PAGE FOUR 1UK fEKQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C FRIDAY, FEBRUARY-23, JMS - - ' . - i -a rag ' ',, i!?T5!;T3i JU.' LOOKING AT By HUGO S. SIMS, Washington Correspoadent NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtu Lthe author- at may oe necessary,. "J rrIS .iJ 'every three lour wusx execuveu ,r- regularly con hereafter meet I moat value," should suit, and they "will ; "as often 1 S3? withdrawing February, mi. by uaDaU H. uled in London, after the world -'-'-'TSSSLrit I fixation conference to be held at; the office of the Register of a Deed. oVi Pln To Assure A the lending powers were removed Ftacefal World j from his control, he would, carry Jsery American citizen should be ' them out In accordance with the interested in the outcome of the ef-1 views expressed, fort now being made to devise a pro- j The whole Wallace affair has un vnm to make future world wars im- j doubtedly increased the political probable. ' strength of the former Vice Presi- P -Pk. Nations, possessing dent The tactics of his adversaries almost absolute control of the earth,, offered him a sounding board for the I wnicn "afford assurance that all once Germany and Japan have been promulgation of his political views ! men m an the lands may live out j.ok him muiv hard problems and the probable explanation of what I their lives in freedom from fear and to solve' Plans for the "occupation is now going on "in Congress is that;want There is also a eeneral affirmation of "faith in the principles of the At- I San Francisco in April. The three leaders reaffirm their common determination u nuiown and strengthen "their unity of pur pose and of action" between their nations which has "made victory pos sible and certain." Only a "continu ing and growing-cooperation" prom ises a "secure and lasting peace, and control of Germany" may be dif- the public reaction to the Wallace ficult to outline but they represent statement was surprisingly favor- only tne preliminary uiuivuiu fronting the statesmen or tne worm Tko nam can be aaia aDom we political and economic problems of liberated Europe. While it is cer tain that these territories have short ages of various lands and are, as the Associated Press says, "real or poten tial powder barrels politically," most of their difficulties are inevitably as sociated with the conduct of the war and will be, to a degree, immediately relieved when the world returns to normal conditions. The real problem confronting the great powers relates to the "earliest possible establishment of permanent international organization to main tain peace." There are many pro posals for the accomplishment of this high purpose, with adherence of the various plans residing in the vari ous countries. It is perfectly obvious to intelli gent individuals that no plan will be evolved that will meet the complete approbation of all peoples every where. Obviously, there must be a meeting of minds which can be ac complished only by give-and-take ne gotiations and, even if this is satis factorily accomplished, there must be a willingness on the part of indivi duals to accept the result of the col laboration in good faith. There seems to be a general idea that the British and the Russians, living closer to the menace of Ger many than Americans, are primarily concerned with national security rather than the formulation of a plan to keep the general peace of the world. This statement, we suspect, over-simplifies the problem. The British and the Russians will no doubt become enthusiastic for a world organization once they are convinced that it will effectively pro tect them from future aggressive at- i tacks. j There have been numerous reports that our Allies in the present war nave Deen somewhat disturbed over the possibility that the United States might not participate in a world or ganization designed to maintain world peace and the security of all nations. The leaders of both coun tries, so Ifong as doubt of the Ameri can position continues, will not be willing to trust their national secur ity to fclind faith in the hope that peace will be permanent. Instead, they will base their future security upon more practical arrangements. Certainly, if we of the United States expect the British and the Russians, and eventually the peoples of other nations, to place their se curity in the lap of a world organiza tion for peace, we must be prepared to give positive assurance that the United States will not shrink from asserting its power in the event of another world crisis. We must assure them, irrevocably, that if some future year produces an other Axis combination, the United States will not spend years in debate before its people will understand the gravity of the situation and become willing to participate in the fight for the civilization and culture of the world. " Proposals to keep the peace of the world vary from the absurdity of the pacifist idea that there should be no preparation for possible war to the demand of others that Germany and Japan be exterminated, root and branch. Peace cannot lie in either extreme but, somewhere, between the Big Three United Upon Principles Although Details Present Problems The report of the conference of American, British and Russian lead ers, issued last week, contains no great surprises to those who have kept up with the obvious trend of United Nations' affairs. That the three nations were in agreement upon most of the issues at hand, even before their leaders gathered, was apparent and that they were united in war purposes and the general plan for peace time rehabili tation of the world was plain. On the military side emphasis is laid upon "closer coordination," the exchange of "fullest information," and detailed planning of "new and even moee powerful blows" against the common enemy. A working part? lantic Charter .and in the pledge by the United Nations and a determina tion to "'build in cooperation with other peace-loving nations world or der under law, dedicated to peace, security, freedom and general well being of all mankind." Classified and Legals ,V n nership of the three staffs, set up at WANTED WE WANT MAN TO the conference, will be continued "whenever the need arises." On the occupation and control of Germany emphasis is laid on "com mon policies and plans" to be im posed "together"' with a central con trol commission, consisting of the supreme commanders of the three powers, "with headquarters in Ber lin." Disavowing intent to "destroy the leoi)le of Germany" the destruction of "German militarism and Nazism" is prpmised, with war criminals pun ished and reparations in kind for the destructions wrought by the Ger mans. Significantly, the commission will "work in Moscow." A conference of the United Na tions tis called at San Francisco in April to further the establishment of a general international organization "to maintain peace and security" and to "remove the political, economic and social causes of war." The gov ernments of China and France will be asked to be joint sponsors :of in vitations to the meeting where an agreement will be disclosedthat re solves the difficulty at Dumbarton Oaks over the voting procedure of such an organization. i The three nations agree to': "con cert" policies in regard to liberated Europe and to assist the peoples of these areas to "solve bv democratic means" their political and economic problems, to the end that the last vestiges of Nazism and Fascism be destroyed. CorifccMiuditly, the three nations will "jointly assist the peo ple" in these states to establish in ternal peace, effect emergency 're lief, form interim' . governments pledged to earliest possible free elec tions, "to create democratic institu tions of their own choice." As to Poland, the conference agreed that the eastern boundary should follow the "Curzon line," with slight modifications and that Poland i ii i. .. . . ... BMuum ue given "substantial acces sions of territory in the north and i west," which means from Germany;' i ue provisional government, "now functioning," should be "reorganized on a broader democratic basis" nnH the western frontier of Poland should await the peace conference and the opinion of the new Polish ment. A general review of Balkan ques- uuua was nau offered except siavja that the new government be formed on the basis of the recent agreement between Marshal Tito and Dr. Subasic and that members of the last Yugoslav Darliament. whn Via assume full and complete responsi bility for Parts and Accessories Department of Chevrolet dealer ship. Experience preferred but not necessary. Man must be. able to meet public and pass bond. Posi tion essential and permanent. Ap plicants looking for temporary employment will not be considered. Applicants must comply with all WMC regulations. Apply Claude Todd Motor Co., Windsor, N. C. Phone 340-1. feb23mar2,9,16 for Perquimana . County, N. C, in M. D. Book 17, page 600, default hav ing been made in the condition of aid deed of. trust, the undersigned trustee, at the request of the holder of the note, will on the lutn day oi March, 1945, at 11:30 o'clock; A. M.. at the Court House door of Perquim ans County, N. C, offer for Bale at public auction, to the highest, bidder for cash, the following described property: First Tract: Being in the Town of Hertford, and bounded on the north by Dobb Street, east by lot of Hattie Dail'B heirs, west by lot of Missouri Parker and south, by lots of Elishua Dail and Hardy Harrell, being home place of said Elishua Dail. -Second Tract: Being in the Town of Hertford, and adjoining the Charles Stallings land, beginning on King Street at the said Stallings land and running westerly along King street 63 feet to the land form erly belonging to M. H. White, thence northerly along the said White line to the Jane Jones lot, thence easterly along Said Jane Jones line to the Stallings line, thence southwardly along the Stallings line to the place of beginning. For fur ther description, see deed book 15, page 363. Third Tract: Lying and being in the- Town of Hertford, Hertford Township, adjoining the lands of George L. Skinner, Elishua Dail, Em anuel Harrell and others, and bounded and described as follows: Bounded by the lands of David Cox, Geo. L. Skinner, Elishua Dail and Emanuel Harrell , and fronting on King Street, being lota Nos. 7 and 8 in the division of the estate of Dr. David Cox, recorded fa Plat Book 1, No. 314, Public Registry of Perquim an s County. Each of the above described tract will be sold separately, after which it will all be sold as a whole, which' ever bringing the highest sale (rice, will be' the mariner in which the said property will be sold. X 'cub' deposit of Ave per cent will M required of the successful bidder or bidders.! ' ' , .Hte4';'P0rti4'.:this 7th day ct February,-1945. v- :IZ ' C. STORES, Trustee. By Chas. E. Johnson, Attorney. ,.feb9,l6,23mar2 LOST WAR RATION BOOK NO. 3. Finder return to Jerome White hurst, R. F. D. 3, Hertford, N. C. . """ feb23 LOST WAR RATION ' BOORS Three and Four. Finder return to Lou Helen Felton, Hertford, N. C. Feb23 LOST WAR RATION BOOK NO. 4. Finder return to Armintha Felton, Hertford, N. C. feb23 We have opened a sales stable at the old Blanchard location on the Town Lot in Hertford, and are now ready to either trade or sell. Wjb Will Carry a Complete Stock of Good, Well Broke Mules and Mares at All Times BE SURE AND SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY OR TRADE? CAROLINA HORSE U1ULE COMPANY Town Lot Hertford, N. C. LOST (WAR RATION BOOK NO. 3. Finder return to Lillian Elliott Fox, Grubb St., Hertford, N. C. . .. feb 23 WANTED ALL PEOPLE SUFFER ing with kidney trouble or back ache to try KIDDO at 97c. Money back guarantee. Roberson's Drug Store, Hertford, N. C. exp.juhel,1945. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix CTA of the estate of Miles Bemtory, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 16th day of February, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of February, 1945. IRENE B. DAIL, Administratrix CTA of Miles Bembry. feb23mar2,9,16,23,30 two poles, there should be a common i not compromised themselves "by col moid, expressing a practical ideal ism, based not upon future dreams, but upon present realities. Let us risk as much idealism as we dare, but at the same time let us have enough common sense to evolve an arrangement that will work in a world that includes men of good and evil intent. Wallace Growa Stronger As Congress Hesitates The news agencies advise that Henry A. Wallace's chances of be coming Secretary of Commerce have brightened, due to Senate pressure for speedy action and a House "spirit of compromise." The anti-Wallace srroun. composed of a coalition of Republicans and i Democrats, seem to be more inter-' ested in beating Wallace than in sep-1 arating the lending offices from the' Department of Commerce. Their tac tics, according to some observers, "might increase Senate sentiment for Wallace and end up by winning his confirmation to the Commerce secre . taryship with the RFC attached." This is an interesting development because Mr. Wallace, when he ap ' peared before the Senate Committee, did not hesitate to' state his views, ; He exhibited "no spirit of compro g mise" in an effort to secure favor i able action upon his nomination. He met the criticism of his foes headon, without any apologies for his opin- ions, and openly warned that unless NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havinsr Qualified as Administrator CTA of the estate of Timothy Mor govern- gan, deceased, late of Perquimans I Countv. North Carolina, this is to notifv all persons having claims had but no information- is against the estate of said deceased me advice to YUko- to exhibit ' them to the unaersignea at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 18th day of January, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 18th day of January, 1945. V. N. DARDEN, Administrator CTA of Timothy Morgan. jan 26, feb 2,9,16,23mar2 with the enemy," be in- laboration eluded. The foreign secretaries of the three nations, after enjoying daily meetings, which proved "of the ut- ' j . J i .. ' IBjfjsjsjsjBjssjsjSjiiFjsjsj ""'r' "'ir B - M ;(J , M "v I So SOILV TEIL L '((fxfa YOU AMERICAN Ylt FARMER 3APAWS I I . to I i I 11 I ; TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR In these days of rationing and tire shortages, let us check your car regularly for better and long er service. Bring your car to us fof tire checks, washing and greasing. Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes - 't COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE " JOE AND BILL'S SERVICE STATIO 11 "Where Service Is A Pleasure?' ' -Bill White, Prop. ' , Phone 8601 H 1 The Axis fully realizes the battle being waged against them by the Southern Farmers. They know that you are feeding"oor fighting forces, the soldiers of our Allies, and our civilians that you are producing the raw materials that send our munitions output soaring. And everyone knows that your fighting spirit conquering labor shortage and many other handicaps is part of the American will-to-win that will mean Victory. hLHIILIZERS sr. i'.K?X w S0UTH6ftMCOTTOIblC Published in Recognition , of the Achievement of Southern Farmers BY . r-i i h- "r-i'r"r? n L LS Li' 2P. C-ili ii YJ! The SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. HERTFORD.'KC. PIIONS ai3i ' i

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