Wet v eiMMS WEEKLY .;! U Jim A &JWr "liinirrcripm devoted to the upbuilding ot Hertford and perquimans county, Volume-XIL Number Hertford, Perquimans County,: North Carolina, Friday, April 20, 1945. $1.50 Per Year. 1 oOlyFccesTask In Aching E Bond WM 7th Var Loan Waif Finance Commit tee Urges Buying of - Series This Month ,With a quota of ?130,000 worth of ''j-K Bonds to be purchased daring the ', .Seventh War Loan, which is now un- def way, residents of Perquimans f County face the biggest challenge yet "hurled at them in any war loan drive ' Thir-amount is almost doubled the , quotarlven the county during the . sixtbar loan, but the local War t Fins3 Committee feels confident I 11. 1- T tMn;na will ' -is WAnivB jibujikj uj 544muo . meet-ais appeal for money and keep ' tnejftaty in the list of those which V successfully meet war bond quotas. The Seventh War Loan drive open- d April 9 for the purchase of Series f.'E, .F and G bonds, and will continue ' through June 30. The concentrated -part Of the campaign, during which ". the Treasury will offer coupon bonds, , will begin on May 14, thereby the county has an opportunity to concen trate oh Series E bonds prior to the ripening of the main drive. R. M. Riddick, chairman of the War Finance Committee, this week v issued, an appeal to the people of the county to purchase heavily in E ' bonds during the next four weeks, in rder that the county will not have "J, such a large number of E bonds to - buy during the latter part of the 21 'Seventh War Loan. He stated that tmly by starting off with an excellent , K backlog of sales of E bonds during the preliminary period could the task Of achieving both the E bonds and Treasury Bond goal be successful. v While the public may- believe this w fievanth War Loan quota high, it baa ' been announced that the Treasury ) plans only two war loan drives' this . earA -whereas it conducted three drives last year. Therefore, the " higher quotas for the present cam paign. Sir. Eiddick pointed out that there would be no canvass made in selling bonds before May 14, but he urged : local residents, to buy E bonds at either post offices or at the local Jtank. The bank sells was bonds, daily arid tm6e- Joft WfbWflrhotft the year and ...gladly do so to, help the war effort. The chairman urges everybody to join the Seventh War Loan by purchasing E bonds begin ning today. IV.ILHardcasrJe Rotary President Members of the Hertford Rotary ' Club at their regular meeting Tues- , day night elected W. H. Uardcaatle : to serve as president of the local club for the year beginning July l. ' Other officers elected at the meeting, were Dr. A. B. Bonner,- vice presi dent; R. S. Monds, secretary-treat, urer, and a board of directors com posed of J. R. Fu troll, W. H. Hard- ' castle, W. A. Hefren, C. P. 'Morris, Max R. Campbell and Dr. A. B. Bon ner. The club will hold a fish fry' on next Wednesday night at the New bold landing in place of its regular meeting on Tuesday night at the t Methodist Church. ' v Ration Board Issues Tire Permits To 41 Forty-one motorislareceiyed certi ficates for the purchase sjiew tires from the local Ration Board follow ing ita meeting last Saturday, Mrs. Helen Davenport, clerk of the BoaVd, stated MoIMay'-f'';i',.;''v, Passenger -tire Jrmits were is sued to J. J. Phillips I, Preston Rog- ersoft , Aleoc talUnga i, SaDie N.; ( Lane 1, Charles a Winslow 1, J. . W. Goodwin 1, John i 1)ecker 1, Ernest - Wilson 1, J. i A, Winslow r 1, 0. B. Bker Ralph Mffle-4, William White 2. W. B. PhilllDS t. Bertt C Lane 1, George Moore ly Robert Hen- dren 2. A Rudolnh ; Perry : WivW.i? openea taia wee Owens 2, Irving Whedbee , Garland t- TOiwuih n.fTmii Lane 1. J; E. Perry 1, W. S. Spell- man 1, 3.W Lamb 1, Joe Butt 2, ' T. H. Jones 1, F. B. Skinner 1, J. L. Winslow 1, R. VL. White lr 3. C. Svan-. dy 1 and L Jr Hollowell k7: V Truck type:' Major-Loomis 8, W, 3. Smith 2, Claude Williams 2, H. W. -Winslow 1, Nathan Eiddick 1, Archie Welch 2, Moody Harrell V Maude Chappell i, Julian B. White 2, neth Miller and R. L. Harrell 2.: MISSION .STUD: CLASS ? The lesion Study Class for the young reople will ,be held at the church 1-onday niht, April 23from S to 7 P, VL Alt members are urged w oe present. , , j. , r,.V" -ff HERTFORD PAYS TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT; STORES CLOSE SATURDAY Residents of County Library Board Hears Shocked at Passing of j Reports At Meeting Nation's Leader; Tru-; The Perquimans County Library man Sworn In as 33rd Board held its refular meetn& n , -r, x J 4- I APril 10 alld af ter transacting rout- rreSiaent EiXpeeted tO ine business matters, heard a report Carry on FDR Policies , f Monthw , , . , it , V .""'V u iTu V- c i .iiu uura " . 1 uraay arternoon to pay u-iouie w , President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died at Warm Springs, Ga., at 4:35 o'clock April 12, after suffering a cerebral hemorrhage earlier in the afternoon. All stores and business houses in Hertford closed during the funeral hour, from 4 to 5 o'clock, as a tribute to the country's greatest leader. A memorial service was held at the Uaptist Church at 4 P. M. as a tri bute to the President. The news of the death of President Roosevelt was received here by radio around 6 o'clock last Thursday and residents in all parts of the county were deeply shocked at the unex- ! uected report. The White House re leased the news of the Presid ant's death and immediately it was broad cast to the nation and foreign coun- i tries. Funeral services of the late Presi dent were conducted at the White House last Saturday afternoon at 4 P. M., and burial was Sunday after- noon at Hyde Park, New York. . The President was visiting Warm Springs, the site of the Infantile Paralysis Foundation, for a rest period following the strenuous Yalta Conference, and to gain strength for the peace parley which opens at San Francisco on April 25. While Mr. Roosevelt's health had not been good for several months, his death was wholly unexpected. He was stricken shortly after on o'clock, while sitting for a portrait sketch, and did not regain conscious ness. His -death was announced by a Naval doctor at 4:35 EWT. Mr. Roosevelt was the first war time President to die in, office. Death came while he was awaiting word of victory in Europe over the Nazis, word of whiclfe is expected to come aounTivet-JPisidentt had served a little more thkh three months "of his fourth tenn and was heavily laden with problems pertaining to war and domestic, issues. Succeeding Mr. Roosevelt as Presi dent, Harry S. Truman was. sworn in as the 38rd President in brief cere monies at about 7 o'clock last Thurs day night, and he began his official duties last Friday. Elected Vice President last No vember, President Truman had pre viously served in the Senate and gained wide recognition for the man ner in which he handled the Truman Committee, which investigated de fense activities and expenditures. President Truman, a native of Missouri, issued a-statement follow ing ceremonies which raised him to the highest office in the nation, in which ne announced that he planned to carry on the policies of Mr. Roose velt in conducting the war and win ning the peace. The elevation of Mr. Truman to the Presidency will leave vacant the office of Vice President, whose of ficial duty it was to preside over the Senate. This task will be handled by Senator McKellar of Tennessee, chosen by that body as president pro-tempo re. No Election Of Town Officials This, Year i'- ; There will be no election of town officials . for Hertford this year. While other municipalities riil hold elections, the local officials, by action of a law passed by the 194 General Assembly, will not be forcedto seek re-election until the end of, four year term in 1047. The Town of Hertford, however, will hold a special election on" May 14 for the purpose of determining whether or not the boundary of the town shall be extended. Registra- ; nd for the purpose of registering eligible voters not already on the books. Hobbsville Soldier j Awarded Silver Sr Cpl. Garland' J.,BuncbI husband of Mary Cattwright Bunch, Hffbb viUeThM been awarded t : Silver Star for his ' bnratry !.' action gainst : the enemy,- ceordbiff to word received here last weelu -' According , to . the citatfon, Cpti Bunch held eft an enemy counter at tack, with a 0 calibre machtae gun and at the same, time relayljj lery commandSi - ? ta total of 52 new books were added tne library during the month oi;lectees 1'ebruary and it new hooks were re- . . . . March. Circulation I during February , totaled 916 and this increased during March to 1,409. Miss Frances White Weds Delbert Micky In Church Ceremony Miss Frances White, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. I. L. White, and Delbert Micky, CSKD, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bricker of Beaver, Pa., were united in mar riage on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in a quiet but impressive ceremony at the Chapel in The Woods near Norfolk. The Baptist Chaplain Million from the Norfolk Naval Base performed the double ring service. The church was decorated with white cut flow ers, fern and lighted candles. The organist played "Avb Maria" and "1 Love You Truly." with the traditional wedding marches being used. The bride was dressed m a Mexi can gold dressmaker suit with black accessories, and carried a white prayer book with a single orchid showered with sweet peas. Miss Katherine White, maid of honor, was her sister's only attend ant. She wore a pink crepe dress with black accessories and wore an orchid corsage. L. C. Winslow, uncle of the bride, was the best man. After the service, which was per formed in the presence of a few friends and relatives, the couple left for a short wedding trip to Wash ington, D. "C., ariSHeaver, Pa. To Issue Sugar For Canning Next Week Plans are being completed here this week by the Perquimans Ration Board for the registration of house wives who desire sugar for canning purposes this year. Mrs. Helen Davenport, clerk of the Board, stated a number of letters have been written county women re questing their services in taking ap plications. A meeting of these vol unteers will be held Friday, April 20, at 3 P. M. at the Agriculture Building, for the purpose ot explain ing the work of registering appli cants. Registration will be conducted all during next week at six points throughout the county. Places chos en as registration points are the Bel- videre Community House, George Jackson's Store, New Hope Com munity House, Court House in Hert ford, Phillips Store at Bethel and the Anderson Church in the Beech Spring community. Applications will Be re ceived from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. each day. Mrs. Davenport said the home can ning program this year has been de signed to get the fairest and best distribution of our war-short sugar supplies, and to make sure that those who actually do home canning get the sugar they heed. Pfc. Ernest Lane Wins Combat Badge With the fifth Army, Italy Pri vate First Class Ernest Lane, son of Mrs. Caroline W. Lane, whose home is on Route 8, Hertford, has been cited by the 338th Infantry Regiment of the 85th "Custer" Division and awarded the. Combat Infantryman Badge for actual participation in combat against the enemy on the Fifth Army front in Italy. , - SERVICES AT BEREA ' Services at Berea Church of Christ will.be held Sunday, April 23, as fol lows: - ' Bible School at 11 o'clock. The lesson from Exodus is "The Found ing of the Natron." , Preaching will be t 12 o'clock noon by the Rev4 Preston E. Cayton, pastor, who- is a forceful and convinc ing speaker. .The public Is cordially invite to come tut ana hear him. 20 White Selectees To Leave For Army Induction April 27 Local Board Has Three Draft Calls on Hand For Next Month Another large contingent, the sec ond within two months, of white se- will leave here next Friday, April 27, to report for induction into the armed forces, Mrs. Kuth Sumner, clerk of the Perquimans Draft Hoard, stated today. The group leaving next week will include twenty white registrants from this county and one transfer, making I a total of 21 men who will leave oy bus for Fort Hragg. Twenty-five white selectees reported for induc tion last month. The men who have been ordered to report next week are lien Owens, Jon HoMis, William ISelch, Undsay Hac cus, Charlie Winsloiv, Lander Over ton, Klwoocl Perry, James Stokley, Milton Jordan, Sylvester Davison, James S. Stallings, Earlie Goodwin, Harvey Chappell, Preston Copeland, James Lilly, David Nixon, Calvin Wilson, Medford Trueblood, Adrian Smith, Dennis Chalk and Thomas Lane. Mrs. Sumner also stated the local Hoard has three calls on hand for filling during the month of May. Fifteen white registrants are to be ordered up for pre-induction examin ations on May 10; ten Negro regis- (runic will uilutA1 tviv nrn.i nHilv tion examinations for May 16 and ir i Army has cut Germany ,n half nuh Negro selectees will be ordered to rily, and have reached the Cseth report for induction on May 21. j ordt'r " thTe. s"ulh of eany. The No call for induction of white se- ! Flr-st and, Nl"th armi.-s are from 3a IivWs for Mav hiw vot lwn rec.-iv- ed by the local Board, but it is ex pected a call will be issued later. ' The call for next Friday originally ordered onlv ten men to report for induction, but Selective Service Head - quarters in Raleigh later changed thisorder and informed the 1. cat Board to send every available re;'ts- trant time on this date. Thus for the being ti, iai uurA hnoiwu. aim me air lurce is now worn- reached the bottom white men available calls. .f the list of for induction JJigh School Honor Roll Has 26 Names F. T. Johnson, County School Sup erintendent, announced this week that 26 students of the High School had achieved honors during the third quarter of the school term and were listed on the honor roll for the quar ter. The students winning the scholas tic honors are: " Post graduate- Eula Mae Morgan. 11-A Frances Godfrey, Eleanor Glyn Hurdle, Leona Lane, Ann Math ews, Bill Murray, Marjorie, Rebecca White, Myrtle Whedbee, Esther Winslow, Joann Winslow. 10-A Mary Inez Chappell, Dot megan Lane, Molly Oakey, Mary Lina Raper, Kader White, Faye Winslow. 9-A Laurastine Britton, Reggie Tucker. 8-1 Leilia Lee Winslow. 8-2 Ann Hollowell, Msrie Roun tree, Clarkson White. 8-3 Jtfary Lou Butt, Betty Ruth Chappell, Pat Morris and Lindsey Reed. Brothers Meet After 3J2 Years Separation Two Perquimans County brothers, Marvin and Edward Simpson, held a reunion in London recently, after a separation of three and one-half years, according to their fatner, Claude Simpson, who received word the brothers had a swell get-together Marvin, who is serving m the ixavy, nsppenea to get leave wnne in port in England, and having previ ously obtained his brother's address XT 1 J A- . , .1 . I from Mr. Simpson, called on Edward, who is in the Army, and a meeting was arranged for London. Fingers Amputated Following Accident Harry Williford suffered painful injury to his left hand on Tuesday afternoon while using a machine driven circular saw, which so badly damaged the index and middle ling ers of the hand they had to be am putated. COUNTY-WIDE MISSIONARY MEETING AT MT. SIANI CHURCH The County-wide Missionary meet ing will be held at Mt Siani Church May 2, 1948. The servicer will be gin at 11 A. M. NEGRO SENTENCED LIFE IMPRISONMENT IN SUPERIOR COURT ON BURGLARY COUNT THIS WEEK'S HEADUNES Harry S. Truman began his duties 1 as the 33rd President of the United States this week by addressing a joint meeting of Congress in which J he told that body he intends to carry on Mr. Roosevelt's plans for fighting the war to a final victory and last- I ing peace. He requested ol btaiin to nave t1( jUssian foreign minister sent to the San Francisco conference and this request was granted. He asked all present members of the ; Cabinet and other Government posts ' to remain at their jobs, at least for the time being. He told his first press conference on Tuesday that he had no intention of lifting the ban on the brown-out, horse racing, etc., Jury in passing on bills of indict adding that he thought these bans : melii the Court granted divorces to were good for the morale of the na- tion. In his speech to asked full cooperation i to carry nut the ideal President Roosevelt. Congress he , if the nation of the late : prison for a term of his natural ine. General Eisenhower, whose armies j Williams broke into the house of Ed i are steadily advancing on Berlin, an- gar Riddick early last December ! nounced this week that he would not while Riddick was asleep and stole i declare a victory in Europe until all approximately $:!(0 and a number of ' pockets of Nazi resistance had been j gun shells. Little of the money was I overwhelmed. The I . S. Third . recovered. l" 1 l"e a cupiliu, Heavy fighting is going on for four big German cities, all of which may ! fall before this news' is published. I The Allied air force has lecn having ! a ,lekl la' (lurmK tn(' Past weelc- ! havinK octroyed more than 1,000 Nazl Planos- motlv "" lne ground. Tho alr ""mander has announced uw strategic oommng campaign as '"K with tactical groups. li. ...i;., ...,...(. nt l.Mist ten i i...iil,,,,. t,. I,i-uk IVUnuill at. ti' "."h l through the Eastern frnt into Uer i lin. Moscow haii made no statement fas to the fighting on the Berlin ' front, but reports more than 200 Nazi tanks destroyed in battle this week. The Germans reiHirt Red troops are from IS to 25 miles from Berlin. The Russians, having cap tured and liberated Vienna, are now moving northward toward a junction with American troops fighting in Germany. j The War Department revealed this week that Army personnel and equipment are now being moved i from the European theatre of war to 1 the Pacific, to nrenare for the final assault on Japan. This movement, it was announced, is about four months ahead of schedule, and the forces be ing moved are key service personnel who will prepare bases and installa tions to handle the thousands of men to be transferred later. American forces are still moving ahead on Okinawa, but the Jap sui cide plane squads are causing some I trouble. Mopping up tactics are still in force on the islands in the Philip pines ana American xroops f c pletmg tne invasion oi un le, Oil WKlIiawa. mwic uiau planes have beei destroyed by Naval (runs and American flyers in the Pyukyu area. President Truman this week sent' Congress the nominations of Lt. Gens. Patton and Hodges to have them named as full generals of the Army. Each of the men are in command of full armies under Gen eral Eisenhower. i USO Group Sponsors , HflV KlfJe And rlCniC Approximately 30 service people tnd members of the GSO of e Hertford USO Club enjoyed a hay- ride and picnic, sponsored by Group 3 of the USO Program Committee, last Tuesday night. The picnic was held at Albemarle Beach, with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Towe and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vann serving as hosts and hostesses. The group in charge of the outing provided plenty of food for the occa sion and a full evening of entertain ment was had by those attending. Another picnic ts planned by the USO for the evening of April 22. A variety show, made up of talent from Harvey Point, Hertford and surrounding community will be pre sented at the club on April 28 and on Monday. April 80, the -club will hold a Mont Carlo Night, which promises to be a big night of enter tainment for all April Term of Court Adjourned Tuesday After Concluding the Criminal Docket Perquimans County's April term of Superior Court adjourned Tuesday afternoon after concluding a rather large docket of criminal cases and issuing divorce decrees in thirteen civil actions. Judge J. J. Burney of Wilmington presided over the term of court. Other civil cases on the docket were continued. Opening court here on Monday morning, Judge Burney paid high tribute to the late President Frank lin D. Roosevelt by stating, "He had courage and fortitude to carry on in the same spirit as boys on the battle field." The Judge then traced the history of courts down through sev eral centuries until the founding of trial by jury in England in 182(1. While waiting action by the Grand ejKr,t parties, then began the task of clearing the criminal docket. T.iither Williams. Necrro. entered a plea of guilty to a second degree burglary charge and was sentenced to Percy Winslow, N'egro, was found not guilty by the jury of a charge of drivjng drunk, but was convicted of a charge of resisting arrest and as saulting State Patrolman Charles Payne and Clyde Fentress while they attempted to arrest him on the first charge. Winslow was sentenced th roa ds for a period of 18 months. He noted an appeal to rourt the judgment, the Supreme and bail was fixed at $1,500. , The State took a nol pros with ieavi. , the cases cnarging .i. i.. Hovce with driving uruiiK aim .ami j ley Kl 1 sault. 1 Tin- etwood, charged with as- in- ease f Trim Gordon, Negro, ichaiged with fraud was continued. The State also continued the case charging Kansom Edmonds with manslaughter. ' .Much time was gained in con solidating I lie cases of Wilson Fere bee, Dennison Revells and Charles Fereliee, all Negroes, charged with breaking and entering Harden Hros., Reed Oil Company and Wilson Heed-.- Service Station. It was brought out that Charles Ferebee was under Hi years of age and his case was remanded to Juvenile Court. Wilson Ferebee and Revells were convicted on all three counts and Judge Burney sentenced Revells to State Prison for a period of not less than five nor more than ten years, and Ferebee was sentenced to not less than eight nor more than twelve years on the three counts. Sentences beginning at the conclu sion of previous ones. The cases charging a Negroes with assaulting number of Patrolman Charles Payne and Miller in performing Officer Tommy duties relative I to the breaking and entering case of the above defendants were also con solidated and the court allowed mo- tions for non-suit in all except those ! charging Lula Ferebee, Martha Fere- ; bee and Wilson Ferebee with viola i tion. The ;urv returned a verdict (Continued on Page Two) Eldon Winslow, AAF, Missing In Action Another Perquimans County youth, George Eldon Winslow, a member of the U. S. Army Air Corps, has been reported as missing in action against the enemy. According to word received by his sister, Mrs. Giles Kornegay, of Bur gaw and relayed here to an aunt, Mrs. Riddick Chappell, from the War Department the youth has been miss ing since Marcn so, wnen engagea in action over Hungary. Mr. Winslow was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Winslow and has a brother, Russell Winslow, who is serving in the Navy. Eldon was a graduate of the Per quimans County High School with the class of 1937. He attended North Carolina State College, and was a graduate of an electrical weld ing school at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Prior to his enlistment in the Army, he was employed at the Norfolk Shipbuilding Company. After entering the services he trained as a turret-gunner at Pana ma City, Florida, and was sent to Westover Field, Mass., for advanced training before he left the States in December of last year. li i 1 -'f v 4 .ill 'M1

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