THE PERQUIMANS WEEKL1, HERTFORD, N. (X, FRIDAY AUGUST 10, 1945. PAGE FOUB , I. .5 1 J ..Vs. r 1 and raon in tfil&SSflB ft fc cma Cf wax kqsumon V CIVILIANS AT WAR The Government needs and asks its citizens in this 192nd week of the war against Japan to: 1. Use only as much gasoline as you absolutely need. More gas is re quired for the stepped-up Pacific war alone than was used when we were fighting on two fronts. 2. Can your surplus vegetables while they are plentiful. Recent rain-damage to crops makes home canned supplies even more necessary to supplement commercial output. 3. Fill one of the remaining open ings for Cadet Nurses in September classes. If you are a high school graduate you may be eligible for val uable professional education free in a school of your own choice plus maintenance and a personal allow ance. Write to U. S. Public Health Service, Box 88, New York 8, N. Y. REMINDERS Meats and Fats Red stamps Q2 through U2, August :tl last date for U.A eiamnc V? thrOUirh Z2. i... fnr hp Red ii tw,'Fi October ailviceability as new cases. Two price last date for use. Bed stamps r 1 through Kl, November 30 last date for use. Processed Foods Blue stamps Y2, Z2, Al, Bl and CI, August 31 last date for use. Blue stamps Dl through HI, September 30 last date for use. Blue stamps Jl through HI, October 31 last date for use. Blue stamps PI through Tl, November 30 last date for use. Sugar stamp 3, August 31 last date for use. Next stamp becomes valid September 1. Fuel Oil Period 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 coupons good for ten gallons per unit, continue valid throughout the country for the rest of the heating year. New I'eriod 1 coupon in the 1945-46 ration may be used any time after June 1. Shoes Airplane stamps Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Book Three continue valid indefinitely. SUGAR DISTRIBUTION WILL BE IMPROVED Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P. Anderson says that civilian distribu tion of sugar, particularly in Eastern areas where shortages are most acute, should be improved through a redistribution of 40,000 tons, obtained through a reduction in military pro curement. The action does not in crease the total amount of sugar al located for civilian uses, but is de signed to assure more even distribu tion of available supplies. SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM School lunch programs throughout the nation will continue to receive Government assistance during the 1945-46 fiscal year. Schools which participated in the program during the 1944-45 fiscal year are being re instated upon request under a sim- plified agreement. Schools wishing to participate in the program for the first time may apply to the Depart ment of Agriculture, Washington, 25, D. C. The school lunch program is de signed to operate under I oca I spon sorship of school boards and other school organizations, parent-teachers groups, civic groups and other non-j profit organizations. A group desir-' ing to sponsor a lunch program and needing financial assistance to oper ate one adequately, may apply to the USDA for aid. If the application is approved, the USDA and the spon soring group enter into an agreement setting forth the responsibilities of each. (ASOLINE RATIONS persons having claims against the es- Special gasoline rations will be tate of said deceased to exhibit them provided for service men discharged j to the undersigned at Hertford, North from the armed forces for use ih at-.Carolina, on or before the 22nd day tending to personal affairs and mak-'f May, l!t4(, or this notice will be ing adjustments to civilian life, I pleaded in bar of their recovery. All Chester Howies, Administrator ofipersons indebted to said estate, will OPA says. The special ration, which local War Price and Rationing Boards . w may begin issuing August 3, 1945, is limited in each case to the needs of the veteran and may not exceed 30 gallons of gasoline. It is restricted to veterans who have been separated from active service within the pre ceding 30 days or to officers on ter minal leave preceding their separa tion from the service. "When applying to their local boards for this ration, both officers and enlisted men discharged from the Army must present their copy of War Department Form 100 together with application form OPA'' 552 and the mileage rationing record. Enlist ed men discharged from the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard must present Navy Form 553, Marine Corps Form 78PD or Coast Guard Form 553. Officers discharged from the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard present a copy of the orders releasing them from active duty." VETERANS PLACED IN JOBS Local offices of the U. S. Employ ment Service placed 8,495 war vet erans in jobs during June, an in crease of 2,870 over the May total of 85,625, according to the War Man power Commission. Placement of veterans of the present war increased 4,493 in June to a total of 74,093 over ihe May total of 69,600. ' Professional and managerial posi tions accounted for 1,766 of the June placements: clerical and sales work. 5,782; service trades, 7,510; skilled jobs, 13,682; semi-skilled jobs; 18,032, and unskilled, 41,723, An increase is icreaseis n..Ttal veterans noted in each classification placement of handicapped veterans declined in June to 11,185 from the May total of 12,331. CASES REVISED BY OPA An entirely new method of pricing used egg cases has been established to encourage the return of cases in good condition and their widest pos sible re-use, OPA says. The revision, effective August 81, establishes uni form prices for all sellers in all parts of the country. Egg handlers and egg-case handlers now have the choice of the following two pricing methods: 1. A handler may sell the used egg case in about the same condition as he received it. For this kind of sale, his maximum price is 17 cents for a 30-dozen case and nine cents for a 15-dozen case, regardless of who sells it or who buys it. The prices are f. o. b. seller's loading point or car. 2 The handler may apply to his OPA regional office for a certificate of registration, under which he agrees to guarantee that the used egg cases he sells have the same one-trip ser ranges are set for this type of sal 40 cents for a complete 30-dozen case and 20 cents for a 15-dozen case, if sold and delivered to an egg producer, and 32 cents for a 30-dozen case, and 16 cents for a 15-dozen case, if sold f. o. b. seller's loading point or cars to a person other than an egg pro ducer. Additional maximum prices are es tablished for parts of used egg cases, either "as is" or warranted. These include shells, sets of flats, sets of fillers and covers. MORE WOOLEN APPAREL A greater supply of wool topcoats, overcoats and dresses by this fall and worsted suits by this winter is ex pected to result from the revocation by WPB of two orders that had main tained war-time control 'over the pro duction of wool and worsted fabrics, WPB reports. DISTRIBUTION OF MEAT A measure designed to prevent re tailers, wholesalers and processors of meat products from acquiring slaugh terhouses and diverting meat supplies to controlled outlets is announced by OPA. The action, effective July 29, also prevents slaughterers from ac quiring retail, wholesale or process ing establishments and diverting their products to these establishments. This action does not prohibit affilia tions, but does control the amount of meat that can be diverted to any af filiated outlet, OPA explains. This amendment to Control Order 1 provides that a slaughterer cannot deliver to any retail, wholesale or processing establishment with which he may now become affiliated, any larger percentage of the meat he cur rently delivers into the county or trading area where the establishment is located th, he delivered to tnat lurtic.ilar establishment during the three reporting periods immediately p'-eceding the effective date of the neu action. RlY WAR BONDS! Classified and Legals NOTICE OK ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mary E. Dail, de ceased. I- Le of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notifv all please make immediate payment. This 22nd day of May, 1945. ALPHONZA DAIL, Administrator of Mary E. Dail. Aug3,l(),17,24,31,sept7 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mrs. J. H. Harrell, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 7th day of July, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of July, 1945. MOODY HARRELL, Administrator of Mrs. J. H. Harrell. Julyl3,20,27Aug.3,10,17 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. W. Jackson, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ' against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Durants Neck, N. C, on or before the 16th day of July, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of July, 1945. LOUISE O. JACKSON, Administratrix of J. W. Jackson: July20,27Aug3,10,17,24 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Havin qualified a. Admittiatritrix of the estate of Dockey, Cartwright; deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this id to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Durants Neck, N. C. on or before the 28th day of July, 1946 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of July, 1945. FANNIE CARTWRIGHT Administratrix of Dockey Cartwright Aug3,10,174,31Sept7 TwTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administratrix CTA of the estate of Chas. Whedbee, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 30th day of June, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 30th day of June, 1945. EVELYN COPELAND WHEDBEE, Administratrix CTA of Chas. Whedbee. July6,13,20,27Aug4,ll NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of William G. Blanch ard, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hert ford, N. C, on or before the ilth day of July, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will X in TNT, BUY . ' I ' v A. ,S; .j', l - ,1,, L.t'f.,K I. iiMiijiiMjiiijjii,i ii'jwiiiiiiMiiMjLiwi)tiiiiLiiiiiiii.Mii'itLji nn wmmw, wiwumniimmiinm uimi murium. , r, "nrj- tth Hn,T,'TrTrrrTrr'j " jjpjjy. ryy'' fH x 11 HI ; ; s. ISPiU mm 4 i iff ' ' Wff?: 'M a- P" 3 "M mf ' ..a jr j i -.1 if: A inn, ,i sc. 1 , A Z. x. m LlL J. iiJ L J ulttluh itM. : Jo Uo II U WjJ, please .make immediate payment. -This 9th day of July, 1945. ' J. C. BLANCHARD, Administrator Of William B. . Blanchard. " i Julyf8,20,27Aug3,10,17 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified us Executrix of the estate of Elizabeth G. Brace, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Hertford, N. C, on or before the 9th day of July, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their . recovery. All persons .b,1 . r.y Maf Wun of Disordered ,,, Kidney Action nt Modern lite wltk ita harry nd worry. trrcfuUr tubiti, improptr Mtlnc ua drlnkinf it rlak of oxpomro cad lafoe tloa throwi hy itroim on tho work of tho Udnoy. Toey an apt to boeom ovar-tamd and fall to tutor oxoaaa acid and other Impurities from tho Ute-fhring Uood. .You may luffer naming haekaeho, headache, dluineas, letting up night, leg paint, oweHing-Joel constantly tired, narrow, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are ioae tfaes burning, scanty or too froquenr urination. Try.Dom'a Pill. Dosa'o help the ktdneya to pan off harmful exeeaa body waste. They hare had mors than half a esntury of public approve!. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Atk vow nngkborl mmm Fractionating touvrt fof producing Toluene ft SiHtfJtn TOLUENE puts the knock-out punch and it is TNT that gives bombs, "block busters", sea and land mines their destructive power. Sinclair makes great quantities of Toluene from petroleum in these newly completed fractionating iowers at its refinery at Marcus Hook, enna. To supply our boys who are doing the fighting, Sinclair makes not only Toluene, but also components for syn- MORE WAR !v . , if ' Vnrrinn:rr ?Uj - 1 "ti 4 'li - l&: n ' " HERTFORD, ,N. C.. K tj tV,v.V? Vf. ' " , " indebted 4d ' said -estates-will1' please make immediate payment. This 9th day of July, 1945. ' FANNIE 'N. RUTENBERG, Executrix of Elizabeth G., Brace. 1 Julyl3,20,27Aug.3,10,17 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qt alified as Executor of the estate of James A. Blanchard, de ceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this is to. n4ify all in - t tire car er Bring your car to us for tire checks, washing and greasing. Goodyear and U. S. Royal Tires and Tubes COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE JOE AND BILL'S SERVICE STATION "Where Service Bill White, Prop. thetic rubber, tOO octane k r -v line and a long list of fuels and spe cialized lubricants. Altogether, 10 mod ern Sinclair refineries arc turning out products for war-front and home-front use. SINCLAIR Of ALMS do their part by keeping war workers' cars, delivery trucks, and other vitally needed vehicles on the job. Let a Sinclair Dealer care for your car, too, J ; BONDS AND ST A mm persons having' claims against the es- tate of aid deceased to exhibit them. . to, the undersigned at Route 3, Hert ford, N. C,- on ,or before the 2nd day of August, 194, r this notice will e pleaded in bar of thehvreoovery. All , persons ' indebted to said estate wilL please make immediate payment ; Thjs 2nd day of August, 1945. ' ,y i ? 1 (yiLLIE MALERY, , Executor of James A. Blanchard.. Augl0,17,24,31,Sept7,14 TAKE CARE OF YOUR GAR In these days of rationing and shortages, let us check your regularly for better and long service. Is A Pleasure" Phone 86oi aviation gaso- ' MPS 'f W Jl 0m - r 'f . . U ' U i . ' ' ' 'a

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