FACiE 1-01K LOOKING AT WASHINGTON By HUGO S. SIMS, Washington Correspondent New Highway Plan For Post-War Years Congress has authorized and the President has signed a bill looking toward a Federal contribution of $1,673,250,000 for highway construc tion in a three-year post-war period. Authorization by Congress does not make the money available and it will be necessary for Congress to appropriate the cash later. How ever, it is generally expected that the appropriation will be made if the states supply $1,500,000,000 on a 50 50 matching basis. The plan authorized does not in clude the trans-continental highway system about which we heard con siderable discussion sometime ago. While the project aroused popular enthusiasm, its necessity and useful ness was challenged by some traffic authorities. Much of the congestion of our highway system is due to the fact that they run thrqugh congested urban areas. This means that relief can be obtained by constructing high ways to by-pass municipalities and thus facilitate, through-traffic. In the long run, such connecting links would prove a boon to motoriz ed traffic although there will' be howls frbmSmunicipalities which seek to compel Automobiles and trucks to drive, through their towns. Bionomic Budget Proposed To insure Full Employment Current production of goods and services is estimated at a rate of nearly $200,000,000,000 a year, which is about double the 1929 rate, but half of present production is war goods, according to a Senate com mittee, which adds that "when war contracts are withdrawn, the danger is that the entire edifice will topple over." A few facts reveal the extent of the problem. With approximately 38,000,000 persons engaged in non agricultural employment, it is obvi ous that if half of the production is for the war, many of these jobs will end suddenly. In addition, some thing like 12,000,000 Americans, now engaged in fighting services, will be coming home to find employment. It is hardly possible that reconversion to peace-time production, even if in stantaneous, can take care of the immediate needs of the potential workers for employment Facinir this situation, the War Contracts Sub-Committee of the Senate, under the leadership of Sen ator Murray of Montana, is con vinced that "mass unemployment will become a serious threat and the number of unemployed men and wo men in this country could easily sur pass anything that was dreamed of during the last depression." The committee suggests a plan to relieve the situation by providing an eco nomic suosuiuie lor war contracts. t .... i i j . ft j j : legislation nas Deen aranea anu i 0 win tie introduced at tne opening oi the new session of Congress in January, providing that the Presi dent shall submit to Congress, on t,a fircf a. f oi o uonui nruuui lion alio eiiiiiioyiiit-'iii budget. This would estimate the total num ber of jobs needed for full employ- i ment, the amount of investment and j expenditures to provide that number of jobs, and the prospective totals of investments and expenditures by i business and other non-Federal sources. , Tl j In effect, the committee contem- 1 plates an economic budget to "deal with the total amount of investment I and expenditure by groups in the country consumers, business, state and local governments, and the Fed- ' eral Government." By weighing prospective expenditures against ex-1 penditures needed to guarantee full employment, the stage would be set for calculating the amount of Fed eral investment and expenditure ne cessary to balance the equation. Senator Murray points out that 1 there should be a general program to ! encourage increased non-Federil in vestment and expenditure and that, if this is not sufficient to balance the economic budget there should be a program of Federal investment and expenditure. He does not believe that we can "just sit around and wait until people are out of work be fore we do something about promot ing employment." Considerable Agreement At Dumbarton Oaks The Dumbarton Oaks Conference is past history but it represented a step forward on the part of the United Nations to frame a world or ganization based upon mutual co operation. Not many Americans can tell you what happened or to what exten the participating nations managed to reach agreement. Nevertheless, if the future peace of the world is an important item of business for the nation, every American should make it his or her business to understand the course of international events. The significant thing about the Dumbarton Oaks Conference is not that the nations disagreed, to some extent, as to a member of the secur ity council participating in a vote re latin; to a dispute to which the member might be a party, but. as President Roosevelt pointed out, thai encouraging extent of the field ox agreement between the nations." V'1'' War Eats Into Supply Of Tires, Munitions And Rockets The unexpected rate at which tires are wearing out in Europe is caus-j ing the Army to increase its demand for military tires and the WPB will construct new plants "from the ground up" to provide 4,000,000 tires a year, and expand present facilities to increase production another 6,400, 000 tires. Due to the sudden military de mand, emergency action has been taken to .assure a supply, although the new plants will not get into pro duction until late in 1946. This is the third decision in the last month to expand beyond previ ous expectations the production!, of a critical weapon .,Mjwar equipment. Small arms ammn) fi was doubled as of November 2, Ibid on Decem ber 2nd the WPB&vealed plans for a $500,000,000 expansion of the mortar ammunition industry. In -.addition, it is well known that large increases have been made in the production of heavy artillery shells and rockets. Expenditure of the former, in the course of the battle of Europe, proved much higher than expected and the rapid de velopment of the latter as a prime war weapon account,? for the deci sion to go into large-scale manufac ture of bigger and better rockets. Fond Outlook For 1945 Includes High Crop Goals Kuod production goals for the na tion for 1945 have been set as high as for 1944, the year of the greatest agiicultural production in the his tory of the nation. i This is the statement of Dr. Wil liam C. Ockey, of the War Food Ad- . ministration, who says that civilians j will face more shortages than last i year, with less meat, chicken, butter, ' sugar, fats and oils available. Civ ilians will still get all the food they "require," declares the official, in cluding plenty of eggs and milk. ! With this forecast before them, it might be well for every American to plant and cultivate a garden. This advice is impractical for many who live in towns and cities, but millions of Americans can supplement their ' diet by food raised at home. , I'. S. In A Dilemma Over Polish Border The Polish problem which, for some reason, arouses many American publicists, is generally referred to as a question involving the future of Poland. This is hardly a fair statement be cause the boundary between Poland and Russia also involvs the future of Russia. Certainly, the Russians have this idea and do not hesitate to point out that the Poles attacked Russia for territory in years when the Soviet was weak. Few intelligent persons will deny the fairness of Mr. Churchill's staiP- ment that the Russians arp pnt.itlml security on their western fron- tjer remier Stalin, while showing interest and sympathy in the post war collaboration of nations. seem , ' "'""" l" '""-ore me oor- TO hp i A iirmmnJ 4 i.1 i be to approximately existed nrior to the fi ret. World War. The British and Russian govern ments reached an agreement on the Polish question without much diffi culty. Even the British who went to war when Germany invaded Poland and who have insisted upon a free and independent Polish nation are not inclined to regard the definite location of a border line as the para mount question involved. The position of the United States has not been very flattering because, for various reasons, this nation has not been able to make a clear-cut de cision as to Poland. The British rime Minister, in talking to the nouse ot Commons, found great diffi Luuy in discussing these matters because the attitude of the United States has not been defined with the precision mis Majesty's government nas thought wise to use." The United States Government, it is clear, is in something of a dilem ma. Having promulgated and ex pounded certain principles as to ter ritorial changes, the nation finds it self face to face with facts that make effective support of the prin ciple impossible. The statement by the government that we would agree to whatever the nations concerned agreed among themselves is not an answer to the pressing problem, as any moderately intelligent school boy knows. PINEY WOODS NEWS Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow during the holi days were Mr. and Mrs. Emmett White and son, Emmett, Jr., of Gates County, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Norfolk, Mrs. N. B. Winslow and Ruth, Charlie and Chester Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winslow ana children, Avis and Preston, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ward and son John, the Rev. and Mrs. Millikan, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell, Mrs. Troy Chappell, Carrol Chappell and Thomas Chap pell. Mrs. Purvis Chappell was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. J. S. Rountree. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow and Lois, Mrs. Curtis Chappell. Mrs. G. G. Chappell and Dork and Anna Rea 1 Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'wwbww and daughter Lola Violet THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, ' HERTFORD, visited Mrs, N. B. WinBlow Christ- mas day. Miss Evangeline Copeland was a Saturday afternoon guest of Miss Lois Violet Winslow, celebratrng Miss Winslow's seventh birthday, which was January 1. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell vfs ited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perry and son, Dewey, Jr., visited Mrs. Mary Chap pell Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Simpson Christmas day. Mr.- and Mrs. Fred Jenkins spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Ward and Mrs. Laura Ward. Mrs. C. V. Ward visited Mrs. E. N. Chappell Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winslow vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Willie Winslow Sunday evening. Mrs. Hattie Jordan was a dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chappell Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Ththisic vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Chappell Christmas day. Mrs. R. 13. Chappell and daughter Sybil spent the holidays With Mrs. Chappell's mother at Manteo. WHITESTON NEWS Mrs. Henry Williams and children, of Weeksville, visited Mrs. Mary Williams on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. White and two children, Margaret Ann and Frances Lee, of Woodland, spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie White. Miss" Daphne Winslow spent last week in Norfolk, Va., as the guest of Miss Jeanae Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lassiter, of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Lassiter and Mrs. Verna Wins low over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Winslow spent last week at Caledonia with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke. , Visitois in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lane Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Matthews and .son, Hazel, of Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Winslow had as their guests at dinner on Wednes day Mr. and Mrs. Powell Martin, of Maryland, and Miss Sybil Winslow, ot ashine-ton. D. C: Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Winslow and children, of Newland, and Mr. and Mrs. A-lvin Winslow and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Baker visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ward, of Hobbsville, Sunday. Mrs. M. H. Harrison and children, Don Ray and Monte Ann, of Nor folk, Va., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White last week. Mrs. Walter Dail and daughter. Becky, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Baker last week. miss r.stner Mae White has re turned to Greenville to resume her studies at E. C. T. C. after SDenu- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White. Mrsj. T. P. Layton and daughter, Velma, were the guests of Mrs. Jno. Lassiter Friday. Little Billy Lane, of Elizabeth City, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Powell Martin, of Maryland, and Miss Sybil Winslow, of Washington, D. C, have concluded a visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Leverette Winslow and son, Ronald, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. Verna Winslow. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rountree Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winslow and family, of Chuckatuck, Va.; Mr. and i Mrs. James Goodwin and son, of hulfolk, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Win.-low and James Winslow, of Sunbury, and Carson Winslow, U. S. Maritime Service, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Maxwell McCain, of Waxhaw, Lelia Lee and Marshall Winslow, of Bagley Swamp, and Mr. and- Mrs. Arba Winslow visited Mr. and Mrs. Worth Winslow, in Norfolk, Va., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Jordan and family of Smithfield, Va., spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Airs, Judd Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch and son Arthur, of Portsmouth, Va., were the guests of her mother, Mrs. P. L. Griffin, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Russell and family of Elizabeth City were week end guests of his sister, Mrs. Elihu Lane and Mr. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Carv McNider of Newport News, Va., spent last week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McNider. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wood of i ortiock, Va., were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lewis on Sunday. Miss Janet Quincy left Monday to visit a school friend in Raleigh be fore returning to High Point Col lege, after spending the pirlstmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Jackson re turned on Wednesday to Rockwood, Tenn.j ' after spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Mr. Wilson returned with them for a short visit I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brothers ana Mrs. Sam. White; and son Bob, of Norfolk were dinner guests, of Mr, and Mrs. John Symona on;6undaf. . Carl Lewis, USNPnbridgo, Md spent Now Year' "f- N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1946 ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lews. Mr. and Mrs. Lerov Nixon had as their guests on Sunday for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fields and Ed gar, Jr., Mrs. Claude Fields of Hert ford, Mrs. Clairbom Nixon of Eliza beth City, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cran ford. Shelton White, USOG, Norfolk, spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White. Miss Louise Wilson has returned to Chowan to resume her duty as teacher in the high school after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quincy spent Tuesday afternoon in Elizabeth City. Hybrid Corns Give Increased Yields It has been definitely shown that adapted corn hybrids can materially increase com yields in North Caro lina. Tests by the State College Extension Service last year, in co operation with the N. C. Crop Im provement Association, gave in creases of about 20 bushels per acre in most cases. When corn suffered from drought, the better hybrid corns were out standing from a drought stand point and in some instances the in creases were much larger than 20 bushels per acre. "Agronomy Suggestions" for Janu ary, which will be found in the of fice of the county agent, carries the latest recommendations on the best adapted hybrid corns and a short description of each. North Carolina is divided into nine areas and special recommendations are made for each area for both white and yellow corns. Hybrid corns do not carry names but are sold on numbers. For ex ample, the recommended strains of white corn for the northwestern sec tion in the mountains are N. C. T20 and N. C. T8, while in the north eastern section along the coast the recommended strains are N. C. 1111, N. C. 1114 and Tenn. 10. Some hybrid corns are permitted by law to be sold in the State while others are not. Certain other hy brids, chiefly from outside the State, cannot legally be offered for sale either because they have proven in ferior in Official Variety Tests or because they have not been thor oughly tested. State College specialists suggest that the grower get the advice of the county agent before attemping to grow a hybrid not recommended for his particular area. Inflamed "So your wife keeps a light bum- in;? until you come home at 4 in the morning?" "Yes, the light of battle in her eyes." Classified and Legals NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Virginia D. Hudgins, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford N. C, on or before the 28 day of October. 1945. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of October, 1944. ELIZABETH HUDGINS, Executrix of Virginia D. Hudgins, dec.22,29,jan.5,12,19,2b North Carolina, Perquimans County. Earle Morse and C. L. Stallings, Ad ministrators of the Estate of Ray Morse, Deceased, Earle Morse, In dividually, and wife, Pauline Morse, C. L. Stallings, Individual ly, and wife, Rovena Stallings and Florence Morse, Widow, Petition ers. vs. Virgie M. Stallings and husband, L. P. Stallings and Ray Morse, Jr., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Perquimans County, made in the certain special proceeding as above entitled, the un dersigned commissioner will, on the 29th day of January, 1945, at 12:30 o'clock P. M., at the Court House door in Hertford, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying ana being in New Hope Township, Per- Don't Neglect Them 1 Nature designed the kidneys to dp 8 nurvelotu job. Their task ii to Wep the flowing blood stream (ree of au vxeess ( toxie impurities. I'he act oi livjnu itA Udelf Is eonstantly produmnR was:c matter the kidneys must roimvc from the blood If good huatb is to om'mv When the kidni'ys (ail to (unutiou as Nature intended, there to retention of waste that may cause body-viiio d tress. One may suff.r naRuum 1aeir'lif, persistent headache, attack; oi aiazinsa. getting up nights, swelling, acRuiesk under the eye feel tired, nervous, 0 worn out. , . Freouent. scanty or burning pasear are sometimes turinor eviaeaue m '"- ney or bladder disturhah ier ev iv or madder The recosnii M ana propei.r lieine to help in ii,trtmen. II a diuretic i ie ktdut'ys m 9iA nf MmM ntiisonous 0-0 (IV watite. Use 0oo'( Pill. They have had more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed tne country over. Insist on Doom's. Sold at all tinw stoma.. quimans County, N. C, bounded on the north by the lands of Earnest Morse, on the east by Deep Creek, on the south by the lands of Earnest Morse, and on the west by the lands of Earnest Morse, containing 40 acres, more or less. This 18th day of December, 1944. P. W. McMULLAN, Xtommissioner. dec29 Jan 5,12,19 , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Anna Belle Landing, deceased, late of Perquim ans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 3rd day of January, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of January, 1945. W. D. LANDING, Administrator of Mrs. Anna Belle Landing, deceased. Jan 12,19,26Feb2,9,16 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of C. D. Layden, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 18th day oT December, 1945, or this notice, will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18 day of December, 1944. WALTER L. LAYDEN, Administrator of C. D. Layden. dec.22,29,jan.5,12,19,26. t00000"oaeet Bring your car in today for a careful inspection of your tires. It is important you care fpr your tires. Our ser vice is the best. If you need new tires ... and have the proper cert i ft cate ... we can supply you tires. Goodyear and V. S. JOE AND BILL'S "Where Service BILL WHITE. Prop. Kf TT II (D E Beginning January first, all Tax Listers of Perquimans County, North Carolina, will sit at. the following places and on the dates men tioned below for the purpose of listing your PROPERTY TAXES for the year of 1945. List In January and Save the Penalty Belvidere Township CARROLL V. WARD, List Taker January 11 At Whiteston, R. M. Baker's Store January 18 At Whiteston, Ralph White's Stqre January 6, 13, 20, 27 At E. I Chappell'a Store All other days during January at home. Bethel Township R. S. CHAPPELL. List Taker Tannaro fi IS. 9A 27 January 10, 17, 81 January 24 January 19 in afternoon All other days during January at home. Hertford Township J. O. WHITE. List Taker January 6. 13, 20 January 10 and 17 - January 17 tnrougn to 31 at. tuuri nuuse in nwuom All other days during January at home . New Hope Township SETH LONG. List Taker i January 6, 13, 20, 27 At Community House, New Hope January 19 - -At S. F.. HarreU's Store January 26 At Woodville; Bogue'a Store January 12 At J. B.-Webb's StorVDuram Neck All other days during January at home -lJ ,', ' . Parkville Township RAYMOND STANTON, IM Taker January 17 January 22 January 27 (Afternoon and Night) All other days during January at Winfall vi Each farmer, owner or his agent, must, come forward to report he . acreage of each crop to be harvested,- or has "been harvested, on his num. nr his tenant's farm of the vear 1944. also, the number of acrer1 ; to be cultivated, lying out, number of bearing fruit trees, and'tSfrr' fertilizer used for all crops. t 1 f'l; tf Prepare lists now, 'and save time in listing, also avoid IT" ALTY for being delinquent after January 81st, 1945.- This is requuev ; i by the-State Law; , See Chapter Carolina,; Session 1939. .. . ' J. WWARD, ' PERQUIMANS TAYLOR TIIfc.Tu EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA We Have the Shows Friday, Jan. 12 - " Dennis Morgan, (Eleanor Parker and Dane dark -"THE VERff THOUGHT OF YOU" ' Latest News "Target Japan" Saturday, Jan. IS As, Charles Starrett and Cannonball Taylor in. -"SADDLE LEATHER LAW" Last Chapter 'Zorro's Black Whip' 3 Stooges - ' ,"' Sunday, Jan. 14 tt - Boris Karron and Susanna Foster in "THE CLIMAX' Filmed In Technicolor Tom and Jerry Color Cartoon Monday-Tuesday, Jan. 15-16 Alan Ladd and Loretta Young -AND NOW TOMORROW? f Latest News Musical Short Wednesday, Jan. 17-t- ' i Ina Ray Hutton and Orchestra in "EVER SINCE VENUS" -i. "Great Alaskan Mystery Nortt- Thursday-FridayK Jan.18-19--Anne Baxter and John Hodiak fn "SUNDAY DINNER FOR Ai SOLDIER" . i J Trvi.- ixm mirw.;. IUD tLU Official Tire Inspection Station j Royal Tires and Tutas - SERVICE STATION A Pleasure" PHONE 86013 J. C. Hobbo' Si J. C. Hobbs Store at Night g At Court House in Hertforal At M. T. Griffin StoreH At Court House in Hertford1 At Court House in Hertford LChapanoke U:-WinfaU Winfall 810, H B. 45, JTUbUc ..Jaws of Mown Ta'Supcrtiscr.- COUNTY, N. C. .

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