'1,' J ' N f W Ur; :.vv' ' y .1 r THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1945 PAGE FIVE 'I 1 l ii'LSilWiLd LlL&Vv&) 1 Mrs. H. L. Wallace, of Madison,1 Indiana, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. i. a.-Sumner this week. Week-end Visitor w r m -!: rJ I "l.1 Kl-SS n SiiC'rriu; l.wWt-tfP- The dining table was Mrs. Olivia Hobbs. 1 Wetk-end Here wr.'Mia mrs. jesse v.amyen, oi uiw onuge, Hirem. me ;n.-.to ena wtu mrs. jane dampen. i Returns Home Mrs. R. S. iMonds, Sr., has re turned home after visiting relatives in.. Newport 'News, Va. Visiting Sister Mn.. Jodie Phillips, of Bethel, is the. guest of her sister, Mrs. S. T. Sutton. t. Visrbrs Here Miss Mary B. Justis, of Norfolk, -v Va., and Miss Alice Cohoon, of Co lumbia, were the guests of Mr. and -r " w. "'ulii cuiu iuioa 1111 it beth Darden last week. ! ' i? t Week-end at Home j MiSB Prue Newby, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Newhv. Goes To Rhode Island C.JP.,0. J. E. Newby, U. S. N. R., '.leftH(raday for Rhode Island to re s' tcive winner oruers, aiier spending f bis leave with his parents, Mr. and ,,8. J. E. Newby. Visiting Here Dr., and Mrs. Earl R. Sykes, - Hanover, N. H., are the guests Mrs. T. J. Nixon, Jr. of Goes To Biacoe Mrs. Jack Kanov left Monday to I join her husban.l, Warant Officer cluder! S! Jack Kanoy, at Biscoe, where they: 'i'l!; . -will spend a few days. mv uf , . Home On Visit Mrs. Nita Newbold Stehlin, who has been in Miami Beach, Fla., is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newbold. Home On Leave Bobby Keaton, U. S. N. R-, R. Iting ; his mother, Mrs. aton, at New Hope. Returns Home Mrs. J. W. Darden returned home Wednesday, after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. O'Sullivan, in Norfolk, Va. Week-end at Home Miss Frances Newby, of Belhaven, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newby. STATE Today (Friday) Matdnee 3 P. M. Night 7-9 P. M. KATHER1NE HEPBURN WALTER HOUSTON in "Dragon Seed" Sunday Shews 2:15, 4:15 and 9:15 P. M. KAY KYSER and ANN MILLER & (CaiTdPllMa Mimes' Monday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M: ANN SOTHERN and JOHN HODIAK VIE GOEHO RENO" Wednesday Matinee 3 P. M. Night DOUBLE Flrs"f Feature LEO GORCEY GABRIEL DELL in 'ollow The Leade: W- '.ay and Friday Matinee i P. M. Night 7 land 9 P. M.- - ' ", WALLACE BEERY and BINNIE BARNES Jerry Newbold, of Fayetteville, spent the week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Skinner. Remrns To Florida Fiio-hf Offior rww stton. IT a Ift HHo - f p-;:; r.itv with his wife and daugther. Visdting in Stovall Mra R n Whodho. nnH aim I Charles, went to Stovall last week visit Mrs. Whedbee's sister, Miss Marv Tavlo.r. who is ill. Returns Home Miss Janet Murray, who has been 'employed in New York for the past few months, has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! R. C. Murray. Returns To, New York Miss Bettv Winslow has returned to New York, after spending the ; Monds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whed holidays with her parents, Mr. and bee, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Riddick, the Mrs. J. E. Winslow. ; Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Reavis, Mr. and i Mrs. Jimmy Bryant, Mrs. Bob Ap- Weei-end Visitors ! Leslie Hampton. U. S. N. R.. Mrs. Hampton and their son, Leslie Wade, w ere week-end guests of Mr. J. W. Hampton. anc i Visi lors Here Monday Mrs. Thurman Harrell and Mrs, Edward Parker, of Edenton, spent Tuesday with .Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Williford. Week-end Visitors C. P. O. George W. Baker and !.-,. univci , in issuing MJII, u. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Eure and daugh I ter, Joyce, and J. Q. Caddy were of , week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. (terge Caddv. Atten! Vu. '.J., Out-of-'.ov.-:. Is at the Wallace- Koorife wvv.i ruesday night in-j tacey of Chapel ;. .-mes A. Hack , D. C; Mrs. W. I arhington, N. C; ."" i ! Elizabeth City; i of Edenton; and Miss Dot iwhvr: I ieut. Dennis '.r. and Mrs. E. e:.d d.-ughter, Miss Ed iaa, and Mrs. Jean Greenville, and John El'xal eth City. A. I 'ni'i ; Mis. C. Miss Jr ' Mr. an . . . Davis ef V, Ro!.cr!:; S. AicMnllan wi.ia Mi.'. Pigtrott of Lav-..::!- ,.; CIRCLE 0. FOUR MEETS Circle No. Four of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Banti.-'t Church met Monday evening with Mrs. Laura Jordan. The meeting was opened with the hymn, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," and Mrs. Lena Gregory of fered prayer. After prayer by Mrs. Mark Gre gory, the hymn "Lead On, King Eter- N. C. Saturday Show Opens 1 P. Mv GENE AtjTRY "Melody Trajl" "Captain America" No. 5 7 and 9 P. M. FEATURE Second Feature DAVE O'BRIEN CAROLE MATHEWS in "Tahiti Nights" nal," was sung. Mrs. Mark Gregory gave an interesting talk on Christ and the Children. Mrs. E. W. Mayes closed with the devotional. j The hostess served refreshments I to twelve memlbers and two visitors. - I ENTERTAINS AT CAKE CUTTING - Mrs. T. B. Sumner and Mrs. I Charles Ward, Jr., from Elizabeth ! City were delightful hostesses at a ... . ... 'cake c"hig Monday evening at the ,,U,I1C ui aum,,w 111 " Ralph Wallace and Miss Mary Wood Koonce, who were married Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. he home was Deauuiuny uecorat- ed with white flowers and lighted centered with a 3-tier wedding cake. ' The following guests were present: Miss Mary Wood Koonce and Lt. Ralph Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. B. G Kalnh Wal ace. Mr. and Mrs. K. ti Koonce, Mrs. R. H. Wallace of Madi- son, Hid., Mrs. Clailborne Nixon, Mr. I and Mrs. John Lawrence, Miss Dot Harris, Elizabeth City, Miss Dot1 Davis, Windsor, Mrs, M. H. Stacey, Chapel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mc Mullan and Miss Edwina McMullan. Mrs. Jean FiggoU, Greenville, Mr. Mrs. Vivian Darden, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Futrell, Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Brinn, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newbold, Mrs. Nita N. Stehlin, Mr. and Mrs. R. S plewhite, Mrs. J. P. Perry, Jr., Mrs Marion Riddick, Mrs. R. E. Vickers, Mr- and Mrs. Vivian Mathews, Mrs.l Jim Johnson, iMrs. Philip Carter, J. L. Harris, Misses Kate Blanchard, 1 Ruby White, Mary Sumner, Matilda 'Newbold, Joyce Harrell. Patricia Stephens, Nettie Day, Helen Wil loughby, Prue Newby, Grace Knowles, Jeanette Fields, Ruth Elliott, Helene Nixon and Miss Frances Maness, Lt. Dennis Roberts, Lt. Spell and Lt. and Mrs. G. W. Gerard. HOSTESS AT SHOWER Miss Joyce Harrell entertained the Wednesday Nisrht bridsre club at a miscellaneous shower on Saturday several oi me members. Mrs. lorn evening, complimenting Miss Mary mv Miller Kave the devotional. A Wood Koonce, who was married on reading was given by Mrs. R. A. Tuesday evening. i Those enjoying the occasion were: Miss Koonce, honoree; Misses Helen I Willoughby, Nettie Day, Prue New- new outers were elected to replace by, Grace Knowles and Chic Steph- thc ones "-signinK. Mrs. B. W. Pen ens, and Mesdames R. E. Vickers, ninKto" w;,s elected assistant chair W. E. Drake, Jim Johnson, J. l! man- Mls- Tonwiy Miller publicity Harris, William Hauscloerffer and ' t'llairi,ian Mrs- W- E- Homer Vivian Mathews. ' program chairman. High score prize went to M;. s ' During the soc ial hour the hos- Willoughby and Mrs. Drake icceived second high award. The honoree re ceived very' lovely gifts. The hostess served a salad course. HONORED AT TEA Mrs. Charles Whedbee and Mrs. .1. R. Futrell were joint hostesses at a tea Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6, in honor of Miss Mary Wood Koonce, who became the bride of Lieut. Ralph Wallace Tuesday evening The Whedbee home was beautifully decorated with lighted white tape,rs and white flowers. The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. W. G. Wright. Mrs. B. G. Koonce, mother of the liride, yumeu cea unci assisting in serving were Mrs. T. B. Sumner, Mrs. Bill Jessup, Mrs. Bob Applewhite, Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., and Miss Mabel Mar- ; tin Whedbee. About sixty guests called during the after.:oon. HONORED AT PARTY Mrs. Archie White and Mra r.vn don White were ioint. lumtees at i surprise birthday party honorinc Miss Marjorie Rebecca White on Friday evening, January 5. at their , home in Whiteston. Games were enjoyed, after which the honoree opened her gifts. I Mr8, Nixon Hollowell, Mr. and Mrs. The hostesses served ice cream I Abbott Hunter and children, Mr. and and cake to the following guests: Mrs- James Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marjorie Rebecca White, hon-! Pai,en Lane Mr. and Mrs. E. P. oree; Misses Leona Lane and Norma i Robertson Mr- anl Mrs- c;L''l "ar Winslow of Winfall; Misses Lina re" and chi'dren, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Winslow, Faye Winslow, Teressa Harre" Mrs- Mack Sanderlin, Mis. Winslow. T uz-illo I v,o tv..:.. i i C. A. Perry. Mrs. Lessie Ev ans Airs Esther Winslow, Florence Winslow, I Daphne Winslow. Heleno nah0r Thelma White, Evelyn White, Erie Winslow and Lena Winslow, and Leslie Winslow, Ernest Melvin Wins- I low, Elihu Winslow, Lester Bake, Wmslow Rountree, Clarence Wi;,i- low, Clifford Winslow, Calc "in do Carlton Rountree, Chester Winslow Jasper Winslow, Elsberrv Lane 1 bert Williams. Eucen and George Riddick, Mr. and Mrs.'i Clyde Lane, Clyde Emory Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Winslow, Mrs. Wini-1 HN0REE AT BRIDGE PARTY fred Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Mrs J' H- Newbold delightfully White, Mrs. Rjdph White, Mr. and f,I)tjrtamed at a bridee Party on Mrs. Archie White and Patricia ;ednesday evening, honoring Miss White. , Mary Wood Koonce, bride-elect, at - j the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Suner, on Front Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hampton cele-' Tnose enjying the evening, in ad brated their silver wedding anniver- ,ltlon to the honoree, were: Mes sary on Wednesday evening, January damea James Johnson, Vivian Math 3rd, at a buffet supper. Miss Lil- 8JeBae Har"s, Philip Carter, lian Hampton, of Norfolk,' Va pre- S' Vlckers, Bill Jessup and W. E. sided at the punch bowl. ' Drake; Misses Ruth Elliott, Virginia Those enjoying the occasion were- Wh,ite Jovce Harrell, Chic Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, Mr. and en WlIlou&hby and Nettie Day; Mrs. T. J. Hampton and children, of B;, G' Koonce and Mrs. New- Norfolk, Va.; Mr. and Mra. A. J ""k Mrs Vickers received high Eure and children, Mrs. L. J. Wiley K0J? and daughter and J. W. Eure. of . "oste8s presented a lovely Eure; Mr. and Mra. Bill Fowler and, son, Mrs. B. T. Wood, Mrs. Henry Lewis, John L. Parker, U. S. N. R., Mra. J. T. McPherson and daughter, and Miss Ine Hampton. The couple received some very nice gifts. ; , ' , EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS WITH MRS. WARD The executive committee of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Hertford Baptist Church met on Wednesday evening, January 3, with Mrs. I. A. Ward. The meeting was opened by the ffroup repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Plans were discussed for the new year's work, the goal for the l: o i ii t: j t year being Soul Winning and Prayer. " ,r -"o- t-j er meetings once a week, these meet ings' to be sponsored by the W. M. S. After the business session, the fi, 19 ,wk.. . The March meeting will be held w'th Mrs. Charles Johnson on Wed nesday, March 28. HUNUKE1J AT KKIIH.R PARTY I Mrs. Nathan Kelfe was a charm-1 ing hostess when she entertained at i a bridge party on Thursday evening at her home on Church Street in ' honor of Miss Mary Wood Koonce, bride-eleet. The home was beauti- tully decorated with evergreens and wllifo nqimnlinnn I lainouu.io, the invited guests were: Miss Koonce, honoree; Mesdames B. G. 1 Koonce, Tarn lieare, Jack Brinn, Philip Carter, R. K. Vickers, J. L. Harris. Jimmy Johnson, Charles Ward, Jr., and George Girard; Miss es Nettie Day, Grace Knowles, Dot Karris, Chic iStevens, Ruth Elliott, Helen Willoughby, Virginia White. Joyce Harrell and Bernice White Miss Koonce and Mrs. Koonce were each presented a lovely gift. Mr- Beare received high score prize and low score prize was presented Miss Day. Miss Grace Knowles was civ- en the prize for second high score. A dainty sweet course was served. . A CIRCLE NO. 2 MEETS j Circle No. 2 of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of the Hertford Bap- $ tist ( liun h met Monday with Mrs. Hattie Spivey as hostess. Mrs. Charles Johnson presided. The program theme, "Jesus the Light of the World," was given by Holmes. Mrs. Pennington closed the niepti'ig with prayer. During tne business session three less served d. licinus apple pie with whipped ere:. in and hot coffee. Members, present included Mes dames Charles Johnson, Olivia Hobbs, : 'r....,..,,, hj;iiv. i.. j ci.: r, i luiiiiii minci, iva iiiuiiu omjlliei, l. A. Holmes, B. W. Pennington, W. E. Hoffler, J. W. Hampton. Hattie Spiver and one visitor, Mr". Norman Elliott Tne February meeting will be witn rs- w- "oilier at her home. Home For Holidays Ernest E. Boyce, S 1-c, I'SCG, .-,on of Mr. and Mrs. (J. iO. Boyce of Eliza beth City, spent the Christmas holi days with his wife and pare, its. M; . Boyce is the former Miss Hilda Grif fin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin of Tyner. He now has re- turned to New York, where lie is sta- tioned, MIS( ELLA N EO IS SHOW ER Mrs. It. H. Harrell was hostess to a number of fiiends at a miscellan eous shower Tuesday ni'lit li(:noiin; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrell. those present were Mr. and Mr.;. Thomas Ilarre honorees, Mr. and ! Mrs Earlie Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs 1ennie Dail. Mr- and Mrs. Mathew Uai1' Mr- and Mrs- Wilbur Robert 'son, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Thatch, Mi. a,lti Mrs- Wi,son Hollowell, Mr. am! Jack Su" Mrs. G. W. Smith, Mrs. Johnny Hollowell, Misses Leo Dail. 13olmie liae Daf. Joyce Sanderlin, He!en Ray Harrell, Catherine Perry, l):llRey Monds, Louise Evans, Myrtle '',lth' Messrs. Jack Harrell, Carroll KO"l!rl: on- -'"en Uail, Wallace Dail, Wa'le Samlerlin, Bobby Sanderlin i1avid Saderlin, Robert Hollowell, L-''lutle Edgar Dail, Earlie Goodwin, Jr., Hubert Harrell and IIallet and JoseP'' Evans. 8:111 w tne nnree, SERVICES AT WOODLAND The Rev. J. D. Cranford will preach at Woodland Church Sun day evening at 7:80 o'clock. The public is invited to be present .VIDLKE NEWS Mrs. Dorothy Hobbs of Jackson spent the week-end as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mis. W. L. White. Donald M. I-ane ISMS, of Brook lyn, New York, and Miss Nora Wes ton of Norfolk spent Sunday ar guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White attended the funeral of Furman Smith, a nephew of Mrs. White, in Ashboro Sunday. MrB. C. T. Kogerson, Jr., and Miss Grace Chappell were in Elizabeth City Saturday afternoon. Miss Cassie Winslow ami Miss Kva Kae Winslow were d.nner guests of Miss Zenova Chappell Sunday. WHITESTON NEWS I.l,,r T acciinr i; vr v f Brooklyn, N. Y., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John rssiter Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon White spent Sunday with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,1 a nit Winslow. Misses a Lane and Norma Winslow, X t infall, were week-end glieKlH Ol ss Marjorie Kebecca White. Hilton Whit 1'. S. N., Norfolk. Va., spent the week-end with his FOR LADIES it x 1 1 2 (LH'ivt (1 a adies and V;itch:s f ir c-H' of Uese for yourself 1 Ip I 1 VftiLr S i if Hertford Hardware k Su "Truth- lit re And Bank 'Tin- Dith rt net " HKRTI ORI), X. C. Q&!bQi&ifw Wiiy ilot Start Your Buildings Now? Y u u.uld get it over with and have the added pro tection against bad weather. By using ATIIKY'S ioo K r cent Pure Taints you are assured of a lasting job. I'air.t up now and protect your investment and give vour b'.ii'dings added beautv. se lis For Your Ye now have in stock a large amount of ATHEY'S ioo fier cent Pure Paints . . . both Flat and Gloss, for interior and exterior jobs. We can also furnish you with Turpentine, Oils and Prushes. Come in today and let us give you an esti mate on your needs. Hertford Hardware & Supply Co. "TRADE HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE" HERTFORD, N. C. mother, Mrs. Edith White. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lassiter, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lassiter and Mrs. Verna Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Munden, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end as guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winslow. Archie Riddick, U. S. N. Virginia Beach, Va., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Riddick. CHAFANOKE NEWS Mrs. C. L. Jackson, Mrs. Raymond Leggett and children, 'Pundra ai-) Raymond, Jr., of l'lynioum, spei '. Monday afternoon here. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Lane and fan. ily moved to Woodville thiH week. Mrs. Walter Symons and baby are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Symons. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Mrs Kmmett Stallings and Mrs. C. P Quincy went to Edenton Tuesday to lear Bishop Peel. C. P. O. Carey Quincy and Mrs-.. Quincy, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. C. P. Quincy. Mrs. I'aul Vaughan left Wednes day for Gainsville, Texas, to visit her husband, who is stationed there. X2k AND MEN shipment of Lyceum Wrist .Men. Come in and choose pply Co. Ail important Part of Your Buildings It prevents decay and de preciation . . . t ) say nothing about improving appearance. That Paint Job Paint Supplies ',4 1' 'I 1 " Poor Print

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