3 ' ( I ' 1 EECLY Hi lV- M DEVOTED TO TOT UTOp pjf pRD 4ND PERQUIMANS COUNTY Vdme Xil. Number 17. Hertford. Perquimans County North Carolina. Friday, April 27, 1945. $1.50 Per Year tt Sale Of War Bonds During April Lags As 7th Drive Nears Heading for a Beachhead Guest Evangelist Ppiia M On Derlin Moves Fast; One-half Occupied Population Is Reported Fighting Against the Nazi SS Troops - '? t W-" Senior i 1 ToBeteipy "You're Young Only Twice," a comedy in three acts, by Joseph Spalding, has been chosen by mem ben of the senior class of Perquim ans High School for their annual class stay, to bev presented at the high Khool auditorium on Thuraday, May 17. ' The cast for the play has been se lected and is now rehearsing under th4 direction of Miss Eloise Scott, whO is coaching 4he play. The cut' includes Ruth Tucker, v ho is io play; the role of Mrs. Trigg, house mottAr of the Alpha Beta Sig ma: torjqrJMi8uWhitft, who Js Sofhie, maid 'of' an v?orlt; Teggjr Felton, Libby . Frohman, a college senior; Dorothy Faye White, Helen Hunter, president of the sorority; Marguerite Cook, Beatrice Newman, a wise-cracking freshman; Helen Raye Baker, Irene Pratt, a co-ed; Pauline Smith, Avis Laurel, another co-ed; Marjorie Rebecca White, Dor othy Randolph, a Georgia peach ; Grace Barnett, Miss Agatha Dun ning, a spinster in her forties and an alumna; Bill Murray, Van Wyck Waterhouse, a football hero and a rich man '8 son; Horace Baker, Emil de Soto, his roommate; Curtis Wil son, Stubby Holcomb, a sophomore; George Wood, Chester Pearson, a boy working his way through school; Colon Jackson, Lowell Cooper, a senior, and Thurman White, Van Wyck Waterhouse, Sr., Van's father. Party Held Friday Hertford's USO Club celebrated- its Aim annivaroDinr unfit a Kirf KHaW dance, held at the club room on Fri- day, April 20, with large-crowd of service men and GSO s enjoying the evenlna-. Mrs. R. S. Monds and Miss wass ray USO Anniverscjy I ' Ruth -Tucker were in charge of decc- .. ' .1 i la If , - rauons ana mm r ranees iuaca served as chairman of the commit tee for refreshments. Doling the evening . Mrs. Olivia HobbV told fortunes which, as usual, was a very . popular sidelight to, the dance.' At ..inteimisslon a "blind date" contest was staged with Miss Joyce; Harrell and Miss Eloise Scott chosen as the blind dates. , Members of - the . Hertford GSO have jbeen invited to attend a formal dance to be sponsored by the Eden ton USO at the Edenton armory to night, and it has - been announced that transportation will - leave- the Hertford Club at 7:80 tonight,- The USO will stage a Monte Carlo night at the Club on April SO, and plenty f fun is promised all who at-i tend. Services Being Held At Whiteville Church - There will be a week-end revival held , at Whiteville - Grove Baptist ' : Church, .Belvidere, 'April 28 and, 29. ftarvfo start 5!tunlaV' nicrht at 8:30 ,4'flw'-.-' R,inHo 11 .A. M . P. V 'and 8.C0 P, M. ' - I ' The . Rev. Jaraes Baker, pastor, of the ck rch, will do the preaching. - The publio is cordially invited .to : attend all, services . ' -''' THIS WEEK'S HEADLINES With Berlin being overrun by Rus sian troops, -the American First and Ninth armies were still waiting a junction with other Russian army Units the middle of this week. The meeting of the Western and Eastern Allies had been expected for any day since last Sunday, but for some rea son the meeting was delayed. Am ericans, stationed on the Mulde Riv er. held radio conversations with Russian troops advancing toward the Allied positions. Measures were tak en to prevent an accidental skirmish between the Red and Allied troops Identification; symbols were studied by-botlf iHhtdHiF e be - able to recognize friendly groups. While the American First and Ninth troops were waiting for the Reds, General Patton's Third Army was busy slashing into the German redoubt in the Bavarian Alps. Aid ed by French troops, the Americans were moving at a rate of two miles per hour and were within 94 miles of BercheKtesgaden, Hitler's mountain hideout. The American Seventh and the French are closing in on Munich, birthplace of the Nasi party. Pat ton's drive into the area, expected to be the spot for Germany's last stand, caught the Nazis napping, and it is reported that the attack is being made to overrun the area before the Nazis can move into the section in force. German defenses on the Italian front are reported crumbling before the powerful spring offensive of the American Fifth Army and other Al lied troops. The Fifth captured the Italian seaport of La Spezia early this week, while other Allies were overrunning Modena and Ferrara. More than 40 thousand- Nazis were reported captured A news blackout has been ordered for the fighting in the Po Valley. In the Pacific area the Japs con tinue a terrific defense on Okinawa where U. S." Marines and Army units are battling to drive, the last Jap defenders- oflfthe island: The Ameri cans have captured two more small er islands near Okinawa and the U. S. Fleet has opened up heavy bombardment on the Jap . streng points. Admiral Nimitz reported this week the Japs have' lost more than 11,000 men on Okinawa. 4 Marshal Petain, the bid man who ran France under the German occu pation, has entered Switzerland from Austria for the purpose of surrender ing to French authorities, to-stand trial for treason.' Other, French -officials who art charged wjjth collabor ating with the Nazis are 'reported to still be : in Germany. .Two of them have been refused entry into Switz erland. .- y BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mr. Sam Lone-announce the birtk of a daughter, born Satur day night, April 21, 145, .at the Medical ' Center,- Elizabeth City, Mother and daughter are tying nice ly and returned home, Tha fsday. . : BIRTH ANNOUNCE; LENT . Mr. and Mrs. G W. Bakir of New Hope , announce tha birth of a son, April l&V r Mother and baXjr are re ported doing nicely, v. -'. . t OBeltl B.3. CstGutrd Photo n bewh. Pictured It an LVT kr MP tb HId4n raef tht wmc h iha Mrhty 7 th War Loan Methodist District Meeting To Be Held At Columbia May 3 The Methodist churches of the Elizabeth City District will hold the District Conference at Columbia, N. C, on Thursday, May 3. The meeting will be called to order at 9:30 A. M., and will continue through out the day. At this conference re ports of the work being done in every church in the district will be made and plans made for the work during the remainder of this confer ence year. V. N. Darden and G. A. White have been elected by the Quarterly Conference of the Hertford Methodist Church as delegates to the Corurenceat Columbia. The Rev. J. Herbert Miller, super intendent of the Elizabeth City Dis trict, will preside at the Conference. The Rev. B. C. Reavis, pastor of the Methodist Church in Hertford, is chairman of the committee to license young men to preach, to renew the license of all local preachers and to recommend suitable persons to the Annual Conference. Mr. Reavis is a member of the Committee on Tem perance and Social Service also. The last Sunday in April marks the end of the first half of this con ference year. All churches through out the district are being called up on to check their programs and see if the year's work is half way com plete. Pre-School Clinics Scheduled For May The Perquimans County Health Department today announced a sched ule for a series of pre-school clinics to be conducted in the county during the second week in May. The sched ule is published in this issue and parents are requested to clip the schedule for their information and to bring children to the schools on dates listed. .' The clinics are being conducted for both white and colored children, and attention is called to the fact that clinics this year will be held at only three colored schools. Prospective students of other colored schools must appear at one of those listed for the cljnic. The Health Department will be as sisted in . conducting the clinics by Dr. I. 'A. Hoggard at the white schools and Dr. J. D. Weaver at the colored schools. Architect Passes Oil Grammar School Frank W. Benton, well known school architect of Wilson, notified 1 T. Johnson,, superintendent of schools, that an inspection of the Hertford 'Grammar School indicated that the rafters of the building were satisfactory to stand the weight of the new roof now being placed on the building. The haw roof being applied is somewhat heavier than the tin which was torn oft during the recent storm, and' there was some question regard ing the safety of the building with the? additional weight, but the in spection' mealed 'the rafters suffi cient' to stand even greater weight than, being applied, - Ik'ilin, third largest c'ty of tha world, lies in shambles, with Russian troops haltering through uuci'iiquor ed sections in drives to wipe out the Nazi defenders left in the area. The Russian attack has been so fierce the Germans have not had the forte and power to put up a defense such as the lieds did at Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad. The German cluim tli.it the city would be defended block by block, house by house has not ma tenalized. Some reports state the Ci,.y ,o so destroyed it will be impos sible to rebuild for vears. The Ked drive on Berlin opened early this week and by Wednesday the Russian troops ere half way, through the city. Fighting between j the Germans themselves was report- ed to have broken out in the north- j ern section of the city, with hund- reds of Germans attempting to sur- render the fort against the will of , Nazi SS troops. The Russians en- j The Rev. Albert Sinmis of Little circled most of Berlin prior to ton will be the guest evangelist at a launching the drive, and reports on ' series of revival service scheduled Wednesday stated the city was com-I to begin at the Hertford Baptist pletely cut olf from outside help. Two Russian armies met inside Ber lin by mid-week and joined forces to complete the job of capturing the German capital. Lowell Thomas, news commentator, flew over the city and reported it to be burning from one end to the other. Only onr section, Potsdam, seemed to be undamaged, he report ed. He added he saw a group of 20 to 00 thousand unarmed Germans headed toward the American lines, seemingly to surrender. German radios continue to an nounce that Hitler is in Berlin, lead ing his Nazi defenders. However, the majority of Allied leaders be lieve he has long since left the cap ital for his retreat in Berchestes gaden. This destruction of Berlin is the first time in 175 years, and several wars that the German capital has been touched by war. itaxsian archies sacked the city in a war against forces of Frederick the Great, but from that time to th present the Germans have escaped damage until this week. With more than half the city over run, its capture depends upon the will of the Nazis to resist the tre mendous bombardment of the Red forces, but the superiority of the Russians no doubt will continue to roll up the Nazis in the final fight ing as rapidly as the early gains. Ration Board Issues Tire Permits To 37 By limiting the majority of appli cants to one tire, the Perquimans Ration Board issued purchase certi ficates to 37 local motorists for tires at its meeting last Saturday. Passenger type certificates went to Roy Boyce, Clyde Wilson, L. R. Lane, Earl Morse, Irving Whedbee, J. E. Stallings, Julia Stokes, C. F. Griffin, Robert Hendren, J. L. De Laney, E. L. Jennings, Ernest Lamb, Dr. T. P. Brinn 4, Thomas Lane, J. R. White, L. W. Hobbs, C. T. Rog erson, Jr., Lawrence Towe, Dora White, J. F. Hollowell, Nathan Rid dick, C. C. Mansfield, Sr., and W. E. Lane. Truck type: White & Monds 2, H. W. Lynch 1, E. M. Perry 2, Major Loomis 2. Tractor type: Kenneth Miller 1, G. H, Hunter 1, W. F. Elliott 1, N. C. Spivey 1, Floyd Mathews 1, W. L. Wood 1, J. M. Benton 1, C. E. Rus sell 1, W. L. Jessup 2, and W. H. Winslow 1. Central PTA Discusses Lunch Room Project The Parent Teacher Association of the Central Grammar School held its meeting last Monday night . at the school auditorium. The meeting opened with a devotional by the Rev. J. D. Cranford. Miss Mildred Lewis sang two selections. During the business session F. T. Johnson, school superintendent, gave a report on available material for a lunch room building and a commit tee was appointed to appear before the Board' of Education relative to construction of the building. Following a recreational hour, which ' included two contests, ice cream-was served. The program was in Charge of the Chapanoke group and the -third grade won the attend ance prize " REV. ALBERT SIMMS Revival Services Scheduled To Begin Baptist Church Sun. Church Sunday, April 2!), and con tinuing through May 9, the Rev. Howard G. Dawkins, pastor of the church, announced today. Services will be conducted twice daily, at 8:15 A. M. to give school children and store employees an op portunity to attend the morning worship, and then each evening at 8 o'clock. It was announced that the morning services would last onlv .'iO minutes. I The Rev. Mr. Dawkins issued a cordial invitation to the public to at tend all services and stated the Rev. Mr. Simms will deliver some stirring messages during the series I He said. "Let us take time from our busy lives and make these days count for the Lord in this community. I feel that one of the things most needed in the community is a revival f God's love. I'lan to attend this revival and bring your friends. " Winners 4-H Contest Announced This Week During the past week a biscuit ontest was held in 4-11 clubs in Per quimans County. The contest was a follow-up of a demonstration given by the assistant agent at regular club meetings in March. Kathleen Hurdle, age 111, of the Winfall Junior Club, has been chosen as first place wirmer in the county. fcybll lxiuise Lane of the Hertlord , draft registrants will receive orders Grammar Senior Club was second j to report to the local board for pre place winner. induction and induction calls during Carolyn Matthews of the Hertford ' the month of May, Mrs. Ruth Sum Grammar Junior Club was third place I ner, clerk of the board, announced winner. 1 this week. The county winners were selected i from the first nla,.e dinner f ..!,! club. .Biscuits were scored according to general appearance, crust', texture and flavor. Each entry was placed in one of the following groups: Award of Excellence, Award of Merit, and Honorable Mention. The following girls were in the Award of Excellence group: Norma Frances Butt, New Hope Junior Club. Doris Carver, Carolyn Hurdle, Gerelene Winslow and Virginia Gay, Winfall Senior Club. Kathleen Hurdle and Janie Wins low, Winfall Junior Club. Carolyn Matthews and Mary Beth Perry, Hertford Grammar Junior Club. Sybil Louise Lane and Laura Hos kins, Hertford Grammar Senior Club. There were 59 entries in the con test. Recorder's Court In Short Session Four cases were disposed of in Perquimans Recorder's Court here Tuesday morning, while six cases were continued until the next term of court due to the absence of the prosecuting witness, Charles Payne, State Patrolman, who was attending Supeior Court in Washington County. The State took a nol pros in the tse cnarging Kaymona uateman with non support of his children, when the prosecuting witness failed to appear m the case. Raymond Ivey entered a plea of guilty to a charge of driving with improper brakes and paid the costs of court. Ralph Burke, Negro, was taxed with court costs after-pleading guilty to driving with insufficient brakes. Melvin Byrum entered a plea of guilty to a charge of reckless driv ing and prayer for judgment was continued Upon payment of all costs. Meeting- of Finance Committee Set For First Week In May Perquimans County residents are lagging in the purchase of Series K War Bonds during the month of April, according to a report issued this woe!; by R. M. Riddick, chair man oi the War Finance Committee. Only seven thousand dollais worth oT K bonds had been purchased up to noon on Wednesday as against ft quota of .;(l,U00 for the Seventh ar Loan. From all indications the War Fi nance. Committee faces a tremendous job in selling sufficient I.onds during the drive to meet the quota. The drive, now under way, will go into high gear on .May 14, when the Treasury Department will olfer other types of bonds to the public. Plans for a concentrated house to house canvass in selling Series E bonds will be made at a meeting of the entire War Finance Committee which will lie held during the first week in May, Mr. Riddick said While the chairman has no fear that the county will not meet its overall quota for the Seventh War Loan, he does have apprehensions regarding the Series K quota and for that rea son he is urging the public to buy every K bond possible before May 14, when the other types of bonds are offered for sale. He stated. "We will have a hard task meeting this Seventh War Loan quota in E bonds unless every man, woman and child participates by pur chasing Series E bonds. "Perquimans County has success fully met every war bond quota yet, and we musl not fail in this one This call for heavy buying on the part of individuals can be a challenge hurled at our enemy. It will show our fighting men the home front is backing up the battle to victory." It has been figured out that if 1,300 persons would e.aeh buy a $100 Series K bond, the county could easily and quickly reach its Seventh War Loan quota. It's time to start the parade for the purchase of E bonds ... do it today. Buy a $100 bond from the bank or post office to help put the county over tile goal. Braft Board To Fill Four Calls In May A total of fifty Perquimans County lhe boanl has lour calls' two '""f" induction and two induction, to be filled during the month. The first call is for 15 white registrants to take pre-induction examinations on May 10 and ten white selectees will leave for induction on May 29. Ten Negroes will be ordered to report for pre-induction exams on May 16, and 15 Negro selectees will be in ducted on May- 21. The last contingent called up dur ing the present month, 20 white se lectees, left here this morning for Fort Bragg for induction into the armed forces. Name Honor Students At Perquimans High Bill Murray and Esther Winslow, members of the Senior Class of Per quimans High School, have been named as valedictorian and saluta torian of the 1945 graduating class, F. T. Johnson, county superintendent, announced this week. The honors between the two were very close, Murray's grades for four years of study averaged 95.25, while Miss Winslow's average was 92.23. The choice of valedictorian and sa lutatorian is made each year from members of the graduating class and the honors go to the students whose grades are highest during the four years of study. r4 , iintsrf t . COUnty WMU Meeting At Mt. Sinai Church The Woman's Missionary Union of Perquimans County will hold a meet ing at the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church on Wednesday, May 2. Mrs. Minnie Ward, Division Super intendent, will deliver the address at the moming session and Mrs. C. T. Doughtie, Associational Y. P. Super intendent, will speak at the afternoon session; The closing address will be given by Mrs. I. A. Ward. '' 1. ,