CAGE FOt R THE PEROVIMA P "vvw " "n N. C J R'D.Y L-..-.- ,t 1 1. If i Jr. I v. II ft' II It 1 I A - "j "v' 'is viafaU visited Mr. and iuu v: y. Hurdle Sunday evening. 1 Mf "SeUr ferry and Elmer Perry of V!-is' visited MraZ. D. White hunday. ' ,r Mr. and Mrs. Bill Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sumner f Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. Nellie Sumner Sunday. ... Those visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. (j- Hurdle Sunday af ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. N. is. Jordan and daughter, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Jordan, Mrs. Nate Jordan and urUie Sunday. Wilbur Stallings of Norfolk, Va., spent the Christinas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. , v. Stallings. Mather Hurdle of Chapanoke span Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Bill Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baccus visited Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Winslow of Bel videre Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sumner visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Chappell of New Hope Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Roache and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stallings of daughter Brenda of the Newland winfan spent Sunday with Mr. and section, biiu mi. aim .u jirs, j. v. Stallings. ley of Hertford. jjr. and Mrs. J. C. Baccus and Mr. and Mrs. J. Vivian Hurdle of familv sent Christmas with his sis- South Norfolk, Va., spent the week-: t Mr and Mrs E j. Howell of '?? Up thz Ettrma'Rczd Goths Ycnhs end with his mother, Mrs. Charles W. Hurdle. Mrs. Sarah Hurdle and mother of Chapanoke are spending the week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Meads, Jr., losie Lee and Miriam Jeun and Mrs. IJ. C. Meads and Beliy of Elizabeth City visited Mr. anil Mrs. J. C. Uac rus Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Hurdle and Jackie accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. 2. Hurdle and Eleanor to Suffolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mai ion Harris and Koy of Elizabtth City visited Mrs. Charles M. Hurdle Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McCollough of Brooklyn, New York, spent the Christmas holidays with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Hurdle and family visited Mr. and Mrs. O. t). Ferrell oi VVoodville Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sumner or South Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell and family of Princess Anne, Va., spent Christmas with Mrs. Nellie Sumner. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pierce and fam ily and Mather Hurdle took Christ mas supper with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pierce of the Hertford highway. Mr. and Mrs. Claude McCollough Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Stallings took Christmas dinner and supper with her daughters, Mrs. Ernest S and Mrs. J. Van Roache. KNTEKTA1NS AT DINNER Mrs. K. A. Perry entertained at a dinner at her home Christinas day. Those uiesent were Mr. and Mrs. J. II. 1'ciry, Mrs. Fred T. Evans and family, Hallott, Joseph and Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Baccus and son Elton, Mrs. Mildred Dail and daugh ter Hulda, Charlie Crovvder, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sutton and Sidney Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hobos and Alice Brinn, Nellie Sawyer and Doris Jean Russell of Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Perry and fam ily, Jay and Daisy, Elizabeth, of Sunbury, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stal lings, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh B. Per ry, of Richmond. Among those who came in the af ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Doll Rountree of Corapeake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brinkley and son of Suf folk, Mrs. John Gatlin. Mrs. Homer Darrin, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Curtis, of Bethel, Sidney Curtis of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Perry, Mrs. ban White and son of Edenton, Mr. and Mrs. George Haislip ahd family, 'Smitty and Ann Perry of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atkins and daughter of Richmond. THE 1944 TAX BOOKS HAVE ARRIVED AND ARE NOW OPEN We have been delayed more than a month opening- the new tax books, and we will thank all who have not paid their 1944 taxes to come for ward promptly and pay same. Save the penalty by paying- your 1944 taxes now. Town of Hertford W. (J. NEWBY, Clerk '" .-n.i.....,i. .,...,., . , . ,. ,:, .. .. r -. v'; v.vT: . 'Nv? - - ?,rw Noitli Cariilina I.. . . s. - ation stacks up 1. Ms; areas need all the dor i t. ahd the counuy: di. t f five times as 'many d now have, , . . ' Some rural people use ci' but Dr. Hamilton paints per cent .of ' the land ar. State lies, mow than five mih the town ; and : cities where"In the' day of the ai five miles or more may not 1 be a great barrier, : ta re., physician lie saye. "Yet, :' per cent of our farm fami own automobile and less t cent have telephones .4. . t emergencies." - - Dr. Hamilton, Mary E.'floll. and Margaret M. Cole suggest t one way to get more doctors in country is to build-more hospitals ' health centers in small rural ci-t munities. ..(i ' Buy More War Bonci Army Siintl Corps Pbot Here are some of our boys moving up the newb opened Burma road on their way to show the Nips vrhat it's like to be up against the American Army, rne uermans nave already round out and now it's tne Japs turn to learn the hard way. Lend your dollars to Uncle Sam by buying: more War Bonds so that the war in the Far East may be over that much sooner. From U.S. Treasury SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. William Whedbee and family spent the week-end at Norfolk with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr. Mrs: James W. Harrell and chil dren are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Harrell near Eure. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell visited Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Barclift at Nixon ton Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Mercer near Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell and Miss Eunice Harrell visited Mrs. Nellie Sumner at Hurdletown Mon day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Benton and family of Driver, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Arberry Benton of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Benton and family of Princess Anne, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr., of Norfolk, Elmer Ben ton and family of Newport News, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Benton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Benton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Russell, all of Route 3, visited Mrs. George Benton Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Harrell, Miss Eunice Harrell, Vernon Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Harrell, Pat and Jesse Vance Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Benton, Anne and John Mar vin Benton all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright entertained the following on Christ mas day: Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Eure and family, Mrs. J. H. Harretl, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cart wright and Mrs. Eddie Hayden. ft' yaw HunHw an high quality fertilizer helping you Ineraata your ylaMs and your profit- Then Order your RED STEER FERTILIZER EARIYI Increasingly difficult labor conditions, material shortages and tram portaflon delays make early ordering necessary if you ore to have your fertilizer on hand when you start to plant. Figure your needs and place your order with us now. Swift's Red Steer Fertilizer is the same high quality fertil izer Swift has always sold under this popular brand, it b the fertilizer with the extra plant foods that will help you get top yields and top quality. Don't delay! Order noWl Use Brinn's Topgrade For Potatoes and Special Crops 5-10-5 rr ItMUAll FIH.II I ft 0 f " 1HI J Ut- f Vigoro , . . . I . -j-i . J The I -MH:' IT Complete I I PUnt 1 J Food 1 I . If IPrACH fORMIM -jn -v , j D. F. REED Warehouseman For Convenience of All total Areata . , ' HERTFORD, N. C ' i-VlJJLKL NEWS The Rev. and Mrs. li. H. Millikan were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Winslow Sunday. Murray White and son, Jack, of Winston-Salem, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chappell and family of Whiteston, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. White and family were dinner guests in the honie of E. L. Chappell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White and son, Jay, of Norfolk, li. and Mrs. E. O. Copeland and son, uauuiu 01 Eliza beth City, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wins low and iais Irene Copeland were guests of Mrs. It. 1'. White and Miss Catnenne . ...... 0.1 Cli. i-b day. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kendall of Washington, D. C, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith dur ing the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Winslow and family and I. S. Winslow spent Christmas day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Winslow of Whiteston. Miss Grace Chappell, Mrs.- J. A. Census To Include Farm Labor Study The agricultural labor force of North Carolina will be carefully measured by the U. S. Census wonc ers who begin asking farmers ques tions on January 8. Basic informa tion on agriculture, including statis tics on farm acreage, crops, live stock, farm labor and other. items re lated to farm operations will be ob- Dean I. 0. Schaub of State Co! lege, who heads the state advisory council cooperating with tie census officials, says that a comprehensive picture of the State's farm laor force and its yearly cost is to be de veloped. Questions will be asked as to the number of farm workers em ployed at a given date, both paid and unpaid, including the labor of the farm operator, and the farm work performed by members of the operator's own family. The total ' cash outlay for farm labor throughout the year will also be asked. In this connection, infor mation will be requested on tne number of days on which the farm ' operator may have worked "ff uie farm for pay or profit. The questions relating to acreage and production of field crops har vested during the jeiti will vary from section 10 section, in addition to informntion on grains and hays, figures on the acreage production of such crops as tobacco, cotton, pota toes and other crops will be ob tained. Accurate information is desired and it is pointed out that it is con fidential and cannot be used for pur poses of taxation, regulation or in vestigation. The information is transferred to punch cards, which are identified thereafter dnly by number. WANT TO LAUGH? FOLLOW EXPLOITS OF "SNOOKUMS? , It's the hilarioiis new 'comic--'i chuckle in every picture. Drawn hy George McManus, famous cartoon' and creator of Jiggs and Maggie. For ' a refreshing new comic turn to "Snookums'' in the '', COMIC WEEKLY "PUCK" Distributed Regularly With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order From Topr Newsdealer ,s ) 4 Take Delivery No We are now ready to deliver to you your Spring require ments of Fertilizer and Nitrate of Soda. We advise you to place your order and take delivery now. It's going to I e hard to get it when you are ready to use it. We ask vou to cooperate, as Uncle Sara has recom mended you do. ; Labor and transportation will make it impossible to make normal time deliveries next spring. Be s;ife take delivery of your Fertilizer now and. have iij on hand when you want it. J. C. BLANCHARD & CO., "IIL.NCHARD'S" SINCE 1832 HERTFORD, N. C. :' i Country Districts Need More Doctors There is a grea)t shortage of doc tors in the rural areas of North Carolina; this was true even before the war, and the situation continues to grow worse. The Department of Rural Sociol ogy at State College, under the di rection of Dr. C. Horace Hamilton, quotes data from the American Med i al Directory, and the N. C. Medical Society to show that in 1940 only 31 per cent of the doctors of North Ca rolina were found in the areas where 73 per cent of the people lived. Where one doctor is needed for each 1,000 people, there was only one doctor for 6,174 rural people in tm l , l ll l ll.HU! -' - I J tl -" J ''."I jL.I-n fr-rL. i-..- iiizarzssxLSiiszs-:. rr 1 ' -Vr .--4p''.. ire DCiimcin iMCinr fnm family of Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Blanchard and family spent Rountree and E. L. Chappell spent Christmas day as guests of Mr. ana Christmas as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. L. White. D. D. Price of Crisfield, Md, The Rev. and Mrs. li. H., Millikan were dinner guests of Dr. E. S. White and sisters on Christmas day. Mrs. Elmo. Cannon, Jr., of Rich mond was-the week-end guest of ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cope land. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Copeland and Mrs. Elmo Cannon, Jr., spent Christmas day. as guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Young of Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Winslow and family of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. White and family, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Winslow and family; Mur ray White and son, Jack, were din ner guests of-Mr. and Mrs, F. C. White Tuesday. 4 -i, Miss Mildred. Copeland of ! Wood land spejit the holidays as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. M Copeland. u A - - " t Mr. and MrsA. D. Ward, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Chappell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, T. Bogersoa on Christmas day. , ' , , ' 1 , Mrs. Dorothy Hobbs of Jackrmu, Mr. fand Mrs. Emory Epuntree suid X Ami's, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lamb and Mrs. Hettie Lamb spent Christmss day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Harrell of Snow Hill. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White and son, Jay, of Norfolk, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wins low. CATHOLIC SERVICES NEXT ! . SUNDAY AND NEW YEAR'S The most holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered Sunday at 11 A. M., a high mass of the angels (Missa Can- kata De Angelis), sermon on "The I End of the Yeaf." and on New Year's Day, Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord, a holy .day of obligation, masses at 7, 9 and 11 A. M., no ser mon, each concluding In 8ft minutes, Holy Communion at all the masses in St 'Ann's Catholic Church, stated the Rev, Father Francis J McCpturt, pastor. f . , ! 4 :, Confessions Saturday 7:30 P. M. to 8:30, Sunday 10:30 to. 10:65 A' M.; -7:30 to 8:30 P. M., Monday start half hour, end five minutes before every mass. Everybody invited to all St, Ann's, services. i i' , 1 (' S BEAUTIFUL INSIDE, TOO! i'A-ery home can be beautiful inside as well as CHitside ' More people are using Ready-pasted Wallpaper to beati-1 , tify their homes. T is new and so ,easy to use and the i patterns come in a wide selection, suitable for any room. t Cmci Ready-pasted Wallpaper now to use in your home. Add to its attractiveness O It's Guaranteed O It's Washable O It's Fade-proof Jo Paste -L'oTooIs-l!o ('iiss 4 ? Just dip in iwater and hang 'I . i so easy "anycr e&n do it . Come in today, and dhoose a pattc from otir stock.! r 1 ' i:erto i:; "TRADE h ERE AND ANi: THE DLTF '1?' 1 f .III J ' ( 11 v 1 - ' , - Ml. Damaged Text

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