' ' ' ( ; ' if -J s"v V. , , , r S WEEKLY ATT ST HTOCPAPBR DEVOTED TO THE UPBUIIDINO OT HERTFORD AND PERQUIMANS COUNTY, Volume XIL Number 22. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina. Friday, June 1, 194T .50 Per Year. RQOlfiAN r it r l ,fr V V: iliilifiii v.Vt ' fit: - A mfle from the shoreline, ever a gtrip. This field is S milca from tha opBortanitr U i Tear share THIS HEADLINES Flyers of the 21st Army Air Force have stepped up bombing at tacks oo the Jap mainland, and this , week more than 500 B-)s raided TJokyo with mce than 8,500 tons of bombs. Pictures taken following ktr1sMHPl revealU-quare npiles .l)thJHNtrt of the'JiM capital tiad burned. This area, , which Included the imperial palace reported as damaged housed numerous Jap war plants. The air group also smashed at Yokoaona, important Jap sea ' I' m atj.iHt I '-I - T T Pn,-an nww" '1tpticI1.3r4rer'XOnBc li. S. forces on Okinawa fought their way into Shuri castle, head quarters of the Jap troops on the island. They also completed the conquest of Naha, capital of Oki nawa. The Japs continue to use large numbers of suicide planes in this area, btit their losses are re ported as heavy. The U. S. troops have flanked the Jap positions in the fighting for the southern part of the island and the end of the battle seems approaching. Allied troubles flared anew in the near East this week when French troops entered Lebanon. The natives resented and opposed the re-entry of the French and want independence. Clashes were reported between a French garrison and Syrian natives, deneral DeGaulle, head of the French Government,- maintains the lands still belong to France. The Allies are preparing to start trials of German war criminals in the near future. United States au thorities will try Germans accused of breach of international law against I . S.. troops, but as yet plans for the trials of the high Nazis await agreement between U. S.; Britain and Russia. In England this week Parliament called for immediate hearing for the Nazis and Churchill has appointed General David Fyfe as British prosecutor of the crim inals, i , Reports from San Francisco indi cate tlmt the conference of Allied nations will' felpse -successfully some tone next week, with plans made for setting op an international peace ar- .rangement - Most of the difficult - points separating4 the nations on full agreement have been ironed out and ' the pjan.for a world policy will be adopted. The War Production Board an. nouiped jthia week a relaxation of the jw-yflm-,1a-;-. limited repairs to ; homes and out buildings. The WPB, uw, wBle, frffl permit con , struction ,p ' to - $1,000 for prrVate .. homes, and will permit manufactur- y expend op to ive-fold the forv .; hteri limit for v new construction. V. However, the WPB does not gtaran , tee that materials' will be available. It merely grants the right for the increase. )'' ( . President Truman spent 45 minutes , ' this week conversing with former 'J t. U-A- :VT .1 TT . . . ; ' ncHiuuni xieruen noover. over yw ( problems of providing food fat hungry ; r-urope. Hoover served as r'ood Ad .r' : ministrator during World War I and President Trumari sought to obtain 'ideas veeM fw;, ' distribution ' during t the 4- comin? months, when the U. S. vfl have to '. provide food f or thousands f hungry people in many parts of rrope, . Stepping Stone to Tokyo ootid V.s. am torn flat plain, Katene airfield ctretches ont Ha full 4,900 feet f coral tading Nahs, "metropolis" Of Okinawa. The Mighty Seventh War Loan Bets jm in this "March to Tokyo" by purchasing more and more War Bonds. Tna U. 8. T II Loan Approved For lemarle Electric Membership Corp. Corporation Will Con struct 510 Miles of Lines In Area Sural ttwlftic service for some 1,307 members of the Albemarle Electric Membership Corporation moved toward realization last Fri day when L, W. Anderson, secretary nf thn flnnr1-Mtfei ved notice that the 1 v Hon of 610 miles of lmes o serve the customers had been approved by the Federu) REA. Another loan for $60,000 to be re-loaned to members who need assistance in wiring their homes or for purchasing electric ap pliances and equipment is still pend ing. The directors of th,e membership held a special meeting last week and approved the maps for the rural elec tric lines, prepared for the area and members on these lines have been no tified they may soon receive service. Instructions to place orders for ma terials have been given and orders to begin work on the lines will start as soon as the material is received. Mr. Anderson pointed out that it is pos sible to complete the program and make service available to every ap plicant this year, if material and labor are available. The directors have adopted a maxi mum rate for service, which may be obtained from Mr. Anderson's office, but this rate is said to be as- low as the lowest rate charged in this area. The formation of the Albemarle Rural Electric Corporation was com pleted here during the past winter and includes Perquimans, Chowan, Pasquotank and Camden counties. The project is one of the largest ever attempted in this section and when the program is completed more people will be served by electric power than ever before. Offices of the Albemarle Elecjrlo Membership Corporation will be main tained in Hertford, as will the head quarters, for the construction crews who will build the lines throughout the area. The corporation is expect ed to employ a number of people fol lowing completion of the construction work and beginning pf electric ser vice to customers. School Committee Re-E'scts Teachers; 1 Members of the Perquimans County High School Committee mt Tuesday night for the purpose of ore-electing teachers for the high school for the 1946-46 term, subject to approval of the Board of Education; 'P ' Following the meeting was an nounced that all membs of the high school,; faculty . hadj been re elected. However, severaL lestgnac tioiis by present faculty mMbers are f llirwasljaleoi; announced that the State Board of Education has no t!J?e local school authority that one 8-iJ t:onal teacher may be added to t'-e 1 ,h school faculty-fo' the next yew. Draft Registrants Under 26 Face New Army Examination Selective Service headquarters this week issued orders to the Perquim ans County Draft Hoard to review the tiles of all registrants under the age of 26 and to order up for pre-induc- tioii examinations all registrants who have been rejected for military ser vice at previous examinations, ac cording to Mrs. Kuth Sumner, clerk of the local Hoard. This means that every registrant under 26, who has been rejected for service on previous trips to Fort Bragg will reseivf notice at some fu ture date tereport to undergo an other examination. No explanation of the action was made, and it is not known if require ments have been lowered to take in a number of men to assist the army to maintain its quota of men now that point discharges are beinu issued to large groups of soldiers. Hut it probably means that the army is looking for a number of men reject ed for service due to minor ailment? that may have disappeared since the previous examination. The localBoard has been informed of the action taken by Selective Ser-1 vice in lowering the age limit of men subject to induction calls. The Board has been authorized to review its files of men over 30 and to place them in a deferred classification, providing the registrant is engaged in a useful occupation. OPA Increases Tire And Gas Allotment A fifty per cent increase in gaso line rations for motorists with A and B ration books has been announced by the OPA, to become effective June 22. Also increased allotment of tires for the Eastern States has been an nouncd by OPA officials. -A total of 35 motorists were issued permits, to purchase new tires by the Perquimans Board at a meeting last Saturday. Passenger type permits went to Matthew White, J. M. Ben ton. C T. Skinner, King Williams, Archie Whlt2, J. H. Newbold 2, Howard Dawkins, C. T. Blow, Dr. A. B. Bonner, iMurden Stokely 2, Elwood White 2, fidgar Moore, Emest Sut ton 2, C. R. Holmes 2, E. Q. Alex ander, J. T. Godfrey 2, T. C. Long 2, J. Van Roach 2, D. A. Winslow, R. E. Mathews, J. E. StahMngs, W. H. Elliott, Mrs. E. B. Skinner, Percy Williamstori, Vivian Mathewp, Louis Eaves 2, R. L. Boyce, L. W. Hobbs, R. B. Thursby, C. G. Purvis 2, Charlie Lane and W. H. Hollowell. Truck type Major-Loomis 4, J. Oliver White and E. G. Banks. County Contributes $111 To Music fWd Residents of Perquimans County contributed till, to the campaign conducted here recently by the Fed erated Music Clubs of the State to provide, musical Instruments for ser vice men in hospitals and aboard hos pital ships,' Miss Kate Blanchard, chairman of the drive, announced this h ; The chairman expressed her thanks a: aII tliAM wrtin MMvllfciifAit mnA f)iA helped make the drive a success here,' Plans Completed For Commencement Exercises At H.S. Baccalaureate to Be on Sunday; Graduation Program Is June 8 Perquimans High School baccalau- weate and commencement plans have been completed, according to F. T. Johnson, Superintendent of Schools, vho announced this week thai Dr. J. line Kenvis, i A. Kaslcy, professor of religion at: There will .Wake Forest Colleire. would deliver i Kthe commencement address. The baccalaureate service will be' held Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at1 the school auditorium with the Rev. Howard G. Dawkins, pastor of the ! Hertford Baptist Church, del ivering i the sermon. The annual graduation exercises ' will he conducted Friday night, Junei 8. at H :.'!(! o'clock at the school audi- ! torium, with Dr. Kaslev makinir the' address. The program lor the baccalaureate service Sunday evening will open with a processional, "Onward, Chris tian Soldiers" The invocation will be given by the chaplain at Harvev Point, Lt. H. C. Dowling, followed by a solo by Miss Margaret Pearson. The congregation will then sing "Faith of Our Fathers." Mr. Daw kins will then deliver the sermon, to be followed bv the choir singing The Lord Bless You." The reces sional will be "Iad On, O King Eternal." Members of the senior class will hold class night on Thursday, June 7, at 8 :.'( o'clock and they will pre sent the marriage of Miss Class of 1945 to Mr. World. The nrncrrnm will open with the salutatory by Es ther Winslow, followed with a solo by Ruth Tucker. The last will and tes tament will be read by Horace Baker and the class history given by Joann Winslow, the prophecy by" Myrtle Whidbee, gifts by Marjorie Rebecca White and -the valedictory will be given by William Murray. Class members having parts in the program, will be EptJhorrf WiusJow, William Murray, Thurman White, Curtis Wilson, Leona Lane, George Wood, Ann Mathews, Pauline Smith, Dorothy Faye White, Norma Wins low, Floyd Benton, Calvin Colson, Colon Jackson 'and Carlton Kountrte. Flower girl will be Linda Earle Bass and Mrs. R. M. Riddick will be the pianist. New Health Officer Began Duties Junei Dr. William B. Bailey will replace Dr. D. C. Hackett as Health Officer of the Pasquotank-Perquimuns-Cam-den District Health Department on June first. Dr. Bailey, a native of Ohio, is a surgeon in the United States Public Health Service, and has had eight years' experience in public health work. His assignments with tne Public Health Service have been as Health Officer in Morgantown, West Virginia, and in Norfolk and Princess Anne Counties, Virgina. He has been in North Carolina for six weeks and has had field experience at Cha pel Hill. Dr. Carl V. Reynolds, State Health Officer, has stated that he believes North Carolina and Pasquotank, Per quimans and Camden Counties are fortunate to be able to replace Dr. Hackett with such an experienced and competent Health Officer. Dr. Hackett will report to the U. S. Coast Guard Air Station at Elizabeth City for further assign ment to duty with the Coast Guara. Perquimans Soldier Given Army Discharge Hugh Reavis, son of the Rev. and Mrs. B. C. Reavis, has returned home irom ron tsragg alter receung his aiscnarge irom tne 4rmy Air Force. Mr. Reavis is the first Perauimans soldier discharged under the point system announced at the conclusion of the European war. The former sergeant served almost three years with the 15th Air Force and saw action with that outfit in Italy. He returned home from the European Theater of War early this year under the rotation system. Grammar School To Hold Exercises June 8 Graduation exercises will be con ducted at the Hertford Grammar School on Friday morning, June 8, at 10 O'clock, according to Miss Mary Sumner, principal. , , An Interesting . program . will be presented and alt parents and friends of the, school fre Invited, p attend. the services, WAR BOND SALES PASS FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR MARK BUT STILL SHORT OF GOAL Miller To Conduct Methodist Services The Hev. J. Herbert Miller, Dis trict Superintendent of the Methodist Church in the Elizabeth City Dis trict, will preach at the Hertford Methodist Church at II A. M. next Sunday. The Hev. I!. ('. keavis, pas tor, will he attending commencement exercises at Greonsl.oto College this week-end, as his daughter, Miss Paul- graduating theie. e no -eivice at the Hertford Methodist Church at 8 P. M. 1 I next Sunday because of the barcu ! laureate services at the High School I it that hour, as wa announced hy Mr. Keavis last Sundav. 1800 Club Members The following is a list of Perquim ans County residents who are hack ing the Seventh War Loan drive for worth of K honds. They are the members of the "1800 Club." Eighteen hundred members will "put the county over the top." Is your I name here? You can be a member by purchasing a j-lni) K bond today. R. M. Riddick. C. P. Morris, Mrs. W. G. Wright. W. G. Hollowell. A. W. Hefren. M. .1 Greporv. Milton' Dail, Mrs. Jake White, Mrs. George Jackson, George Jackson, Mrs. R. M. Riddick, V. N. Darden, D. S. Darden, S. P. Mathews, S. M. Longt J. W. Ward, Mrs. J. W. Ward, Mrs. Mary Kdwards, Mrs. C. 0. Fowler, L. C. Winslow, John Broughton, C. B. Proctor, J. Van Roach, C H. Cannon, J. I. Perry, W. H. Hardcastle, Jr., W. H. Hardcastle, Mrs. Kloise Hard castle, J. R. Chappell, S. G. Chap pell, Judy Benton, X. II. Stallings, C. B. White, Joseph Elliott, Simon Rutenburg, Mrs, Simon Rutenburg, J. L. White, Mrs. lena Griffin, King A. Williams, John E. Chappell, Ixmis I. Winslow, E. E. Payne, Richard Payne, Mrs. Nancy Payne, Mrs. Louis Winslow, Mrs. Mary Brinn, Mrs. Mamie Blanchujd, Robert A. White, Mrs. Julian A. Chappell, Ju lian A. Chappell and Mrs. Edna S. Cannon. W. F. C. Edwards, M. D. Lane, leroy Nixon, Daisy P. Nixon. J. ('. Hobb, Elijah Brooks, Thomas Har ris, R. C. Murray, W. M. Morgan, Mrs. W. M. Morgan, Helen V. Mor gan, B. C. Berry, Mrs. B. C. Berry, Carroll Berry, Jr., Blanche Moore Berry, Helen Gaither, J. H. Newbold, Trim Wilson, N. N. Trueblood, Mrs. N. N. Trueblood, Margaret S. White, R. B. Kirby, A. F. Proctor, Mrs. Eu nice Riddick, Stanley Riddick, Nathan Riddick, Willie Winslow, Mrs. Gert rude Winslow, Dr. E. S. White, C. C. Chappell, Margaret Chappell, Clara H. Chappell, George Powell, Thomas Morgan, Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Harn Winslow, William Houston, Jr., W. f. Eason, Lucy P. White, J. W. Haskett, Mrs. Alice Haskett, William Barber, Ella Chappell, Mrs. D. M. Jackson, D. M. Jackson, Alice Jeanne Jackson, Eunice O. Kirby, Mrs. Louise Dale, E. M. Perry, Mrs. E. M. l'erry, Nor man Elliott, W. G. Newby and Mrs. W. G. Newby. Benton White, Cecil ('. Winslow, Mrs. Cecil C. Winslow, C. T. Phillips, Mrs. C. T. Phillips, Mrs. L. W. An derson, J. T. Harris, R. E. Mathews, Mrs. R. E. Mathews, Richard Math ews, William Mathews, Mrs. Ida Mathews, Eula M. Morgan, M. J. Gregory, Alphonzo White, Jr., J. A. Carver, Doris M. Lane, John T. Lane, F. T. Johnson, Dr. D. C. Hackett, Frank Mize, Clarence Chappell, Jr., Mae Wood Winslow, Edward Hur dle, R. B. Kirby, R. R. White, Luther Chappell, Mrs. Lufrher Chappell, Sam Hourmanis, W. I. Winslow, Mrs. W. II. Winslow, Jobe Stalling, Edla D. White, W. N. Tucker, Mrs. W. N. Tucker, Joshua T. White, Mrs. Josh ua T. White, J. Alvin White, Mrs. Winnie Mae Bray, John R. Hendren, Andrew J. Ownley, Mrs. Andrew J. Ownley, William Ownley, Wallace I Ownley, Frances Ownley and Julian I Ownley. Archie T. Lane Named On Peanut Council Archie T. Lane, prominent Perqui mans farmer has been appointed to serve as a delegate member of the National Peanut Council, according to an announcement made here this week. The appointment was made by the Grower's Peanut Cooperative. In connection with the announce- ment of Mr. Lane's appointment it was made known that the Govern ment will continue the price support and marketing program on the same basis as last year. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stokes an nounce the birth of a daughter, born Friday, May $5, at Englewood Hob - pital, New Jersey. ' Mother and daughter are doing nicely. Eighty Thousand In Sales Needed For County In E Bonds Sales of E war bonds climbed above the $50,0011 mark in Perquimans County this week, according to K. M. Riddick, chairman of the War Fi nance Committee, but the goal for Seventh War Loan still remains short by $80,000. Sales recorded up to Tuesday noon of this week amounted to $."0,-17!.r0, and the list of meni- bei of the 1KU0 Club, residents who have purchased at least one nHi i: bond, is growing each day. Despite the increased buy. i : of V. bonds during the past week, the Var Finance Committee pointed out that unless K bonds are purchasefl"m greater number and larger amounts during the remaining four weeks ot the Seventh War Loan this county would fail to achieve its War Ioan quota for the first time since the drives started in 1941. The county's K bond Uota is $lU0,Htl(t, while the overall quota amounts to $;)1,000. However, sales of Treasury bonds are moving along well md the quota on these bonds has been reached. Nevertheless, Per quimans will not leceive credit for meeting the Seventh War Loan quota unless the F, bond allotment is sold. Township canvassers are being ! urges to continue at the task of call ing on neighbors and selling E bonds. They are also urged to report their results to the committee chairman as rapidly as possible. The committee plans to call upon the Hertford troop of Boy Scouts to make'" house to house canvass, selling E bonds to residents of Hertford within the next week. The Scouts will be asked to give one day to conducting the can vass and helping to put the drive over successfully. Mr. Riddick stated that few re- , ports have been received to date on the drive conducted by the school children of the county early in the present campaign and he requests all teach- I ers to hand their reports on sales to j Superintondent 4hnson within the next few days. The Seventh War Loan will end on 'June .'10, which leaves only 28 days for residents to buy SSO.OOO worth of E bonds to make the drive successful here that will mean that sales will have to average about $;,()()() each day remaining in this month. Negro Held On Bail In Shooting Scrap; Court Hears Cases Ches Williamston, Negro, is being held on a $500 bond to face charges of assault with a deadly weapon, with intent to kill. He will be given a hearing by Recorder's Judge Charles E. Johnson on June 26. Williams ton came to Hertford early Monday morning in search of a warrant for himself after shooting another Negro Lester Hurdle, through the leg with a shotgun. Hurdle is reported in a hospital, recovering from the wound. The cause of the shooting was not made known when the case was con tinued at this week's session of Roc order's Court. Loney Hayle was fined $10 and or dered to pay court costs on a charge of speeding. Franklin Cooper plead euilty to a charge of reckless driving and paid a fine of $30 and costs of court. Clinton Johnson was assessed the costs of court after pleading guilty to a charge of gpeding. Three traffic cases were continued until the next term of court. Jack Hoffler Home With Navy Discharge Jack Holtler, son of Mrs. Lizzie Hoffler, arrived home Saturday after receiving a medical discharge from the U. S. Navy. Hertford's youngest member of the armed forces, Jack served more than two years in the Navy and was wounded in action during the invasion of France. He was stationed aboard an LKT, which did commendable work in removing wounded from Frnce back to England For tlfc past several months he has been undergoing treatment for his injury while stationed at Norfolk. CIRCLE NO. S TO MEET Circle No. 3 of the Hertford Bap tist Church will meet Monday night, : June 4, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. T. L. Jessup. All members are ' urged to be present.