$ fr i--1,1,1 u If! 1 w .'1 if . Y PAGE TWO THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1945 ' 1 i a- THE. Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday by Th Perquimans Weekly, partner hip eonaiating of Campbell and Max R. Hertford, N. C Joseph. U Campbell, el MAX CAMPBELL ..Editot ti.teie: m second class matte. Novewtai '6 IIW4 at oottotU Hi Hertford, North Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Cards of thanks, obituarien resolutions of respect, etc . will b charged for at regular advertisinK rates. Advertising rat furnished b request. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1945 The Price Of War The latest figures on American combat casualties, since the begin ning of the war, show that they have reached 764,584, with those killed numbering 163,458. The number of Americans, now held as prisoners of war, is 63,353 and 101,349 are included in the cate gory "missing." Some of this latter group will be located, others are un doubtedly prisoners and some of them have been unfortunately killed. Secretary Stimson also reports that there are now 359,243 prisoners of war held at camps in this coun try, including 305,367 Germans, 60,551 Italians and 2,820 Japanese. He re iterates that there is "no pamper ing" of prisoners of war. It is un necessary to add that there is no brutality practiced against them, in fact there have been charges that the Nazis are being pampered, and some Congressmen have indicated an in vestigation will be made into the handling of German prisoners in this ' ountry. Mail To Men Overseas Answering complaints from troops and folks at home that parcels sent overseas are not delivered, the Army says that the big trouble is that the packages are not wrapped up prop erly, being put into light containers or no containers at all. The military does not deny that some packages are lost through pil fering, but reports an investigation which showed that only a fraction of one per cent of mail has been lost through theft. Practically all of this occurs at terminal transfer points outside the United States. Correspondents and officials seem to agree that one of the best morale boosters is the receipt of mail from home by service men overseas. This factor seems to be appreciated by the folks at home, who have flooded the mails with letters and packages for their boys abroad. We hear numerous complaints from individuals on the home front as to the irregularity of mail from over seas. Relatives who fail to hear from men abroad attribute it to faul ty mail service. When they get let ters from their men, as they often do, saying that the serviceman has not received letters and packages from here, this is likewise attributed to failure of the Army and Navy postal service. The question is of considerable in terest, both to men on the fighting fronts, on land and sea, and to their loved ones at home. Anxiety and disappointment are not relieved by difficulties that sensible people know make impossible prompter service. Soldiers and sailors, moving from point to point, create unusual prob lems and, very often, transport ser vices have to give priority to muni tions and other items that mean more than mail on the battle-line, regard less of the admitted importance of letters and packages. The Impact of Yalta The hysterical chorus of impreca tions issuing from Berlin is one good measure of the success of the Crimea Conference. The continuing and ex panding cooperation of the United Nations cannot be hidden from the German people. Nazi propaganda had been building a picture of Allied exhaustion and disunity. This has not been ripped as rudely by the Yal ta blockbuster of political coopera tion as it has by the coordination of military action on the Eastern and 'Western Fronts. Berlin's shouts are intended to cover the fact. Telling the German people that the Crimea Conference recorded an Allied purpose to enslave and exterminate was hardly new, but seems to have been all Herr Goebbels could think of at the moment Then he shifted to a new version of the i old cry about the "Bolshevizing of Europe." Now he is simply claiming that Britain and America sold out to Russia at the Black Sea conference. The effects within Germany of this cry are likely to be less dangerous than the effects of it outside. The great majority of public and press opinion in the United Nations has i warmly applauded the communique from the Crimea. The principal spe cific objections have come from the sHonh Carolina vat mss Associrticwq VIDLRE NEWS Staff Sgt. Hemby Chappell of Ham ilton Field, Cal., is spending a 16 day furlough with his father, E. L. Chappell. Mrs. V. C. bail spent Wednesday in Norfolk. Mrs. Paul Sawyer of Raleigh was a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Perry. The Rev. and Mrs. B. H. Millikan left Monday for Liberty, where they will visit friends and lelativea. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Blanchaid and daughter, Kathleen, of Hertford, spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White. Mrs. Dan B. Fearing, Miss Mildred Williams and Lieut. W. D. Smith of Portsmouth spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mr. A. D. Wes ton. Mrs. Maud Chappell, accompanied Dy Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Riddick and son, Billy, of Trotville, spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Lewis of Pocomoke, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winslow and family of Elizabeth City Route 2 were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Winslow Sunday. Miss Grace Chappell and Staff Sgt. Hemby Chappell were week-end visi tors with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Price of Crisfield, Md. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winslow and Mrs. H. P. White were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White of Winfall on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harrell of Okisko were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lamb. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER On Friday evening. February 9, Mrs. W. C. Winslow. Mrs. T. P. Bv- rum and Mrs. G. W. Chappell were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower honoring Dorothy Bass Chappell, and also a third anniversary shower I which was a surprise) honoring Eu nice Chappell Boyce. - Bingo was played, with Mrs. Louis Winslow and Mrs. Purvis Chappell winning the prizes, which were pre sented to the bride. Those enjoying the evening and Hending gifts to the honorees were Mesdames Thomas E. Winslow, Oras Winslow, McEllroy Chappell, lizzie Chappell, McCoy Phthisic, John E. Wood, Jr., V. C. Winslow, R. H. Copeland, W. L. White, Sidney Blan chard, Hettie Lamb, Fronnie Lamb, Raymond Dail, Hercules Byrum, Car son Chappell, Tom Byrum, Oliver Winslow, LeRoy Hobbs, Louis A. Chappell, Purvis Chappell, Claude Winslow, B. H. Millikan, Merrill Kelly, John Monds, Lin wood Chap pell, Gaither Chappell, S. M. Wins low, W. W. Chappell, Fernando Chappell, Nathan Matthews;- Murray D. Lane, V. E. Boyce, V. C. Lane, E. S. White, F. , M. Copeland, Jerome Hurdle, Linwood Winslow, J. M. Copeland. H. P. White, L. J. Wins low, C. T. Rogerson, Percy E. Chap pell, Hubert Chappell, Johnnie Chap pell, A. D. Weston, John E. Chappell, Carson Monds, Berte Smith, Charlie Trueblood, Will Cartwright, Wilbur PhthiBic, Ollie Smith, Alphonzo Cart wright, Caleb Raper, Godfrey Chap pell, Thomas Winslow, A. D. Ward, Jr., Curtis Chappell, Louis Winslow, C. T. Rogerson, Jr., Nurney Chap pell, Henry Copeland, Otho Winslow, Kstes Copeland, Merrill E. Copeland, Bertha S. White, Bessie Bass, Mar cus Bass, Misses Lillie Rae and Lois Chappell, Sybil Monds, Julia Weston, Jewell White, Eunice Chappell, Dor rie Mae and Annie Rea Chappell, Edna Mae and Naomi Boyce, Viola and Irene Bvrum. Mnrv Fli-mhotv, ! Winslow, Judith Winslow. Chervl Lee Hobbs, Francis Chappell, Avis Winslow, Ellodia Lamb, Zenova and Jeanne Chappell, Catherine White, Grace Chappell, Constance Elaine Boyce, Lois Violet Winslow, Cassie Winslow, Margaret S. White and Ruth Bass. Ihe hostess served fee cakes and peanuts. cream, Polish Exile Government and from important Polish groups in the Unit ed States. The isolationist section of the American press has in several instances paralleled the estimates of such groups as to the over-all ef fects of the conference. Of course, there is opposition in the United Nations which is not re lated either to Nazi propaganda, to Polish fears of Russia, or to Roman Catholic antipathy for communism. There is some skepticism about the practical operation of the agreement for joint countries. action in the liberated TT J .. . . Under it the United States more 'pecificallv nasumeo ro. ponsibi!ii than it had through its military operations ii Europe. The statement about joint rct'r-? will hardly destroy spiior-.s of inf ience now existing, but should prevent some trouble in future. Certainly many problems of cooper ation with Russia are still unre solved. We must hope that London and Washington will use every rea sonable leverage to protect Poles and Yugoslavs who have fought the Nazis heroically but are treated as enemies by Moscow, and to obtain genuinely free elections. In the arrangements with Russia President Roosevelt has proceeded along the line of compromise. It is going to be necessary repeatedly to look behind the promises and ex amine performance. .But except for those who habitually oppose Russia, who are against any real interna tional cooperation, or who dislike the Polish uid Yugoslav settlements, most Americans will accept the com promises as a necessary step in de veloping more satisfactory teamwork. WHITESTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winslow and family of Chuckatuck visited Mrs. Jesse Rountree ana Mrs. Delphlnia Winslow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lassiter of Norfolk spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lassiter. Mrs. Walter Dale and daughter Becky of Murfreesboro were week end guests of Mrs. Dale's parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lane and son Clyde Emory visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Matthews, of Hert ford. Mrs. M. H. Harrison and children Don Ray and Monte Ann of Norfolk were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White. Mrs. Archie White and children Patricia and Mary Francis, spent Tuesday at Bagley Swamp with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Wins low. Hilton White of the U. S. Army, Norfolk, spent the week-end with his mother, Edith White. Miss Becky Dale and Thurman White were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyndoii White. Elmer Lassiter of U. S. MSTS, Brooklyn, N. Y., spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lassiter. BALLAHACK NEWS Mrs. Eddie Arnold and daughter of Portland, Maine, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Baker. Robert A. Harrell, SF 2-c, left Sunday for Seattle, Washington, af ter spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harrell. Mrs. H. V. Baker returned home Saturday from General Hospital, Norfolk, Va., where she has been a patient. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chappell, "Jr., of near Elizabeth City, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Elliott and children, Alice Grey and Brenda Kay, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Daniels at Norfolk. Mrs. Shelton Nixon and son are spending the week at Portsmouth, Va., with relatives. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harrell .were Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Harrell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrell, Joe Harrell and son, Joseph Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Goodwin vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Harrell, Jr., at Elizabeth City Tuesday after noon. Mack Sanderlin, USN, of Norfolk, Va., visited his wife on Saturday af ternoon. MRS. PATTIE G. WHITE Mrs. Pattie Gregory White, 68, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Bright, at Kiako Febru ary 13 after an illness of one year. She was the daughter of the late John F. and Rebecca Brinkley Broth ers and a life-long resident of this section. Besides Mrs. Bright, she is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Paul C. Trotman of Portlock, Va., and Mrs. John Symon of Chap anoke; four sons, John Gregory of Okisko, Lucian Gregory of High Point, Mark Gregory of Portlock, Va., and Sam Green of Miami; three brothers, R. R. Brothers of Norfolk, J. E. Brothers of Portsmouth and the Rev. A. R. Brothers of Rockingham; three sisters, Mrs. S. E. Long, MrB. L. E. Parker and Mrs. Madeline Heath, all of Portsmouth. MRS. OVERTON ENTERTAINS FOR METH6DIST SOCIETY The Woman's Society of Christian Service of Woodland Methodist Church met on Wednesday afternoon, February 14, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Overton on Route 3. The president, Mrs. Earl Hollo well, presided over the business ses sion. "Take Time to Be Holy" WaB used as the opening hymn, the sec retary then called the roll and read the minutes of the previous meeting. An offering was then taken for mis sions and also one for local work. At this time Mrs. Odell Cartwright read a letter from Mrs. Glenn W. Pendleton, former district secretary. One new member, Mrs. Luther Booth, ! was welcomed in the society. Mrs. Luther Booth gave a very in teresting devotional, using as her topic "Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock." A reading was given by Mrs. Henrv Cartwright. "A Lift. That Pnnnte" k t nr I " "O V,U W Jill D. U . V , i ftvurtan a v.. m ui Mathews. A story, "I Was In Pris on" was given Ay Mrs. Ralph Harrell. "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" was used as the closing hymn. Mrs. Ernest Cartwright, Spiritual Life leader, gave some' useful sug gestions on Spiritual Life, using the "Standard of Living" for her topic. Mrs. Earl Hollowell gave a part of the Mission Study book, studying from "Southeast Asia," which wa enjoyed by all. The hostess then served delicious ice cream, pound cake and wafers' to the following: Mesdames Earl Hol lowell, Ernest Cartwright, Jack Beni ton, W. M. Mathews, Russell Baker; Ralph Harrell, . Elmer Wood, Henri Cartwright, Luther Booth, Odell Cartwright, George Jordan, J. W. Everette, E. D. Mathews, Marvin Benton, Willie" White, J. W. Overton and Miss Doris White. WINS PROMOTION Charles Ford Feild, son of Mrs. D. M. Feild, has been promoted to Ser geant, according to' word received i here this week. ' ' . . , - i ENTERTAINED AT DINNER Mrs." Bertha Hobbs entertained at a turkey -dinner at her hone in New Hope on Sunday. Guests were Mr and Mrs. Hoyle Jones and children Mr. and Mrs. Dan Simpson and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Moody Hasketl and children, Joe Hobbs and Ivie Hobbs, Miss Mildred Webb, Miss Louise Banks, J. C, and Shelter Hobbs. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sumner of Mur freesboro, Tenn., announce the en gagement of their daughter, Annie Mai, to Staff Sergeant William Sum ner Feild, Bon of Mrs. David Feild, of Hertford. Sergeant Feild is now serving in Italy with the Army Air Forces. Familiar Order (sharply) Button up that Recruit (absently) Yes, Captain coat! Married my dear. Byrum Implement & EDENTON, N. Is v ZZL Y tow baolt d you need the money Jrl you'd get by cashing in that War Bond? ": Bad enough to risk withdrawing your support . even momentarily , from theDtyoiuwklieriskantluswayap to his ringing ears? v v Bad enough to risk ft 7 Keep faith I ne rercuimanG SNOW HILL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Moody Harrell ' and Marian Harrell were in Hertford on Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer and family, of White Hat, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cartwright. Mr. and -Mrs. James Harrell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Harrell, at Eure, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Spear and fam ily attended; the funeral of her moth er, near Columbia, Thursday. Mrs. Ralph Harrell, Mrs. W. M. Mathews, Mrs. Ernest Cartwright and Mrs. Earl V Hollowell attended the "World Dtfy of Prayer" service at the Methodist Church in Hertford on Fri day afternoon. Mrs. W. M. Mathews and Mrs. Rus sell Baker' attended the funeral of Mrs. Pat White, at Okisko, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Harrell and family, Mrs. Ralph Harrell and Mrs. Jesse Harrell were in Elizabeth City Saturday.. U . . . that tractor helped win the food battle." Some day, in the not-too-distant future, you can point with pride to your tractor and know that it played a vital part in winning the Victory. To insure a quicker arrival of that day, keep your machinery in first class condition by having it repaired when necessary. Bring Your Machinery Problems to Us. We're Here to Help! C. this trip ijecessary ? by en so much as 80 thunderous sec ond? " t, , " Bad enough to tamper dangerously with the life you've planned for your family v fad yourself when peace comet? '. ' ' J , v! If you peed the money that badb, Mister, okay," prolonging 10m war - But we hope ?hh pur tighten Buy War Bonds for loex " : MILES. BEM2RT Funeral services for" iHJes'Bem bry, well ' known- colored resident of , Hertford, were conducted on Febru-, ary 4 at the colored Baptist Ctareh . by the pastor, the Rev. J. L, Morgan. , Interment was,in the Hertford Cerae- i. tery.".:: "''i: . S 'i&P?f-i . ' He is somvWWi7.iMr , Bembry; one daughter, Irene B. Pall; , one son, Lloyd Bembry, and" two , t- ; grandchildren; one - sister, Irene B, . 'y Harrell of. Corapeake, . and. three brothers, Matthew of Richmond, Va, Willie of Gates and Llewellyn Bern-. ' bry of Perquimans. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend ah expression of thanks to our many friends of this town and county for'their letters, of sympathy, cars, floral designs and ' other services rendered during our bereavement. MRS. LAURA BEMBRY. " IRENE B. DAIL, LLOYD BEMBRY. KEEP YOUR FARM MACHINERY IN GOOD REPAIR Truck Go. ELIZABETH CfTY, N. C. 1 x ' 1 ' you don't. v Xs- v A 1 tr tr t. . - fr - w . m --rii.- ' 4 -.us is - 4 I ; v ? "3 tUff "

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