J. j -- Tfl I E. "AN 1 I it -.v-.-:ilyi;.v:.:p; 3it devoted to the upBuiLDnja of Hertford and perquimans county ..j XiNumber 6T" Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, .Friday, December 22, 1944. S1.5U Per i eai V '. " : .1? -WEEKLY I I I I H C;;!3 SpSGr Cn;3 For FiindsrTp LijIiWlliljtlc FfeSd .6.. V? i' J .i1..fi-;-vv;! .rf--wtr .. '.l . . Committee Sets Goal at $3,000 For Projea U Start January 9 A Committee composed of mem lew of the Lions . end Rotary Clubs , and other interested parties met on .Wednesday morning and voted to ..sponsor a drive fqr funds to provide floodlights' for the. High School ath letic field for football, and baseball games to. be Pl&ffd vhere. t -V The-irojectaOfen under consid i' eration for several weeks, following the increased 'interest .shown in ,; high school athletics during the re , - I- -cent -football season. r,s At the7 meeting Wednesday morn je tngithe. group 'set a goal, of $3,000 ; h rto be raised by public contribution to ' provide floodlights, bleachers and y shower house for the - field, and voted to conduct a drive to raise the ' funds, beginning January 0 and run v ning through January 19. , . In aaai tlon to the committee soliciting ; funds, each school child of the coun ' ty will be asked to solicit funds and , F. T. Johnson, county school super "! intendent, announced that a half-day holiday will be given the classroom , raising the largest amount for the project ( . - At the meeting .Wednesday the committee set up n .organiation to ; '"carry out the plan and named Max i - Campbell and Joe H. Towe as co chairmen' of the committee; L. C 1 Winshwr and T. T. Johnson as co treasurers, and A. W. Hefren as sec- retarjr. A number of solicitors will ' U named vby the o-chelrmen to , handle- the-canvass for ' funds, atad . ihes fcertor will U asked to meet with th ce- -..'Us on January I. ';. ; t . .N ont:.uct!n win he started on the project t the- foal needed for V 4 project raised, , and an rbaH oboy the .amount for JIng floodlights and -chera ' ! be used 'to-., purchast i ..:t;e ftju , nt for the flayers. Auuiuonai t lormauon J jn ' ' a UUi M!e'u::ip!!rcli The Hertford -churches, in coopera ' tlon with the Hertford USO, will present "The Shepherds' Christmas," ' a cantata, at the Methodist Church, - Sunday afternoon at 4:40 o'clock, and , again at the Harvey Point N. A. A. ' S., Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Edgar J. Hill, UEQ director, stated today. Musk lovers will be pleased with the cantata to be presented, accord ing to advance notices of the' musi cal, and the public is cordially in-, vited to attend the service. ' , The choir, composed of forty voices from the choirs of the three Hertford churches, has been practic ing hard for several weeks to give the best cantata ever presented here. Soloists will be Misa Margaret Pearson, Mrs. Charles; Johnson and Sgt r Esthor Holcomb, U. S. M. C W. R. A double tiio, , Mesdamea Tucker, Roberts, Hess, White, Rid- dick and Mathews, will sing '"The Star They Followed." vi . A Wlver offering will be taken at jis-vut service and, aAev, the,' nominal,. cu-pense oi Uw CXnlSurna e Men r met, the balance will be turned over to a local charity for providing ' C! ristmas cheer to needy families. The Hertford UISO wiir .'entertain ' p -vice personnel at an' -Id-fashioned riutma party on December. tS. at i UCO Club. The party will start Si o'clock,' and mil service -per - 1 is Invited.- -Christmas dance wilt be held' at "SO-n Tuesday night,- Decern -3, as a part of the - Christmas . prcram.,- ' - :cc!j C?:3 Vcc!t .nn!w3 Holidiiys ...... orquhnana- County Schools ' will i Friday, December.. 22, for , d of one . week for Christmas ys, P. T. Johnson, superiatend announred this week, s schools will close Friday afi rn and will re-c. n on T'onday, -y 1, tlr. Johr a B-'.l 3. Do-Lr t i of a daughter, i tn--ie r I is - : lldf D:y Session On Perqufmans Recorder's Court wasl ui session most of Tuesday morning, clearing a docket of nine cases. Much time was consumed In hearing the evidence in a case charging Er nest iWilson, Negro, with drunken driving. Judge Johnson returned a verdict of guilty in the case and suspended a 30-day sentence upon payment of a fine of $75 and costs of court Thomas Felton, (Negro, was given a 80-day suspended sentence and or dered to pay a fine of $30 and costs on a charge of speeding. The sen tence was also suspended upon con dition the defendant does not drive again until a license is secured. D. L. Thrasher, charged with driving without license, failed to ap pear for a hearing and his bond was ordered forfeited. George Frieson plead guilty to driving with improper lights and paid the costs of court I. P, Moran was taxed with court costs, sifter pleading guilty to driv ing without a license. Clyde Small, Jr., was assessed the costs of court, after pleading guilty to driving with improper lights. Henry Jackson paid the costs of. court for- dnving with improper. lights. ! Willie" Webb, Negro, was found not guilty of assault on a female. Roberts, and Fleet Cooper, Neg roes, both frequent visitors' to the Recorder's Courts Wetewamed Tl .- i -K J I Judge Johnson that they will receive . mop up Jap positions and the situa a road sentence the next time . they j tion is improving. American forces appear in, court charged with dis-1 have taken a terrific toll of Jap ship turbing the peace.) .The couple war! ping and planes during the past fined fio and ordered to pa7 tne costs on that , charge, in court Tues day.' i.'- - v'- ''' Ration Board Isries 26 Rlctcrist Permits To Purchase Tires Twenty-six motorists received cer- ' tificates 4o purchase tires from the .. cal ration board during last weex, according to Mrs. Helen Davenport, clerk of the Board, s Passenger type permits were is sued to James Stallings, 2; B, H. MilUkan, 1; J. W. Chappell, 1 Mrs. Olivia Hobbs, 2i - J. W. Jackson, Jr, 1 Charles Winslow, H W. E. Black, 2; J. L, Winslow, "2; Carlton Klxon, 2; Robert Dart,' J; G. C. Fordice, I; Mrs. Reta Finneran, l! Mrs. E. B. Skinner, 2; C. G. Stephens, 2; Grant Dail, Moran Sutton, 2; Georjre renton, lj S. H. Manly, V, A. E. Godreyrv2; Robert Spear, 2; Harold Thatch, 2; John Daniel, 2, and, Alton Jord.:n, 2. " T-nv-'t t:rn went to Joe Hivrrell, 2; ,iju".uw, 1, and W, .M. Mor. 'Hit ., ' TS. F 9JSMl . We've been searching for c little different way of expressing our Season's Greeting to our friends, for words that would convey the true feeling we have in our hearts. " """ There are lots of fancy phrases and we tried some of them out. But somehow they just didn't get the job done. Every time we came back to the tried and prov en formula "Merry Christmas." It's time-worn phrase, and many times ex pressed without feeling. But to us, it is the only ap propriate sentiment. It, above all others, carries the true spirit of the occasion. So, we'll look no more for fancy phrases Merry Christmas. THE WEEKLY PUBLISHERS 1 Sya THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES Mews from the Western Front un- ! derwent a blackout tms ween, xoiuw - a fnnoivA th i Tur ing tne counwjr-""'""' - mans launched at several points near the Belgian border. It is known that the Germans, hitting at weak points in the American line, where various Armies joined forces, gained from 18 to 20 miles in terri tory and have recaptured part of Belgium. American forces of the First Army, aided by Allied Air Forces, have been attempting to sta blize the front since the opening of the Nazi thrust Allied war leaders state there is no cause for undue alarm, but say that the Nazi drive is serious. At the same time, the Ger mans, while disrupting the Allied plans for new drives into Germany, have laid themselves open for heavy blows, for they have left their heav ily defended homeland to move into the open where superior American material and supplies can be used against them. While the German counter offensive has been mainly at positions opposite the American First and Ninth Armies and British troops, a report also stated that Nazi resistance has been increased aarainst the American" Third and Seventh XnnJes, . . General MacArthur's forces in the Philippines are moving ahead with their invasion of the Island of Min-. doro, and reports state that .Jap re sistance is weak. On the Island of Leyte American troops continue to week. Air attacks over the Philip pine area have destroyed over 700 Jap -planea B-29s have raided the Jap. homeland several times this week and havy damage was 'reported to airplane factories and. , munition works.' ""V.-,- ' ; - ' o President Roosevelt returned to the Whita House this week", after a vacation, and quickly won the nomi nation of his appointees to the State Department.- . In a press conference the President announced there . was no such' document . as the v Atlantic Charter, in answering questions rela tive to the stand being taken by England and Russia over territory in Europe. ' Churchill, it was reported this week, faces a debate in Parlia ment over, the position he has taken in .. ureece. .', RECEIVES 1COMMISSION Doxier Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Sutton; will graduate Saturday, December .23, from Baldosta, Moody Field, Ga., ,and receive his commis sion as !i ? lieutenant in the U. a Army, tient Sutton is expected to arrive home Sunday to spends the holidays with his wife and daughter. PS? mm Christmas Services Methodist Church Christmas music and sermons pre paratory to the celebration of Christmas have been used at the Hertford Methodist Church for the past two Sundays. Next Sunday being December 24, special music appropriate for the season will be rendered by the choir and a Christ mas sermon will be delivered by the Rev. B. C. Reavis, pastor, at 11 a. m., on the subject, "Ringing the Bells of Bethlehem." The text will be found in Isaiah 9:6. At 9:45 a. m., the members of the church school will assemble in their respective departmental rooms where brief Christmas services will be held. At 10 a. m., all departments will come together in the auditorium in the educational building where a special Christmas program will be given and gifts presented to those present. Santa will be there in per son to serve the children. A Announced elsewhere in this Darjer there will be a Christmas cantata given in the mam auditorium . io a naio or rosepomt lace, bhe car of the Hertford Methodist Church on ried a bouquet of white carnations Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'cIock. j and wore a diamond cross, a family All the choirs of our town are join- heirloom. inor in this under the direction or Edo-ar J. Hill and Miss Margaret Pearson, with Miss Kate Blanchard af the organ. This promises to be a beautiful and impressive service and notice is served to those who wish to attend that if they want a seat they should come early as a large crowd is expected. Beside that, for the benefit of the program, those who are expecting to attend are urged . to be there and seated before 4:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Funeral Services Held Sunday For Mrs. Anna B. Landing Mrs.' Anna Belle Landing, wife of W. D. Landing, died suddenly at her home in Hertford on Friday after noon at one o'clock, following a stroke. - She was a native and life-long resi dent of Perquimans County and was an active member of the Hertford Methodist Church. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by two sons, William- B. Landing, now with the armed forces to the Philippines, and Emmett E. Landing, U. S. M. C, who is in Hawaii threa: daughters, Mrs. Na than Sawyer of Perquimans, , Miss Bell Landing,, a student at the Uni versity of Maryland, and Miss Mar ine' Landing; tw brothers; ; Henry Sawyer ,f Fort Bragg, and Aubrey (Sawyer;; of South Mill, "and three grandsons. V:;,- .Funeral services wari; conducted Sunrby afternoon, by the1 Rev. B. C. Keavis, pastot of the Hertford Math odibt Church. , 1 . - .! y- Hertford Busy Scene As Shoppers Rush For Scarce Items Stores and Business Houses to Close Mon day and Tuesday Hertford's street scene was a lively one this week as shoppers vied in a last-minute rush to purchase scarce merchandise for Christmas. Reports, in metropolian areas and locally, in dicate that retail sales reached their peak this week and that stores en joyed one of the best sales' periods in years. Most of the shoppers found diffi culty in locating just what they wanted to buy. due to the fact that so much merchandise as purchased in former years had gone to war . . . and was not available anywhere, but the holiday spirit seemingly had fal len on all and a jovial mood was evident. As always, one of the busiest places in town was the postoffice and, according to Silas M. Whedbee, postmaster, some kind of a record for the local postoffice was set on Monday, when the clerks handled the largest amount of mail ever dis patched from here. Despite the rush jn all stores no ticed here this week, local merchants still have a sizeable stock of Christ mas merchandise left for the selec tion of those who have not completed their Christmas shopping, and for the convenience of the public, mow of the stores will be open evenings through Saturday night. Patrons of local stores are re quested to remember that all stores will close Saturday night for the Christmas holidays and will not re open until Wednesday morning, and all should buy accordingly. The two-day holiday for Christ mas is a custom local stores have been observing for the past several years, in order to give the merchants and clerks an extra day for Christ mas, following the holiday r h of business. ws Spoken At Miami Against a background of soft candlelight, palms and white gladioli, Miss Helen Robbing Vick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick, of Hert ford, became the bride of Warrant Officer Charles William Miller, son of the late W. A. Miller, of Harris burg, Pa., during a double ring cere mony solemnized at five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, December 9, In the Biscayne Boulevard Lutheran Church, Miami, Florida. The Rev. R. M. Wahl, pastor of the church, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her mother, was lovely in a white nylon wedding gown, made from a parachute sent by the groom while serving foreign duty. Her finger-tip veil oi Drioai illusion was attacned Mrs. Walter W. Collins, of Jack- sonville, Fla., a cousin of the bride, was the only attendant. iShc wore a bouffant soft blue taffeta with a fitted bodice and a frock heaif- TBIMI s i hi Hr-virot vn 1 H JsM AH A vi iwii ev shaped neckline. She carried a bou-Jat quet of pink carnations. Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal party was entertained at a reception at Old Saratoga Inn in Miami After a short wedding trip the couple will make their home in Key West, Fla. Mrs. Miller has been employed as secretary to the president of Major Loomls for the past several years. Warrant Officer Miller, U. S. N., recently returned from active over seas duty, has served the past 20 fears in the U. S. Navy Air Corps. Guests at the wedding and recep tion were aunts of the bride, Mrs. J. H. Thrower of Littleton, and Mrs. A. 3. Smith of Jacksonville. Fla.. and a cousin, Mrs. E. G. McMullan. of Greenville. Draft Board Has Two Preinduetion Calls For Next Month Still handicapped by the lack of members, the :.. Perquimans Draft Board has received two pre-lnductibn calls to be filled during the month of January, Mrs. .RutbJ Sumner, clerk of the Board, announced , this ;The first call is for five Colored selectees; who art to report at Fort Bragg on January 4, and the 'last eall is for tw whits registrants, who will be ordered up on January SO. Indians Win Second Court Game Downing Central High 41-32 Girls Lose Thriller Narrow Margin Two Points By of Perquimans I Huh School's basket- bull team won its second straight game of tV.e season last Friday rtiglu by overwhelming the strong Central High School team 41 to 32. The game was hard-fought throughout, with the Ii.dians leading all the way. However, tht play became exceed ingly fast durng the second half, and somewhat rough. In the preliminary game the In dian Squaws lost a thriller by a two point margin to the Central girls, 20-18, after leading most- of the way. The local girls missed several set-up shots during the closing minutes of play and thereby lost an opportunity to mark up their second victory. The Sguaws gained a 9 to 4 ad vantage during the first quarter, played even with the Central team during the second, but Central came back strong to out-point Perquimans 7 to 3, and 4 to 3 in the third and final periods. The Indians opened their game fast to win a 16 to 9 lead at the end of the first quarter. Wilson hit four times, Perry twice and Nowell and Wood once each. Central closed the gap during the second period by scoring 12 points to Perquimans' 10. Central out-pointed the local boys again in the third period 6 to 5, and at that time the score stood 81 27 for Perquimans. In the final period the Indians tallied ten more points while holding Central to five, and the game ended 41 to 32. Scoring by the Indians was: I Wilson 13, Berry 13, Nowell 10, I Wood 4 and White 1. For Central: ( Davis tallied 15 points, Sivills 10, ; Allen 4, Sutton 2, and Parker 1. I The game last Friday marked the ! last game prior to the Christmas I holidays and practice was discon tinued until after school opens on i January 1. ThjjdjanarTT play ! Moyock on January fi to resume their schedule. Elizabeth City Pair Confesses Guilt In Series Of Robberies Daniel and Fred Muse, ex-convicts of Elizabeth City, confessed to officers of this area last Thursday night that they had committed the breaking and entering of the Towe Motor Company office, and other places in this section, in recent rob beries and carried away the safes from the places. The two Muse brothers, suspected to have had a part in the robberies, were picked up last week in Edenton anu neia ror questioning. Alter a hearing in Washington, N. C, on charge of stealing a car, the youths were again questioned regarding the robberies and it was announced that they finally admitted the crimes. Federal, State and local law en forcement officers worked steadily on the case until it was broken bv the confessions. It is expected that the youths will be tried on charges the first term of Superior Coun held in Edenton or Elizabeth City. 1 Z j War Bond Sales PaSS 600 Thousand Mark; Drive Closes Dec 30 Sales of war bonds in Perquimans County, during the Sixth War Loan, now stand at $619,118, according to R. M. Riddick, chairman of the local War Finance Committee, who added that this figure represents an over subscription of the county's quota by 279 percent. Sale of Series E bonds, up to Wednesday, amounted to $74, 118, or slightly more than the $65, 000 quota. Mr. Riddick pointed out that the Sixth War Loan comes to a close on December 80, and that the Govern ment is urging everybody to buy as many additional Series E bonds aa they possibly can, to help put the na tion over its Series E bond . quota for this drive. The Sixth War Loan, nationally, has been met insofar as the overall quota is concerned, but the quota for Series E bonds is still short of the mark and ft is the desire of the Government that individuals meet this quota as well as the quota for other -types of . bonds. The local chairman, , again thia week, ' expressed his thanks and ap preciation to ths people of - this county for their splendid cooperation in making the Sixth War Loan a complete , success here. WtKl 4'