PAGS TWO THE PERQUIMANS WEEKLY, HERTFORD, N. C,' FRIDAY, MARCH 80, 1945. Power Company To Offer Rural Users Liberalized Plan The Virginia Electric and Power Company has developed and filed with the Commissions of Virginia and North Carolina a new liberalized plan for the electrification of rural areas. This plan is designed to cause a widespread extension of electric service throughout the areas served by the company Just as soon as labor and material become available for makinir these extensions. The new plan proposes that the company will extend its lines for ru ral and farm service to the custom' er's building or to some other deliV' ery point on his premises, relieving the customer ot the necessity 01 nav ing to build any private line, as was so frequently necessary in the past. This new plan should reduce to a minimum delays in getting service, and also should result in a material savins: to the farm and rural cus tomer. . In commenting on the new filing, J. G. Holtzclaw, president of Vepco, said that "the purpose of the new rural plan is to make electricity available at substantially lowered costs to virtually every farm and ru ral liome in the company's territory, to the end that greater use of elec tricity on the farm may not only help to increase farm production but may also lower production costs and generally improve living conditions for farm and rural families." Because of existing war conditions, Mr. Holtzclaw stated that relatively little construction of new lines is possible at the present time. How ever, a substantial number of farms can undoubtedly be served even un der present War Production Board restrictions and prospective users are urged to apply now for service so that line extensions may be made at once where conditions permit and other extensions may be planned and construction work started on them as soon after the war as the neces sary manpower and materials shall become available. BETHEL NEWS Mr. and Mr W. E. Curtis and Mrs. Homer peering visited Mr. and Mrs. John Parmer in Elizabeth City Sun day; .y- - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Catling visited relatives in Norfolk, Va., Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Phillips and daughters, Marjory and Madelyn, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Vasti White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and chil dren and Mrs. Tarkenton visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon White Sunday. June Fae White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vasti White, is reported much better of pneumonia. (Mrs. Kramer Williams and children and Mrs. Beulah Williams spent last week-end in Englehard with .rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will Curtis spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Perry of near Edenton visited Mrs. Beulah Wil liams and Mrs. Kramer Williams on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe White and chil dren visited Mrs. Mattie White of Tyner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Gatling vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Will Morgan of near Edenton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stallinsrs and daughters Marion and Manraret of Camden visited relatives here Sunday. ' Mrs. Evie Weston, Miss Nora Wes ton, lom Weston and Mr. and Mrs. Biakemore Weston and J. E. Curtis of Norfolk, Va., visited relatives here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Phillips and children, Trafton and Johnnie, spent the week-end in Norfolk with relatives. Chappell, Mr. and Mrav E. C. White, Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, Mrs. Johnnie O. Chappell, Mrs. S. G. Chan pell., Mrs. Mimie. Blancfcfwj, Mr. and Mr. Iinwood ChanpelU Mr. and Mrs'. Willis Lamb, Mrs. iaarvln Lee Simp son, Mrs. Liszta Chappell, nr. ana Mrs. C H. Simpson, Neras Chappell, Mrs. Ida While, Misses Margaret Chappell, Jean Chappell, Willie Mm rv.rmoii Marv Una Raner. Eunice Chappell, Wynda Lynn Chapi11! Loi Winslow, Genevieve Chappell, Louise Chappell, Betty Lue Chappell, Thorn as Chappell, James Perry, Hubert Atwood Chappell, Billy Adams, BIHy Chappell, Ray Lamb, Lloyd Adams, Dewey Perry, Jr., Clarence Chappell, Jr. CLASSIFIED LOST-OLD GOLD WRIST WATCH with leather strap. Lost in Win- fall March 23. Finder return v Lessall Overton, Route 2, Hert ford. N. C. Reward. marSO LOST WAR RATION BOOK NO. 3 1 mar30,Apr6,13,20 XT ft HUrUI deg.- 80 min east 250 feet; thence south 66 deg. SO mitt, east 800 feet; thence south 57 deg. east 1,863 feet to, a ditch; thence norjh 15 dfg. eat down the ditch to th Muddy weeic Road 1,100 feet; thence north 73 dec. west down the Muddy Creek road 97Q feet; thence north 23 deg. east 2430 feet to Muddy Creek,-4 thence north 79 deg. west 847 feet; thence south 80 deg. west 00 feet; thence south 66 deg. west 380 feet; thence south 36 deg. west 460 feet; thence south 69 deg. west 270 feet; thence south 31 deg. 30 min. west 30U leet; tnence south 76 deg. west 640 feet; thence south 69 deg. west 600 feet to the bridge, the place of begfainingT-same being the land which Aubry A. Saw yer and wife and others conveyed to Annie Bell Landing on December 14, 1933, by deed duly of record in the public registry of Perquimans Coun ty in book 21, page 479. This 26th day of March, 1945. P. W. MoMULLAN, jommis8ioner. 3fpfy vhc I rttUffiJ6jMsi, Bert Losos thb Sinslo-Hcndcd and 4. Finder return to Overton Beamon, Hertford, 'qn ! Perquimans County. PROPERTY By virtue of the power vested in North Carolina, In The r..,.:moio rVinnfv linArinr Court w n. Landimr. Administrator of me in a certain mortgage deed dated Annie Bell Landing, Petitioner, Bert Childer'f house burned down last week, and the only good thing that came out of it was it cured him of swearing. Bert Just couldn't tfilnk of words to fit the occasion, so he just gave up.. Bert adarits It was Ma own famtt. Started with field Are which he ihomght he had mnder control, and when he turned his hack a adnata for a breathing spell, the toe sprang p twice as teres. By the time the remea arrived, there wasnt ninch thai, they comldao. rrom where I sit, tMt moral in Bert's expert t efua feel wfrt est l wecanrelaxattttta,3P up Oft WOW hpada, tSff3i blood, or fighting mvsm. Inst late Bert Jee .ft f1 aainsttheire,weenal9net-) fight ajrainstenr enemy tf we Li dawn new. Beoanee wsa p Are, Is nerer enrer CI At EL spark to Sitlngiwlet. CiUi. WXno STATU MtWWS fOUNPATtOK l iisartM 4aKBsiftir.0elsireaeIMa fce,Kl Tire Certificates Issued 28 Motorists The Perquimans Ration Board is sued certificates of purchase for new tires to 28 motorists at its last meet ing, Mrs. Helen Davenport clerk of the Board, stated Monday. Passenger type certificates went to J. I. Lane 3, James Everett 2, Peter Billups 1, Hubert Zachary 1, W. E. Wilson 1, E. L. Goodwin 1, William Malery 2, Allen Mize 1, Charlie Lightfoot 2, Clarence Byrum 1, J. C. Bundy 1, W. S. Long 1, S. D. Banks 2, A. H. Edwards 2, Henry C. Sullivan 2, C. E. Mathews 1, R. L. CHAPAJSOKE NEWS Mrs..W. W. Lewis and Miss Doris Lewis spent Sunday in Norfolk, where they visited David Lewis, who is a patient at the NOB Hospital. Shelton White TSCG, Norfolk, Va., was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. White, this week end. Mrs. Tillie Russell and Tim True blood spent Sunday with relatives in South Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Howell of Elizabeth City were guests of her mother, Mrs. J. C. White, on Sun day. Mrs. Jesse Hurdle is very sick this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Quincy spent Sunday afternoon in Hertford. BELVTDERE ROUTE 2 Mr. and Mrs. Herman "Boyce were guests of Mrs. Fronnie Lamb Sun day. Misses EllodiB Lamb and Mary Chappell visited Miss Gladvs ChaD- Revells 2, T. E. Madre 2, J. V. Roach P" Sunday morning. l, James Wilder 2, Mrs. Alice Fut- mr- Mrs- Merrill Copeland and rell 1, and W. G. HolloweH 2. Truck type: A. R. Winslow, Jr., 1, Milton Dail 2, Riddick A Roach 1, B. F. Lane 2, Stokes & Mathews 1, and Major-Loomis 1. Missionary Speaker At W. M. U. Meeting The Women's Missionary Union of the Baptist Chowan Association will meet with the Warwick Swamp Church Tuesday, April 3, at 10 o'clock. The missionary, Dr. A. S. Gillespie, will speak. Everybody is Irged to attend this meeting. WHITESTON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leland Winslow spent the week-end in Halifax with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke. S-Sgt. Fentress Winslow is spend ing his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winslow, after six months overseas duty. Mrs. Verna Winslow is visiting her children in Hickory, Va., and Nor folk, Va. Mr and Mrs. Henry Munden of Norfolk were week-end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winslow. EASTER PROGRAM AT WOODLAND CHURCH There will be an Easter program given at Woodland Methodist Church Sunday evening at 8:30. Everyone is invited to attend THB Perquimans Weekly Published every Friday by The Perquimans Weekly, a partner ship consisting of Joseph G Campbell and Max R. Campbell, of lertford, N. CL children of Ryland, Mrs. P. E. Chap- pen ana cnnaren visited Mrs. Ida White Saturday evening. Mrs. Troy Chappell and Mrs. Louis Winslow visited Mr. and Mrs. Shel ton Chappell Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Monds and daughter, Mrs. Merrill Kelly, ate spending an extended visit in New York, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ladis and Merrill Kelly, who is stationed there for a while. Mrs. J. T. Chappell and daughter, Doris Faye, Mrs. J. L. Chappell and daughter, Gladys, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hunter Thursday after noon. Mrs. Louis Winslow and daughter, Lois Violet, and Mrs. Troy Chappell visited Mr. and Mrs. Gillam Twine Friday evening. Geneva Belle Sawyer, Landing, Nathan Maxine Sawyer, November 15, 1920, executed by Ed ward Mebane and wife, Lucy Mebane, to D. M. Jenkins and recorded in' Emmett E. Landing and William D. Landing, Jr., Respondents. Before the Clerk NOTICE OF SALE Landing, Book 23, of Mortgage Deeds at page 628 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, I shall sell to the .highest bidder for cash at the Court House Under and by virtue of an order door of said County at 12 o'clock of the Superior Court of Perquimans . M., on April 23, 1945, the following County, made in a special proceeding described property: Lying ana uemg in reniiuuuuia County, North Carolina, on the Main Road from Woodville to Hertford, North Carolina, and bounded on the North by lands of Henry Small; on the East by the Main Road; on the West by Nixon tract; on the South by a lane that divides this land frost the lands of George H. Wood and being the same tract of land that Andrew Mebane purchased -from George H. Wood, containing five acres, more or less. This March 22nd, 1946. D. M. JENKINS, Mortgagee. By George J. Spence, Attorney. mar30Apr 643,20 entitled as above, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 30th day of April, 1945, at 12:30 o'clock P. M., at the Court House door in Perquimans County, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in New Hope Town ship, Perquimans County, North Carolina, more particularly described and defined as follows, to wit: Beginning at a bridge across Muddy Creek as it enters the Albe marle Sound at the Muddy Creek Road and thence south 17 deg. 30 min. east 670 feet; thence south 55 deg. east 300 feet; thence south 2 deg. east 260 feet; thence south 79 REPORT OF CONDITION OF HERTFORD BANKING COMPANY Of Hertford, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on March 20, 1945. ASSETS $ 194,090.42 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. 23. Tinna nnrl rtivoimtB U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 2SH5'25 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 272,464.8i Other bonds, notes and debentures 9.0UO.U Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances and cash items in process of collection - 1,263,363.33 Bank premises owned $8,065.66; furniture and fixtures, $4,667.91 . - - 12,738.47 Real estate owned other than bank premises 10,717.60 Other assets 8.329.11 TOTAL ASSETS $2,738,843.69 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and cor- porations $1,698,721.37 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 635,720.05 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) Deposits of States and political subdivisions Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) TOTAL DEPOSITS $2,694,313.84 Other liabilities . , 259,237.09 94,010.80 6,624.53 5,757.86 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliga- MAX CAMPBELL Editoi IS 5 AJSOC UTIONW Utifred as second class matte, November 16 1984. at Dostoffk at Hertford, Nerth Carolina, un der the Act of March, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $1.50 . Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, eta, will he charged for at regular advertising rates. , Advertising rat furnished by request FRIDAY, MARCH 80, 1946 SNOW HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell, Sr., o' Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end here with friends and relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harre and son, Russell, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moody Harrell. The Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Cranfrd of Winfall, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winslow and son of Hertford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Harrell. Mr. and Mrs. George Eure of White Hat visited Mrs. J. H. Harrell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Sawyer and family of White Hat spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Cart- wright. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY (Mrs. C. J. Raper, Mrs. E. N. Chap pell and Mrs. W. D. Perry honored their mother, Mrs. W. W. Chappell with a surprise birthday party at her borne Sunday evening, March 25, in honor of her 78th birthday. several games and' contests were played; with Mrs. Shelton Chappell and Miss Jean Chappell winning the prizes. The honoree received many beau tiful and useful gifts which she opened and gracefully acknowledged. The hostess, Mrs. C. J. Raper, Mrs. E. N. Chappell and Mrs. W. D. Per ry, assisted by Mrs. Marvin Lee Simpson, Miss Jean Chappell, Willie Mae Chappell and Miss Mary Una Raper, served vanilla ice cream, va nilla wafers and peanuts. A lovely birthday cake that had 78 burning candles was the center of attraction which was cut and served to all. . Those present and sending gifts were the honoree, Mrs. W. W. Chap pell, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Raper, Mrs. Louis Wins low, Mrs. Sybil Chappell, Mrs. Mary Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert tions shown below) .$2,600,071.70 25. 26. 27. 28. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital $ 48,000.00 Surplus 60,000.00 Undivided profits 10,771.99 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 26,000.00 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .$ 133,771.99 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $2,733,843.69 This bank's capital consists of first preferred stock With total par value of $23,000.00, total retirable value $23,000.00 and common stock with fotal par value of $25,000.00. MEMORANDA e Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities- $ 401,000.00 ID) uther assets pledged to secure deposits and other lia bilities (including notes and bills rediscounted and se curities sojd under repurchase agreement) . . 25,149.12 31. (e) TOTAL $ 426,149.12 32. Secured and preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to require ments of law i$ 340,094.48 (d) Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not se cured by pledge of assets , 8,018.88 (e) TOTAL .$ 343,118.36 34. (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against de" pUBlUf IM UI1B VUI1K WaS , k SZD,0lD.U7 (b) Assets reported above which were eligible as legal re serve amounted to -$1,263,363.33 I, R. M. Riddick, Jr., Executive Vice President of the above-named bank. do solemnly swear that the above 'statement is true, and that it fully, and correctly represents the true state of the several matter herein onntsimwi and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' , ' ' r' " R. M. RIDDICK, JR. - Correct Attest: . 7 T. P. BRINN, -' CHAS. E. JOHNSON, -. . Directors. State of North Carolina, ' x . , V County of Perquimans. Sworn to and subscribed before me this S8th dav nt Man-h. igiK t hereby certify that I, am not nn officer or director of this bank. ." (Seal), ' L, Ci WINSLOW." Notary Poblic.'i My commission expires October. XI, 1945. X'i I"'' ; . MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ' A WE ARE NOW READY TO CLEAN AND ' SHEU SEED PEANUTS 1 , ' ' i Bring yours early and avoid the last rush. Many farmers who tried us last year with a few bags have already boofcecl V with us to sliell their entire seed lot this : year. Located at Chowan Storage Compriy EDENTON, N. C. Plan j on a Victory Garden ? OF COURSE you are! And we are . just the people who can help you choose the right tools, seeds fertiliz ers and other, little extras thai make for a record crop. Consult us aa j soon as possible and get a good start I this season. You'll enjoy your home grown vegetables and fruits all win- , ter if you 'cn 'the surplus. Don't ; waste precious soil and, space in' , times like these.. GET IN YOUR -"DIG" FOR VICTORY! SEE US FOR QUALHHf SEED - t.lay Peas- Dulter iscns ; Snd Deois -- Onion Sets ; 1 1 AND MANY OTHER VEGETABLE SEED 5 "Flower Seeds of All Kind 'Hertford Hard ware & Supply .Ci. foVTlUDPtiERE APiD BAM THE bt$F,ERENCE' HERTFORpiNO: '

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