THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD, N. C.t FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 194S. PAGE FIVE I . ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. George Ervin Fields announ ces the engagement of her daughter, Maude Jeanette, to Guy Wesley Pitts, t, Lieutenant (Jg)r"United States ival Reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitts, of Jonesboro, Arkansas, e wedding will take place in March. la Seaeel at Rhode Island 1 Alfred Williams, Jr., has entered jMartin Hall School, Bristol, R. I., as a Student He will be there for everal months. lome.On Furlough George Butler, U. S. A., arrived home Sunday to spend his furlough rah his mother, Mrs. George Butler. Ie has been on overseas duty for he past two years. eek-end Visitors 1 ieut. and Mrs. Edmond Lyles, of nerry" Point, and Ensign David duller, USNR, were the. week-end quests of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Johnson. Visiting In Nw York 1 Miss Kate Blanchard went to New "ofk last week to visit her brother. . May in Raleigh The Rev. and Mrs. Howard G. awldns and Miss Marguerite Wardi intended the Founders' Day program xuereaiin uollege, Kaleigh, on reek-end Visitors I Mr. and Mrs. Runert Ainslev. of loyock, spent the week-end as the ruesta ol the Rev. and Mrs. Howard Dawkina. ..I j Leare Lieut H. R. Christensen arrived i unday to spend his leave with his' ife and Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Darden. ieut Christensen has been on for "gn duty for the past few months, ieut and Mrs. Christensen went to Coughs due to colds are eased, sticky phlegm loosened up, irritated upper breathing passages are mttivrf and fidleuMt. hv Aihhintf Virka VannRuk -1 - -'- - -- m3 kmrr M at bedtime. Blessed relief as VapoRub PENETRATES to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors, STIMULATES chest and back sur faces like a warming poultice, i Often by morning most of the mis ery of the cold is gone I Remember ONLY VAP0R03 Gives You this spe- dal double action. It's time-tested, home-proved . . . the best-known home remedy for reliev- mm m m 4 in miseries of f I W R 5 children's cold. V vapor ua Li Night STATE -sr Today (Friday)- Matinee 3 P. ML Night 7-9 P. M ELEANOR POWELL DENNIS O'KEEFE in "Sensations of 1945" Sunday Shows 2:15, 1:15 and 9:15 P. MI LEO GORCEY GABRIEL DELL in' "BLOCK BUSTERS" onday and Tuesday Matinee 3 P. 1 Wednesday Matinee 3 P. M, Night DOUBLE RICHARD ARLEN VERA RALSTON "Storm Over Lisbon" Lhuraday and Friday Matinee S P. M. Night 7 and 9 P. M4, , vak all star cat ' .' A ' : . M I ".V ' . V 1. Nags Head Tuesday to spend a few days at the Stokes cottage. Ill At Home ' B. F. Ainsley is confined to his home because of illness. In General Hospital C. E. Walker is a patient at Gen eral Hospital, Norfolk, Va., where he went for observation and a possi ble operation. Week-end at Home Miss Nettie Day spent the week end with her parents in Oxford. Return Home Mrs. Clinton Eley and infant son have returned home from Suffolk, Va. Both are getting along nicely. Sunday at Mackeys Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Davenport and son, Carlton, spent Sunday at Mack eys, visiting Dr. Davenport's mother, Mrs. W. S. Davenport. It was Mrs. Davenport's 82nd birthday and was celebrated by all the family that could be present Week-end Visitors Lieut. Shelton White, USNR, and Mrs. J. N. White, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mrs. R. T. White. Home For Week-end C. P. 0. Edward Byrum, USNR, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Byrum. Week-end Visitors Mrs. J. J. Moore and children, Mrs. G. R. Anderson and children, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. S. T. Sutton. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Hooper and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Mayes. Mr. Hooper is stationed at Cherry Point. In General Hospital Mrs. Charles E. Johnson entered General Hospital, Norfolk, Va., last week and has had a minor operation. She is getting along nicely. Sunday at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stokes and children, Mr. and Mrs. V. N. Darden spent Sunday at 'Nags Head. Left Wednesday Warrant Officer and Mrs. William Miller left Wednesday for San Fran cisco, Cal., after spending the past week with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vick. Norfolk Tuesday Miss Marie Fowler, Mrs. T. B. Sumner and Mrs. Bill Jessup spent Tuesday in Norfolk. ' Saturday Show Opens 1 P. M. GENE AUTREY in , coming: Around the Mountain" "Captain America" No. 11 M. Night 7 and 9 P. M, 7 and 9 P. M. FEATURE Second Feature ANNSAVAGE TOM NEAL "Unwritten Code" 4 p"" , A Sick At Home Mrs. C. T. Skinner has been con fined to her home for the past week because of sickness, but is somewhat improved. . ' i Week-end Here Lt Bill Jessujt USNR, Newport News, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sumner. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McMullan and daughter, Edwinar of Greenville, spent the week-end with relatives in Hertford. Sunday In Portsmouth Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reed and son, Lindsay, and Miss Mildred Reed visited D. F. Reed Sunday at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital. On Furlough D. J. White, Jr., USA, who has been serving on foreign duty, is spending his furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. White, on Route 3, Hertford. Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. James Layden and daughter, Billie Burke, of Newport News spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Lewis. Recent Guests Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Towe have had as their recent guests the latter's mother and sister, Mrs. J. B. Mills and Miss Ruth Mills of New York City. They were enroute to Alabama for an extended stay with relatives and friends. I CIRCLE NO. FIVE MEETS Circle Number Five of the Wom an's Missionary Society of the Hert ford Baptist Church met on Tuesday evening with Mrs. Josiah Elliott. Mrs. Hudson Butler had charge of the program on "Stewardship." Mrs. I. A. Ward opened the meeting with prayer and those taking part on the program were Mrs. Simeon Chappell, Mrs. Warner Madre, Mrs. Hudson Butler, Mrs. Charlie Elliott and Mrs. Norman Elliott. Mrs. Norman El liott rendered a solo "Help Somebody Today." Mrs. D. M. Jackson dis missed the meeting with,prayer. Those present were Mrs. Warner Madre, Mrs. Hudson Butler, Mrs. Josiah Elliott, Mrs. Charlie Elliott, Mrs. Simeon Chappell, Mrs. Norman Elliott, Mrs. Jimmie Stallings and Mrs. Arthur White, members; ana two visitors, Mrs. I. A. Ward and Mrs. Leo Taylor. HOSTESS AT CIRCLE MEETING The Mary Towe Missionary Circle of the Methodist Church met for its February meeting 'with Mrs. Law rence Towe at the Towe home on Church Street. Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., president, presided at the meeting. The devo tional was conducted by Mrs. Elton Hurdle, assisted by Mrs. Towe. Mrs. J. P. Perry, Jr., read the minutes and roll call for Miss Grace Knowles, secretary, who was absent. Reports were given by Mrs. Perry and Miss Jeanette Fields. Mrs. Hurdle report ed for Miss Ruth Elliott and herself for having sent a box to one of the boys in service. Next month Mrs. Marion Riddick, 3rd and Mrs. Towe volunteered to send a box. From the replies received from these boys they are greatly appreciated. After the meeting adjourned dainty refreshments carrying out the Valen tine motif were served by the hos tess, assisted by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Walter Edwards. Mrs. J. P. Perry, Jr., will be the March hostess at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Brinn. W. M. S. MEETS The Woman'8 Missionary Society of Piney Woods Church met Satur day afternoon at the home of Miss Grace Chappell. The president, Mrs. B. H. Millikan, opened the meeting with the theme song, "Send the Light." The devotional was conduct ed by Mrs. V. C. Winslow. At roll call members answered with texts on "Brotherhood." Interesting briefs from the Missionary Advocate were given by Mrs. Carrie Gregory. Mrs. F. C. White gave a talk on "Race Re lations." The lesson from the study book "Unfolding Drama In South east Asia" was presented by Mrs. T. C. Perry. The meeting was closed with the Doxology. A delicious salad course was serv ed to the following: Mesdames V. C. Winslow, F. M. Copaland, Purvis Chappell, Callie Copeland, H. P. Vlhite, J. M. Copeland, P C. White. B. H. Millikan, T. C. Perry, L. J. Winslow, T. R. Winslow, Oliver V inslow, S. M. Winslow, L. C. Wins low, W. L. White, Warren Spivey, Carrie Gregory, Misses Margaret ana Lacy While and Grace Chappell. PERRY LANE The Wedding of Miss Maggie Lane, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Lane of Route 2, and Lawrence Perry, son of Joseph Perry, also : of Route 2, wns solemnized Saturday afternoon at 4 ' o'clock,; at the- Methodist District Parsonage, in Elisabeth City. ' The R2v; Ji Herbert Mailer, uncle of the bridegroom,, officiated. The 'bride woriTi blue ? twit with iratching accessories nd her cor sage was of red rosftbuds, - , The cdrembny aa idtrieW by members of, . family and a few friends' of .the" young conpte.' , 5 Both Mr. arid Mrs. Perrjr attended Perquimans' County schools "v " - BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Mrs. Charles Whedbee entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Those enjoying the even ing were Mesdames B. N. Darden, B. G. Koonce, W. G. Wright, J. 0. Fel ton, William Tucker, Herman Wins low, J. G. Roberson and Miss Eloise Scott. High score prize went to Mrs. Darden, second going to Mrs. Koonce. A salad course was served. ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Miss Joyce Harrell was hostess to the Wednesday Night Bridge Club at her home. Those .enjoying the even ing were Mesdames R. E. Vickers, Al Kenton, W. E. Drake, Jimmy Johnson and Vivian Mathews, Misses Nettie Day, Helen Willoughby and Tuck Chapman. High score prize went to Miss Willoughby, second high to Mrs. Johnson, 'nd Mrs. Mathews received the bingo award. A dainty sweet course was served. ENTERTAINS GIRLS' AUXILIARY Mrs. R. E. Vickers was hostess to the Girls' Auxiliary of the Baptist Church on Friday evening, when she entertained at her home. The Valen tine motif was carried out in the decorations. Bingo was enjoyed and refreshments were served. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. J. E. Winslow entertained members of her bridge club on Friday evening at her home. Those playing were Mesdames C. A. Davenport, J. R. Futrell, S. P. Jessup, L. W. An derson, J. . Newbold, H. A. Whit ley and W. H. Hardcastle, and Miss Mae Wood Winslow. High score prize was awarded to Mrs. Anderson. The hostess served a salad courso. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Charles M. Williford was hos tess to her , bridge club Tuesday evening at her home on Dobb Street. Those playing were Mesdames G. W. Barbee, Jack Brinn, H. C. Stokes, T. L. Jessup, M. R. Campbell and Miss Helen Morgan. High score prize went to Mrs. Barbee, low to Miss Morgan and Mrs. Campbell received bingo prize. A sweet course was served. CORRECTION Last week we incorrectly published that Mrs. Fenton Hurdle had been notified that her son had been wound ed in action. The announcement should have been Mrs. Hurdle was notified that her husband had been wounded. No additional informa tion regarding Mr. Hurdle has been received as yet. First Spring flowers . . . sailors, toques, calots from $1.98 up MRS. JAKE WHITE 2nd Floor Simon's SOIL CONSERVATION NOTES Soil conservation plans were com pleted last month for R. L. Hendren, A. E. Layden, J. H. Winslow, W. J. Perry and John Billups. Soil samples were taken on a num ber of farms for analysis and fertil izer recommendations. S. W. Morgan on Whiteston road constructed a sloped ditch to improve drainage in a field that was poorly EXTRA ARE THE VOGUE For work or pleasure you'll want an extra jacket (plaid, checked or striped). With just the change of a jacket you ihave a new outfit. Stop in today and sec the new pat terns and colors in jackets. All wool, of finest fabrics. these new Spring Coats $18.50 Slacks to go with these coats in greys and checks $7.50 and $7.95 IM(Q)N' "STORE OF HERTFORD, N. C Flower Hats High spirited hat beauties tonic for winter-into-Spring wardrobes! New victorian sailors and cloches gay berets and bonnets! An en chanting collection of make your every cos tume. Sec our glamorous collection today! v Hertford, N. C drained. The Soil Conservation Dis trict assisted Mr. Morgan by doing the necessary leveling to determine location for ditch and to establish proper grade. William Skinner on New Hope road plans to change three straight sided ditches in a nine-acre field to sloped ditches. He also plans to flush land to center of cuts between ditches to promote better drainage. JACKETS See VALUES- Straws Fabrics Super for suits, felt ca lots and berets from $11 !!

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