re- V - . THE PESQUIMANS WEEKLY. HERTFORD. N. C, FRIDAY, TONE 1, 1946. PAGE THREE , LCOBAT XWSM By HUGO S. $p4&, Waaalagton dtwmfat mm " i jiiwiii.ii.ili.ii i '"ii n Pewer DomiaaUM Satiia , Palish DiacoMtoa " lien ai many indWiduab In the :ted States and Grtt Britain de mined to make tlUf test1 of Rus n riacerity the' wiU the )viet Government to accept our con isions in'regard to. Poland.:,,, There seehia to be' ntf season to Ttpose that Marshal Stalin has any wantion whatsoever of surrendering Wan claims or that the Soviet overnment "will peaceably return Poland any part of the former Po h Republic that belonged to the usalanSi prior to the first .World ar. . Another fact that seems to be early " established is the determln tlon of the Russians that the Gov rnment of Poland, whatever it may e, ahall e composed of individuals ,ledged to a friendly policy toward lusaial-i Apparently, the government TCsechoslovakia has already ac- et"wpch an : attitude as the basis ".future .relationships with Russia. With the jrMinii8 standing firm a the questioiTetT ; territory and the rfendly personnel of the ..Polish Gov rnment, ': the only question left for he - Anglo-Americans to determine i how far they will go in attempting j" seat the London Poles, wht it hould 'he remembered, refugeed rom Poland in 1939 and, since their arrival in - London, have claimed to ,a the only spokesmen for the Po sh people. While no sensible person expects Iho United States or Great Britain to; go' to war with Russia on the Po lish question, these are a number of citisens who-seem to think that the two Western .democracies should keep the Issue alive, permitting it to fester and inflame post-war relation ships With Russia. i jl,77w rers tnat the death of President Ro len to the face, we must admit that ogevelt who reached certain agree there is no force on earth, short of ment8 with Stalin and Churchill at n overwhelming coalition army, that Yalta ,eaves 0Uf gute D artment cn 1" mJ" Uf to Potion of a man who has TuesUon. The Red Army has demon-J signed a contn BVmwu IW Jiuwcr ill nmnwn , ind unless there are nations ready to introduce a similar force in jj 1 tile , same region, the 'solution of the Po- ; lish question must depend upon a Conciliatory adjustment, satisfactory to the Soviet ;' We certainly do not assert that the Russians are entirely right or that 'the solution that appears possible represents the best theoretical dis- position of the issues involved. We , J4 T! r the only available solution an6Tlar i . J . ; . , . r , gest that even for the Poles, there ia more to be gained through a policy v iuuv " oy aiiempung vo renew nic jiiv carious balance that Poland attempt ed to occupy between the two great powers prior to the outbreak of the second World War. Egypt's Plan For Jap Islands Ignores f m I m M American mooa ouca Egypt would place mandates from the last World War under the super vision of the new world organization, now being formulated at San Fran ciscoi - This looks fairly harmless but it would mean that almost all of the is lands which American fighting men have recaptured from the Japs in the Pacific would .be surrendered to the control of the world- organization. The Egyptian- delegation, we pre sume, made the suggestion with a straight face regardless of the fact that Egypt has dons little or nothing to down the aggreBsors 'of the pre sent war and that, In the last war, if the outcome ' had .depended upon Egypt, the Kaiser would have re mained in Berlin-to issue orders for other nations. You might wonder how Egypt gets 1 that ""way T You might also' ponder -it.. t 1'.,. ta.M l ann . Wv vwwuwi iu ' mid nv U 4 V- ganization is ever set up .that per , mits wayside powers like Egypt to have a controlling voice in the man- lip" The Egyptians, like a lot of other fieuinv, arv prepared to aevux wb and means of settling everything. Then, if trouble develops, they will not be able to take a full share in the Job of protecting what they have at : tempted.' .. '. The United States, " hiving fonght the Japs almost single-handed so far, , and having practically' ousted ' Japan ; from her island bastions,- should pot . hesitate ' to retain such islands y as ' may e necessary, in view of our .Strategists, to prevent "this country from having to shed the blood of an--i- e other . generation' of Americana to keep the peace of the Pacific. Tax Reduction Clue Appear Ilk . 1 Washington t ' ' The . campaign to reduce 'taxes is applying pressure on the members : of Congress but President J Truman "v -5 gays he will fight any reduction "until , Japan is defeated. A -3' - Congressmen,' however,' will be - anxious "to. "accomplish something" , for vofera and especially for corpora - ations which - exert control in their districts- Consequently, it ia safe tO' predict that the sentiment for reduc tion will grow in Congress and that it,may be necessary for the Presi v. dent to veto legislation effecting re ' ' ' ductions. " . . ' Emphasizing that (here can Le no reduction in taxes until the war is v over, the President said million of J.iJIvi bond holders muct be pro I h it' t the only wty to nr'.e good the obligations of the United States Is through taxation. - Three Cabinet Meatbers Replaced ';, By Traauui " ' The nation 'Bad its "first Cabinet shake-up in many years when-President Truman ' announced the retire ment of Attorney General Biddle and Secretaries Wickard and Perkins on the same day and, for good measure, theiews. that Judge Marvin Jones would returtfto.the Cobrt 6f Claims. S6rtharly ' days of the "New Deal" newspaper ' and radio experts have been predicting' the disruption of the Cabiriet. ' Many of them an ticipated ''the late President Roose velt and told us the changes to occur but, for some reason, "they did not materialize. Attorney General Biddle will be re placed by Assistant Attorney Gene ral Tom Clark, of Texas; Secretary Wickard by Rep. Clinton Anderson, of New Mexico, and Miss Perkins by Judge Lewis B. Schwellenbach, for merly U. S. Senator from the State of Washington. Mr. Anderson will also take over the War Food Admin istration when Judge Jones retires on June 30th. The shifts somewhat broaden the base of the Cabinet, with New York and Pennsylvania giving place to ap pointees from Texas and Washington, but we see little political significance in the changes which probably repre sent the almost inevitable personal readjustments that follow a change in the office of the Presidency. It may be that other resignations will be forthcoming. Until they do we shall not speculate nor attempt to interpret the changes in terms of grave political import Death Of F. D. R. Did Not Leave U. S. In The Dark Tho iAaa are known onlv to the othpr nnrtv it ia aA v.o poo; X 1 I " " mu IlJ uyooiauD q n ci 4.U. .Iaa I 1 .' no proof that President Roosevelt did not agree to the course. . The argument entirely overlooks the fact that any agreement between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at Yalta was a matter of common con sent, known and understood by the "rrr r ",TO'J "a of their assistants. Whi le the death ,pf ldent Roosevelt may be some- una or n Tunm&tf' lo th- natiorU wie continued existence of ' Prime Vjf:;i ., . M . ... rauuorai nuintuii uiurcruil aSBUrWR a source of information that ia de- pendable. In addition, except for some with abiding prejudice against the Russian dictator, there have been suggestions that Stalin himself is a reliable source of information. Prime Minister - Churcnil), sr.d others, have made public their be lief in the good faith of Marshal Stalin. If this is untrue, then there is little use for the United States or Great Britain to attempt to reach any agreement with the -Russians or their leader. The fact that both nations continue to negotiate indi cates an opinion that they are deal ing with parties who, after making an agreement, can be expected to carry it out in good faith. Peace Time OWI Might Perform Service The Office of War Information has been under attack:' from various sources and, recently there have been suggestions that the agency be dis continued, . We hold no brief for the OWI and would hot attempt' to say that its record is perfect Nevertheless, dur ing the war it waa necessary for the Government to have some agency to Coordinate publicity releases and to perform .other duties in connection with the dissemination of news. " While the end of the war will terminate the emergency for which the OWI waa created, it should be obvious that the Government needs some similar organization to function efficiently and to handle similar mat ters in times of peace. There is need By order of the Town Council, in regular meeting, 1944 delinquent taxes in Hertford will be advertised on June 15th. The sale o the same will be held on Monday, July ' 9th.? Please make settlement now and save additional , costs of advertising. .WKW VSTiB" J o a. t ;;:':--S:ii;::ia:-i mmmmm 5. Thh b the Infantry way af foretaf a akfc ereerinc where barbed wire bars the way. This will be acmenstrated in the Here's Your Infantry presenta tion f doochbey taeties when saere than a aeare of unit tour the nation during the Mifhty Seventh War Lean drive. Lyinr on the wire is Pfc Wal lace ML RonelL Plttaberfh, Fa. In the background U SSst Ralph E. Ham Uton, Anbnrn, Blaine, and Pfc James H. Mall, Grand Rapids, Mich. The! eqaipment demonstrated In these shews la hot a small part ef that needed for war. Tear heavier purchase ef War Bond In the Mijhty Seventh will provide the eontfaeova sapply of wet, bob neeewary to carry en the flchthtg. r tm V. S. Tt mm for an agency to which any Ameri can citizen can appeal in the effort to secure information about his Gov ernment. Both Parties Ready To Renew Tariff Battle The Congress of the United States is beginning the first phases of a po litical war which will probably inter est the people of this country for some years and, may conceivably form the line which will eventually divide the major parties. The House of Representaties is taking up the bill to extend the Reciprocal Trade program for three years. Under the present reciprocal law, tariff rates could be cut by mu tual bargaining with other nations 60 per cent below the rates of the Hawley-Staioot Act which was passed in 1930. The nendinir kbill authorizes a 50 per cent cut o rates as of January ei 1945, thereby permitting an J FARMERS: YOU WILL NEED Land Plaster AND Nitrate of Soda To be sure of good farm production. Don't let this slip your mind, as your crop is vitally important this year. ' We have a supply of both items and will appreciate your order for immediate delivery. PHONE 2131 THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL COMPANY Hertford, N. C. 'Clerk Town of Hertford .i. V. S. Intntrr SckI Pbf other reduction in rates that have been reduced under previous acts the full 80 per cent from the Smoot- Hawley level. We will hear the old familiar ar guments on both sides of the tariff question. By keeping up with the debate as it proceeds, the average citiaen may secure some understand ing of the issues involved, at, any rate, since citizens have to vote in a democracy, it might be a good idea to seek information on the question. Let's Not Ration Recreation In '45 A few hours alone with one's fam ily away from the chores and respon sibilities of the home and the farm, will give a renewed interest in our job ef tomorrow and a greater ap nreciation of life in the cdunlfy, saj-f ki L. R. Harrill, State 4-H club leader for the "State College Extension Service. ' "Fof the home group let's plan a family picnic,'' he explains. "Select a good location and enjoy a meal out in 'the open with the- songbirds to furnish the music and the great Mother Nature to furnish the pic ture "Sunset probably the great est of them all. The plans for such a picnic or meal need not be elabor ate. "Good, wholesome food that can be prepared and served outdoors is the important thing, and there are many dishes that become more ap- ' i i i i peuzing wnen prepareu aim seiveu in the open. The actual preparation and cooking of the meal will be as much fun and recreation as any other part of the evening and should be participated in by every member of the family. Hard boiled eggs, when cooked over an open fire, be come a delicacy as does bacon broil ed over the open coals; and for des sert whoever heard of a better one than home-made ice cream? But, don't let the meal scare you or work a hardship. Remember, it's all for fun. Use what you have to the best advantage. You will have lots of fun planning the meal. "When the. meal is finished awl all dishes and equipment packed and the grounds cleaned up, let's turn our at tention to other things. While our ALL OUT FOR THE MIGHTY 7th WAR LOAN The Most Important Business Is . . . "YOU INCORPORATED" ARE YOU ADEQUATELY PROTECTED? A survey, without obligation, will show you where you may need special coverage FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE White & Monds Agent Farm Biiroau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Farm Bureau Mutual Fire Insurance Company HOME. OFKKK ( OLl VIH S. OHIO PHONE 3056 HERTFORD, N. C. When you qualify for new tires, make your ration certificate work overtime by getting the U S. Royal DeLuxe. But whether you qualify or not guard your present tires to their last, safe mile. Our skilled tire service is your guarantee of maximum mileage. Hertford Oil Co. HERTFORD, N. C. All Out for the Mighty 7th War Loan little campfire is still burning and as the sun sets and radiates its golden glow and paints an undescribable picture, we have a perfect setting for a story-telling scene one by father, one by mother, one by Peggy and one by Jack. "This is going to be lots of fun! If you don't believe it just try it and see! The best picnic in the world is the family picnic." May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with lu hurry nd worry. Irregular hmbiu. Improper Mtiac and drinkinf iu riik of exponiro and Infec tion throw! heavy itrtln oa the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become OTer-taxed and fail to Alter eieeo acid and other tmpuritiea from the lile-f iilnj blood. Yon may auffer naffing baekache, headache, dixaineai, getting up nighte, leg pains, welling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other aigna of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or toe frsaaenl urination. Try Dean's P'"- Dsan's help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere, its row iwifMsrf Mewffines?

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