1 ' lf f 1 H it. t , ' 5 HE PERQUIMAiNS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1945 PAGE THREE - - ' " - ; , tf . , TaLi A WALLACE'KOONCE i Returns To Colter Mr. k Concludes Leave Jimmy Felton, U. S. N. R., return eded to his base 'Saturday, after spending the holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Felton. Returns To Springfield Zach Toms White left Monday for Springfield, Mass., after spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. T. S. White, Sr. nd lira. Benjamin : . (jranade Koonce request thr hono( of. your presence at the irn.rriage of their daughter ' Mary Wood to Kali,h' McElheny Wallace Lieutenant, United States , . Naval Reserve on Tuesday evening i V January ninth . at eight o'clock Hertford Methodist Church The above- invitation was issued here this week and the public is cor dially invited to attend. Returns To College Miss Barbara Winslow returned to Guilford College this week to re sume her studies.' after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mis. I a C. Winslow. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Callie Campen, of Portsmouth, Va., spent the week end as guests of Mrs. Jane Campen. Conclude Visit Mrs. J. J. Moore and children and Mrs. G. R. Anderson and children returned to their respective homes in Norfolk, Va., Thursday, after spend ing the holidays with Mrs. S. T. Sutton. etnrn Home-." - Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt and son. Irs. E. L7 Bass and daughter, all of Week-end Here '""folkVa.; Mrs; Mickey Hooper, C. B. M. Charles Campen spent the children, of Elizabeth City, re- j week-end visiting his wife and his ed to. their respective homes last grandmother, Mrs. Jane Campen. -It,-after spending the Christmas Mrs. Campen, who had been spend- olidays 'ayes. With Mr. and Mrs. E. W. me On Leave j? tr JamesvJUne, L. S. N. R, sfton, Mass' 4s' visiting his parents, r. and Mrs. W. H. Lane. inday Guest i Mrs. V. A. Holdren spent .Sunday s.the guest of Mrs. Baker Wood. ing a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. George Butler, accompanied her husband back. Returns Home Mrs. F. B. Stevenson returned to Virginia Beach, Va., Tuesday after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Hollowell. Holidays With Parents C. P. 0. Murray Vick, U. S. N. R., spent the holidays with his parents, Returns To High Point Miss Blanche Moore Berry return- BRIDES-ELECT HONOREES AT BRIDGE PARTY Misses Prue and Frances Newby and Miss Dot Davis of Windsor,! were hostesses at a bridge party on Friday evening at the home of the Misses Newby in honor of Miss Mary Wood Koonce and Miss Pat Edwards, brides-elect of the month. Those playing were Mesdames n. R. Christensen, W. E. Drake, Alfred Kenton, F. B. Stevenson, Bill Jes- sup, K. K. Vickers, Philip Carter, ed to High Point Sunday, after j Marin Riddick, Jimmy Johnson ana spending the hoUaays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Berry. Week-end At Home Miss Betty Holmes, a SPAR, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Holmes. Return To Washington Major and Mrs. T. S. White, Jr., returned to their home in Washing ton, D. C, Wednesday, after spend ing the holidays with Major White's mother, Mrs. T. S. White, Sr. Accepts Position Mrs. H. R. Christensen, K. N.. has accepted a position at the Mary land University Hospital in Balti more, Md. Mrs. Christensen left Sunday to start her new duties. eek-endtWith Mother Lieut.; RfHd Spivey, U. S. N. R., Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick 4 Gratf Jivey spent the week & l&nV ? mother, Mrs. Hattie 'ffi&T ..ioa Here Thursday Misses Faye Snell and Jean Mod- iV of Plymouth, visited Mrs. Addie nes and friends in Hertford on horsday. yek-nd In Norfolk Mrs. Kelly White spent the week- id in Norfolk, Va., with friends. Home For Holidays Miss Blanche Chappell, a student ut the Franklin School of Science and Arts, Philadelphia, Pa., was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chappell, Hertford, Route, 1, for the holidays. Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dale, of Ayden, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Broughton. Returns To Duty C. P. 0. Eugene Perry, U. S. N. R., returned to duty Tuesday, after spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Perry. Visiting In Uuisburg Miss Kate Iilanchard is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Yarborough in Louisburg. Return To Florida Warrant Officer and Mrs. C. W. Miller returned to Key West, Fla., last week, after spending the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick. ' NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING LjUpBrhe annual meeting of Stockholders of the Hertford Banking Company, Hertford, N. C, for the election of the Directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meeting will be held Tuesday, January 16, 1945, at its Bank ing House between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock P. M. R. M. RIDDICK EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Sick At Home Mrs. C. R. Holmes has been con fined to her home several days this week because of illness, but is mucn improved. Return To Washington Commander Paul Clarke and his daughter, Dorothy, returned to Washington, D. C, Tuesday, after visiting his mother, Mrs. R. T. Clarke, and other relatives. Com mander Clarke will stop wasnington Charles Ward, Jr., and Misses Pat Edwards, Mary Wood Koonce, Ruth Elliott, Grace and Dorcas Knowles, Virginia White, Patricia Stephens, Marguerite Ward, Blanche Moore Berry, Betty Winslow, Nancy Dar den, Elizabeth Darden, Pauline Reavis, Ruth Winslow, Joyce Har rell, Wally Mayes, and Jeanette rieius. . , ft f Miss Marguerite Ward fS?? high score prize, and Mrs. V V Ward, Jr., second high. Gifti presented to the honorees. A dainty, sweet course was served. SHOWER FOR BRIDE Mrs. V. L. Proctor was hostess to a number of friends at a shower at her home Friday night compliment ary to Mrs. John Dauchise. Games and contests were enjoyed, with Mrs. Sidney Layden, Mrs. Sam mie Sutton and Mrs. Elton Hurdle winning -prices. Mrs. Dffirtise then opened and ac knowledger! the many beautiful and useful gifts. Those present were Mrs. J M Mathews, Mrs. Pearl Hanbury, Mrs. Elton Hurdle, Mrs. E. Y. Berry, Ca rolyn Mathews, Bettie Lee Hanbury Ann Mathews, Mrs. Freeman Long, Mrs. W. R. Lane, Mrs. Sammie Sut ton, Mrs. J. I!. Iiasnight, Mary Ruth Wood, Mrs. Sidney Layden Mrs V L. Proctor, Mrs. Mary J. Wood ana e' Mrs- John Danchise. The hostess served ice cream and cake, with iced drinks and confec tioneries. Mrs. Danchise, before her recent marriage, was Miss Mary Proctor daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V L Proctor. Take Delivery Now We are now ready to deliver to you your Spring require ments of Fertilizer and Nitrate of Soda. We advise you to place your order and take delivery now. It's going to be hard to get it when you are ready to use it. We ask you to cooperate, as Uncle Sam has recom mended you do. Labor and transportation will make normal time deliveries next Spring. it impossible to make Be safe take delivery of your Fertilizer now and have it on hand when you want it. J. C. BLANCHARD & CO.. INC. "BLANCHARD'S" SINCE 1832 HERTFORD, N. C. HONORED AT BRIDGE PARTY Miss Mary Wood Koonce, bride elect, was honored Tuesday evening at a bridge party given by Miss Pa tricia Stephens at her home. Those enjoying the evening were Miss Koonce, honoree. MesHnmoc p 1? a few days then en m, 1 Vickers. Alfred Kant, wr v n' 1 ' uuure, vvasn., wnere ne is sta- rnuip barter, Bill uonea. over m Ward, Jessun. Charles I.. v,.:.. vt. . 1. .v., ,., niUM mamews, jimmy , juiinson, j. i,. Ha Returns Home j Knowles, Ruth Miss Priscilla Stallinsrs has return- 1 White. .Toanfttt ed home, after spending several days as the guest (rf friends in Norfolk. STATE Here lord, N. C. Today (Friday) Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. IRENE DUNNE ALAN MARSHAL "White Cliffs of Dover" Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. WILD BILL ELLIOTT in "Mojave Firebrand" "Captain America" No. 4 Sunday Shows 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. MARY LEE and RUTH TERRY "THREE LimFsiSTERS" 3 Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M. LANA TURNER and JAMES CRAIG 1.MIAGE isl PRIVATE AFFAIR" Holiday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hobbs, of near Edenton; Dr. J. Frank Hobbs, of Chattanooga, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hollowell, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson and son, of Norfolk, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Byrum during the holidays. Sunday At Weeksville Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Nixon, Mrs. Preston Nixon and Mrs. Addie Nixon Jones visited Mrs. Walter G. Symons and daughter at the Naval Air Sta tion Hospital, at Weeksville, Sumia... Week-end In Norfolk Tommy Jones spent the week-end in Norfolk, Va., as the guest of Dan and Jimm Munford. Visiting Here Mrs. Lloyd Horton and son, of Plymouth, are guests of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Nixon. rris, Misses Grace Elliott, Bernice Fields, Virginia Returns To Fort Meade Pvt. Lloyd A. Stallings has return ed to Fort Meade, Md., after spend ing nis lurlough with his parents, and Mrs. Herbert Stallings. Mr. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Newbold left yesterday for their home in Wash ington, D. C, after spending a week as th guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. Wednesday Matinee 3 P Mv Night 7 and 9 P. M. , - v , j; DOUBLE FEATURE ' Fjret Feature V RICHARD TRAVIS. ELEANOR PAKJiER" "Th: j Second Feature HAROLD PEARY . MARION MARTIN -4n Last Ride: "Gildersleeve's Ghost" ryiy ut Friday Matinee S P. M. -Night 7 and 9 P. M- R rilERINB HEPBURN WALTER HUSTON 4M" -"W . 4 99 Tuesday At Jarvisburg Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Newbold and Mrs. C. T. Skinner spent Tuesday at Jarisburg as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wright. White, Nettie Day, Helen WillouKh- uy, luunie Williams, Helene Nixon, Joyce Harrell and Miss Frances Maness. High SCOre prize was awarded Mrs. Ward, second high went to Miss Knowles and the hon oree received a lovely gift. A salad course was served by the ho.-tess. Chest Colds Act promptly. Mother, to help relieve muscular soreness or tightness, conges tion and irritation in upper breathing passages, fits of coughing due to colds. Rub on Vicks VapoRub ... it PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors, STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone 1 Remember ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this spe cial double action. It's time-tested, home-proved... the best-known home remedy for reliev- m m m 4 ing miseries of f C 1 5 children's colds. V VAPORUB FJ IT n (C IS Beginning January first, all Tax Listet&of Perquimans County, North Carolina, win sit at the following- places and on the dates men tioned below for the purpose of listing your PROPERTY TAXES for the year of 1945. List !n January and Save the Penalty Belvidere Township CARROLL V. WARD, List Taker January At Whiteston, U. M. Halter's .Store January 18 At Whiteston, Ralph White's Store January 6, Hi, 20, 27 At K. L. Chappell's .Store All other days during January at home. Bethel Tow nship R. S. CHAITKLL, List Taker January 6, 13, 24, 27 J. C. Hobbs' Store January 10, 17, 31 J. ('. Hobbs' Store at Night .January 24 At Court House in Hertford January 19 in afternoon.. - At M. T. (Irillin Store All other days during January at home. Hertford Township J. 0. WHITE, List Taker January 6. 13, 20 At Court House in Hertford January 10 and 17 At Court House in Hertford January 17 through to 31 At Court House in Hertford All other days during January at home New Hope Township SETH LONG. List Taker January 6, 13, 20, 27 At Community House, New Hope January 19 At S. F. Han-ell's Store January 20 ... . At Woodville. liogue's Store January 12 ... .' At J. II. Webb's St-re. Durants Neck All other days during January a; ho !, Parkville Township RAYMOND STANTON. List l..ker J aiiuary J;inu:iry . January 27 (Afternoon and Night I All other days during Jamiar at Win fall Each farmer, owner or his agent, must enmo I'm-wani t acreage of each crop to be harest d, or iiu Imm-o harvi -own, or his tenant's farm of the year 1!M., aUo the mini; t he cultivated, lying out, number of heani.g I mil tire.., : fertilizer used for all crops. I'repare your lists now, and save time in listing, al.-o ; AI.'l'Y for being delinquent alter January :11st, l!M-. This ly the State Law. See Chapter 310, II.' I;. !.", I'libli.- Law ('ar-.lina. Session 1939. J. W. WARD, Tax Supervisor PERQUIMANS COl'NTY, N. C. it ai res 1 ion.s o! ad I KV reiU i red of North 22 Tuesday In Norfolk Mrs. H. C. Stokes, Mrs. V. N. Darden and Mrs. J. 0. Felton spent Tuesday in Norfolk, Va. j Week-end Visitors j The Rev. and Mrs. Albert Sims' and son, of Littleton, were truests of I me itev. ana Mrs. Howard Dawkins during the week-end. Holiday Guests James Boyce, S 2-c and Mrs. Boyce were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Boyce during the holidays. Boyce has recently completed his basic training at Bainbridge, Md. HOSTfcSS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. G. W. Barbee entertained ner bridge club on Thursday evening at her home. Those present were Mes dames H. C, Stokes, C. M. Willifcwa, C R. Holmes, Jack Kanoy, V. N. Darden and Jack Brinn, and Miss Helen Morgan and Miss Elizabeth Knowles. Mrs. Williford received high score prise for the club, and guest high score prise went to Mrs. Brinn. Bingo prises .were awarded Mrs. Stokes and Mrs. Darden. A dainty sweet course was served. EVERYBODY WANTS WARM SWEATERS Come to our sweater show! Just un packed, we've a big collection of soft, warm, bright sweaters for everyone! Long pullovers, cardigans, sleeveless types new, new lumberjack sweaters! Misses, women. All budget priced. 54.95 and $5.95 SKIRTS $3.98 to $7.95 ALL STYLES ALL SIZES Come in and choose a mix-match costume today. You are sure to like these new numbers. II M (D T ' Hertford, North Carolina r w 33 "

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