;. f . r - i- 4 ' Hi , THE' PERQUIMANS V EEKLY. HERTFORD. N. C. FRTDAVl JANUARt 6, 1945 I'AGE FOLK 1 5- .Of ' ft ; 1, v. I f -I ! p. i! r if'" n' , 1 tt i 1 c BURGESS NEWS '. in. ami Mia. S. r. Mathews were .dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Mathews Christmas day. Mrs. Sidney Layden visited her lister, Mrs. John Simons, who Is a patient at the Albemarle Hospital, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrell of Snow Hill spent Christmas aay with her parents at Burgess. : Mrs. Pearl Hanbury and daughter, Betty Lee, of Norfolk, spent Thurs day and Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Winston E. Lane and family took Christmas dinner with her mother, Mrs. Jim Jordan, near I'Menton. ; Mr. and Mrs. Walton Lane and family were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Hollowell, on C.iristmas day. Those enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1(. Basnight at din ner on New Year's eve were Mr. and Mrs. Hob Spivey, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Spivey and family, Mrs. R. L. Spivey ot Niu Hope, Airs. Tomniie lioyce, Mrs. Marvin Jackson, Miss taye ()ail 01 Kdenton, Mr. and Mrs. ins ton K. I:no and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Mathews of Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. James Butts and son Jimmie .inii Alton Mathews of Norfolk. NEW HOPE NEWS Mr. and .Mis. Keimit Bamift and daughter, 1'aisy, Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Dail and children, Billie and Sandra, have returned to their re epective homes in Washington, D. C, after having spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Barclift's and Mr. Dail's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail. Miss Cclia Blanche Dail, member of the Elliott High School faculty, Washington, D. C, spent the Christ mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dail. Mrs. Josh Wood, of Washington, T. C, and Mrs. James Outlaw, ot Grimesland, spent Sunday with their .-sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. William Edwards, of Norfolk, Va., spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Edwards' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Lathan Umphlett and son, Vann, of Elizabeth City, visited relatives in New Hope on Sunday. - Briny, your car in today for a careful inspection of your tires. It is important you care for your tires. Our ser- vice is the best. ; 1 . - If you need new tires . . and have the proper certih ; cate we can supply you tires. Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes JCF AND DILL'S SERVICE STAT10M ) "Where Service BILL WHITE. Prop. 9 Like fixing that lock on your front door or replacing the window sash that has rotted away . . . it's the little things you do that will keep up the appearance and investment in your home and outbuildings. Chances are you're going to be home more during 104.S than any other year, and you will enjoy it more if you make those small repairs now . . . while it is the In-liet ween Season and you have plenty of time to do them. You will find most everything you will need for small repair jobs now in stock at our store . . . come in to day and let us supply your needs. We have plenty of Locks Windows Hinges Doors HERTFORD HARDWARE & SDPPLY CO. "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" i.a1a.AHACK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mansfield anu children of Newport News, Va., spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mansfield. Pvt. Levi Goodwin, Mrs. Goodwin and baby, who have been at lata vegas, New Mexico, spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. George Bunch and children of Norfolk, Va., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Baker. Mrs. Josephine Ward has returnea to Newport News after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hunch ana daughter Iris of Kocky Hock spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Elliott and children and Miss Margaretta Elliott spent Sunday at Columbia with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwm, Pvt. Levi Goodwin, and Mrs. Good win spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. 1'. P. Skinner at Carrollton, Va., an I with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Goodwin at Hampton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Baccus and .-on Kami, Mr. and Mrs. J. IS. Perry, Mis. U. W. Perry, Mrs. Fred Evans and cniKiren, Malieit, josepn anu Loui.-e. of Hertford Route 1, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Perry and children, Jay and Daisy Elizabeth of Sunbury, Mr... Sidney Sutton and son, Sidney Tucker of Elizabeth City, Mrs. Mild red E. Dail and daughter, Huldah ami Mrs. Charlie Crowder were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hobbs on Sunday. Mrs. Mildred E. Dail and daughter, Huldah and Hallett and Joseph Ev ans spent Tuesday with Mrs. Sidney Sutton at Elizabeth City. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Baker and Mrs. Ruby Lane of Norfolk, Va., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Baker during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chappell of near Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Harrell of Elizabeth City spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin. Miss Thelma Elliott, cadet nurse, of Norfolk General Hospital, Nor folk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray Elliott Friday and Saturday. JOE AND BILL'S Official Tire Inspection Station h A Pleasure" VHOSV. S' 4 IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT Nails Window Glass BETH.. I. NICWS Mr. aid Mrs. rlnyd C'nesson and son, o. n -n-i ioi..t, .Npent the week end w.io Mr. and Mis. E. J. Proctor. Mrs. lCramer Williams and chil dren hive returned home after spend ig the holidays with her par ents, J.ir. and Mrs. Joe Harris, at Englehaid. Wan ant Officer George D. Ward, Ellis Isia..d, N. Y., spent the holi days i.eie with 'fs wife and son. He was accompanied as far as Rocky Mount by his wife and William Farmer, who was enroute to Charles ton, . C. Mr. aid Mis. J. C. Miller and children, of Norfolk, Va., are visit ing h r pa.ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Curtis. Lieut. C. W. Phillips has returned to Dover, Del., after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. While and daughter, of Kenly, visited Mr. and Mrs. V . .1. Parmer and Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Phillips during the holi days. Mr.-, V. I). Curtis is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Curtis. Miss ISi; nche Chappell, of the Franklin School of Arts, in Pennsyl vania, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chappell. Je.-so Curtis, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. YV. E. Curtis. Lieut. Clarence Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Phillips and daughters, Madelyn and Marjorie, spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stallings and family, of Camden, visited rela tives here during the holidays. Miss Gladys Chappell, of Winston Salem, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C Chappell, during the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Butta and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Long and son visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hobbs Monday. ENTERTAIN BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. J. O. Felton and Mrs. H. R. Christensen entertained at a party on Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Mary Wood Koonce, bride-elect, at the home of Mrs. V. N. Darden. Those enjoying the afternoon, in ad dition to the honoree, Miss Koonce, were: Misses Pat Edwrds, Ruth Winslow, Joyce Harrell, Bernice White, Ruth Elliott, Grace Knowles, Virginia White, Prue Newby, Mar guerite Ward, Dot Harris and Pa tricia Stevens, and Mesdames F. B. Stevenson, Claibom Nixon, W. M. Drake, Philip Carter, Charles Ward, Jr., James A. Johnson, B. G. Koonce and R. E;. Vickers. Miss Koonce and Miss Edwards, also a bride-elect, were given lovely gifts. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. J. R. Futrell was hostess to her bridge club on Monday evening at her home on Front Street. Those ulavimr were MpsHamea f.l..,i w- ton, of Plymouth, Walter Oakie, L.l w. Anderson, W. h. Harucastle, S. P. Jessup, Trim Wilson, H. A. Whit ley, Henry Newbold, C. A. Daven port and R. S. Monds, Jr., and Misses Frances Maness and Mae Wood Winslow. High score prize went to Mrs. Hardcastle for the club, and Mrs. Monds was awarded high score prize for the visitors. A salad course was served by the hostess. HOSTESS AT BUFFET SUPPER Mrs. C. A. Davenport charmingly entertained at a buffet supper on Thursday evening, December 21, at her home on Front Street. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hardcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newbold, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wins low, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. Trim Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Jessup, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Futrell, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., Miss Mae Wood Winslow and Mrs. Clyde MiCallum. HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Vivian Mathews entertained a number of fripnHa i 1. v Uliugc party at her home on Thursday af ternoon. Those playing were Mes dames F. B. Stevenoon, H. R. Chris- icnsen, jimmy jonnson, R. E. Vick ers, W. E. Drake, Misses Prue New by and Joyce Harrell. High score prize went to Miss Harrell and Mrs. Johnson was pre sented a birthday gift. The hostess served a sweet course. dainty ULVIDL'KE NEWS Miss Mildred Copeland, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Copeland, has re turned to Woodland. Miss Jean Chappell spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Katherine Lane, of Ballahack. Mrs. T. P. Layden and daughter, Velma, of Hertford, spent Wednes day night and Thursday ad the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wins low. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winslow spent iSunday in Norfolk, Va., as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. White. Mr. and Mrs. Luter Bell and chil dren, Eugene, Ray and Betty Lou, of Fayetteville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Brinkley, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Winslow1 and son, Bobby Ray, of Suffolk, Va. Mr. ' i ; Lit 3'( ,' and Mrs. C. 0. White and children, .a., uorn and Bertha Mae, of Hertford; Mr. and Mrs. Sammiei Riddick, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Winslow and children, Gale and Do land, and Mrs. Delphina Winslow, of Whitestori, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Winslow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lamb and Mrs. Hettie Lamb spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Harrell, of Snow Hill. Misses Blanche and Dixie Chappell, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Maude Chappell. Other visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Riddick, and son, Billy, of Trotville. Mrs. W. H. Young and son, Har mon, Jr., of Portsmouth, Va., left Tuesday, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Chappell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Pailen Lane, at Ballahack, Sunday after noon. Leonard Winslow, of Norfolk, Va.. ToirTTSe ToClassify LITTUrnioY 'S PUPPY LOrfT Small; white with black head markings; long tail; four months old. Please call Rev. H. G. Daw kins. Telephone 3276. Hertford. $1.00 reward. jan.Tipd. FOR SALE PAIR OF MULES. Good, heavy mules, seven and eight years old. See J. F. Wins low, Route 2, Hertford, N. C. jan.5,12. WANTED TO BUY TRACTOR Large size, and equipment. Also farm wagon and cart. See Hilda Mathews, Hertford, N. C. It t Foy ,ytTo Feel W1I 24 haw tvify dmy, 1 dayi m week, never toppinc, the kidneye filter waate nutter from the blood. II mora people were aware of how (he kidneya muat conatantty remove aur plua fluid, ezoeaa acida and other waatr matter that cannot atay In the blood without Injury to health, there would be bntter uuderataiidlnf of way thr whole ayfttum ia upeet when kidneya fall to function properly. ' Burning, noanty or too frequent urina tion aomctimea wartia that omethiog ia wrong- You may utfer nak'irie hack ache, headarhoa, du-unoaa. rheumatlr pains, irttiiiic up at night. Kwullinn. Why nt try Ooan'j Pillr! Vr.u win be minf a mediHne recommendt'ri th country over. Douh's atimulat. the tunc titra of the kidneya and help thm to flush out poiaonoua wante from the blood. They contain nothing narmful. Get Dttan' today. Uae with enfidonce. At all drug tores. MM TOMATOES IJsr2pS 10c BLACKEYEp"DceMo 20c i Karo Blue Label Syrup Jar luv Hurff Soup Hurff s Condensed Vegetable lOVi-oz Ifln can Gibb's Baked D.M 16-oz 9c DUUII5 can PENDER'S BEST PLAIN FLOUR 10-lb CI m bag NABISCO BITZ Crackers 1250 Cocktail.2 15c REGl LAR SJZK SOAP Palmolive 7c BATfl SIZK PALMOI.IVB Soap 2c-k19c LAUNDHY SOAP Octagon 3---14c TOILET 80AP Octagon 3 k 14c LAB6B PACKAGE SuperSud$pw23c UBBY'S Sweet Tomato PICKLES jar 28C SILVER LABEL COFFEE ; gold spent the weelw Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs.' 3. , Olive Layden and Jr., of Richmond, Va-, were Jfuestsi of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Young, in Portsmouth, Va., during the holidays. Mrs. E. H. Cannon, Jr., of Rich mond, Va., was the week-end guest of her parents. Janudry Reductions of LADIES' COATS and WINTER DRESSES Every Item Reduced From $2.00 to $5.00 Per Unit These Coats and Dresses are all good styles and made from excellent materials. We have only a few left. Make an' early selection, as these styles will still be good next year. Take advantage of these January reductions. Shop with us tliis week-end. J. C. BLANCHARD & CO., INC. " BLANCH ARD'S" SINCE iSv Hertford, n. c. tSm White Potatoes... 10 lbs. 40c Rutabagas 3 lbs. 10c Snap Beans, lb. 23c Cabbage 2 lbs. 12c Fresh Carrots, bunch 10c Green Onions, bunch 19c Radishes 2 bunches 15c Spinach 3 lbs. 25c Colonial Cut String BEANS -,c" 15c Old Reliable Turnip GREENS lie Sunmaid Seedless RAISINS "iu 13c Zigler Peach PRESERVES ' 42c High Mark Pancake FLOUR20--1 7c Self-Risinc Obelisk Floer BALLARD'S 64c Health Club Baking ' POWDERraOc ubel coffer Z'kXm 0FAC r"Mt iw mm KJ) v-r' i 1 1,4. f X f Vi iLJHil : I : l v' 1 1 Ta Bat Bred Cqil Trlph-Frwah SANDWICH BREAD Loaf & 2lih Our Pride, 2lsaml5l r 3 Libby's PLAIN OLIVES 12-oz COn Bottle Jib 1 CLOROI Laundry CIc-c 31c Half Gal ! rzz sc .1 If ' - ft