING AN INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP Members of Home I )em- onstration Clubs So - licking: In County Setting a goal for three hundred members for the 1944-45 year, Per-' quintans County's Farm Bureau this' week launched a membership drive and ladies of the county's home demonstration clubs are ' making a canvass of the county seeking re-1 ganization. newaig ana new members to the or- , r ., i wniciais oi cue ioca miyc liureau .. Vt. ... , 'ieinjn a meeting in Kaleigrh re cently relative to the campaign for membership this year and plans for the drive were made at that time. Flake Shaw, executive secretary, and Joe Williams, assistant, at this meeting, pointed out the seriousness t of farm problems confronting North j Carolina farms with the close of the war demand for increased produc- tion. There will be problems of re j adjustment to peace-time demand, ! depressed prices from surplus war j stock,- and the pressure from strongly : organized labor groups fof unlimited production and cheap prices for agii-1. i cultural products, they pointed out. i Farmers will need a stronger or-j I ganization than ever before to solve these problems, through legislation ard t combat the influence of or- They urged fanners in every coun- iy 10 join tne farm bureau as a means of providing the agricultural group with an organized front to help solve the problems. Inasmuch as merchants or profes sional men of this area are vitally interested in farm problems, they, too, are urged to join the local Farm Bureau as associate members. During the past year the Farm iiuieau was insirumeniui in increas ing the income from peanuts in this county by approximately one hundred thousand dollars, by the effort to giiin a better peanut program. It was pointed out that through the Farm Bureau every farmer profited one cent per pound on his peanut crop alone through this effort. A. T. Lane, president of the Per quimans Farm Bureau, stated that members of the Home Demonstration Clubs would call on all farmers to join, but advised that 'membership can,be ODtalneo y contacting the II0 or any 0 c,al t the local Farm Bureau. T Central PTA Meeting Held Monday Night The Parent-Teacher Association ot Central (irammar School- held its second meeting of the year on Mon day night. October 16, at Winfall school. Joseph 'DeLaney conducted the devotional, after which Mrs, Johnny Lane and Mrs. J. k. DeLaney sang a duet. i. After the business jeetini? in which plans for the membership drive were presented by Miss Sjlllma Leg gett, chairman, and plain for the lunch mom wnra nrmnntoit'l by Claude White, chairman, the p enjoyed a talk by the Rev. J. D. ford on the subject, "Literature." !e stress- ed the need of wholeso literature In the home and school against the influence of id warned Iferior Ht- era tore so eommon today. grm r- liH vi the Japs Out on Bougainville iTiffi. i -i. Inspection Record 1 And A Coupons Must Ce Surrendered Motorists, in making application for new A gasoline ration books, must attach their tire inspection re cord and their present A gas coupon stubs to the application blank, when turning it in at the OPA office. Mrs. Helen Davenport, clerk of the local Hoard, stated today. The OPA Hoard urges motorists to mail in their application blanks for new A books at once, as the hooks must be issued and mailed to users before Nofember 8, when the new coupons become effective. District PTA Meet Schedule At South Mills October 26 I .-mice arriving overseas early in 1 1!M4, his unit has been assigned to There will be a District meeting!1'"' United States Troop Carrier of the North Carolina Congress of Forces, which is a part of the First Parents and Teachers held in South Allied Airborne Army. It is led by Mills on October 26, at 10 a. m., Maj- ien. Paul L. Williams, with Mrs. J. Kmmett Winslow, of Sgt. Iiyrum's unit has played au Hertford presiding. C. W. Phillips, important role in World War II, hav U. N. C, Greensboro. State; '"tf spearheaded the invasion of N'or- I of W. C. president. and Mrs Charles K. lioe, of Chicago, National Field Director, will make the principal addresses in fhe morning. Dr. Eugene K. I'faff of Chapel Hill, executive secretary to the Southern Council of International Relations, will be the guest speaker in the af ternoon, at which time the superin tendents and principals in the Dis trict have been invited to be platform guests and take part in the question! and answer discussion which will i follow. Other State officials who will he present are: Mrs. Alice Futrell, of Hertford, second vice president; Mrs. Mayon Parker, of Ahoskie, chairman of the War Committee, and Mrs. F,. S. Adams, of Carthage, chairman of the Membership Committee. Local Democrats At Rally In Plymouth C. P. Morris, executive chairman of the Perquimans Democratic commit tee; Mayor V. N. Darden, Sheriff J. Emmett Winslow, B. C. Perry, Re presentative W. W. White and S. P. Mathews attended the Democratic rally held in Plymouth Monday af ternoon of this week. Speakers at the rally included Governor-elect Gregg Cherry, Senator-elect Clyde Hoey and Congress man Herbert C. Bonner. Following the afternoon session, the group was the guests of Con gressman Bonner at a barbecue supper. Cotton Gin Report Shows Decline Here A Census report, issued here this week by Willie M. Harrell, special agent, showed that 1,616 bales of cotton were ginned in Perquimans County from the crop of 1944, prior to October 1, as compared with 1,869 hales of cotton for the crop of 1943. Army Sifnal Corp? P o out Jap machine gun nrst in now. Back them up by buy. of .. J :om U. S. Tit: William P. Byrum In Unit Awarded High Citation In ETO A I nited States Troop Carrier Hase, European Theater of Opera tions Word was received today that the Troop Carrier t'nit in which Stag Sergeant William 1'. Byrum of Hertford is serving, has been award ed the ('residential I'nit Citation "for outstanding performance of duty in action against the e ny in the recent invasion of Kurope." The ci tation states that "the high degree of success attained is largely ;j'tri butable to the course and devotion by all members of his group and reflects the highest credit upon the Tinted States Army Air Forces." Sgt. Byrum is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Byrum of .r).'i Gruhh Street. Byrum received his preliminary army training at Clearwater, Florida, and from there was sent to an Air Force Clerical School at Fort Logan, Colorado. Upon graduation he was assigned to the Troop Carrier unit in which he is now serving as N'CO in charge of his S(uadron operations office. mandy by dropping paratroopers over the Cherbourg peninsula on the zero hoi"- of D-Day. Since then it has I taken part in many supply and evac- Ration Board Issues Tire Certificates To 25 Motorists in ration - tires to Still facing a headache inK a limited number of more applicants than can be aupohed. the I'erquimans Ration Hoard issued .Methodist Church in Ahoskie, N. C. certificates to 25 motorists at its The Rev. A. L. Thompson is the pas meeting last Saturday. E. Leigh tor at Ahoskie and a note from his Winslow , chairman of the Board, j church states that the series of re stated that the tire situation is still jvival servhes is getting oil' to a tine critical and he urged motorists to I start. care for their present tires as an aid! Mr. Keavis yvill return to Hertford to relieve the situation. Saturday and will he in his pulpit Passenger Type certificates, one for the services next Sunday. At the each, were issued to Nettie L. Day, morning service he will deliver a Windell Nixon, A. E. Burke, K. F. special message to the officers of the Ainsley, (',. F. Dail, W. A. True- church and to the officers and teach blood, Elizabeth Fowler, Wallace ( ers in the Church School and at the Bright, J. N. Newby, Roscoe Lane, : close of the message all officers and W. H. Winslow, Doris Lewis, Richard teachers will be installed, it was an Taylor. M. C. Felton, I. C. Butts. Announced bv Mr. Reavis last Sunday. H. Williams, Charlie Umphlett, J. W. Jackson, Traverse White and W. H. Mathews. I ruck certificates: G. W. Baker, 2; Maynard rleetwood, 1; W. M. Wood, 1; J. P. Ward, 1; Elihu Lane, 1. Meeting" Held Thursday On Drainage Project Land owners in the Tom D. White Mill Pond area, near Belvidere, met at the Belvidere Community House on Thursday night for the purpose of discussing a survey reently made by George Renfro, engineer for the Soil Conservation Servics, relative to a drainage project in that area. Mr. Renfro explained the proposed project to those attending for the purpose of informing the land owners as to the formation of a local drain age association to carry out the draining of the area. UNITED WAR FUND CAMPAIGN BOGGING DOWN; ONLY HALF OF QUOTA IS RAISED Price Panel To Set 1 Retail Wood Prices At Meeting- Oct. 2G The Price Panel Hoard of the Per quimans County War Price and Ra linn Hoard will hold a meeting on Thursday night, October 2i, at S "'clock, for the purpose of establish ing a retail price fur wood u.-ed for fuel purposes, .Miss Alary K ranees Dail, price clerk, announced today. The meeting will lie held at the offices of the OPA Hoard arid K. S Dixon, field operations officer for OPA, will lie present. All wood deal ers and wood sellers interested in the price to he established arc urged attend. d t, Election Chairman Names Registrars, Judges For Polls I.. . II, ,11, .well, Perquimans Hoard week named the leg ' i i t lie polling plac chairuian of the if Election.-, this st l a i s and judges 's in the general election to be held n ciiiln The Democratic ini'inhi i - III! polling hoards remain the -ame lust election. Inn some changes li been made in the Uepullicin rials. The olt'icial by tow nsliips lll-lllo 111 ill,. I: G. Kim lice trar; Nathan Kelfe and W. A. off, are : Hot' tier, judges; lielvidcic .1. M. land, registrar; Carroll . Cope Yi anil l.itiwooil ('. Winslow, judges; I'arkville- Raymond Stan'on. regis trar: Joel Holhiwell and Nelson Smith, judge-; Hethel K. V. Berry, registrar; ' C. Chappell ami A. . .Ionian, judges; New Hope Mis W. K. Dail, registrar; . Y. Spencer : and C. . I inphlett, jndg I!. M. Baker, registrar i; Nicanor Archie H. White, judge. " '' Kegist r.il ion anil voting place- ic iliain the same as during tin- prini.ii election held in May, and registrars ill each low riship an now registering voters for the general election. The ; registration hooks will remain open until October j!H, anil November 4 i w ill he challenge day. I'ersoiis u ho were registered and who voted in the primary election last spring need iml register again in order to In- eligible to vote November 7. i Local election officials are urging all persons eligible to vole to he registered and to cast his or her bal lot in the coming election. To date there is little interest being manifest ed in the election, the local pari; leaders being hopeful that interest will grow as election time draws near and that the county will cast at least a normal vote. Reavis Conducting Revival In Ahoskie; To Return Saturday I The Uev. B. ('. Keavis, pastor of ! the Hertford Methodist Church, is I out of tow n this week conducting a , series of revival services in the The choir in the Methodist Church was formally vested last Sunday morning and the vestments will be i worn bv the choir at all regular wor ship services which will add greatly to the dignity of the services. The vestments were furnished by the Young Men's Bible Class of the Church School. j Recorder Court In I Recess Until Tuesday Perquimans County's recorder's court was in recess this week, due to' the absence from town of Prosecu tor C. R. Holmes. All cases were continued until the October 24th term of court. Recorder's court will recess again during the week of October 80, as the October term of Superior Court will convene on that date, with Judge Q. K. Nimock presiding. Chairman Urges Public To Contribute Liber ally to Cause Present indications are that I'c : quimans County "ill fail to rai-e $4,. Mill goal for the I nited War I'Uiid unless increased interest is shown by the public and laiger contributions are forthcoming h the lesnienls of the County, it was slated todaj liy ,1. Kinniott Winslow, c. -chaiiinan '; the ( oniioit lee in , . :, . c o; 1 ne dm o Keports handed to Julian A. White, Irensu FlIlHi. I nilcil "ai I, .iinounlci i the county' the Hand- o goal . solicit, liewd. 1 to he report) will ed to appio the gold i.- M au a . While the con raged, the collimlMee Is Hot ills fact tnat I Vi 1 1 1 inaii.-. last yar I'm I in- fund s, r ln-liine- thai ad -nd tune nia have to rai-oil its gi al ! within Inn d a . ditional work ai be spent to put top in t his drive The amount ( ilic,M..n.- hvit the be laiseil Here is a small sun:, considering I be ipiola given the Slati- of Ninth Caiolina in this national campaign. The Stale's ipiola is three million, Iwu hundred fifty thousand dollars, and many counties throughout the State haw a much larger goal than l'eriuimans. The need for this money to be raised has been explained and publi cized, but the public is urged to rr member that a greater portion of it is used to continue the I SO for the use of members of mir armed furies. In speaking about the use of the money raised, Mr. Winslow pointed out that tin' pei pic wf this county should contribute liberally to this cause due to the fact that this county has benefitted considerably .luring the past two years, directly and in directly, by the war effort, and tin fact that I SO has established a club in this county to provide programs and recreation for service men sta t ioned in this county . He appealed to the people who hao not contributed to donate now help l'ei(uimans meet its goal, and ask those who di'sire to increase t In-i i contributions already made Draft Contingent Ot White Men Leave For Camp Tuesday Another contingent of white men from this county has been ordered to report at the local draft offices next Tuesday, October 24, to entrain for Fort Bragg for induction into the armed forces, according to Mrs. liuth Sumner, clerk nf the local hoard. Mrs. Sumner slated thai this call is tlii' last one for this month. Tin- men who have been mdcr,ed I' report are .lames Riddick, Hubert Dail, Clarence llarrell, Caleb While, I'oscie Lane. Richard (looilwin and Ashton ( 'i.pelainl. The local board has been notified that it will not he called upon to senn .Negro registrants for pre-iiidui-tii.i; examinations or for induction ilurinu November. As yet no information regarding calls for white men for next month has been received. Rites Held Thursday For H. B. Sedberry; Hurial In Wilmington Funeral services for H. H. Sed berry, who dieil at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. H. Cannon, last Wed nesday morning, were conducted on Thursday morning. October 12, at 10 o'clock, at the Lynch Funeral Home ! by the Rev. B. C. Reavis, assisted i by fhe Rev. H. G. Daw kins and the '-Rev. E. T. Jilson. Pallbearers were: C R. Tucker, V. N. Darden, D. S. Darden, J. P. 1 Perry, A. W. Hefren and Cecil , Winslow. Burial was made in Wilmington, North Carolina. Mr. Sedberry, who came to Hert ford about five years ago., was en gaged in the drug business all his life, working as a youth in the drug store of his father, H. O. Sedberry, and later establishing his own store mi Elizabeth City. He sold out his interest there, due to ill health, prior to coming to Hertford. While making his home here he was empjoyed as pharmacist at the Rob erson Drug Store. LIONS MEET FRIDAY The Hertford Lions Club will meet Friday night at 7:15 at Colonial Tourist Homn. 4 fc t, ' . ' ':,X 1 vHi. TT TTyn 33