4 . . J, JANUARY 6, 1945 r vk two THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C FRIDA, V !' f T B B Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday by Th Perquimans Weekly, a partner' ship consisting of Joseph U Campbell and Max R. Campbell, at Hertford, N. C. MAX CAMPBELL ci.iaiei. ai xovfinoei lb 1984, at a. Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.60 Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc will be charged for at regular advertising rates. Advertising rats furnished bj request. tjaaBBHeaHSBSBBasasaiBaaBBas MaaMaweMW FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1946 DESERT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. R. S. Monds. Jr., was a ae- lightful hostess at a desert bridge party on Saturday evening at her home on Front Street in honor of Miss Mary Wood Koonce, bride-elect of this month. Those present were Miss Koonce, honoree; Mrs. B. G. Koonce, Mes dame8 H. R. Christensen, Jimmy Johnson, B. EV-Stevenson, R. E. Vickers, CharleTjfhedbee, Silas M. Whedbee, and ,Mes iTue JNewoy, trances Newby, unitfatevens, once Knowles, Ruth Elliott,. Joyce Harrell, Jeannette Fields, Nanjy Darden, and Dot Davis, of Windsor. High score prize was awarded to Mrs. Koonce, second hiph went to Miss Darden, and the honoree was presented a lovely gift. ENTERTAINS ROOK CLUB Mrs. C. T. Skinner was hostess to her rook club on Tuesday evening at her home on Dobb iStreet. Those en joying the evening were Mesdames Joe Towe, Edgar Morris, H. C. Stokes, Julian White, D. F. Reed. G. R. Tucker, Carlton Cannon, H. W. Lynch, Archie T. Lane, J. R. Jarvls, , and W. O. Newbold, of Washingt n, D. C, and Miss Mildred Reed. High score prize went to Mrs. Cannon, low and bingo prizes to Mrs. Stokes. Mrs. Morris and Mrs. White were also awarded bingo prizes. A salad course was served by the hostess. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE, CLUB Mrs. J. O. Felton entertained her bridge club on Tuesday evening at her home. Those playing were Mes dames R. M. Riddick, V. N. Darden, J. G. Roberson, Herman Winslow, Charles Whedbee, B. G. Koonce, W. G. Wright, and Miss Kate Blanchard. High score award was given to Miss Blanchard and Mrs. Koonce received the low score award. A sweet course was served. Classified and Legals NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Virginia I). Hudgins, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 28 day of October, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will J TAYLOR THEATRE EUENTON, NORTH CAROLINA We Have the Shows Friday, Jan. 5 Katharine Hepburn, Walter Huston Aline MacMahon, Akim Tamrroff and Turhan Bey in "DRAGON SEED" Latest News Color Cartoon Shows at 3:30, 6:10 and 8:50 Features at 3:45, 6:25 and 9:05 Saturday, Jan. 6 Johnny Mack Brown and Raymond Hatton in "RANGE LAW" "Zorro's Black Whip" No. 11 Laurel and Hardy Comedy Sunday, Jan. 7 Jon Hall and Louise Allbritton in SAN DIEGO, I LOVE YOU Also Latest "March of Time" Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 8-9 Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews and Clifton Webb in "LAURA" Latest News Color Cartoon Wednesday, Jan. 10 Don Barry and Ruth Terry in "MY BUDDY" "Great Alaskan Mystery" No. 11 Orchestra Thursday-Friday, Jan. 11-15! Dennis Morgan and Faye Emerson in "THE VERY THOUGHT OF YOU" c jSianlt Carolina ll WSJ AJWIATIoTO please make immediate payment. 1ms Zdin day of October, 1944. ELIZABETH HUDGINS, Executrix of Virginia D. Hudgins. dec.22,29,jan.6,12,19,2t. North Carolina, Perquimans County. Earle Morse and C. L. Stallings, Ad ministrators of the Estate of Ray Morse, Deceased, Earle Morse, In dividually, and wife, Pauline Morse, C. L. Stallings, Individual ly, and wife, Rovena Stallings and Florence Morse, Widow, Petition ers. vs. Virgie M. Stallings and husband, L. P. Stallings and Ray Morse, Jr., ueienoanis. NOTICE OF SALE under ana Dy virtue oi an oruer oi the Superior Court of Perquimans County, made in the certain special proceeding as above entitled, the un dersigned commissioner will, on the 29th day of January, 1945, at 12:30 o'clock P. M., at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying ana haincr in New Honp TnwnshiD. Per- being in New Hope Township, Per quimans County, N. C, bounded on the north by the lands of Earnest Morse, on the east by Deep Creek, I on ne south by the lands of Earnest anu on u.e i y w.c of Earnest Morse, containing 40 acres, more or less. This 18th day of December, 1944. P. W. McMULLAN, Commissioner. dec29 Jan 5,12,19 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of C. D. Layden, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, rton8 navinR ciaims against the egtate of sajd deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 18th day 'dl December, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18 day of December, 1944. WALTER L. LAYDEN, Administrator of C. D. Layden. dec.22,29,jan.5,12,19,26. North Carolina In The Perquimans County Superior Court Term 194 NOTICE Ruth Branch, Plaintiff Vs. William Edward Branch, Defendant William Edward Branch, the De fendant above named, will take notice that an action for divorce, entitled above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Perquimans Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony be-i tween the plaintiff and the defend ant, upon the grounds of two years separation, and the defendant will take notice that he is required to appear within 30 days after publica tion hereof, as prescribed by law, at the Court House of Perquimans County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will ap- I ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 7th day of December, 1944. W. H. PITT, Clerk Superior Court Perquimans County. (SEAL) dec.l5,22,2l,jan.4. "NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned by heirs of S. T. Sutton, I shall offer for sale at pub lic auction for cash, to the highest bidder, on January l()th, 1945, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., the property be longing to the S. T. Sutton estate, set out and described below: First Tract: Being in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, N. C, and beginning on the noVth side 01 Harvey Neck Road, on the western boundary line of the property be longing to the Chas. Johnson estate, thence north 6 degrees east 4.50 chains, north 62 degrees 30 minutes west 0.75 chains, north 6 degrees 30 minutes west 9 chains, north 39 de grees 30 minutes east 13.38 chains, north 57 degrees 50 minutes west 14.56 chains, south 37 degrees 3 minutes west 19.33 chains, south 38 degrees west 7.71 chains, south 6 de grees west 3.90 chains, outh 20 de grees west 4.42 chains, south 19 de grees 30 minutes west 2.15 chains back to said Harvey Neck Roaa, thence along said road north 67 de grees west 5.28 chains, north 86 de grees 30 minutes west 6.57 chains, thence across said road south 4 de grees 30 minutes east chains, south 73 degrees 30 minutes east 0 chains, south 72 degrees 30 minutes east 5.13 chains, north 39 degrees 30 minutes east 4.50 chains north 22 .degrees 30 minutes east 4.00 chains, north 73 degrees 30 minutes east 2 chains, north 88 degrees 30 minutes east 2 chains, north 84 degrees 30 minutes east 1.75 chains, south 64 degrees 30 minutes east 2.63 chains, north 49 degrees 30 minutes east 1.75 chains, north 39 degrees 30 minutes east 2.63 chains, north 52 degrees 80 minutes east 1.25 chains, north 60 degrees 30 minutes east 5.50 chains, thence north 41 degrees 30 minutes west 1.50 chains back across said Harvey Neck Road to point of be ginning, containing 86 acres by sur vey. Second Tract: Being in Betnei Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, and-beginning on the aouth aide of U. S. Highway No. 17, on the western boundary line of property belonging to Frank Ainsley, thence j south 77 degrees 30 minutes west 2.25 chains across said highway; thence north 83 degrees 30 minutes west 10.50 chains, north 1 degree 30 minutes east 7 chains, north 41 ue grees 30 minutes west 22.25 chains, south 29 degrees 30 minutes west 1.25 chains, south 82 degrees 30 minutes west 4.13 chains, south 51 chains, south 13 degrees 30 minutes east 4.75 chains, south 31 degrees 30 minutes east 3.13 chains south 25 de grees 30 minutes 2.75 chains, south 30 degrees east 3 chains, south 33 degrees 30 minutes 2.50 chrins, south 39 degrees 30 minutes east 2.88 chains to the Harvey Neck Roaa, j thence along said Harvey Neck Road 80th ob degrees 30 minutes east .67 chains, south 67 degrees east I 6.28 chains, thence north 19 degrees 30 minuteg east 915 chains, north 20 degrees east 4.42 chains north 6 de grees east 3.90 chains, north 38 de grees eakt 7.7.1 chains, north 37 de grees 30 minutes 19.33 chains, thence northWo degraes 50 minutes 17.44 degrees 4fftW' point of beginning, containing """vacres by survey. ThirdJtactK Being in Bethel TownshipY, Peffiuimans County, N. C, I --j -... i i m ana oeing set out ana aescnoea as Tracts No. 4 and 5 on the plat re corded in Plat Book No. 1, plat No. 154, containing 39 acres more or less. Fourth Tract: Being in Bethel, Township, Perquimans County, N. u., and being a part of the Pratt prop erty, being those certain two tracts t 1 , . . ... . ... oi lann, eacn marked INo. 4, one containing nine (9) acres and iJif other forty-six and one-half (46 acres, as snown and describe ft Plat Book 2, page 12, Public Regis try of Perquimans County, North Carolina, which see for further ref erence. 'T,ODAY tbc ' .1 I mm m I dfer 1 wis a ll i EWER OF HL 11 I , EHUBBER f 11 t i teifel .... ' 441 I V WlSmfU tttmp - i - t I ' These odd-shaped storage tanks are part of the new plant operated by Sinclair Rubber Inc. for the Government. components for synthetic rubber to meet America's wartime needs. The mod ern plant pictured above, operated by Sinclair Rubber Inc. for the Government Without charge, makes butadiene. From storage tanks pictured above Jjutadiene flows to a compounding plant where, mixed with styrene, it becomes synthetic rubber with a bounce. In addition to Sinclair's wartime job of making components for synthetic rubber, BUY MORE WAR BONDS Q 111 LM, v IL jrW 1 LK" Fifth Tract: A one-half undivided interest in the following: The re mainder, subject to the life time right of Mrs. Robert S. Pratt, in and to that part of a certain tract of land in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina, known as the Robert S. Pratt, deceased, tract, covered by the dower right, of said Mrs.. Robert S. Pratt, assigned to her by report of jurors registered In Perquimans County in Book 1, page 107, the said tract being marked "Dower" on plat recorded in Plat Book 2, page 12, Public Registry of Perquimans County, North Carolina, for further description, see Deed Book 10, page 401. Sixth Tract: Being In the Town of Hertford, and beginning at tne point of intersection of the southern line of Main Street with the western boundary line of lot No. 3, as shown on plat of the property of "(Shannon house, Elliott and Shannonhouse," which is duly recorded in Map Book No. 2, at page 45, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, to which reference is hereby made, and running thence north 85 degrees 50 minutes west along said southern line of Main Street, fifty (50) feet, thence south 4 degrees 10 minutes west ninety-two and eight tenths (92.8) feet to the northern line of lot No. 4 as shown on said plat, thence south 85 degrees 60 minutes east, parallel with said main street, fifty (50) feet to the western line of lot No. 3 as shown ,;ton said plat, thence north 4 degrees n.0 minutes east along the western boundary of lot No. 3 ninety-two and eight-tenths (92.8) feet to the place of beginning. Sixth Tract: Being in the Town of Hertford, N. C, and beginning at the oil industry is busy making TOW-E. HERTFORD, S.C point of intersection of v Sabove, will line of Church Street wf ern boundary line of the ton & Bro. Store property! thence 63 deg. 45 minutes west thence north 85 degrees minutes west 75.08 feet to the bound- ary of line of lot "A," as own by plat recorded in Plat B 2, page 45,. Public Registry of rquimans County, thence south 4 legrees 10 minutes west 33.1 feet to ihe north' ern boundary of lot No. 6, shown on said plat, thence south 86 degrees 60 minutes east, a line parallel with Main Street, approximately 99 feet to Church (Street, thence north 26 degrees 45; minutes east approxi mately 22 feet to the said Brough ton property, the place of beginning, being lot No. 4, as shown on said plat. ' The Fifth Tract and Sixth Tract, I, net, Ho We now have several good mechanics and are in position to do a certain amount of labor for our customers. We also have a few new block assemblies. We will appreciate an opportunity to fig ure with you on your auto repairing. HOLLOWELL CHEVROLET COMPANY - Phone 2151 Hertford. N. CL modern Sinclair refineries turn out the explosive Toluene, 100-octane gasoline, and a long list of fuels and specialized lubricants vitally needed for war-front and home-front use. All told, 10 great Sinclair refineries are now geared for war. SINCLAIR DEALERS by keep ing on the job, keep war workers' cars, delivery trucks and other vitally needed vehicles on the road. Let a Sinclair Dealer care for your car, too. AlND stamps be sold 3 if auch sale amount) the individual sale, it Will aa a wnoie. 1 'eras of one-half cash, and n for balance of purchase price, cured by deed of trust on ,proi purchased, may be had, - , pK The bids received on this prop i will he open for a period of ten d for advance bids. . - . j A cash deposit of five per-C"r,t will be required of the success 1 bidder or bidders, and the tins' c signed hereby reserves the right) t refund any deposit so made, sou! i reject any or all bids'made for t purchase of any of the above t -scribed property. f f ' This 18th day of December. 15 " -CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Attorney for Heirs of S. T. Sutto ... v ': ''" -dee '29. Jan 5- 1 t I I ' ... 1 31 t " f i til -V.

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