. Pack Two Perquimans Weekly Published every rriday byTh erquimans Weekly, V jS? consisting of JoH Zpbell and Max R- Camp jk matt .ve.noe. b, IJ4. Hertford, North Cawta ,er the Act of March, lW SUBSCRIPTION RATES n.e Year , e thanks, obltaarie! Cards of tnansa, ... u. solutions of rpe. .iarged for at regular advertuing Advertising finished b, equesu "HM1AY. DECEMBER 29, 1944 Farmers' Interest in inc ican far. The interest oftte .g em mer in a well-ordereu phasiied byS Cornell and Dean W. 1. Myer , I,nCeS.l Driary problem of agn fiat "the primary v culture becomes U) tne sjatSfeSys believe that K increase restriction programs can i t.Ul farm income altug" in n-;ay successful r-se the to a. i erne for some crop- The ditT hTtorais farm ineome under r'e enf government programs, it was neces ary to add parity pay "The Cornell professors point out that the price of cotton, with the ex that me v w period, has modity prices in Europe. o wheat -lffiaiLCucU oar fam price of potatoes has fol "edTe 'general levels of J d;ty prices in the wor d. as has the New York price of milk- Naval Power At Its Best The landing of American sold.ers on the island of M.ndoro , ir .the 1 ..ilippino group, reportedly made without the loss of a man repre sents an astonishing projection of naMoviPn7efrrom Leyte Gulf through Surigao Strait and the Sulu Sea, the American striking force navigated waters ringed by Japanese landing i;e,ds and, supposedly, the "happy halting grounds" of Japanese sub marines and torpedo craft. That the expedition was success ful attests not only the thoroughness , i defeats inflicted upon the Japan-e-e Navy, but the growing impunity itn which our fleet disregards lu.,d-hased aircraft. The carrier ship strength of the American lleet has reached such proportions in the Pacific that it is now possible for tamer-based air cr...t to overwhelm Japanese land based aiitraft. .Striking from the decks of their carriers, American planes blast Japanese aircraft sta tioned at island bases and manage to maintain aerial supremacy despite frantic Japanese efforts to send in aerial reinforcements. It should be noted that the use of amphibious tactics alone has made puss;ble the steady advance of Am erican ground forces into the Philip pine islands. Such tactics are only possible to the nation which con t,.is the surrounding waters. In telligently and boldly utilized, as in thi present instance, amphibious of fenses catch the enemy unaware, in his weak places, and move forward, with slight losses, to inevitable vic tory. Britain And The Greeks The debate in the House of Com mons on Britain's Greek policy should be noted by American critics of that policy. Then it will be clear that no single nation has a monopoly on liberalism and humaneness, or need set itself up as the only guard ian of genuine freedom. Things were said in Commons that were both sharper and more di rectly effective than pin pricking from the American side of the At lantic could be. Mr, Eden's reply to the critics was somewhat reassuring. Moreover, these criticisms moved to ward their abjective without disturb ing Allied unity and without giving comfort to an enemy watching for every sign of discord among the Al lies, to bolster the morale of his own soldiers and home front. It is not widely enough known in the Lnited States that British pol icy in Greece has been under attack in Britain itself, not for the last few days only, as it has in America, but 'for months. True, the attack has not been sufficiently strong to pre- ,tAX CAMPBELL BALLauACK news Mr. and Mis. Jay Baker of Nor folk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Baker. Miss Mary Lee Perry, cadet nurse of Norfolk General Hospital, Nor folk, spent the week-end with ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Perry. Miss Ann Mansfield of Norfolk, Va., spent several days here visiting relatives. A. J. Parrish has returned home from a Norfolk, Va., hospital, where he was a patient. Mrs. Shelton Nixon, Mrs. Troy Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Good win spent Thursday at Suffolk, Va., shopping. Miss Thelma Elliott, cadet nurse of Norfolk General Hospital, Nor folk, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin spent Sunday afternoon at Gregory visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Cope- land and Mrs. L. A. Goodwin. i . n -ii 1 nn1 Mrs. John Rogerson Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodwin ana cnnuren viai;u uu ami. Goodwin at Edenton Sunday after- Mrs F.lizaheth Ouincv and Mrs. Tom Nixon visited Mrs. Shelton Nixon Thursday afternoon. I Classified and Legals i'sLOOD-TKSTED BABY CHICKS, 15 breeds, sexed or straight run. Shipped anywhere postpaid. Whole sale, retail. Write for prices. Ad dress Seeley's Chicks, 214 Church St., Norfolk 10, Va ItJ UCt NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of C. D. Layden, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C on or before the 18th day df December, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. i All persons indebted to said estate ... . l ; manl will please mane immeuitue mjnucv. This 18 day of December, 1944. WALTER L. LAYDEN, ; Administrator of C. D. Layden. dec.22,29,jaii.5,12,19,2o. j NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Virginia D. Hudgins, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, I N. C. on or before the 28 day ot October, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of Octoher, 1944. ELIZABETH HUDGINS, Executrix of Virginia D. Hudgins. dec.22,29,jan.5,12,19,26. North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court Term 194 NOTICE Ruth Branch, Plaintiff Vs. William Edward Branch, Defendant William Edward Branch, the De fendant above named, will take notice that an action for divorce, entitled above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony be tween the plaintiff and Hie defend ant, upon the grounds of two years separation, and the defendant will take notice that he is required tc appear within 30 days after publica tion hereof, as prescribed by law, at the Court House of Perquimans County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 27th day of December, 1944. W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court Perquimans County. (SEAL) dec.15,22,21 Jan.4. North Carolina, Perquimans County. Earle Morse and C. L. Stallings, Ad ministrators of the Estate of Ray Morse, Deceased, Earle Morse, In vent the policy from marching to its present crisis. But it is doubtful if anything that can be said three thousand miles away will prove more salutary, unless the speakers are in a position themselves to sat isfy the Greek hunger for food as well as liberty and able to offer de pendable guarantees for the security of Britain's which is to say, at this moment, the Allies' Mediterranean life line. It is quite in order for the United States Government to make clear that it has no hand in policies suspected of aiming at a return of the mon archy to Greece despite evident widespread opposition among the Greeks to such a government It is useful for liberal elements every where to get behind those in Britain to insure progressive policies in in ternational affairs. But it is essen tial that these pressures shall not become an influence for division among the nations who have been forced to fight together for their freedom in a Nazi-menaced world. Christian Science Monitor, wr. ana mrs. xvoy V"7" acres, more or less, children of Bethel visited Mr. and10' ,Di. .... . ' 1 THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD. NC." FRIDAY,. JPECEMKR 23, 194. dividually. , ' and wife; ' Pauline Morse 0. X Stallings, Individual- Iy. and wife. Rovena Stalling and. Florence Morse, wiaow, trewuvu- era. vs. Virgie M. Stallings and husband. L. P. Stallings and Ray Morse, Jr., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, made in the certain special proceeding as above entitled, the un dersigned commissioner will, on the 29th day of January, 1945, at 12:30 o'clock P. M., at the Uourt House door in Hertford. N. C, offer for ; sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in New Hope Township, Pas quotank County, N. C, bounded on the north by the lands of Earnest Morse, on the east by Deep Creek, on the south by the lands of Earnest Morse, and on the west by the lands of Earnest Morse, containing 40 This 18th day of December, 1944. P. W. McMULLAN, Commissioner. cioiq NOTICE OF SALE Bv virtue of the authority vested :,, tv,D nnrlpraiirned bv heirs of S. T. Sutton, I shall offer for sale at pub-, hc auction for cash, to the hignesi bidder, on January 10th, 1945, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., the property be longing to the S. T. Sutton estate, set out and described below: First Tract: Being in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, N. C, and beginning on the north side oi Harvey Neck Road, on the western boundary line of the property he- onging to the Chas- Johnson estate, thence north 6 degrees east 4.5U chains, north 62 degrees 30 minu:es west 0.75 chains, north 6 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains, north 39 de grees 30 minutes east 13.38 chains, north 57 degrees 50 minutes wen 14.56 chains, south 37 degrees 30 minutes west 19.33 chains, south 38 degrees west 7.71 chains, south 6 de grees west 3.90 chains, south 20 de grees west 4.42 chains, south 19 de- HELPING OIL THE 10 SINCLAIR REFINERIES are geared for war. Photo above shows a newly completed Sinclair catalytic cracking unit producing lOOoctane gasoline the super fuel that gives our war planes added speed and power. Today great Sinclair refineries axe producing not only 100-octane gasoline but also aviation gasoline for training planes, and fuels and lubricants for all , types of mechanized equipment from jeeps to battleships. 13 000 TIIES. i.M.I, nm enough Butylene for synthetic rubber to for T.N.T., the high explosive in .; t help make 13,000 average size tires daily, bombs, block busters, sea and land aainet, f .,: Vi BUY gree $6 minute ,weef 2.1$ chaw , back to said HarveyNeck RoW), thence aliig-aaU..ioad-iioiAh;C7t-4r. wca .o ,vu grees au mmutes wesi enaws, thence across said roao. sputb ( grees 30 minutes east 18 chains, south 73 degrees 30 minutes east 9 chains, south 78 degrees 80 minutes east 6.13 cliains, north 39 degrees 30 minutes east 4.50 chains north 22 degrees 30 minutes east 4.00 chains, north 73 degrees 30 minutes east Z chains, north 88 degrees 30 minutes east i chains, north 84 degrees 30 minutes east 1.75 chains, south 64 degrees 30 minutes east 2.63 chams, north 4'J degrees 30 minutes east 1.76 chains, north 39 degrees 30 minutes east 2.63 chains, north 52 degrees 30 minutes east 1.25 chains, north 60 degrees 30 minutes east 5.50 chains, thence north 41 degrees 30 minutes we.-t 1.50 chains bapk across said Harvey Neck Road to point of be ginning, containing 86 acres by sur vey. Second Tract: Being in Betnel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and beginning on the south side of U. S. Highway No. 17, on the western boundary line of property belonging to Frank Ainsley, thence south 77 degrees 30 minutes west 2.25 chains across said highway; thence north 83 degrees 30 minutes west 10.50 chains, north 1 degree 30 minutes east 7 chains, north 41 de grees 30 minutes west 22.25 chains, south 29 degrees 30 minutes west 1.25 chains, south 82 degrees 3fJ minutes west 4.13 chains, south 51 chains, south 13 degrees 30 minutes east 4.75 chains, south 31 degrees 30 minutes east 3.13 chains south 25 de grees 30 minutes 2.75 chains,- south 30 degrees east 3 chains, south 33 degrees 30 minutes 2.50 chrins, south 39 degrees 30 minutes east 2.88 chains to the Harvey Neck Roaa, thence along said Harvey Neck Road south 86 degrees 30 minutes east 6.57 chains, south 67 degrees east 5.28 chains, thence north 19 degrees 80 minutes east 2.15 chains, north 20 degrees east 4.42 chains north 6 de grees east 3.90 chains, north 38 de grees east 7.71 chains, north 37 de- mhIhiw T. N. T. iiw4.f tnalcM Tolun MORE WAR ! I 4 gees $0 ihutes 19.83 chains, thenoe norttt 40tdegrees 0 -minutes X7i degrees to fttne , point of beginning, containing lob acres oy survey. , r . Third - tract: 1 jBeing 'j in elM TownahirV lvumaas JCouty; . "Cy and being set out and described;;, as Tract NoV 4 and 5 tfithe plaVt corded iaPlat Book No. 1,: plat No. 154, containing 89 acres more or toss.- -r' ' t Fourth Tract: Being .in Bethel Township,. Perquimans County, N. v., and being, a part of the Pratt .prop erty, being those certain two tracts of land, each marked "No. 4," one containing nine (9) acres and tne other forty-six and one-half (46) acres, as shown and described ui Plat Book 2, page 12, Public Regis try of Perquimans County, North Carolina, which see for further ref erence. Fifth Tract: A one-half undivided interest in the following: The. re mainder, subject to the life time right of Mrs. Robert S. Pratt, in and to that part of a certain tract of land in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, known as the Robert S. Pratt, deceased, tract, covered by the dowes right of said Mrs. Robert S. Pratt, assigned to her by report of jurors registered in Perquimans County in Book 1, page 107, the said tract being marked "Dower" on plat recorded in Plat Book 2, page 12, Public Registry of Perquimans County, North Carolina, for further description, see Deed Book 10, page 401. Sixth Tract: Being in the Town of Hertford, and beginning at tne point of intersection of the southern line of Main Street with the western boundary line of lot No. 3, as shown on plat of the property of "Shannon house, Elliott and Shannonhouse," which is duly recorded in Map Book No. 2, at page 45, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, to which reference is hereby made, and running thence north 85 degrees 50 minutes west along said southern line of Main Street, fifty (50) feet, thence south 4 degrees 10 minutes west ninety-two and eight tenths (92.8) feet to the northern WAY TO VICTORY SINCLAIR DEALERS are backing up our boys abroad. by keeping vitally needed cars on the road at home. . "See your Sinclair dealer regularly. DOM.stS AND STAMPS OWE, A ainoflot; Not. ' shown plat, - thence ao-uth 85 ,de; majostmfc.fmy (60) feet ' western Jine Sf lot No, 3 as . b said Jthence' north 4 - alttnif this Itjwindafjr t &t No. S ninety- alght-tentaa, lz.o) xeei.to ..u . of beginning' ' , Sixth Tract:' Being in the Tov, Hertford, N. C and beginning et point of intersection of thewt line of Church Street with U f em boundary line pf , the J. Pre ton A Bro. Store wroperty, thence 63 deg. 45 minutes, west 85.41 i. , ' thence north 85 degrees, WrtLiV i west 75.08 feet to the eastern hot'- i ary of line of lot "A," as show 1 y plat recorded in Plat Book & i ; 45, Public Registry of Perqui ji County, thence south 4 degrees It minutes west 83.1 feet to the north- era boundary of lot No. 6, shown on said nlat. thence south 85 degrees CO minutes east, a line parallel. w!!h Main Street, approximately 99 itet to Church Street, thence north, ,25 degrees . 45 minutes east approxi mately 22 feet to the said Brough ton property, the place of tegJwuVrs being lot No. , as shown on u-J plat. ' &v" t The Fifth Tract and Sixth Tract, described above, will be sold as whole, and if such sale amounts , to more than the individual sale, it will ' be conveyed as a whole. .rty' ' , Terms of one-half cash, and ote . for balance of purchase price, w- cured by deed of trust on property j purchased, may be had. r J The bids received on this property will lie open for a period of ten fey for advance bids. I A cash deposit of five per Jeen will be required of the successf bidder or bidders, and the unde signed hereby reserves the right t refund any deposit so made, and ) : 1 1 u : . . .j t as icjcui any vi txu uiua iiiaue xur purchase of any of the above scribed property. This 18th day of December, -CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Attorney for Heirs of S. T. S' dec 29i m ib"""""" r - A x - f ' .

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