i TE3 MNS WEEKLY ' IS a jf iniX inr?APOi0TED to thb upBunjma oj Hertford and perquimans county Volume XII. Number 30. Hertford, Perquimans County, North Carolina, Friday, July 27, 1945. $1.50 Per Year. i Ration Book Five To Be Issued During December, Says OPA Coupons In Book Valid After First of Year; New Gas Book, Too - j War Ration Book Five, "smaller 'than a dollar bill" and" containing! fjuet half as many stamps as the last book issued, will be distributed . through the public schools in Decem ber, Theodore j. Johnson Raleigh ; OPA -district direo'.or, has announced. m.. : ti A ,, i: i l i 4 - Alio jiew a gasoline ration dook i will be issued at the same time, he Distribution, Johnson said, will ' take place from December 3 through .December 15. The new "A" gasoline ... 'books will go into use December 22, A"tM War Ration Book Five will be Jused soon after the first of the year Vior food rationing and for rationing of shoes. .f The new book five will be a better -4.book, Johnson said. It will be easier . ;to carry and to handle. It will be -just as long as book four but only yjialf -as wide. The numbeV .and ar ;;'; rangement of stamps js- more con ;,ivenient. The new stamps will be the same size, but will not' have both a ' & letter and a number as" the ' present i, stamps do and OPA hopes the new edition will be the last of the series ,-'.'pf wartime ration books, Johnson jsaid. t ; " One hundred and fifty million co- ' pies of book five are now being printed at approximately half the ; cost of the preceding book, Johnson said. The gigantic task of distribu '., tion is one that the teachers and ' school officials are fully equal to, he ";aid, recalling the efficient way in which they handled the distribution . yof war ration book four. I' V At the current rate of making i stamps good, Johnson explained five red stamps and five blue stamps at - the beginning of each monthwar ration book five can last, if needed, J about 15 months. Because of the - -enormous job required to print and 'distribute ration books lor about ISO million people it was decided W be ' i.on the safe side. and provide for this pwrtd and avoid theVstBi " ' having to get out still 'another book later. Since war ration book five will not go into effect before January 1st, it s, " will be necessary to use other stamps :in book four as substitutes for pro cessed food and meat fats during the interim period. Interim1 period use of shoe and sugar stamps will not be necessary, Johnson said, since the stamps provide for these items in books three and four will carry the programs without resort to substitu tions. War Ration Book Five will be the fourth war ration book to be distri buted by school teachers and other volunteers, Johnson said. The first book was distributed May 4, 1942. Tk; new "A" gasoline book, the third issued under rationing, will differ from the present book only in color. The book will contain five , sets of coupons, six Coupons to a set numbered A-18 through A-23. Each set of coupons will cover a different period. The first set, numbered A--V'18, becomes good December 22, said Johnson. Ration Board Issues lire Certificates To M Car Owners VClearine the office of all annlica- ' tionS on hand for new tires, the Per- vyquimans Ration Board passed on per- mlts lor 54 car owners, at its meet j; ? ing last Saturday, Mrs. Helen Daven port, clerk of the Board,' stated Mon- , day. . "; vJV Passenger-type tire permits were isBueu w nenry jones.-z; v. i. nog- gaud, 2; W. E. Black, C. fr Davis, 2; JB. SittersoBj Gilbert' Eure, Ellis Stalling,1 Roy pierce, 2,' M, V Walk er, WT S. Felton, Louis Felton, 2; Ti Isaac Jordan 2: Howard WHHama. V W, P, Dif ;Alvii Cbpeland, VassJeJ frocxor, ; iouis rroctor, z harlie ; Dail, 2j Kixbh;;HollOwelIi KAnneth i Miller, thomas.i? WlnslowvH' Thomas 5 ;' Chippell, George.; Hollowell, -2; LJn i: wood Winslow, J' E.! Jordan; M. T. !r Griffin; 2; J ACavelV2HeDert y Williams, Alton Moored iL Jr Wlhs-; low, J. V. Rountree, Johnnie. White, :!tf: 2; C. M.rHarrell,' Franda faylor.P. ; M. Deaton; Luther Re , Shlpe, G. C. Fotdyee, J. J. Moore,' 2; SMmniar'Jonea, NafJltnttoddiebvWJ . L.- Jessnp, Maxey ' Stallings, Robert Elliott,' William Hollowell, the Rev. G. W. Gaines, and William Co. " Truck type: D. F, ReeoV'W. H. Winslow, J. P. Ward, Elihu Lane, Na- ) than Riddlck, Bill Fowler and Geory Winslow. - " ' V v. Making for the Japs iwrr- ST" 1 4 I If w n to Two LCT$ (Landinr Crtfrt Infantry) from vast armada of American ships head for a beachhead on a Pacific Island. Your money for War Bon.! kelps to make these larking possible. Bur another $109 War Bond. From U. S. Tr ; THIS VMS HEADLINES - After several days of a news black out concerning the U. S. Third Fleet, Admiral Halsey , revealed that the fleet had struck at the Jap port of Kure and is now engaged in attacks in the Inland Sea, sinking and dam aging the remainder of the Jap fleet. Thedniral's report stated tha"Bv"enemy WirlKfp;'Viduding the enemy's last two serviceable bat tie ships, have been damaged. Along with the attacks of the fleet's sur face craft, the planes of the task force are continuing their attacks from the air. Radio Tokyo reported one northern Jap city was reduced to pitiful ruins. These blows by the Third Fleet were tied in with an at tack by 620 Superforts of the 20th Air Force, which hit Japan' Tuesday. rwapTpa s j'sre bride' bfu While the Third Fleet has been hitting at the Jap mainland, air groups under General MacArthur have been striking at Jap shipping and ports along the China coast. The Tons nAmK.Aj ,ia nave aviilij'iu w ihtjuj tnrougn uninese army lines in ine coastal areas to reform with isolated Jap troops, but these attempts are being foiled by the Chinese. Aus tralian troops, aided by East Indian Dutch forces, have scored new gains against the Japs in Borneo. The meeting of the Big Three at Potsdam, Germany, was recessed on Thursday to enable Churchill to re turn to England to receive the re sults of the British elector held last month. The meeting will resume today and reports, although all un official due to. a news blackout on the conference, indicate that Truman, Churchill and Stalin are making pro gress with the problems confronting the conference. One report stated that the meeting may close next week and that one group of Ameri can representatives have already left the scene. ' The Army and Navy revealed new plans for discharging men from ser vice. The Army says that shortly it will redSce the number of points needed by veterans to obtain a dis charge and the Navy reports a sys tem whereby oldqr reserve officers and enlisted personnel may,) be dis charged. Men must now have 85 points to obtain an Army discharge, while under the Navy plan a man scoring 8 points may be let out. A London newspaper reported in, a story Sunday that .the United States has ignored three indirect peace feel er made by Japan7 through neutral channels. According ; t6 . the story, the.' Japs liave attempted tojjearn on what, if ianjjr'-terms . the US. will accept surrender. The V stcfjr con tinued that ' Bo direct approach has been - made " to ! Washington TJ. S. Offlcials,.the story' stated, dismissed the -indirect approaches -asjn at tempt on the part of the Japs to unsettle- American' opinion anrjrptart a quarrel in this eountry . oUt the question of giving Japan eaV peace tonna, ,i , . ., y 'j Official U.S. Si gatl Corps Pho'o Methodist Young People's Banquet Held Tuesday Night About fifty young people of the First Methodist Church, from Win fall and New Hope, enjoyed a ban quet at the church last Tuesday night. A splendid dinner was served by the ladies of the church and an interesting and helpful program was presented. The motto,. "We Would be Building," was used as the general theme. Ruth Tucker, president of the Young Peoples' Department, pre sided and the program was led by Pauline Reavis, who gave readings, led songs and directed stunts put on by others. 'Horace Baker, of Win fall, rendered two piano selections. Following the program of fun, the Rev. B. C. Reavis, pastor, introduced Fratik M. Harris, of .Elizabeth City, who brought a helpful message on the. subject, "The Building of Per sonality." "Till We Meet Again" was sung and the Rev. J. D. Cran ford, of Winfall, pronounced the benediction. The young people had charge of the Vesper Service last Sunday evening with Chaplain Miller, NAAS, Harvey Point, as guest speaker and S 1-c R. L. Hess as soloist. "The Place of the Young People in the Postwar World" was the general theme and Chaplain Miller brought a most inspiring message on that subject. Vesper Services will be conducted next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock and a splendid program is being prepar ed. The program is entirely differ ent each Sunday evening, and will continue through the month of Au gust. "Working Together" will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor at 11 o'clock next Sunday morning. The Vesper Service will take the place of the regular evening worship service. Draft Board To Call Thirty Men In August A total of 30 men will be called up by the local draft board during the month of August to undergo pre induction examinations and to be in ducted into military service, Mrs. Ruth Sumner, clerk of the board, an nounced today. There are four calls for the month: Two, for white men and two for Negro registrants. The first white call; is set for August 16, when ten selectees will be ordered up for in duction, !;iFif teen white registrants wfll jeceive pre-induction calls for August 27. ' Ten colored registrants will be call ed up forvpre-ihduction examinations in AUguflt 8, and five inen will be selected for induction on August 9. It was announced today by Mrs. Sumner that there will fce no meet ing of the local board oh August 2, and persons desiring to have an in terview on that date may do so at the meeting on-August' ' Open House Dance Scheduled At USO Club Tuesday Night Service Personnel and Public Invited; Pins To Volunteers Plans for an open house dance at which service personnel of this area and the public will he the guests are being formulated by the staff at Hertford's USO Club Edgar J. Hill, club director, stated this week. i The dance will he staged next Tuesday evening, July 111, from nine to eleven o'clock, at the local USO Club rooms. Special invitations will be sent out to the lare number of local residents who have served as volunteers at the USO Club during its operation. All service men, their wives and sweethearts are also in vited to the event. Mr. Hill stated that during the evening USO pins and certificates will be presented to the civilian vol unteers who have given of their time to assist the staff at the USO in carrying on the operation of the club lor ine nenetit ot service men. . , , No further progress can be report- , . 1 " ... eu on in. F.an , convert u.e uo a c,..u.u,,n.v omuocieu project M thifi time. hut. a nrnnnsftl has hppn 9 aJk i iTcn 1 , l . . . t, "r ''r',Un , l"e . . .; nr. nui suiiea mis weeK mar. in an Kkiiit,r thQ nan ,..;n ,t;.,0 pi uiauii I VJ VI IT: JHV Will V.TI1VIIV4V. operation under its present system Pea of E"'lty to dnvwig without a until September 1. However, a few hcense and Pald thp roRts of ('()urt- changes are announced in the staff. Wilbur Phthisic was found guilty Miss Margaret Pearson, who haS!of bel"K drl,nk and i ' rdor-l y and been serving as staff assistant at the posing his Pson m pul.li.'. He- Club, will leave Hertford on August waf,.flned, and '''sts- , 1 to join the American Red Cross. Wl,1'f Wehb was fl,,,i1 a"d She has been assigned to a hospital ordered to pay the costs of court, ;ii ..!, .. on,.;..i t-,;;,r uiiil aaiivs v iii tunc a iKtiinuf, ot w.j0h,no-t,n n C hofr. h-, Ht;0 Mo.,. l0,.f,l! White, who has had charge of theUosts on a charge of speeding. ! Stauh i";'1 f ''"," S(;n-k'eM.late last i. i . .u ....... ! R.,K MiHotto ..h.rH u:ith nn.'year and I.ieut. ( omd r Mills was riHl'K lliir HI I IP flC'H I 111. IICr-11 released and has accepted a similar! position at the Kdenton USO Club. Pending further decisions about the! Hertford USO. Mr. Hill will continue as? director and Miss Bernice White' will hp assistant n: . ,i,..kA. ,.f :vn personnel vbeuig. - removed local base, attendance at from the the USO has continued good during the week, Mr. Hill stated today. past Miss Mildred White Weds Ralph Layden In Home Ceremony ... , ... . , , The wedding of Miss Mildred Irene wnite, uaugnter oi Mr. ana ivirs. j. 0. White of Hertford, to Ralph Lee I T at.fln f uvf..l ,..o j,m,0H.Ji" and costs on a rnarge oi megai at the home of the bride's parents on Wednesday afternoon at four .I T, n 'Dii)i Unillll . r yx.. i,;nD n0,frt fu uiAn offiei-.tal nuiOf pnsiVJA ui viit; unuc, oun.ian,U: using the double ring ceremony. Thei vows were spoken in a candle lignt service before an improvised altar of white gladioli and palms, intersper sed with candelabra. During the ceremony a program of nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. R. M. Riddick and before the cere mony the soloist, Miss Pauline, Rea vis, sang "O Perfect Day" and "I Love You." The bride, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a wedding gown of white faille, styled on old fashioned lines with a deep yoke edged with a wide ruffle and bracelet- length sleeves. The gathered skirtj with ruffles the full length of the dress, extended from a basqie bodice and formed a short train. Her finger-tip veil of imported illusion fell from a halo trimmed with white flowers. She carried a prayer book showered with white orchids and stephanotis. Miss Marian White, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a gown of white satin and marqui sette of old-fashioned design, fash ioned after the bride's dress. Her headdress was a picture hat which matched her dress. She wore long white f net mittens and carried a nose gay of garden flowers. Miss Mary Pascoe White cousin of the bride, lighted the candles. She wore a gown of white lace and net. Her flowers were a corsage of red roses. ' Mrs. Ned Nixon, cousin of the bride, who was mistress of ceremon ies, wore an . aqua dress with a cor sage of pink roses. t The, bride's mother was attired in a dress of black and white crepe and her flowers were a shoulder corsage of gardenias. The mother of the bridegroom Wore a dress of black crepe and her flowers were red roses, .The bride is a graduate of Eastern Carolina Teachers College, Green- Continued on Page Six) , NAVY CONSIDERS CLOSING HARVEY POINT AIR STATION; NO DEFINITE STATEMENT Health Department To Hold Clinics Soon The Perquimans County Health Department today released the sche- jdule of typhoid tlinics to be conduct ed during the early part of next t month. The schedule of clinics, time and location are published elsewhere in this issue. Parents are urged to clip the sche dule and to bring their children to the clinic nearest their homes. Recorder's Court I Has Long Session After Week Recess Varied Docket Contain i ed Number of Traffic ' Cases Af, .. ,!, . After a week s recess, due to :M, , f , . , . , illness of County Prosecutor J. McNider who was able dutips tnis week th(. Perquimans I Kecorders l,ourt was in a lonp ses- ston Iuesday, clearing the docket of U varied number of cases. . i Charlie Nixon, Negro, entered a alter pleading guilty to assault on a I . female. il Fred Cox was taxe.l with court' ifcUf.v i'im,Lin , .iiuiL.in .tivh oart ing on the highway, was irdered pay the costs of court. John Webb was taxed with the ! court costs on a charge ot driving with insufficient brakes. i .Sherman Overton, Negro, was : finml tf.'tll mid costs, after nleadinir guilty to. a charge ot reckless dm- mg. K j Henry Foreman, Negro, was fined $11) and ordered to pay court costs, j after pleading guilty to being drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest. Howard Klanchard, Negro, entered a plea of guilty to assault on a fe- male and he was fined $2.ri and or dered to pay the costs. Malachi Ashley was fined $10 and costs on a charge of speeding and driving with insufficient brakes. John Kverett, Negro, was found guilty of permitting chickens to run at large. He was ordered to pay the I (.ourt costg William White, Negro, was fhiedl .t. , , . .i . . i L c : 1 1 I i " f a spotlight. . Oavid Spivey was taxed with the costs of court on a charge of dnvinp I with insufficient brakes. Joe Winslow, Negro, was assessed costs of court on a charge of beating, the revival special emphasis will be a board bill. I placed upon the youth of the com- . James Randolph, Negro, paid the: munity, and a special invitation is costs of court on a charge of driving issued to all young people, regard with insufficient brakes. i less of their denominations, to take James Overton, Negro, paid thei part in the programs. Adults are (Continued on Page Two) Flight Surgeon Says Thanks To Hertford For Hospitality ' " - from the Harvey Point Auxiliary Air won i no avitn ic i, Hiuiriin ' station, flight burgeon Lieut. 1'ian cis N. Taylor, USNR, in a letter to Mayor V. N. Darden, expressed his appreciation and those of his fellow officers for the courtesy and hospital ity shown them by the people of the Town of Hertford during their stay here. In his letter to Mayor Darden, Lieut. Taylor stated: "On the eve of our departure from Hertford I want to take this opportunity to thank you and the people of Hertford for the courtesy and hospitality that has been shown us of the Navy while we were privileged to make our home among you. "I have been present in your civic clubs, a guest in your homes and a constant 'visitor in your churches, and I leave realizing that it has been by far the most enjoyable stay that I have had at any station since en listing in the service three years ago. "I feel that I express the senti ments of my fellow officers and hope that you will pass the word on to our friends that we leave behind. "Mrs. Taylor and my two little girls join me in my appreciation." ' Personnel at Case Re duced During Past Week; Report RFC May Take Over Location The Navy Department, in an an nouncement made early this week at Washington, is considering the clos ing of the Naval Auxiliary Air Sta tion at Harvey Point. A spokesman added, however, that there was noth ing further that the Navy could say on the subject at this time. It has been known here for some time that changes were in the air at Harvey Point, and during the past week large numbers of the personnel and some of the equipment have been removed from the local base. Ru mors have been numerous regarding the action being taken, but no defin ite announcement as to the status of the base has been made. It has been learned from an un official, but reliable source, that th' location of the base and the facili- ties that remain may be turned over the to the Reconstruction Finance Cor S. 1 poration, which is a government to resume hislaRency handling a great part of the disposal of surplus government prop erty. Another unofficial report states that the original date for closing the base has been set back to an undis closed date. Harvey Point NAAS has been in commission slightly longer than 2.r months and cost an estimated three million dollars. Work at the base was begun in November, 1942, and the station was commissioned June 15, 194., with Lieut. Comd'r W. O. Kaiser as commanding officer. He was relieved of the station command ate in '.H'-'i and Lieut. ( omd r John Staun was assigned the post. assigned the post. Mr toi'v' " U1P command ai narvey mini. During its period of operation a large number of Naval personnel at Harvey Point have lived in Hertford and many friendships were cemented between local residents and the ser- vice men. A high standard of co- -r-- uciiuit: in uicu'iiii aiiu i.iir' inn the station and the residents nert have always regretted the lime when the service groups have moved on to other stations. Youth Revival At Baptist Church To Begin Next Monday The Rev. Norfleet Garner, pastor . . e 1. .. i.1: . I) . : . i. r i i in uie i-iim. napusi v nurcn oi urn- i derson- Wl1' be tbe KuesLl minister at a senes of services which open on ' Monday evening at the Hertford I liaptist Church. These services will ; continue through August 5. During also invited to all services. Each evening from 7::i0 until S o'clock discussion groups will be held at the church for the purpose of dis cussing problems or questions any one may present. The adults will he led by the Rev. H. (',, Hawkins, j the young people by the Rev. Mr. 'Gardner and the juniors by Miss j Marjorie White. On Wednesday and : Friday, of the week following, the I worship services, there will be a ' fellowship meeting for the young i , people, t.roup singing and recrea- tion wM be tho feature of these meetings. The Rev. Mr. Hawkins, pastor of the local church, has stated that this revival is not only for Baptists but that all parents are urged to attend the services and to encourage their children in attendance, with the hope that the young people may obtain a better vision of Christ and His task. The Rev. Mr. Gardner has an nounced that his messages for the week will be as follows: Monday, "The Hope of the World;" Tuesday, "Why Men Fail"; Wednesday, "Alibis"; Thursday, "Supreme Rev elations"; Friday, "Human Nature Can Be Changed"; Saturday, "What It Costs to be a Christian," and on Sunday, "Life's Greatest Struggle and Reflecting the Glory of Christ." CHAPLAIN TO SPEAK HERB ON SUNDAY Lieut. Comd'r Miller, chaplain at the Harvey Point Air Station, will be the guest speaker at the evening services at the Hertford Baptist Church on Sunday, July 29. The public is cordially invited to attend. 4 i 1.1- IHV

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