4 ' 7' via-' J j IMANS WEEKLY "i" AVEOOiY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED H ttPitfiLDING OF HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Volume X1L Number 8. Hertford, Jfercjfflmans County; North Carolina Friday, Feoruary 23, 1945. $1.50 Fer Year ;;Ee,d Cross War Fund Drive Starts March 1st Tbl TINS VMS HEADLINES After pounding the Jap homeland for several days, the U. S. Navy landed an' invasion force of Marines on the -island of Iwo Jima early this week, and reports from Guam an nounce the landing troops are now engaged with the Japs in one of the bitterest battles of the Pacific. It has been reported the Japs had some twenty thousand soldiers on Iwo Jima, but the 11. S. Marines, . according to reports Wednesday, had captured about one-third of the island. In the air attacks on Tokyo the Navy re ported some 1,400 planes bombed im portant installations there. The in vasion of Iwo was preceded by a ter rific naval bombardment by air and heavy guns Canadian and British troops, in their offensive at the northern tip of the! Seigfried line, have crashed through the German central point of Gbfch, which places them at the gate waV of i the Ruhr valley. British General Montgomery, in an order of the1 Say. earlier this week, called on to deliver the KnocK-out the Germans facing the Meanwhile, at two points western front, U. S. troops of Patton'i Third Army have rains through the west Patton'i troops are now push- it the Moselle Valley. Reports the Germans are offering resistance Oa the eastern front Red armies have; continued to pash ahead through Carinas resistance, but the drive for Berlin has slowed down as compared with the attack of a week ago. The Russians are consolidating their po sitions to the north and south of Berlin, wiping out pockets of Ger mans previously bypassed by the at tacking Jtasaians. Gctofltipna inside .aL- " i i i til i A Denra, wmcn nas ueen uiv ay .mueu warplanes, is reported extremely bad. Food riots have been reported as well as typhus epidemics. One commenta tor this week stated conditions in side Germany now are comparable with October, 1918. Neutral sources report Hitler has ordered German troops . out of northern Italy, and Italian Fascists are making attempts to save themselves as best they can. General MacArthur reported this week that Japanese resistance in Manila has been reduced to an area of about one square mile. The Japs are reported to be showing utmost savagery as they are herded into .-pockets on annihilation. The U. S. troops, landed late last week on Corregidor are mopping up the re maining Japs on that tiny island in the Manila Bay. It was revealed this week that President Roosevelt and Prime Min ister Churchill met at Alexandria following the Big Three meeting, and mapped out plans for the knock-out blow to the Japs. Churchill pledged anew that Great Britain would lend full support to the American effort , to bring the Pacific war to a' close. N',ght dubs and other amusement spots in America, were effected 07 an order Issued this week br War Mo- bilizer Byrne,' who announced that beginning Monday such places must be dosed by midnight The order was mad in an effort to further con serve fuel and electric power. iltlrh atoErd Issues 3lL':TTire Permits ' Thirty-one; motorists were issued certificates to' purchase new tires; by 'the Perquimans Ration Board at its last meeting, . Mrs.' Helen Davenport, xJerk of the Boar4, stated en Monday- Passenger Type- permits . went to y. A, UmpHlett, irV&'auriter; 5 Zack Phillips, 2; Norman Elliott, 2; ings, 1; Lawrence, perry, k 1 N. Hollowell, 2; Clifton Griffin, J J. E. Twine, 2; Eddie Harrell, 1; : W. JL Elliott 21 Henry Mallory, J:'- J, -JB. Davenport, 2; State Highway Patrol, 2; I N. Rountree, 2; I D. Chappell, ? .Garland Lane, 2; W. L.' Jessup, 8; J. ii, Newby, J. CTMonds;. 1; Ivichard Blocker,, 2; W. F. Tarkenton, 2; James Hunter, 2; G. D." Gardner, i G. X Fordyce, J; J. T. Blaire, 1, id R. C. JHurray, 1. . ' 1 Truck Type George Armstrong, 2; W. IL V. inslow, - 1, and Board of Education, 4. - , V . S MS J i puMi to Britishers. onTtb - im new f waJl inffleat Soil Conservation District Enlarged By Local Representative Explains Set-up of Organization Pasquotank, Camden and Currituck counties have been added to the Al bemarle Soil Conservation District, it was announced here this week. The farmers in the ab-jvc th'.ve to.mties recently made a petition to come into the Albemarle District, and the ne cessary measures were made and ap proved. The Albemarle Conservation District was originally composed of Chowan and Perquimans counties. A Soil Conservation District is not a government agency F. A. McGoogan pointed out. It is organized under and in accordance with the respective State law, is a legally constituted po litical subdivision of the State, just as is a county, municipality, school district or other local unit of govern ment. It has rights and responsi bilities which are exercised by the board of district supervisors which functions in an executive and manag-j ing capacity as the governing body of the district. "The primary purpose of soil con servation districts is to outline and put into effect a program of conserva tion of soil and soil resources and the prevention and control of soil ero sion," said Mr. McGoogan. The strongest asset of the soil con servation district is that it is locally gqverned and, jsontrolled by farmers themselves, aw"perates under a soil conservation' Ingram which it has developed to Jimeet its particular needs. It is ofcresponaible to any Federal or 8tatgency, and well may be considered a working ex ample of eooperativaeffort at its best. Inasmuch-s th Koi I Conservation p&"rfje Soil " -Conservation Districts nave such similar objectives, it is to be expected that they would have much in common. The Soil Conservation Service will, upon re quest and if facilities permit, enter into a supplemental memorandum of understanding with the district. Un der the terms of this memorandum, the services agree to furnish certain technical assistance and specified quantities of available materials, supplies and equipment When the Albemarle Soil Conserva tion District was formed the Soil Conservation Service detailed R. G Jordan to work in Chowan County and F. A. McGoogan to work in Per quimans County. R.F. Turtle Will Aid In Filing Tax Returns Here March 7 To 10 The State Department of Revenue will have its representative, Deputy Commissioner R. F. Tuttle, at the Court House, Hertford, on March 7, 6, 9 and 10, to assjst those who may need help"' in preparing their income and intangible'ta returns for North Carolina. V All married menljying with wife and receiving income of $2,000 or more, all married women receiving income separate frdhiTh htwiband in amount of $1,000 or "nwire, all 'grngle persons having incomes of t!,000 or more, are required to file a return. Husband and wife cannot file a Joint 1 AH persons owning stocks, bonds, notes, mortgages or having money on hand not deposited in banks, or de posited in banks outside the State, and all persons having accounts re ceivable, are required to file an, in tangible tax return. Failure to file a return, whether taxable or non taxable, if in the liable' amounts; subjects one to severe penalties.- Deputy Tuttle will cheerfully assist those who may need his help, y ' 1 twai Spldier Wins '"' Cippd Conduct Ribboprt 'PfcWilliam E. WilUams, son of Mr. and Mrs, VT,. H. Williams of Route 8, has recently been- awarded the. good conduct ribbon,' the Euro pean Theatre of Operations Ribbon, with three bronie stars for. cam paigns in their Area, aceordinf to word received here, - , Pvt. Williams entered the service in April, 1942, and has been iter- Draft Board To Call 16 Men During March Perquimans County's draft board will call up a total of 16 men during the month of March, Mrs. Huth Sum ner, clerk of the board, announced this week. Two of the number will be ordered to report for induction into the armed forces on March 1, and the other 14 will be called up for prc-induction examinations. The calls, two colored registrants for induction on March 1, will be filled by Horace Wiggins and Clifton Jenkins. On March 6, five more col ored registrants will be called to re port for examinations. On March 27, nine white registrants wil' b' sent to Fort Bragg to re ceive their pre-induction examina tions. Thus far the board has no induc tion call for white men during next month. Lt Col. Crawford Killed In Action In Philippine Islands Lieut.-Col. William R. Crawford, United States Army, 30, was killed in action in the Philippine Islands on February 6, according to informa-' tion released by the War Department last week. The young Army officer was the only son of the late Captain Louis R. Crawford, a flyer in World War I, and Mrs. Crawford of Hertford. He was a grandson of the late D. Wil liam Riddick. Survivors include nis wife, the former Miss Mary SheLbourne of Washington, N. C; his motheij Mrs,l L. R. Crawford: one sister, Mrs. Louise Woods, and two nephews. " Lieut.-Col. Crawford, a graduate of I est Point, Class of 1937, attained the rank of major at the age of 27 and that of lieutenant-colonel before his thirtieth birthday. He was pick ed for the general staff also prior to this date. At the time of his death he was at tached to the llth Airborne Group, stationed in the Philippines. He was among the first officers to volunteer their services in the organization of paratroopers in the U. S. Army, but he was ordered overseas before being assigned. After two years service at an outpost in the South Atlantic, he returned to this country and again requested duty with the paratroopers and was so assigned. After gradu ating from the Paratroop School at Fort Benning, Ga., he was assigned with the llth Division in the Pacific. He served throughout the Leyte cam paign and was awarded the Bronze Star medaL for meritorious achieve ment, following the 'close of the Leyte campaign. At the time of his death, Col. Crawford Was with his division in the attack which led to the recapture of the city of Manila. Navy Chaplain In Southwest Pacific Chaplain Paul S. Sanders, formerly attached to the Harvey Point Naval Auxiliary Air Station, is now some where in the Southwest Pacific, he wrote The! Perquimans Weekly re cently. His address is: Chaplain PivS. Satjders, USNR, 6th Mar. Div Med. Brii" Hq., Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. In his letter to the local editor, Chaplain Sanders said, "I've come a long way from Harvey Point, tra versed many a weary mile, and seen all kinds of places and people. It's been interesting, and so far, rather enjoyable. "However, tucked away in my memory is a corner I reserve espe cially for the people of Hertford and Perquimans County, and for Harvey Point. You people were 'so gracious and kind I could not help loving you. My work at the base was rich and full and satisfying and the contacts I maoVamong you will bring Joy to my heart as of ten as I think of that "land of beautiful women" and of beautiful mobns and beautiful friend ships. For I believe the glory of the South is not altogether a departed one, but also a matter for future ref erence." ' - ' COTTAGE PRATER MEETING The cottage prayer meeting of the Baptist Church will meet Tuesday, February 27, at 3:30 P. M.. with Mrs. Will Hoffler t he noma on Grubb .street The public is invited to attend.' ... "- Indians Top Chowan Cagers For Ninth Victory This Season Squaws Win Easily In Game With Chowan Girls' Team Off to a slow rUiri during f'e first quarter, which ended 5 to ' in their favor, the Perquimans Indi... . turned on the power during tiie lOniaindcr of the game to chalk up tin ir ninth basketball victory of this season at the expense of the Covan High School quintet. The t'mul score wai Perquimans 38, Chowan 28. omim-u inu iigK11-' i ot the entue starting line-up, the Indians became the masters of the tfame during the second quarter and ran their score to 11 points, while Chowan tallied seven. During the third period the Indians, led by some good shooting on the part of Wilson and White, increased their score by 11 more points to hold a 22-14 lead i A as the last quarter opened. lhe Indians showed mucl improve ment in their floor work, as well as their shooting, and during the last period, after the Indians had in creased their lead to 12 points, Coach Max Campbell began substituting his string of reserves. In the final canto xhe Indians rolled up another 16 points while Chowan scored 14 points. The scoring for Perquimans was almost equally divided between White, I day night for the purpose of report Wilson, Noweir, Berry and Wood,' Ing on the work accomplished to while Evans was best for Chowan, collecting 11 of his team's 28 points. The game was played on the Chowan floor and was hard fought through out, but aside from the opening minutes of play, were v-ompletely the Chowan boys outclassed by the! I Indians the preliminary game the In- d&n Squaws won easily from the Chowan girls by a 31 to 7 count, Coach Lister used her entire team in the playing, substituting frequently after the second half began and the Squaws were leading by a score of 22 to 6. During the first period the Squaws gained an eight to six ad-1 ' vantage and in the second frame rolled up 14 points while holding the host team to one lone basket. In the third period the local six eased off and each team counted for six points. Chowan out-shot' the local girls in the final quarter, counting for five points while Perquimans tallied three. The final score was Squaws 31, Chowan 17. T. S. Broughton Dies At Vets' Hospital; Funeral Wednesday Thomas Sidney Broughton, 47, died at the Veterans Hospital in Augus ta, Ga., early Sunday morning. He was a native of Perquimans County and a veteran of World War I. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Vera Hemmingway Broughton, formerly of Dunn, twin sons, Julian H. and Sid ney C. Broughton, both of the U. S. Naval Reserve; three sisters, Mrs. Milton Dail, Mrs. Ed Harrell of near Hertford and Mrs. Carrie Sitterson of Edenton; nine brothers, John and Harry of Hertford, Charles of Dunn, T. Louis of Savannah, Ga., Sam Broughton of Portsmouth, Julian and Jesse Broughton of Detroit, and John Gatling of Bethel and Wilford Gatling of Suffolk. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at; 3 o'clock from the Lynch Funeral Home with the Rev. Howard G. Dawkins offici ating. Interment was in Cedarwood Cemetery. Pallbearers were Tom Perry. Ros ert A. White, Charles Mathews, Mark Gregory, Raymond Sk''r.r and J. Emmett Winslow. HOBBSVILLE HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE Fire, caused by the explosion of an oil stove, completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Bunch, at Hobbsville, on last Wednesday. The house was burned to the ground and no estimate of the loss was made. WOUNDED IN ACTION Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Miller,, of Route Three, were notified last Sunday that their , son, Henry Miller, had been wounded in action while - serving somewhere in the European Theatre of Operations. Chairman Announces Cross War Fund Drive Jack Jarvis Picked As Ranking Student Navy Training Base Ensign Jack K. Jarvis, Jr., 24, I CSNR, of Hertford, was recently j selected by his division officer as a j top student in his group of officer trainees attending !iesel school at the Amphibious Training Base, Cor onado, Calif. Son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jar vis of Hertford, IOnsign Jarvis attend ed the University of Georgia Pie Flight School, and was attached to the Naval Air Corps from August, l')V, to September, 1 f 1 4 . Knsign Jarvis graduated from the I niversitv of North Carolina and was active in football and wrestling prior to entering the Navy August 28, 1942. Committee Working To Finish Canvass Athletic Field Fund Members of the committee of in terested citizens who have been spon soring the drive for funds to con struct a modern athletic field at the Perquimans High School met Tues- date. It was announced by L. C. Winslow, serving us treasurer of the group, that $3,260 is now in hand. The committee has learned through contact with eauioment companies that the total costs foi building the, field as planned will be approxi- i mately five thousand dollars, there- 1 J fore the group still needs $1,7(0 to I complete the project. They plan to continue the canvass for funds one more week in :ui eli ci t to raise the remainder needed lo give this county an up-to-date ath letic field. According to plans map ped out Tuesday night, the comniit- will solicit throughout the entire county and the public 1 jperate by making asked coul ri to co- hutioti j now. Since th'e local group began this- I drive for a modern field here in IV quintans, several surrounding coun ties have launched similar drives. In Elizabeth City, it was announced, the three civic clubs there will shortly begin a drive to raise forty thousand dollars to construct a city stadium, and it has been reported that Edenton also plans to revamp its present field to make it equally as good as any in this section. Residents who desire to contribute to this fund, but who have not been asked by one of the committee, are urged to hand their donations to any one or the group working on the plan, or contributions may be handed to J. H. Towe, W. H. Pitt, Charlie Vann, Fred Mathews, the Rev. B. C Reavis or Clinton Eley. , The committee plats to begin con struction on the field as rapidly as possible after the funds have been collected, in order that the field may be ready for use by the high school's football team next fall. Speeders Top Docket In Recorder's Court Five of seven cases disposed of by the Perquimans Recorder's Court this week were for speeding violations, and with all of the defendants enter ing pleas of guilty, tho court was in a short session, v James Harris, V Negro, was fined $100 and ordered to pay court cost? after being found guilty of reckless driving and hit and run. Louis Holley was taxed with court costs after pleading guilty to driving without a license. Robert Wallace was assessed a fine bf $10 and ordered to pay the costs on a charge of speeding. Johnnie Riddick was fined $10 and taxed with the costs on a speeding charge. Scott Harvey was ordered to pay oourt costs after pleading guilty, to speeding. Francis Owens was fined $50 and ordered to pay the court costs for speeding and driving recklessly. Wheeler Jones was taxed with costs of court on a charge of speed ing. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Lieut, and Mrs. Edward Griffin an nounce the birth of a son, born on Sunday, February 18, in Elizabeth City. Mother nnd baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Griffin is the former Miss Jean Newbold. SoIicitDrs For Red ieftig March 1 Perquimans County Is Asked to Raise Goal Of $5,200 By 15th Mrs. R. S. Monds, Jr., chairman of the 1943 lied Cross War Fund cam paign in Perquimans County, this week, in announcing the names of solicitors who will conduct a house-to-house canvass for funds, issued an appeal to the pt.'ple . the county to give liberally toward this cam paign in order that the Red Cross will he able to carry out completely its program of aid to American sol diers and sailors. She stated, "Several years ago, prior to the war, most people contri buted one dollar each year for the Red Cross roll call, and Perquimans County's goal was $500, but that now, with the needs so greatly increased by the war, Perquimans is requested to rais! the sum of $5,200 for the 1!M5 drive, and to raise this sum, the great majority of givers must in crease their contributions in like amounts for us to conclude the drive successfully." The War Fund drive will open here on March 1, and the chairman and her committee of workers hope to complete the campaign by March 15, that being the date set for the close of the National canvass. Solicitors named by Mrs. Monds were: Initial Gifts, S. M. Whedbee, A. VV. Hefren, C. P. Morris, V. N. Darden, J. II. Towe and the Rev. I!. C. Reavis. For Hertford: Mrs. 1). T. Wood; West Hertford, Housing I'roject, Kdenton Road St., Dobb St., Mrs. Grubb St., Mrs. and Mrs. Julian Mrs. Willis Jessui) . Mrs. Martin Towe: Mrs. Lilly Spivey Charles Skinner; Dennis llolliday . White; Market St. and Mrs. .Toyle' 1 niphlott ; Church St.. Mrs. Walter Oakey. Jr., Mrs. J. il. T...,. a:id Miss Nettie Day; Front Aiis. ('. A. Davenport and Miss Hi h no Nixon. Iii the niial areas the drive will be under the direction of Miss Frances ilaness, who is serving as co-chairman, and her solicitors are: Chapa noke, Mis, John Symons; Newbolds, Mrs. J. A. Bray; 1'arkville, Miss lice Ferrell; Cumberland, Mrs. Effie Miller; 11 urdletown, Quinton Hurdle; Hopewell, Mrs. Krnest Long; Balla hack, Mrs. W. M. Elliott and Mrs. F M. Elliott; Beech Spring, Mrs. Joseph Layden; Anderson's, Mrs. C. W. Reed; Durants Neck, W. E. Dail; Bethel', Mrs. Ennis Phillips and Mrs. W. P. Long; Snow Hill, Mrs. William Whed bee; White Hat, Mrs. Hazel Hoskins; lielvidere, Mrs. T. V. I'errv; Wyn fork, Mrs. T. E. Madre and Miss Rosa Lassiter; Whiteston, Mrs. John Stalling and Miss Ix'tia Winslow; Burgess, Mrs. J. B. Basnight; Old Neck, Mrs. Ed Kenton, and Baglev Swamp, E. A. Smith. The solicitor for the Woodville community has not ' yet been named. I The Colored division will be under the direction of W. J. Thompson, for all communities south of the Per quimans River, and W. R. Privott, all communities north of the river. It is also understood that all teachers in Colored schools will receive contri butions for the drive. Funeral Services C. E, Walker Held Tuesday Afternoon Clarence E. Walker, 67, well known resident of Hertford, died in a Nor folk hospital early Sunday morning after an illness of two weeks. He was a native of Currituck County, but moved to Hertford several years ago. for the past ten or twelve years he had been employed by the Town of Hertford and was superintendent of the Street Department and a member of the police force. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Clar ence E. Walker; two daughters, Miss Essie Walker and Mrs. Glen Math ews; one son, Morgan V. Walker; two brothers, Cary Walker of Ra leigh and William Walker of Vir ginia Beach, and four grandchildren. "Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the Lynch Funeral Home, by the Rev. B. C. Reavis. Burial was made in Cedarwood Cemetery. Pallbearers were V. N. Darden, W. H. Pitt, Fred Mathews, Wayland Butler, Bill Cox and Robert White. i sW ,4